require 'spec_helper' describe Ci::Pipeline, :mailer do let(:user) { create(:user) } set(:project) { create(:project) } let(:pipeline) do create(:ci_empty_pipeline, status: :created, project: project) end it { belong_to(:project) } it { belong_to(:user) } it { belong_to(:auto_canceled_by) } it { belong_to(:pipeline_schedule) } it { have_many(:statuses) } it { have_many(:trigger_requests) } it { have_many(:variables) } it { have_many(:builds) } it { have_many(:auto_canceled_pipelines) } it { have_many(:auto_canceled_jobs) } it { validate_presence_of(:sha) } it { validate_presence_of(:status) } it { respond_to :git_author_name } it { respond_to :git_author_email } it { respond_to :short_sha } it { delegate_method(:full_path).to(:project).with_prefix } describe 'associations' do it 'has a bidirectional relationship with projects' do expect(described_class.reflect_on_association(:project).has_inverse?).to eq(:pipelines) expect(Project.reflect_on_association(:pipelines).has_inverse?).to eq(:project) end end describe 'modules' do it_behaves_like 'AtomicInternalId', validate_presence: false do let(:internal_id_attribute) { :iid } let(:instance) { build(:ci_pipeline) } let(:scope) { :project } let(:scope_attrs) { { project: instance.project } } let(:usage) { :ci_pipelines } end end describe '#source' do context 'when creating new pipeline' do let(:pipeline) do build(:ci_empty_pipeline, status: :created, project: project, source: nil) end it "prevents from creating an object" do expect(pipeline).not_to be_valid end end context 'when updating existing pipeline' do before do pipeline.update_attribute(:source, nil) end it "object is valid" do expect(pipeline).to be_valid end end end describe '#block' do it 'changes pipeline status to manual' do expect(pipeline.block).to be true expect(pipeline.reload).to be_manual expect(pipeline.reload).to be_blocked end end describe '#delay' do subject { pipeline.delay } let(:pipeline) { build(:ci_pipeline, status: :created) } it 'changes pipeline status to schedule' do subject expect(pipeline).to be_scheduled end end describe '#valid_commit_sha' do context 'commit.sha can not start with 00000000' do before do pipeline.sha = '0' * 40 pipeline.valid_commit_sha end it('commit errors should not be empty') { expect(pipeline.errors).not_to be_empty } end end describe '#short_sha' do subject { pipeline.short_sha } it 'has 8 items' do expect(subject.size).to eq(8) end it { expect(pipeline.sha).to start_with(subject) } end describe '#retried' do subject { pipeline.retried } before do @build1 = create(:ci_build, pipeline: pipeline, name: 'deploy', retried: true) @build2 = create(:ci_build, pipeline: pipeline, name: 'deploy') end it 'returns old builds' do contain_exactly(@build1) end end describe "coverage" do let(:project) { create(:project, build_coverage_regex: "/.*/") } let(:pipeline) { create(:ci_empty_pipeline, project: project) } it "calculates average when there are two builds with coverage" do create(:ci_build, name: "rspec", coverage: 30, pipeline: pipeline) create(:ci_build, name: "rubocop", coverage: 40, pipeline: pipeline) expect(pipeline.coverage).to eq("35.00") end it "calculates average when there are two builds with coverage and one with nil" do create(:ci_build, name: "rspec", coverage: 30, pipeline: pipeline) create(:ci_build, name: "rubocop", coverage: 40, pipeline: pipeline) create(:ci_build, pipeline: pipeline) expect(pipeline.coverage).to eq("35.00") end it "calculates average when there are two builds with coverage and one is retried" do create(:ci_build, name: "rspec", coverage: 30, pipeline: pipeline) create(:ci_build, name: "rubocop", coverage: 30, pipeline: pipeline, retried: true) create(:ci_build, name: "rubocop", coverage: 40, pipeline: pipeline) expect(pipeline.coverage).to eq("35.00") end it "calculates average when there is one build without coverage" do FactoryBot.create(:ci_build, pipeline: pipeline) expect(pipeline.coverage).to be_nil end end describe '#retryable?' do subject { pipeline.retryable? } context 'no failed builds' do before do create_build('rspec', 'success') end it 'is not retryable' do be_falsey end context 'one canceled job' do before do create_build('rubocop', 'canceled') end it 'is retryable' do be_truthy end end end context 'with failed builds' do before do create_build('rspec', 'running') create_build('rubocop', 'failed') end it 'is retryable' do be_truthy end end def create_build(name, status) create(:ci_build, name: name, status: status, pipeline: pipeline) end end describe '#persisted_variables' do context 'when pipeline is not persisted yet' do subject { build(:ci_pipeline).persisted_variables } it 'does not contain some variables' do keys = { |variable| variable[:key] } expect(keys).not_to include 'CI_PIPELINE_ID' end end context 'when pipeline is persisted' do subject { build_stubbed(:ci_pipeline).persisted_variables } it 'does contains persisted variables' do keys = { |variable| variable[:key] } expect(keys).to eq %w[CI_PIPELINE_ID CI_PIPELINE_URL] end end end describe '#predefined_variables' do subject { pipeline.predefined_variables } it 'includes all predefined variables in a valid order' do keys = { |variable| variable[:key] } expect(keys).to eq %w[CI_PIPELINE_IID CI_CONFIG_PATH CI_PIPELINE_SOURCE CI_COMMIT_MESSAGE CI_COMMIT_TITLE CI_COMMIT_DESCRIPTION] end end describe '#protected_ref?' do before do pipeline.project = create(:project, :repository) end it 'delegates method to project' do expect(pipeline).not_to be_protected_ref end end describe '#legacy_trigger' do let(:trigger_request) { create(:ci_trigger_request) } before do pipeline.trigger_requests << trigger_request end it 'returns first trigger request' do expect(pipeline.legacy_trigger).to eq trigger_request end end describe '#auto_canceled?' do subject { pipeline.auto_canceled? } context 'when it is canceled' do before do pipeline.cancel end context 'when there is auto_canceled_by' do