# frozen_string_literal: true module Gitlab module BackgroundMigration # Base class for batched background migrations. Subclasses should implement the `#perform` # method as the entry point for the job's execution, which will be called with the migration # arguments (if any). class BatchedMigrationJob include Gitlab::Database::DynamicModelHelpers def initialize(start_id:, end_id:, batch_table:, batch_column:, sub_batch_size:, pause_ms:, connection:) @start_id = start_id @end_id = end_id @batch_table = batch_table @batch_column = batch_column @sub_batch_size = sub_batch_size @pause_ms = pause_ms @connection = connection end def perform(*job_arguments) raise NotImplementedError, "subclasses of #{self.class.name} must implement #{__method__}" end def batch_metrics @batch_metrics ||= Gitlab::Database::BackgroundMigration::BatchMetrics.new end private attr_reader :start_id, :end_id, :batch_table, :batch_column, :sub_batch_size, :pause_ms, :connection def each_sub_batch(operation_name: :default, batching_arguments: {}, batching_scope: nil) all_batching_arguments = { column: batch_column, of: sub_batch_size }.merge(batching_arguments) parent_relation = parent_batch_relation(batching_scope) parent_relation.each_batch(**all_batching_arguments) do |relation| batch_metrics.instrument_operation(operation_name) do yield relation end sleep([pause_ms, 0].max * 0.001) end end def parent_batch_relation(batching_scope) parent_relation = define_batchable_model(batch_table, connection: connection) .where(batch_column => start_id..end_id) return parent_relation unless batching_scope batching_scope.call(parent_relation) end end end end