import $ from 'jquery'; import _ from 'underscore'; import Vue from 'vue'; import Flash from '~/flash'; import { __ } from '~/locale'; import '~/vue_shared/models/label'; import '~/vue_shared/models/assignee'; import FilteredSearchBoards from './filtered_search_boards'; import eventHub from './eventhub'; import sidebarEventHub from '~/sidebar/event_hub'; import './models/issue'; import './models/list'; import './models/milestone'; import './models/project'; import boardsStore from './stores/boards_store'; import ModalStore from './stores/modal_store'; import BoardService from './services/board_service'; import modalMixin from './mixins/modal_mixins'; import './filters/due_date_filters'; import Board from './components/board'; import BoardSidebar from './components/board_sidebar'; import initNewListDropdown from './components/new_list_dropdown'; import BoardAddIssuesModal from './components/modal/index.vue'; import '~/vue_shared/vue_resource_interceptor'; import { NavigationType } from '~/lib/utils/common_utils'; let issueBoardsApp; export default () => { const $boardApp = document.getElementById('board-app'); // check for browser back and trigger a hard reload to circumvent browser caching. window.addEventListener('pageshow', event => { const isNavTypeBackForward = window.performance && window.performance.navigation.type === NavigationType.TYPE_BACK_FORWARD; if (event.persisted || isNavTypeBackForward) { window.location.reload(); } }); if (issueBoardsApp) { issueBoardsApp.$destroy(true); } boardsStore.create(); issueBoardsApp = new Vue({ el: $boardApp, components: { Board, BoardSidebar, BoardAddIssuesModal, }, data: { state: boardsStore.state, loading: true, boardsEndpoint: $boardApp.dataset.boardsEndpoint, listsEndpoint: $boardApp.dataset.listsEndpoint, boardId: $boardApp.dataset.boardId, disabled: $boardApp.dataset.disabled === 'true', issueLinkBase: $boardApp.dataset.issueLinkBase, rootPath: $boardApp.dataset.rootPath, bulkUpdatePath: $boardApp.dataset.bulkUpdatePath, detailIssue: boardsStore.detail, defaultAvatar: $boardApp.dataset.defaultAvatar, }, computed: { detailIssueVisible() { return Object.keys(this.detailIssue.issue).length; }, }, created() { gl.boardService = new BoardService({ boardsEndpoint: this.boardsEndpoint, listsEndpoint: this.listsEndpoint, bulkUpdatePath: this.bulkUpdatePath, boardId: this.boardId, }); boardsStore.rootPath = this.boardsEndpoint; eventHub.$on('updateTokens', this.updateTokens); eventHub.$on('newDetailIssue', this.updateDetailIssue); eventHub.$on('clearDetailIssue', this.clearDetailIssue); sidebarEventHub.$on('toggleSubscription', this.toggleSubscription); }, beforeDestroy() { eventHub.$off('updateTokens', this.updateTokens); eventHub.$off('newDetailIssue', this.updateDetailIssue); eventHub.$off('clearDetailIssue', this.clearDetailIssue); sidebarEventHub.$off('toggleSubscription', this.toggleSubscription); }, mounted() { this.filterManager = new FilteredSearchBoards(boardsStore.filter, true, boardsStore.cantEdit); this.filterManager.setup(); boardsStore.disabled = this.disabled; gl.boardService .all() .then(res => .then(data => { data.forEach(board => { const list = boardsStore.addList(board, this.defaultAvatar); if (list.type === 'closed') { list.position = Infinity; } else if (list.type === 'backlog') { list.position = -1; } }); this.state.lists = _.sortBy(this.state.lists, 'position'); boardsStore.addBlankState(); this.loading = false; }) .catch(() => { Flash('An error occurred while fetching the board lists. Please try again.'); }); }, methods: { updateTokens() { this.filterManager.updateTokens(); }, updateDetailIssue(newIssue) { const { sidebarInfoEndpoint } = newIssue; if (sidebarInfoEndpoint && newIssue.subscribed === undefined) { newIssue.setFetchingState('subscriptions', true); BoardService.getIssueInfo(sidebarInfoEndpoint) .then(res => .then(data => { newIssue.setFetchingState('subscriptions', false); newIssue.updateData({ subscribed: data.subscribed, }); }) .catch(() => { newIssue.setFetchingState('subscriptions', false); Flash(__('An error occurred while fetching sidebar data')); }); } boardsStore.detail.issue = newIssue; }, clearDetailIssue() { boardsStore.detail.issue = {}; }, toggleSubscription(id) { const { issue } = boardsStore.detail; if ( === id && issue.toggleSubscriptionEndpoint) { issue.setFetchingState('subscriptions', true); BoardService.toggleIssueSubscription(issue.toggleSubscriptionEndpoint) .then(() => { issue.setFetchingState('subscriptions', false); issue.updateData({ subscribed: !issue.subscribed, }); }) .catch(() => { issue.setFetchingState('subscriptions', false); Flash(__('An error occurred when toggling the notification subscription')); }); } }, }, }); // eslint-disable-next-line no-new new Vue({ el: document.getElementById('js-add-list'), data: { filters: boardsStore.state.filters, }, mounted() { initNewListDropdown(); }, }); const issueBoardsModal = document.getElementById('js-add-issues-btn'); if (issueBoardsModal) { // eslint-disable-next-line no-new new Vue({ el: issueBoardsModal, mixins: [modalMixin], data() { return { modal:, store: boardsStore.state, canAdminList: this.$options.el.hasAttribute('data-can-admin-list'), }; }, computed: { disabled() { if (! { return true; } return ! => !list.preset).length; }, tooltipTitle() { if (this.disabled) { return 'Please add a list to your board first'; } return ''; }, }, watch: { disabled() { this.updateTooltip(); }, }, mounted() { this.updateTooltip(); }, methods: { updateTooltip() { const $tooltip = $(this.$refs.addIssuesButton); this.$nextTick(() => { if (this.disabled) { $tooltip.tooltip(); } else { $tooltip.tooltip('dispose'); } }); }, openModal() { if (!this.disabled) { this.toggleModal(true); } }, }, template: `
`, }); } };