before do pipeline.update(auto_canceled_by: create(:ci_empty_pipeline)) end it 'is auto canceled' do be_truthy end end context 'when there is no auto_canceled_by' do it 'is not auto canceled' do be_falsey end end context 'when it is retried and canceled manually' do before do pipeline.enqueue pipeline.cancel end it 'is not auto canceled' do be_falsey end end end end describe 'pipeline stages' do describe '#stage_seeds' do let(:pipeline) { build(:ci_pipeline, config: config) } let(:config) { { rspec: { script: 'rake' } } } it 'returns preseeded stage seeds object' do expect(pipeline.stage_seeds) .to all(be_a Gitlab::Ci::Pipeline::Seed::Base) expect(pipeline.stage_seeds.count).to eq 1 end context 'when no refs policy is specified' do let(:config) do { production: { stage: 'deploy', script: 'cap prod' }, rspec: { stage: 'test', script: 'rspec' }, spinach: { stage: 'test', script: 'spinach' } } end it 'correctly fabricates a stage seeds object' do seeds = pipeline.stage_seeds expect(seeds.size).to eq 2 expect(seeds.first.attributes[:name]).to eq 'test' expect(seeds.second.attributes[:name]).to eq 'deploy' expect(seeds.dig(0, 0, :name)).to eq 'rspec' expect(seeds.dig(0, 1, :name)).to eq 'spinach' expect(seeds.dig(1, 0, :name)).to eq 'production' end end context 'when refs policy is specified' do let(:pipeline) do build(:ci_pipeline, ref: 'feature', tag: true, config: config) end let(:config) do { production: { stage: 'deploy', script: 'cap prod', only: ['master'] }, spinach: { stage: 'test', script: 'spinach', only: ['tags'] } } end it 'returns stage seeds only assigned to master to master' do seeds = pipeline.stage_seeds expect(seeds.size).to eq 1 expect(seeds.first.attributes[:name]).to eq 'test' expect(seeds.dig(0, 0, :name)).to eq 'spinach' end end context 'when source policy is specified' do let(:pipeline) { build(:ci_pipeline, source: :schedule, config: config) } let(:config) do { production: { stage: 'deploy', script: 'cap prod', only: ['triggers'] }, spinach: { stage: 'test', script: 'spinach', only: ['schedules'] } } end it 'returns stage seeds only assigned to schedules' do seeds = pipeline.stage_seeds expect(seeds.size).to eq 1 expect(seeds.first.attributes[:name]).to eq 'test' expect(seeds.dig(0, 0, :name)).to eq 'spinach' end end context 'when kubernetes policy is specified' do let(:config) do { spinach: { stage: 'test', script: 'spinach' }, production: { stage: 'deploy', script: 'cap', only: { kubernetes: 'active' } } } end context 'when kubernetes is active' do shared_examples 'same behavior between KubernetesService and Platform::Kubernetes' do it 'returns seeds for kubernetes dependent job' do seeds = pipeline.stage_seeds expect(seeds.size).to eq 2 expect(seeds.dig(0, 0, :name)).to eq 'spinach' expect(seeds.dig(1, 0, :name)).to eq 'production' end end context 'when user configured kubernetes from Integration > Kubernetes' do let(:project) { create(:kubernetes_project) } let(:pipeline) { build(:ci_pipeline, project: project, config: config) } it_behaves_like 'same behavior between KubernetesService and Platform::Kubernetes' end context 'when user configured kubernetes from CI/CD > Clusters' do let!(:cluster) { create(:cluster, :project, :provided_by_gcp) } let(:project) { cluster.project } let(:pipeline) { build(:ci_pipeline, project: project, config: config) } it_behaves_like 'same behavior between KubernetesService and Platform::Kubernetes' end end context 'when kubernetes is not active' do it 'does not return seeds for kubernetes dependent job' do seeds = pipeline.stage_seeds expect(seeds.size).to eq 1 expect(seeds.dig(0, 0, :name)).to eq 'spinach' end end end context 'when variables policy is specified' do let(:config) do { unit: { script: 'minitest', only: { variables: ['$CI_PIPELINE_SOURCE'] } }, feature: { script: 'spinach', only: { variables: ['$UNDEFINED'] } } } end it 'returns stage seeds only when variables expression is truthy' do seeds = pipeline.stage_seeds expect(seeds.size).to eq 1 expect(seeds.dig(0, 0, :name)).to eq 'unit' end end end describe '#seeds_size' do context 'when refs policy is specified' do let(:config) do { production: { stage: 'deploy', script: 'cap prod', only: ['master'] }, spinach: { stage: 'test', script: 'spinach', only: ['tags'] } } end let(:pipeline) do build(:ci_pipeline, ref: 'feature', tag: true, config: config) end it 'returns real seeds size' do expect(pipeline.seeds_size).to eq 1 end end end describe 'legacy stages' do before do create(:commit_status, pipeline: pipeline, stage: 'build', name: 'linux', stage_idx: 0, status: 'success') create(:commit_status, pipeline: pipeline, stage: 'build', name: 'mac', stage_idx: 0, status: 'failed') create(:commit_status, pipeline: pipeline, stage: 'deploy', name: 'staging', stage_idx: 2, status: 'running') create(:commit_status, pipeline: pipeline, stage: 'test', name: 'rspec', stage_idx: 1, status: 'success') end describe '#legacy_stages' do subject { pipeline.legacy_stages } context 'stages list' do it 'returns ordered list of stages' do expect( eq(%w[build test deploy]) end end context 'stages with statuses' do let(:statuses) do { |stage| [, stage.status] } end it 'returns list of stages with correct statuses' do expect(statuses).to eq([%w(build failed), %w(test success), %w(deploy running)]) end context 'when commit status is retried' do before do create(:commit_status, pipeline: pipeline, stage: 'build', name: 'mac', stage_idx: 0, status: 'success') pipeline.process! end it 'ignores the previous state' do expect(statuses).to eq([%w(build success), %w(test success), %w(deploy running)]) end end end context 'when there is a stage with warnings' do before do create(:commit_status, pipeline: pipeline, stage: 'deploy', name: 'prod:2', stage_idx: 2, status: 'failed', allow_failure: true) end it 'populates stage with correct number of warnings' do deploy_stage = pipeline.legacy_stages.third expect(deploy_stage).not_to