# frozen_string_literal: true # Check a user's access to perform a git action. All public methods in this # class return an instance of `GitlabAccessStatus` module Gitlab class GitAccess include Gitlab::Utils::StrongMemoize ForbiddenError = Class.new(StandardError) NotFoundError = Class.new(StandardError) TimeoutError = Class.new(StandardError) # Use the magic string '_any' to indicate we do not know what the # changes are. This is also what gitlab-shell does. ANY = '_any' ERROR_MESSAGES = { upload: 'You are not allowed to upload code for this project.', download: 'You are not allowed to download code from this project.', auth_upload: 'You are not allowed to upload code.', auth_download: 'You are not allowed to download code.', deploy_key_upload: 'This deploy key does not have write access to this project.', no_repo: 'A repository for this project does not exist yet.', project_not_found: "The project you were looking for could not be found or you don't have permission to view it.", command_not_allowed: "The command you're trying to execute is not allowed.", upload_pack_disabled_over_http: 'Pulling over HTTP is not allowed.', receive_pack_disabled_over_http: 'Pushing over HTTP is not allowed.', read_only: 'The repository is temporarily read-only. Please try again later.', cannot_push_to_read_only: "You can't push code to a read-only GitLab instance.", push_code: 'You are not allowed to push code to this project.' }.freeze INTERNAL_TIMEOUT = 50.seconds.freeze LOG_HEADER = <<~MESSAGE Push operation timed out Timing information for debugging purposes: MESSAGE DOWNLOAD_COMMANDS = %w{git-upload-pack git-upload-archive}.freeze PUSH_COMMANDS = %w{git-receive-pack}.freeze ALL_COMMANDS = DOWNLOAD_COMMANDS + PUSH_COMMANDS attr_reader :actor, :protocol, :authentication_abilities, :repository_path, :redirected_path, :auth_result_type, :cmd, :changes attr_accessor :container def self.error_message(key) self.ancestors.each do |cls| return cls.const_get('ERROR_MESSAGES', false).fetch(key) rescue NameError, KeyError next end raise ArgumentError, "No error message defined for #{key}" end def initialize(actor, container, protocol, authentication_abilities:, repository_path: nil, redirected_path: nil, auth_result_type: nil) @actor = actor @container = container @protocol = protocol @authentication_abilities = Array(authentication_abilities) @repository_path = repository_path @redirected_path = redirected_path @auth_result_type = auth_result_type end def check(cmd, changes) @changes = changes @cmd = cmd check_protocol! check_valid_actor! check_active_user! check_authentication_abilities! check_command_disabled! check_command_existence! custom_action = check_custom_action return custom_action if custom_action check_db_accessibility! check_container! check_repository_existence! case cmd when *DOWNLOAD_COMMANDS check_download_access! when *PUSH_COMMANDS check_push_access! end check_additional_conditions! success_result end def logger @logger ||= Checks::TimedLogger.new(timeout: INTERNAL_TIMEOUT, header: LOG_HEADER) end def guest_can_download_code? Guest.can?(download_ability, container) end def deploy_key_can_download_code? authentication_abilities.include?(:download_code) && deploy_key? && deploy_key.has_access_to?(container) && (project? && project&.repository_access_level != ::Featurable::DISABLED) end def user_can_download_code? authentication_abilities.include?(:download_code) && user_access.can_do_action?(download_ability) end # @return [Symbol] the name of a Declarative Policy ability to check def download_ability raise NotImplementedError end # @return [Symbol] the name of a Declarative Policy ability to check def push_ability raise NotImplementedError end def build_can_download_code? authentication_abilities.include?(:build_download_code) && user_access.can_do_action?(:build_download_code) end def request_from_ci_build? return false unless protocol == 'http' auth_result_type == :build || auth_result_type == :ci end def protocol_allowed? Gitlab::ProtocolAccess.allowed?(protocol) end private def check_container! # Strict nil check, to avoid any surprises with Object#present? # which can delegate to #empty? raise NotFoundError, not_found_message if container.nil? check_project! if project? add_container_moved_message! end def check_project! check_project_accessibility! end def check_custom_action # no-op: Overridden in EE end def check_for_console_messages return console_messages unless key? key_status = Gitlab::Auth::KeyStatusChecker.new(actor) if key_status.show_console_message? console_messages.push(key_status.console_message) else console_messages end end def console_messages [] end def check_valid_actor! return unless key? if !actor.valid? raise ForbiddenError, "Your SSH key #{actor.errors[:key].first}." elsif actor.expired? raise ForbiddenError, "Your SSH key has expired." end end def check_protocol! return if request_from_ci_build? unless protocol_allowed? raise ForbiddenError, "Git access over #{protocol.upcase} is not allowed" end end def check_active_user! return unless user unless user_access.allowed? message = Gitlab::Auth::UserAccessDeniedReason.new(user).rejection_message raise ForbiddenError, message end end def check_authentication_abilities! case cmd when *DOWNLOAD_COMMANDS unless authentication_abilities.include?(:download_code) || authentication_abilities.include?(:build_download_code) raise ForbiddenError, error_message(:auth_download) end when *PUSH_COMMANDS unless authentication_abilities.include?