- is_current_session = active_session.current?(session) %li.list-group-item .float-left.append-right-10{ data: { toggle: 'tooltip' }, title: active_session.human_device_type } = active_session_device_type_icon(active_session) .description.float-left %div %strong= active_session.ip_address - if is_current_session %div This is your current session - else %div Last accessed on = l(active_session.updated_at, format: :short) %div %strong= active_session.browser on %strong= active_session.os %div %strong Signed in on = l(active_session.created_at, format: :short) - unless is_current_session .float-right = link_to profile_active_session_path(active_session.session_id), data: { confirm: 'Are you sure? The device will be signed out of GitLab.' }, method: :delete, class: "btn btn-danger prepend-left-10" do %span.sr-only Revoke Revoke