receive(:statuses) expect(deploy_stage).to have_warnings end end end describe '#stages_count' do it 'returns a valid number of stages' do expect(pipeline.stages_count).to eq(3) end end describe '#stages_names' do it 'returns a valid names of stages' do expect(pipeline.stages_names).to eq(%w(build test deploy)) end end end describe '#legacy_stage' do subject { pipeline.legacy_stage('test') } context 'with status in stage' do before do create(:commit_status, pipeline: pipeline, stage: 'test') end it { expect(subject).to be_a Ci::LegacyStage } it { expect( eq 'test' } it { expect(subject.statuses).not_to be_empty } end context 'without status in stage' do before do create(:commit_status, pipeline: pipeline, stage: 'build') end it 'return stage object' do be_nil end end end describe '#stages' do before do create(:ci_stage_entity, project: project, pipeline: pipeline, name: 'build') end it 'returns persisted stages' do expect(pipeline.stages).not_to be_empty expect(pipeline.stages).to all(be_persisted) end end describe '#ordered_stages' do before do create(:ci_stage_entity, project: project, pipeline: pipeline, position: 4, name: 'deploy') create(:ci_build, project: project, pipeline: pipeline, stage: 'test', stage_idx: 3, name: 'test') create(:ci_build, project: project, pipeline: pipeline, stage: 'build', stage_idx: 2, name: 'build') create(:ci_stage_entity, project: project, pipeline: pipeline, position: 1, name: 'sanity') create(:ci_stage_entity, project: project, pipeline: pipeline, position: 5, name: 'cleanup') end subject { pipeline.ordered_stages } context 'when using legacy stages' do before do stub_feature_flags(ci_pipeline_persisted_stages: false) end it 'returns legacy stages in valid order' do expect( eq %w[build test] end end context 'when using persisted stages' do before do stub_feature_flags(ci_pipeline_persisted_stages: true) end context 'when pipelines is not complete' do it 'still returns legacy stages' do expect(subject).to all(be_a Ci::LegacyStage) expect( eq %w[build test] end end context 'when pipeline is complete' do before do pipeline.succeed! end it 'returns stages in valid order' do expect(subject).to all(be_a Ci::Stage) expect( .to eq %w[sanity build test deploy cleanup] end end end end end describe 'state machine' do let(:current) { 0) } let(:build) { create_build('build1', queued_at: 0) } let(:build_b) { create_build('build2', queued_at: 0) } let(:build_c) { create_build('build3', queued_at: 0) } describe '#duration' do context 'when multiple builds are finished' do before do travel_to(current + 30) do! build.success!!! end travel_to(current + 40) do build_b.drop! end travel_to(current + 70) do build_c.success! end end it 'matches sum of builds duration' do pipeline.reload expect(pipeline.duration).to eq(40) end end context 'when pipeline becomes blocked' do let!(:build) { create_build('build:1') } let!(:action) { create_build('manual:action', :manual) } before do travel_to(current + 1.minute) do! end travel_to(current + 5.minutes) do build.success! end end it 'recalculates pipeline duration' do pipeline.reload expect(pipeline).to be_manual expect(pipeline.duration).to eq 4.minutes end end end describe '#started_at' do it 'updates on transitioning to running' do expect(pipeline.reload.started_at).not_to be_nil end it 'does not update on transitioning to success' do build.success expect(pipeline.reload.started_at).to be_nil end end describe '#finished_at' do it 'updates on transitioning to success' do build.success expect(pipeline.reload.finished_at).not_to be_nil end it 'does not update on transitioning to running' do expect(pipeline.reload.finished_at).to be_nil end end describe 'merge request metrics' do let(:project) { create(:project, :repository) } let(:pipeline) { FactoryBot.create(:ci_empty_pipeline, status: 'created', project: project, ref: 'master', sha: project.repository.commit('master').id) } let!(:merge_request) { create(:merge_request, source_project: project, source_branch: pipeline.ref) } before do expect(PipelineMetricsWorker).to receive(:perform_async).with( end context 'when transitioning to running' do it 'schedules metrics workers' do end end context 'when transitioning to success' do it 'schedules metrics workers' do pipeline.succeed end end end describe 'pipeline caching' do it 'performs ExpirePipelinesCacheWorker' do expect(ExpirePipelineCacheWorker).to receive(:perform_async).with( pipeline.cancel end end def create_build(name, *traits, queued_at: current, started_from: 0, **opts) create(:ci_build, *traits, name: name, pipeline: pipeline, queued_at: queued_at, started_at: queued_at + started_from, **opts) end end describe '#branch?' do subject { pipeline.branch? } context 'is not a tag' do before do pipeline.tag = false end it 'return true when tag is set to false' do be_truthy end end context 'is not a tag' do before do pipeline.tag = true end it 'return false when tag is set to true' do be_falsey end end end describe 'ref_exists?' do context 'when repository exists' do using RSpec::Parameterized::TableSyntax let(:project) { create(:project, :repository) } where(:tag, :ref, :result) do false | 'master' | true false | 'non-existent-branch' | false true | 'v1.1.0' | true true | 'non-existent-tag' | false end with_them do let(:pipeline) do create(:ci_empty_pipeline, project: project, tag: tag, ref: ref) end it "correctly detects ref" do expect(pipeline.ref_exists?).to be result end end end context 'when repository does not exist' do let(:pipeline) do create(:ci_empty_pipeline, project: project, ref: 'master') end it 'always returns false' do expect(pipeline.ref_exists?).to eq false end end end context 'with non-empty project' do let(:project) { create(:project, :repository) } let(:pipeline) do create(:ci_pipeline, project: project, ref: project.default_branch, sha: project.commit.sha) end describe '#latest?' do context 'with latest sha' do it 'returns true' do expect(pipeline).to be_latest end end context 'with not latest sha' do before do pipeline.update( sha: project.commit("#{project.default_branch}~1").sha) end it 'returns false' do expect(pipeline).not_to be_latest end end end end describe '#manual_actions' do subject { pipeline.manual_actions } it 'when none defined' do be_empty end context 'when action defined' do let!