stages: - prepare - deploy - qa - post-qa - dast include: - local: .gitlab/ci/global.gitlab-ci.yml - local: .gitlab/ci/rules.gitlab-ci.yml - local: .gitlab/ci/review-apps/qa.gitlab-ci.yml - local: .gitlab/ci/review-apps/dast.gitlab-ci.yml .base-before_script: &base-before_script - source ./scripts/ - source ./scripts/review_apps/ - install_api_client_dependencies_with_apk review-build-cng: extends: - .default-retry - .review:rules:review-build-cng image: ${GITLAB_DEPENDENCY_PROXY}ruby:2.7-alpine3.13 stage: prepare variables: CNG_PROJECT_ACCESS_TOKEN: "${CNG_MIRROR_PROJECT_ACCESS_TOKEN}" # "Multi-pipeline (from 'gitlab-org/gitlab' 'review-build-cng' job)" at CNG_PROJECT_PATH: "gitlab-org/build/CNG-mirror" before_script: - source ./scripts/ - install_gitlab_gem script: - ./scripts/trigger-build cng .review-workflow-base: extends: - .default-retry image: ${REGISTRY_HOST}/${REGISTRY_GROUP}/gitlab-build-images:gitlab-helm3.5-kubectl1.17 resource_group: "review/${CI_COMMIT_REF_NAME}" variables: HOST_SUFFIX: "${CI_ENVIRONMENT_SLUG}" DOMAIN: "-${CI_ENVIRONMENT_SLUG}.${REVIEW_APPS_DOMAIN}" GITLAB_HELM_CHART_REF: "v5.5.0" environment: name: review/${CI_COMMIT_REF_SLUG}${FREQUENCY} url: https://gitlab-${CI_ENVIRONMENT_SLUG}.${REVIEW_APPS_DOMAIN} on_stop: review-stop auto_stop_in: 48 hours review-deploy: extends: - .review-workflow-base - .review:rules:review-deploy stage: deploy needs: ["review-build-cng"] before_script: - export GITLAB_SHELL_VERSION=$( environment_url.txt - *base-before_script script: - check_kube_domain - download_chart - date - deploy || (display_deployment_debug && exit 1) - verify_deploy || exit 1 - disable_sign_ups || (delete_release && exit 1) - create_sample_projects after_script: # Run only when DAST_RUN is set to true. This is to pupulate review app with data for DAST scan. # Set DAST_RUN to true when jobs are manually scheduled. - if [ "$DAST_RUN" == "true" ]; then source scripts/review_apps/; TRACE=1 trigger_proj_user_creation; fi artifacts: paths: - environment_url.txt - curl_output.txt expire_in: 7 days when: always .review-stop-base: extends: .review-workflow-base environment: action: stop dependencies: [] variables: # We're cloning the repo instead of downloading the script for now # because some repos are private and CI_JOB_TOKEN cannot access files. # See GIT_DEPTH: 1 before_script: - *base-before_script review-delete-deployment: extends: - .review-stop-base - .review:rules:review-delete-deployment stage: prepare script: - delete_release review-stop: extends: - .review-stop-base - .review:rules:review-stop stage: deploy needs: [] script: - delete_namespace