# frozen_string_literal: true module Gitlab module AlertManagement module Payload MONITORING_TOOLS = { prometheus: 'Prometheus' }.freeze class << self # Instantiates an instance of a subclass of # Gitlab::AlertManagement::Payload::Base. This can # be used to create new alerts or read content from # the payload of an existing AlertManagement::Alert # # @param project [Project] # @param payload [Hash] # @param monitoring_tool [String] def parse(project, payload, monitoring_tool: nil) payload_class = payload_class_for( monitoring_tool: monitoring_tool || payload&.dig('monitoring_tool'), payload: payload ) payload_class.new(project: project, payload: payload) end private def payload_class_for(monitoring_tool:, payload:) if monitoring_tool == MONITORING_TOOLS[:prometheus] if gitlab_managed_prometheus?(payload) ::Gitlab::AlertManagement::Payload::ManagedPrometheus else ::Gitlab::AlertManagement::Payload::Prometheus end else ::Gitlab::AlertManagement::Payload::Generic end end def gitlab_managed_prometheus?(payload) payload&.dig('labels', 'gitlab_alert_id').present? end end end end end