(:manual) { create(:ci_build, :manual, pipeline: pipeline, name: 'deploy') } it 'returns one action' do contain_exactly(manual) end context 'there are multiple of the same name' do let!(:manual2) { create(:ci_build, :manual, pipeline: pipeline, name: 'deploy') } before do manual.update(retried: true) end it 'returns latest one' do contain_exactly(manual2) end end end end describe '#branch_updated?' do context 'when pipeline has before SHA' do before do pipeline.update_column(:before_sha, 'a1b2c3d4') end it 'runs on a branch update push' do expect(pipeline.before_sha).not_to be Gitlab::Git::BLANK_SHA expect(pipeline.branch_updated?).to be true end end context 'when pipeline does not have before SHA' do before do pipeline.update_column(:before_sha, Gitlab::Git::BLANK_SHA) end it 'does not run on a branch updating push' do expect(pipeline.branch_updated?).to be false end end end describe '#modified_paths' do context 'when old and new revisions are set' do let(:project) { create(:project, :repository) } before do pipeline.update(before_sha: '1234abcd', sha: '2345bcde') end it 'fetches stats for changes between commits' do expect(project.repository) .to receive(:diff_stats).with('1234abcd', '2345bcde') .and_call_original pipeline.modified_paths end end context 'when either old or new revision is missing' do before do pipeline.update_column(:before_sha, Gitlab::Git::BLANK_SHA) end it 'raises an error' do expect { pipeline.modified_paths }.to raise_error(ArgumentError) end end end describe '#has_kubernetes_active?' do context 'when kubernetes is active' do shared_examples 'same behavior between KubernetesService and Platform::Kubernetes' do it 'returns true' do expect(pipeline).to have_kubernetes_active end end context 'when user configured kubernetes from Integration > Kubernetes' do let(:project) { create(:kubernetes_project) } it_behaves_like 'same behavior between KubernetesService and Platform::Kubernetes' end context 'when user configured kubernetes from CI/CD > Clusters' do let!(:cluster) { create(:cluster, :project, :provided_by_gcp) } let(:project) { cluster.project } it_behaves_like 'same behavior between KubernetesService and Platform::Kubernetes' end end context 'when kubernetes is not active' do it 'returns false' do expect(pipeline).not_to have_kubernetes_active end end end describe '#has_warnings?' do subject { pipeline.has_warnings? } context 'build which is allowed to fail fails' do before do create :ci_build, :success, pipeline: pipeline, name: 'rspec' create :ci_build, :allowed_to_fail, :failed, pipeline: pipeline, name: 'rubocop' end it 'returns true' do be_truthy end end context 'build which is allowed to fail succeeds' do before do create :ci_build, :success, pipeline: pipeline, name: 'rspec' create :ci_build, :allowed_to_fail, :success, pipeline: pipeline, name: 'rubocop' end it 'returns false' do be_falsey end end context 'build is retried and succeeds' do before do create :ci_build, :success, pipeline: pipeline, name: 'rubocop' create :ci_build, :failed, pipeline: pipeline, name: 'rspec' create :ci_build, :success, pipeline: pipeline, name: 'rspec' end it 'returns false' do be_falsey end end end describe '#number_of_warnings' do it 'returns the number of warnings' do create(:ci_build, :allowed_to_fail, :failed, pipeline: pipeline, name: 'rubocop') expect(pipeline.number_of_warnings).to eq(1) end it 'supports eager loading of the number of warnings' do pipeline2 = create(:ci_empty_pipeline, status: :created, project: project) create(:ci_build, :allowed_to_fail, :failed, pipeline: pipeline, name: 'rubocop') create(:ci_build, :allowed_to_fail, :failed, pipeline: pipeline2, name: 'rubocop') pipelines = project.pipelines.to_a pipelines.each(&:number_of_warnings) # To run the queries we need to actually use the lazy objects, which we do # by just sending "to_i" to them. amount = ActiveRecord::QueryRecorder .new { pipelines.each { |p| p.number_of_warnings.to_i } } .count expect(amount).to eq(1) end end shared_context 'with some outdated pipelines' do before do create_pipeline(:canceled, 'ref', 'A', project) create_pipeline(:success, 'ref', 'A', project) create_pipeline(:failed, 'ref', 'B', project) create_pipeline(:skipped, 'feature', 'C', project) end def create_pipeline(status, ref, sha, project) create( :ci_empty_pipeline, status: status, ref: ref, sha: sha, project: project ) end end describe '.newest_first' do include_context 'with some outdated pipelines' it 'returns the pipelines from new to old' do expect(described_class.newest_first.pluck(:status)) .to eq(%w[skipped failed success canceled]) end it 'searches limited backlog' do expect(described_class.newest_first(limit: 1).pluck(:status)) .to eq(%w[skipped]) end end describe '.latest_status' do include_context 'with some outdated pipelines' context 'when no ref is specified' do it 'returns the status of the latest pipeline' do expect(described_class.latest_status).to eq('skipped') end end context 'when ref is specified' do it 'returns the status of the latest pipeline for the given ref' do expect(described_class.latest_status('ref')).to eq('failed') end end end describe '.latest_successful_for' do include_context 'with some outdated pipelines' let!(:latest_successful_pipeline) do create_pipeline(:success, 'ref', 'D', project) end it 'returns the latest successful pipeline' do expect(described_class.latest_successful_for('ref')) .to eq(latest_successful_pipeline) end end describe '.latest_successful_for_refs' do include_context 'with some outdated pipelines' let!