# frozen_string_literal: true module Operations class FeatureFlag < ApplicationRecord include AtomicInternalId include IidRoutes include Limitable self.table_name = 'operations_feature_flags' self.limit_scope = :project self.limit_name = 'project_feature_flags' belongs_to :project has_internal_id :iid, scope: :project, init: ->(s) { s&.project&.operations_feature_flags&.maximum(:iid) } default_value_for :active, true # scopes exists only for the first version has_many :scopes, class_name: 'Operations::FeatureFlagScope' # strategies exists only for the second version has_many :strategies, class_name: 'Operations::FeatureFlags::Strategy' has_many :feature_flag_issues has_many :issues, through: :feature_flag_issues has_one :default_scope, -> { where(environment_scope: '*') }, class_name: 'Operations::FeatureFlagScope' validates :project, presence: true validates :name, presence: true, length: 2..63, format: { with: Gitlab::Regex.feature_flag_regex, message: Gitlab::Regex.feature_flag_regex_message } validates :name, uniqueness: { scope: :project_id } validates :description, allow_blank: true, length: 0..255 validate :first_default_scope, on: :create, if: :has_scopes? validate :version_associations before_create :build_default_scope, if: -> { legacy_flag? && scopes.none? } accepts_nested_attributes_for :scopes, allow_destroy: true accepts_nested_attributes_for :strategies, allow_destroy: true scope :ordered, -> { order(:name) } scope :enabled, -> { where(active: true) } scope :disabled, -> { where(active: false) } enum version: { legacy_flag: 1, new_version_flag: 2 } class << self def preload_relations preload(:scopes, strategies: :scopes) end def for_unleash_client(project, environment) includes(strategies: [:scopes, :user_list]) .where(project: project) .merge(Operations::FeatureFlags::Scope.on_environment(environment)) .reorder(:id) .references(:operations_scopes) end end def related_issues(current_user, preload:) issues = ::Issue .select('issues.*, operations_feature_flags_issues.id AS link_id') .joins(:feature_flag_issues) .where('operations_feature_flags_issues.feature_flag_id = ?', id) .order('operations_feature_flags_issues.id ASC') .includes(preload) Ability.issues_readable_by_user(issues, current_user) end private def version_associations if new_version_flag? && scopes.any? errors.add(:version_associations, 'version 2 feature flags may not have scopes') elsif legacy_flag? && strategies.any? errors.add(:version_associations, 'version 1 feature flags may not have strategies') end end def first_default_scope unless scopes.first.environment_scope == '*' errors.add(:default_scope, 'has to be the first element') end end def build_default_scope scopes.build(environment_scope: '*', active: self.active) end def has_scopes? scopes.any? end end end