# frozen_string_literal: true module Gitlab module Database # This abstract class is used for models which need to exist in multiple de-composed databases. class SharedModel < ActiveRecord::Base self.abstract_class = true class << self def using_connection(connection) previous_connection = self.overriding_connection unless previous_connection.nil? || previous_connection.equal?(connection) raise 'cannot nest connection overrides for shared models with different connections' end self.overriding_connection = connection yield ensure self.overriding_connection = nil unless previous_connection.equal?(self.overriding_connection) end def connection if connection = self.overriding_connection connection else super end end private def overriding_connection Thread.current[:overriding_connection] end def overriding_connection=(connection) Thread.current[:overriding_connection] = connection end end def connection_db_config self.class.connection_db_config end end end end