(:latest_successful_pipeline1) do create_pipeline(:success, 'ref1', 'D', project) end let!(:latest_successful_pipeline2) do create_pipeline(:success, 'ref2', 'D', project) end it 'returns the latest successful pipeline for both refs' do refs = %w(ref1 ref2 ref3) expect(described_class.latest_successful_for_refs(refs)).to eq({ 'ref1' => latest_successful_pipeline1, 'ref2' => latest_successful_pipeline2 }) end end describe '.latest_status_per_commit' do let(:project) { create(:project) } before do pairs = [ %w[success ref1 123], %w[manual master 123], %w[failed ref 456] ] pairs.each do |(status, ref, sha)| create( :ci_empty_pipeline, status: status, ref: ref, sha: sha, project: project ) end end context 'without a ref' do it 'returns a Hash containing the latest status per commit for all refs' do expect(described_class.latest_status_per_commit(%w[123 456])) .to eq({ '123' => 'manual', '456' => 'failed' }) end it 'only includes the status of the given commit SHAs' do expect(described_class.latest_status_per_commit(%w[123])) .to eq({ '123' => 'manual' }) end context 'when there are two pipelines for a ref and SHA' do it 'returns the status of the latest pipeline' do create( :ci_empty_pipeline, status: 'failed', ref: 'master', sha: '123', project: project ) expect(described_class.latest_status_per_commit(%w[123])) .to eq({ '123' => 'failed' }) end end end context 'with a ref' do it 'only includes the pipelines for the given ref' do expect(described_class.latest_status_per_commit(%w[123 456], 'master')) .to eq({ '123' => 'manual' }) end end end describe '.latest_successful_ids_per_project' do let(:projects) { create_list(:project, 2) } let!(:pipeline1) { create(:ci_pipeline, :success, project: projects[0]) } let!(:pipeline2) { create(:ci_pipeline, :success, project: projects[0]) } let!(:pipeline3) { create(:ci_pipeline, :failed, project: projects[0]) } let!(:pipeline4) { create(:ci_pipeline, :success, project: projects[1]) } it 'returns expected pipeline ids' do expect(described_class.latest_successful_ids_per_project) .to contain_exactly(pipeline2, pipeline4) end end describe '.internal_sources' do subject { described_class.internal_sources } it { be_an(Array) } end describe '#status' do let(:build) do create(:ci_build, :created, pipeline: pipeline, name: 'test') end subject { pipeline.reload.status } context 'on queuing' do before do build.enqueue end it { eq('pending') } end context 'on run' do before do build.enqueue end it { eq('running') } end context 'on drop' do before do build.drop end it { eq('failed') } end context 'on success' do before do build.success end it { eq('success') } end context 'on cancel' do before do build.cancel end context 'when build is pending' do let(:build) do create(:ci_build, :pending, pipeline: pipeline) end it { eq('canceled') } end end context 'on failure and build retry' do before do stub_not_protect_default_branch build.drop project.add_developer(user) Ci::Build.retry(build, user) end # We are changing a state: created > failed > running # Instead of: created > failed > pending # Since the pipeline already run, so it should not be pending anymore it { eq('running') } end end describe '#ci_yaml_file_path' do subject { pipeline.ci_yaml_file_path } it 'returns the path from project' do allow(pipeline.project).to receive(:ci_config_path) { 'custom/path' } eq('custom/path') end it 'returns default when custom path is nil' do allow(pipeline.project).to receive(:ci_config_path) { nil } eq('.gitlab-ci.yml') end it 'returns default when custom path is empty' do allow(pipeline.project).to receive(:ci_config_path) { '' } eq('.gitlab-ci.yml') end end describe '#set_config_source' do context 'when pipelines does not contain needed data and auto devops is disabled' do before do stub_application_setting(auto_devops_enabled: false) end it 'defines source to be unknown' do pipeline.set_config_source expect(pipeline).to be_unknown_source end end context 'when pipeline contains all needed data' do let(:pipeline) do create(:ci_pipeline, project: project, sha: '1234', ref: 'master', source: :push) end context 'when the repository has a config file' do before do allow(project.repository).to receive(:gitlab_ci_yml_for) .and_return('config') end it 'defines source to be from repository' do pipeline.set_config_source expect(pipeline).to be_repository_source end context 'when loading an object' do let(:new_pipeline) { Ci::Pipeline.find( } it 'does not redefine the source' do # force to overwrite the source pipeline.unknown_source! expect(new_pipeline).to be_unknown_source end end end context 'when the repository does not have a config file' do let(:implied_yml) { Gitlab::Template::GitlabCiYmlTemplate.find('Auto-DevOps').content } context 'auto devops enabled' do before do allow(project).to receive(:ci_config_path) { 'custom' } end it 'defines source to be auto devops' do pipeline.set_config_source expect(pipeline).to be_auto_devops_source end end end end end describe '#ci_yaml_file' do let(:implied_yml) { Gitlab::Template::GitlabCiYmlTemplate.find('Auto-DevOps').content } context 'the source is unknown' do before do pipeline.unknown_source! end it 'returns the configuration if found' do allow(pipeline.project.repository).to receive(:gitlab_ci_yml_for) .and_return('config') expect(pipeline.ci_yaml_file).to be_a(String) expect(pipeline.ci_yaml_file).not_to eq(implied_yml) expect(pipeline.yaml_errors).to be_nil end it 'sets yaml errors if not found' do expect(pipeline.ci_yaml_file).to be_nil expect(pipeline.yaml_errors) .to start_with('Failed to load CI/CD config file') end end context 'the source is the repository' do before do pipeline.repository_source! end it 'returns the configuration if found' do allow(pipeline.project.repository).to receive(:gitlab_ci_yml_for) .and_return('config') expect(pipeline.ci_yaml_file).to be_a(String) expect(pipeline.ci_yaml_file).not_to eq(implied_yml) expect(pipeline.yaml_errors).to be_nil end end context 'when the source is