module Gitlab module Middleware class ReadOnly class Controller DISALLOWED_METHODS = %w(POST PATCH PUT DELETE).freeze APPLICATION_JSON = 'application/json'.freeze APPLICATION_JSON_TYPES = %W{#{APPLICATION_JSON} application/vnd.git-lfs+json}.freeze ERROR_MESSAGE = 'You cannot perform write operations on a read-only instance'.freeze WHITELISTED_GIT_ROUTES = { 'projects/git_http' => %w{git_upload_pack git_receive_pack} }.freeze WHITELISTED_GIT_LFS_ROUTES = { 'projects/lfs_api' => %w{batch}, 'projects/lfs_locks_api' => %w{verify create unlock} }.freeze def initialize(app, env) @app = app @env = env end def call if disallowed_request? && Gitlab::Database.read_only? Rails.logger.debug('GitLab ReadOnly: preventing possible non read-only operation') if json_request? return [403, { 'Content-Type' => APPLICATION_JSON }, [{ 'message' => ERROR_MESSAGE }.to_json]] else rack_flash.alert = ERROR_MESSAGE rack_session['flash'] = rack_flash.to_session_value return [301, { 'Location' => last_visited_url }, []] end end end private def disallowed_request? DISALLOWED_METHODS.include?(@env['REQUEST_METHOD']) && !whitelisted_routes end def json_request? APPLICATION_JSON_TYPES.include?(request.media_type) end def rack_flash @rack_flash ||= ActionDispatch::Flash::FlashHash.from_session_value(rack_session) end def rack_session @env['rack.session'] end def request @env['rack.request'] ||= end def last_visited_url @env['HTTP_REFERER'] || rack_session['user_return_to'] || Gitlab::Routing.url_helpers.root_url end def route_hash @route_hash ||= Rails.application.routes.recognize_path(request.url, { method: request.request_method }) rescue {} end # Overridden in EE module def whitelisted_routes grack_route || ReadOnly.internal_routes.any? { |path| request.path.include?(path) } || lfs_route || sidekiq_route end def grack_route # Calling route_hash may be expensive. Only do it if we think there's a possible match return false unless request.path.end_with?('.git/git-upload-pack', '.git/git-receive-pack') WHITELISTED_GIT_ROUTES[route_hash[:controller]]&.include?(route_hash[:action]) end def lfs_route # Calling route_hash may be expensive. Only do it if we think there's a possible match unless request.path.end_with?('/info/lfs/objects/batch', '/info/lfs/locks', '/info/lfs/locks/verify') || %r{/info/lfs/locks/\d+/unlock\z}.match?(request.path) return false end WHITELISTED_GIT_LFS_ROUTES[route_hash[:controller]]&.include?(route_hash[:action]) end def sidekiq_route request.path.start_with?('/admin/sidekiq') end end end end end