(:push_code) raise ForbiddenError, error_message(:auth_upload) end end end def check_project_accessibility! raise NotFoundError, not_found_message unless can_read_project? end def not_found_message error_message(:project_not_found) end def add_container_moved_message! return if redirected_path.nil? container_moved = Checks::ContainerMoved.new(repository, user, protocol, redirected_path) container_moved.add_message end def check_command_disabled! if upload_pack? check_upload_pack_disabled! elsif receive_pack? check_receive_pack_disabled! end end def check_upload_pack_disabled! if http? && upload_pack_disabled_over_http? raise ForbiddenError, error_message(:upload_pack_disabled_over_http) end end def check_receive_pack_disabled! if http? && receive_pack_disabled_over_http? raise ForbiddenError, error_message(:receive_pack_disabled_over_http) end end def check_command_existence! unless ALL_COMMANDS.include?(cmd) raise ForbiddenError, error_message(:command_not_allowed) end end def check_db_accessibility! return unless receive_pack? if Gitlab::Database.read_only? raise ForbiddenError, push_to_read_only_message end end def check_repository_existence! raise NotFoundError, no_repo_message unless repository.exists? end def no_repo_message error_message(:no_repo) end def check_download_access! passed = deploy_key_can_download_code? || deploy_token? || user_can_download_code? || build_can_download_code? || guest_can_download_code? unless passed raise ForbiddenError, download_forbidden_message end end def download_forbidden_message error_message(:download) end def project? # Strict nil check, to avoid any surprises with Object#present? # which can delegate to #empty? !project.nil? end def project container if container.is_a?(::Project) end def check_push_access! if project&.repository_read_only? raise ForbiddenError, error_message(:read_only) end if deploy_key? unless deploy_key.can_push_to?(project) raise ForbiddenError, error_message(:deploy_key_upload) end elsif user # User access is verified in check_change_access! else raise ForbiddenError, error_message(:upload) end check_change_access! end def user_can_push? user_access.can_do_action?(push_ability) end def check_change_access! if changes == ANY can_push = deploy_key? || user_can_push? || project&.any_branch_allows_collaboration?(user_access.user) unless can_push raise ForbiddenError, error_message(:push_code) end else check_access! end end def check_access! Checks::ChangesAccess.new( changes_list.changes, user_access: user_access, project: project, protocol: protocol, logger: logger ).validate! rescue Checks::TimedLogger::TimeoutError raise TimeoutError, logger.full_message end def deploy_key actor if deploy_key? end def deploy_key? actor.is_a?(DeployKey) end def deploy_token actor if deploy_token? end def deploy_token? actor.is_a?(DeployToken) end def ci? actor == :ci end def key? actor.is_a?(Key) end def can_read_project? if deploy_key? deploy_key.has_access_to?(project) elsif deploy_token? deploy_token.has_access_to?(project) elsif user user.can?(:read_project, project) elsif ci? true # allow CI (build without a user) for backwards compatibility end || Guest.can?(:read_project, project) end def http? protocol == 'http' end def ssh? protocol == 'ssh' end def upload_pack? cmd == 'git-upload-pack' end def receive_pack? cmd == 'git-receive-pack' end def upload_pack_disabled_over_http? !Gitlab.config.gitlab_shell.upload_pack end def receive_pack_disabled_over_http? !Gitlab.config.gitlab_shell.receive_pack end protected def error_message(key) self.class.error_message(key) end def success_result ::Gitlab::GitAccessResult::Success.new(console_messages: check_for_console_messages) end def changes_list @changes_list ||= Gitlab::ChangesList.new(changes == ANY ? [] : changes) end def user strong_memoize(:user) do case actor when User actor when DeployKey nil when Key actor.user when :ci nil end end end def user_access @user_access ||= if ci? CiAccess.new elsif user && request_from_ci_build? BuildAccess.new(user, container: container) elsif deploy_key? DeployKeyAccess.new(deploy_key, container: container) else UserAccess.new(user, container: container) end end def push_to_read_only_message error_message(:cannot_push_to_read_only) end def repository container&.repository end def check_size_before_push! if check_size_limit? && size_checker.above_size_limit? raise ForbiddenError, size_checker.error_message.push_error end end def check_push_size! return unless check_size_limit? # Use #check_repository_disk_size to get correct push size whenever a lot of changes # gets pushed at the same time containing the same blobs. This is only # doable if GIT_OBJECT_DIRECTORY_RELATIVE env var is set and happens # when git push comes from CLI (not via UI and API). # # Fallback to determining push size using the changes_list so we can still # determine the push size if env var isn't set (e.g. changes are made # via UI and API). if check_quarantine_size? check_repository_disk_size else check_changes_size end end def check_quarantine_size? git_env = ::Gitlab::Git::HookEnv.all(repository.gl_repository) git_env['GIT_OBJECT_DIRECTORY_RELATIVE'].present? end def check_repository_disk_size check_size_against_limit(repository.object_directory_size) end def check_changes_size revs = ['--not', '--all', '--not'] revs += changes_list.map { |change| change[:newrev] } changes_size = repository.blobs(revs).sum(&:size) check_size_against_limit(changes_size) end def check_size_against_limit(size) if size_checker.changes_will_exceed_size_limit?(size) raise ForbiddenError, size_checker.error_message.new_changes_error end end def check_size_limit? strong_memoize(:check_size_limit) do changes_list.any? { |change| !Gitlab::Git.blank_ref?(change[:newrev]) } end end def size_checker container.repository_size_checker end # overriden in EE def check_additional_conditions! end end end Gitlab::GitAccess.prepend_mod_with('Gitlab::GitAccess')