auto_devops_source' do before do stub_application_setting(auto_devops_enabled: true) pipeline.auto_devops_source! end it 'finds the implied config' do expect(pipeline.ci_yaml_file).to eq(implied_yml) expect(pipeline.yaml_errors).to be_nil end end end describe '#update_status' do context 'when pipeline is empty' do it 'updates does not change pipeline status' do expect(pipeline.statuses.latest.status).to be_nil expect { pipeline.update_status } .to change { pipeline.reload.status }.to 'skipped' end end context 'when updating status to pending' do before do allow(pipeline) .to receive_message_chain(:statuses, :latest, :status) .and_return(:running) end it 'updates pipeline status to running' do expect { pipeline.update_status } .to change { pipeline.reload.status }.to 'running' end end context 'when updating status to scheduled' do before do allow(pipeline) .to receive_message_chain(:statuses, :latest, :status) .and_return(:scheduled) end it 'updates pipeline status to scheduled' do expect { pipeline.update_status } .to change { pipeline.reload.status }.to 'scheduled' end end context 'when statuses status was not recognized' do before do allow(pipeline) .to receive(:latest_builds_status) .and_return(:unknown) end it 'raises an exception' do expect { pipeline.update_status } .to raise_error(HasStatus::UnknownStatusError) end end end describe '#detailed_status' do subject { pipeline.detailed_status(user) } context 'when pipeline is created' do let(:pipeline) { create(:ci_pipeline, status: :created) } it 'returns detailed status for created pipeline' do expect(subject.text).to eq 'created' end end context 'when pipeline is pending' do let(:pipeline) { create(:ci_pipeline, status: :pending) } it 'returns detailed status for pending pipeline' do expect(subject.text).to eq 'pending' end end context 'when pipeline is running' do let(:pipeline) { create(:ci_pipeline, status: :running) } it 'returns detailed status for running pipeline' do expect(subject.text).to eq 'running' end end context 'when pipeline is successful' do let(:pipeline) { create(:ci_pipeline, status: :success) } it 'returns detailed status for successful pipeline' do expect(subject.text).to eq 'passed' end end context 'when pipeline is failed' do let(:pipeline) { create(:ci_pipeline, status: :failed) } it 'returns detailed status for failed pipeline' do expect(subject.text).to eq 'failed' end end context 'when pipeline is canceled' do let(:pipeline) { create(:ci_pipeline, status: :canceled) } it 'returns detailed status for canceled pipeline' do expect(subject.text).to eq 'canceled' end end context 'when pipeline is skipped' do let(:pipeline) { create(:ci_pipeline, status: :skipped) } it 'returns detailed status for skipped pipeline' do expect(subject.text).to eq 'skipped' end end context 'when pipeline is blocked' do let(:pipeline) { create(:ci_pipeline, status: :manual) } it 'returns detailed status for blocked pipeline' do expect(subject.text).to eq 'blocked' end end context 'when pipeline is successful but with warnings' do let(:pipeline) { create(:ci_pipeline, status: :success) } before do create(:ci_build, :allowed_to_fail, :failed, pipeline: pipeline) end it 'retruns detailed status for successful pipeline with warnings' do expect(subject.label).to eq 'passed with warnings' end end end describe '#cancelable?' do %i[created running pending].each do |status0| context "when there is a build #{status0}" do before do create(:ci_build, status0, pipeline: pipeline) end it 'is cancelable' do expect(pipeline.cancelable?).to be_truthy end end context "when there is an external job #{status0}" do before do create(:generic_commit_status, status0, pipeline: pipeline) end it 'is cancelable' do expect(pipeline.cancelable?).to be_truthy end end %i[success failed canceled].each do |status1| context "when there are generic_commit_status jobs for #{status0} and #{status1}" do before do create(:generic_commit_status, status0, pipeline: pipeline) create(:generic_commit_status, status1, pipeline: pipeline) end it 'is cancelable' do expect(pipeline.cancelable?).to be_truthy end end context "when there are generic_commit_status and ci_build jobs for #{status0} and #{status1}" do before do create(:generic_commit_status, status0, pipeline: pipeline) create(:ci_build, status1, pipeline: pipeline) end it 'is cancelable' do expect(pipeline.cancelable?).to be_truthy end end context "when there are ci_build jobs for #{status0} and #{status1}" do before do create(:ci_build, status0, pipeline: pipeline) create(:ci_build, status1, pipeline: pipeline) end it 'is cancelable' do expect(pipeline.cancelable?).to be_truthy end end end end %i[success failed canceled].each do |status| context "when there is a build #{status}" do before do create(:ci_build, status, pipeline: pipeline) end it 'is not cancelable' do expect(pipeline.cancelable?).to be_falsey end end context "when there is an external job #{status}" do before do create(:generic_commit_status, status, pipeline: pipeline) end it 'is not cancelable' do expect(pipeline.cancelable?).to be_falsey end end end context 'when there is a manual action present in the pipeline' do before do create(:ci_build, :manual, pipeline: pipeline) end it 'is not cancelable' do expect(pipeline).not_to be_cancelable end end end describe '#cancel_running' do let(:latest_status) { pipeline.statuses.pluck(:status) } context 'when there is a running external job and a regular job' do before do create(:ci_build, :running, pipeline: pipeline) create(:generic_commit_status, :running, pipeline: pipeline) pipeline.cancel_running end it 'cancels both jobs' do expect(latest_status).to contain_exactly('canceled', 'canceled') end end context 'when jobs are in different stages' do before do create(:ci_build, :running, stage_idx: 0, pipeline: pipeline) create(:ci_build, :running, stage_idx: 1, pipeline: pipeline) pipeline.cancel_running end it 'cancels both jobs' do