# frozen_string_literal: true require 'wikicloth' require 'wikicloth/wiki_buffer/var' # Adds patch for changes in this PR: https://github.com/nricciar/wikicloth/pull/112/files # # That fix has already been merged, but the maintainers are not releasing new versions, so we # need to patch it here. # # If they ever do release a version, then we can remove this file. # # See: https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab/-/issues/334056#note_745336618 # Guard to ensure we remember to delete this patch if they ever release a new version of wikicloth raise 'New version of WikiCloth detected, please remove this patch' unless Gem::Version.new(WikiCloth::VERSION) == Gem::Version.new('0.8.1') # rubocop:disable Style/ClassAndModuleChildren # rubocop:disable Layout/SpaceAroundEqualsInParameterDefault # rubocop:disable Style/HashSyntax # rubocop:disable Layout/SpaceAfterComma # rubocop:disable Style/RescueStandardError # rubocop:disable Rails/Output # rubocop:disable Style/MethodCallWithoutArgsParentheses # rubocop:disable Layout/EmptyLinesAroundClassBody # rubocop:disable Metrics/AbcSize # rubocop:disable Metrics/CyclomaticComplexity # rubocop:disable Metrics/PerceivedComplexity # rubocop:disable Cop/LineBreakAroundConditionalBlock # rubocop:disable Layout/EmptyLineAfterGuardClause # rubocop:disable Performance/ReverseEach # rubocop:disable Style/BlockDelimiters # rubocop:disable Cop/LineBreakAroundConditionalBlock # rubocop:disable Layout/MultilineBlockLayout # rubocop:disable Layout/BlockEndNewline module WikiCloth class WikiCloth def render(opt={}) self.options = { :noedit => false, :locale => I18n.default_locale, :fast => true, :output => :html, :link_handler => self.link_handler, :params => self.params, :sections => self.sections }.merge(self.options).merge(opt) self.options[:link_handler].params = options[:params] I18n.locale = self.options[:locale] data = self.sections.collect { |s| s.render(self.options) }.join # This is the first patched line from: # https://github.com/nricciar/wikicloth/pull/112/files#diff-eed3de11b953105f9181a6859d58f52af8912d28525fd2a289f8be184e66f531R69 data.gsub!(//m,"") data << "\n" if data.last(1) != "\n" data << "garbage" buffer = WikiBuffer.new("",options) begin if self.options[:fast] until data.empty? case data when /\A\w+/ data = $' @current_row += $&.length buffer.add_word($&) when /\A[^\w]+(\w|)/m data = $' $&.each_char { |c| add_current_char(buffer,c) } end end else data.each_char { |c| add_current_char(buffer,c) } end rescue => err debug_tree = buffer.buffers.collect { |b| b.debug }.join("-->") puts I18n.t("unknown error on line", :line => @current_line, :row => @current_row, :tree => debug_tree) raise err end buffer.eof() buffer.send("to_#{self.options[:output]}") end end class WikiBuffer::Var < WikiBuffer def to_html return "" if will_not_be_rendered if self.is_function? if Extension.function_exists?(function_name) return Extension.functions[function_name][:klass].new(@options).instance_exec( params.collect { |p| p.strip }, &Extension.functions[function_name][:block] ).to_s end ret = default_functions(function_name,params.collect { |p| p.strip }) ret ||= @options[:link_handler].function(function_name, params.collect { |p| p.strip }) ret.to_s elsif self.is_param? ret = nil @options[:buffer].buffers.reverse.each do |b| ret = b.get_param(params[0],params[1]) if b.instance_of?(WikiBuffer::HTMLElement) && b.element_name == "template" break unless ret.nil? end ret.to_s else # put template at beginning of buffer template_stack = @options[:buffer].buffers.collect { |b| b.get_param("__name") if b.instance_of?(WikiBuffer::HTMLElement) && b.element_name == "template" }.compact if template_stack.last == params[0] debug_tree = @options[:buffer].buffers.collect { |b| b.debug }.join("-->") "#{I18n.t('template loop detected', :tree => debug_tree)}" else key = params[0].to_s.strip key_options = params[1..].collect { |p| p.is_a?(Hash) ? { :name => p[:name].strip, :value => p[:value].strip } : p.strip } key_options ||= [] key_digest = Digest::MD5.hexdigest(key_options.to_a.sort {|x,y| (x.is_a?(Hash) ? x[:name] : x) <=> (y.is_a?(Hash) ? y[:name] : y) }.inspect) return @options[:params][key] if @options[:params].has_key?(key) # if we have a valid cache fragment use it return @options[:cache][key][key_digest] unless @options[:cache].nil? || @options[:cache][key].nil? || @options[:cache][key][key_digest].nil? ret = @options[:link_handler].include_resource(key,key_options).to_s # This is the second patched line from: # https://github.com/nricciar/wikicloth/pull/112/files#diff-f262faf4fadb222cca87185be0fb65b3f49659abc840794cc83a736d41310fb1R83 ret.gsub!(//m,"") unless ret.frozen? count = 0 tag_attr = key_options.collect { |p| if p.instance_of?(Hash) "#{p[:name]}=\"#{p[:value].gsub(/"/,'"')}\"" else count += 1 "#{count}=\"#{p.gsub(/"/,'"')}\"" end }.join(" ") self.data = ret.blank? ? "" : "" "" end end end end end # rubocop:enable Style/ClassAndModuleChildren # rubocop:enable Layout/SpaceAroundEqualsInParameterDefault # rubocop:enable Style/HashSyntax # rubocop:enable Layout/SpaceAfterComma # rubocop:enable Style/RescueStandardError # rubocop:enable Rails/Output # rubocop:enable Style/MethodCallWithoutArgsParentheses # rubocop:enable Layout/EmptyLinesAroundClassBody # rubocop:enable Metrics/AbcSize # rubocop:enable Metrics/CyclomaticComplexity # rubocop:enable Metrics/PerceivedComplexity # rubocop:enable Cop/LineBreakAroundConditionalBlock # rubocop:enable Layout/EmptyLineAfterGuardClause # rubocop:enable Performance/ReverseEach # rubocop:enable Style/BlockDelimiters # rubocop:enable Cop/LineBreakAroundConditionalBlock # rubocop:enable Layout/MultilineBlockLayout # rubocop:enable Layout/BlockEndNewline