# frozen_string_literal: true module Gitlab module Database module Reindexing # Number of indexes to reindex per invocation DEFAULT_INDEXES_PER_INVOCATION = 2 SUPPORTED_TYPES = %w(btree gist).freeze # When dropping an index, we acquire a SHARE UPDATE EXCLUSIVE lock, # which only conflicts with DDL and vacuum. We therefore execute this with a rather # high lock timeout and a long pause in between retries. This is an alternative to # setting a high statement timeout, which would lead to a long running query with effects # on e.g. vacuum. REMOVE_INDEX_RETRY_CONFIG = [[1.minute, 9.minutes]] * 30 def self.enabled? Feature.enabled?(:database_reindexing, type: :ops, default_enabled: :yaml) end def self.invoke(database = nil) Gitlab::Database::EachDatabase.each_database_connection do |connection, connection_name| next if database && database.to_s != connection_name.to_s Gitlab::Database::SharedModel.logger = Logger.new($stdout) if Gitlab::Utils.to_boolean(ENV['LOG_QUERIES_TO_CONSOLE'], default: false) # Hack: Before we do actual reindexing work, create async indexes Gitlab::Database::AsyncIndexes.create_pending_indexes! if Feature.enabled?(:database_async_index_creation, type: :ops) automatic_reindexing end rescue StandardError => e Gitlab::AppLogger.error(e) raise end # Performs automatic reindexing for a limited number of indexes per call # 1. Consume from the explicit reindexing queue # 2. Apply bloat heuristic to find most bloated indexes and reindex those def self.automatic_reindexing(maximum_records: DEFAULT_INDEXES_PER_INVOCATION) # Cleanup leftover temporary indexes from previous, possibly aborted runs (if any) cleanup_leftovers! # Consume from the explicit reindexing queue first done_counter = perform_from_queue(maximum_records: maximum_records) return if done_counter >= maximum_records # Execute reindexing based on bloat heuristic perform_with_heuristic(maximum_records: maximum_records - done_counter) end # Reindex based on bloat heuristic for a limited number of indexes per call # # We use a bloat heuristic to estimate the index bloat and pick the # most bloated indexes for reindexing. def self.perform_with_heuristic(candidate_indexes = Gitlab::Database::PostgresIndex.reindexing_support, maximum_records: DEFAULT_INDEXES_PER_INVOCATION) IndexSelection.new(candidate_indexes).take(maximum_records).each do |index| Coordinator.new(index).perform end end # Reindex indexes that have been explicitly enqueued (for a limited number of indexes per call) def self.perform_from_queue(maximum_records: DEFAULT_INDEXES_PER_INVOCATION) QueuedAction.in_queue_order.limit(maximum_records).each do |queued_entry| Coordinator.new(queued_entry.index).perform queued_entry.done! rescue StandardError => e queued_entry.failed! Gitlab::AppLogger.error("Failed to perform reindexing action on queued entry #{queued_entry}: #{e}") end.size end def self.cleanup_leftovers! PostgresIndex.reindexing_leftovers.each do |index| Gitlab::AppLogger.info("Removing index #{index.identifier} which is a leftover, temporary index from previous reindexing activity") retries = Gitlab::Database::WithLockRetriesOutsideTransaction.new( connection: index.connection, timing_configuration: REMOVE_INDEX_RETRY_CONFIG, klass: self.class, logger: Gitlab::AppLogger ) retries.run(raise_on_exhaustion: false) do index.connection.tap do |conn| conn.execute("DROP INDEX CONCURRENTLY IF EXISTS #{conn.quote_table_name(index.schema)}.#{conn.quote_table_name(index.name)}") end end end end end end end