expect(latest_status).to contain_exactly('canceled', 'canceled') end end context 'when there are created builds present in the pipeline' do before do create(:ci_build, :running, stage_idx: 0, pipeline: pipeline) create(:ci_build, :created, stage_idx: 1, pipeline: pipeline) pipeline.cancel_running end it 'cancels created builds' do expect(latest_status).to eq %w(canceled canceled) end end end describe '#retry_failed' do let(:latest_status) { pipeline.statuses.latest.pluck(:status) } before do stub_not_protect_default_branch project.add_developer(user) end context 'when there is a failed build and failed external status' do before do create(:ci_build, :failed, name: 'build', pipeline: pipeline) create(:generic_commit_status, :failed, name: 'jenkins', pipeline: pipeline) pipeline.retry_failed(user) end it 'retries only build' do expect(latest_status).to contain_exactly('pending', 'failed') end end context 'when builds are in different stages' do before do create(:ci_build, :failed, name: 'build', stage_idx: 0, pipeline: pipeline) create(:ci_build, :failed, name: 'jenkins', stage_idx: 1, pipeline: pipeline) pipeline.retry_failed(user) end it 'retries both builds' do expect(latest_status).to contain_exactly('pending', 'created') end end context 'when there are canceled and failed' do before do create(:ci_build, :failed, name: 'build', stage_idx: 0, pipeline: pipeline) create(:ci_build, :canceled, name: 'jenkins', stage_idx: 1, pipeline: pipeline) pipeline.retry_failed(user) end it 'retries both builds' do expect(latest_status).to contain_exactly('pending', 'created') end end end describe '#execute_hooks' do let!(:build_a) { create_build('a', 0) } let!(:build_b) { create_build('b', 0) } let!(:hook) do create(:project_hook, project: project, pipeline_events: enabled) end before do WebHookWorker.drain end context 'with pipeline hooks enabled' do let(:enabled) { true } before do WebMock.stub_request(:post, hook.url) end context 'with multiple builds' do context 'when build is queued' do before do build_a.enqueue build_b.enqueue end it 'receives a pending event once' do expect(WebMock).to have_requested_pipeline_hook('pending').once end end context 'when build is run' do before do build_a.enqueue build_b.enqueue end it 'receives a running event once' do expect(WebMock).to have_requested_pipeline_hook('running').once end end context 'when all builds succeed' do before do build_a.success # We have to reload build_b as this is in next stage and it gets triggered by PipelineProcessWorker build_b.reload.success end it 'receives a success event once' do expect(WebMock).to have_requested_pipeline_hook('success').once end end context 'when stage one failed' do let!(:build_b) { create_build('b', 1) } before do build_a.drop end it 'receives a failed event once' do expect(WebMock).to have_requested_pipeline_hook('failed').once end end def have_requested_pipeline_hook(status) have_requested(:post, hook.url).with do |req| json_body = JSON.parse(req.body) json_body['object_attributes']['status'] == status && json_body['builds'].length == 2 end end end end context 'with pipeline hooks disabled' do let(:enabled) { false } before do build_a.enqueue build_b.enqueue end it 'did not execute pipeline_hook after touched' do expect(WebMock).not_to have_requested(:post, hook.url) end end def create_build(name, stage_idx) create(:ci_build, :created, pipeline: pipeline, name: name, stage_idx: stage_idx) end end describe "#merge_requests" do let(:project) { create(:project) } let(:pipeline) { create(:ci_empty_pipeline, status: 'created', project: project, ref: 'master', sha: 'a288a022a53a5a944fae87bcec6efc87b7061808') } it "returns merge requests whose `diff_head_sha` matches the pipeline's SHA" do allow_any_instance_of(MergeRequest).to receive(:diff_head_sha) { 'a288a022a53a5a944fae87bcec6efc87b7061808' } merge_request = create(:merge_request, source_project: project, head_pipeline: pipeline, source_branch: pipeline.ref) expect(pipeline.merge_requests).to eq([merge_request]) end it "doesn't return merge requests whose source branch doesn't match the pipeline's ref" do create(:merge_request, source_project: project, source_branch: 'feature', target_branch: 'master') expect(pipeline.merge_requests).to be_empty end it "doesn't return merge requests whose `diff_head_sha` doesn't match the pipeline's SHA" do create(:merge_request, source_project: project, source_branch: pipeline.ref) allow_any_instance_of(MergeRequest).to receive(:diff_head_sha) { '97de212e80737a608d939f648d959671fb0a0142b' } expect(pipeline.merge_requests).to be_empty end end describe "#all_merge_requests" do let(:project) { create(:project) } let(:pipeline) { create(:ci_empty_pipeline, status: 'created', project: project, ref: 'master') } it "returns all merge requests having the same source branch" do merge_request = create(:merge_request, source_project: project, source_branch: pipeline.ref) expect(pipeline.all_merge_requests).to eq([merge_request]) end it "doesn't return merge requests having a different source branch" do create(:merge_request, source_project: project, source_branch: 'feature', target_branch: 'master') expect(pipeline.all_merge_requests).to be_empty end end describe '#stuck?' do before do create(:ci_build, :pending, pipeline: pipeline) end context 'when pipeline is stuck' do it 'is stuck' do expect(pipeline).to be_stuck end end context 'when pipeline is not stuck' do before do create(:ci_runner, :instance, :online) end it 'is not stuck' do expect(pipeline).not_to be_stuck end end end describe '#has_yaml_errors?' do context 'when pipeline has errors' do let(:pipeline) do create(:ci_pipeline, config: { rspec: nil }) end it 'contains yaml errors' do expect(pipeline).to have_yaml_errors end end context 'when pipeline does not have errors' do let(:pipeline) do create(:ci_pipeline, config: { rspec: { script: 'rake test' } }) end it 'does not contain yaml errors' do expect(pipeline).not_to have_yaml_errors end end end describe 'notifications when pipeline success or failed' do let(:project) { create(:project, :repository) } let(:pipeline) do create(:ci_pipeline, project: project, sha: project.commit('master').sha, user: create(:user)) end before do project.add_developer(pipeline.user) pipeline.user.global_notification_setting .update(level: 'custom', failed_pipeline: true, success_pipeline: true) perform_enqueued_jobs do pipeline.enqueue end end shared_examples 'sending a notification' do it 'sends an email' do should_only_email(pipeline.user, kind: :bcc) end end shared_examples 'not sending any notification' do it 'does not send any email' do should_not_email_anyone end end context 'with success pipeline' do before do perform_enqueued_jobs do pipeline.succeed end end it_behaves_like 'sending a notification' end context 'with failed pipeline' do before do perform_enqueued_jobs do create(:ci_build, :failed, pipeline: pipeline) create(:generic_commit_status, :failed, pipeline: pipeline) pipeline.drop end end it_behaves_like 'sending a notification' end context 'with skipped pipeline' do before do perform_enqueued_jobs do pipeline.skip end end it_behaves_like 'not sending any notification' end context 'with cancelled pipeline' do before do perform_enqueued_jobs do pipeline.cancel end end it_behaves_like 'not sending any notification' end end describe '#latest_builds_with_artifacts' do let!(:pipeline) { create(:ci_pipeline, :success) } let!(:build) do create(:ci_build, :success, :artifacts, pipeline: pipeline) end it 'returns an Array' do expect(pipeline.latest_builds_with_artifacts).to be_an_instance_of(Array) end it 'returns the latest builds' do expect(pipeline.latest_builds_with_artifacts).to eq([build]) end it 'memoizes the returned relation' do query_count = ActiveRecord::QueryRecorder .new { 2.times { pipeline.latest_builds_with_artifacts.to_a } } .count expect(query_count).to eq(1) end end describe '#has_test_reports?' do subject { pipeline.has_test_reports? } context 'when pipeline has builds with test reports' do before do create(:ci_build, :test_reports, pipeline: pipeline, project: project) end context 'when pipeline status is running' do let(:pipeline) { create(:ci_pipeline, :running, project: project) } it { be_falsey } end context 'when pipeline status is success' do let(:pipeline) { create(:ci_pipeline, :success, project: project) } it { be_truthy } end end context 'when pipeline does not have builds with test reports' do before do create(:ci_build, :artifacts, pipeline: pipeline, project: project) end let(:pipeline) { create(:ci_pipeline, :success, project: project) } it { be_falsey } end context 'when retried build has test reports' do before do create(:ci_build, :retried, :test_reports, pipeline: pipeline, project: project) end let(:pipeline) { create(:ci_pipeline, :success, project: project) } it { be_falsey } end end describe '#test_reports' do subject { pipeline.test_reports } context 'when pipeline has multiple builds with test reports' do let!(:build_rspec) { create(:ci_build, :success, name: 'rspec', pipeline: pipeline, project: project) } let!(:build_java) { create(:ci_build, :success, name: 'java', pipeline: pipeline, project: project) } before do create(:ci_job_artifact, :junit, job: build_rspec, project: project) create(:ci_job_artifact, :junit_with_ant, job: build_java, project: project) end it 'returns test reports with collected data' do expect(subject.total_count).to be(7) expect(subject.success_count).to be(5) expect(subject.failed_count).to be(2) end context 'when builds are retried' do let!(:build_rspec) { create(:ci_build, :retried, :success, name: 'rspec', pipeline: pipeline, project: project) } let!(:build_java) { create(:ci_build, :retried, :success, name: 'java', pipeline: pipeline, project: project) } it 'does not take retried builds into account' do expect(subject.total_count).to be(0) expect(subject.success_count).to be(0) expect(subject.failed_count).to be(0) end end end context 'when pipeline does not have any builds with test reports' do it 'returns empty test reports' do expect(subject.total_count).to be(0) end end end describe '#total_size' do let!(:build_job1) { create(:ci_build, pipeline: pipeline, stage_idx: 0) } let!(:build_job2) { create(:ci_build, pipeline: pipeline, stage_idx: 0) } let!(:test_job_failed_and_retried) { create(:ci_build, :failed, :retried, pipeline: pipeline, stage_idx: 1) } let!(:second_test_job) { create(:ci_build, pipeline: pipeline, stage_idx: 1) } let!(:deploy_job) { create(:ci_build, pipeline: pipeline, stage_idx: 2) } it 'returns all jobs (including failed and retried)' do expect(pipeline.total_size).to eq(5) end end describe '#status' do context 'when transitioning to failed' do context 'when pipeline has autodevops as source' do let(:pipeline) { create(:ci_pipeline, :running, :auto_devops_source) } it 'calls autodevops disable service' do expect(AutoDevops::DisableWorker).to receive(:perform_async).with( pipeline.drop end end context 'when pipeline has other source' do let(:pipeline) { create(:ci_pipeline, :running, :repository_source) } it 'does not call auto devops disable service' do expect(AutoDevops::DisableWorker).not_to receive(:perform_async) pipeline.drop end end end end describe '#default_branch?' do let(:default_branch) { 'master'} subject { pipeline.default_branch? } before do allow(project).to receive(:default_branch).and_return(default_branch) end context 'when pipeline ref is the default branch of the project' do let(:pipeline) do build(:ci_empty_pipeline, status: :created, project: project, ref: default_branch) end it "returns true" do expect(subject).to be_truthy end end context 'when pipeline ref is not the default branch of the project' do let(:pipeline) do build(:ci_empty_pipeline, status: :created, project: project, ref: 'another_branch') end it "returns false" do expect(subject).to be_falsey end end end end