# frozen_string_literal: true module Types class BaseField < GraphQL::Schema::Field prepend Gitlab::Graphql::Authorize include GitlabStyleDeprecations DEFAULT_COMPLEXITY = 1 def initialize(*args, **kwargs, &block) @calls_gitaly = !!kwargs.delete(:calls_gitaly) @constant_complexity = !!kwargs[:complexity] kwargs[:complexity] = field_complexity(kwargs[:resolver_class], kwargs[:complexity]) @feature_flag = kwargs[:feature_flag] kwargs = check_feature_flag(kwargs) kwargs = gitlab_deprecation(kwargs) super(*args, **kwargs, &block) end # Based on https://github.com/rmosolgo/graphql-ruby/blob/v1.11.4/lib/graphql/schema/field.rb#L538-L563 # Modified to fix https://github.com/rmosolgo/graphql-ruby/issues/3113 def resolve_field(obj, args, ctx) ctx.schema.after_lazy(obj) do |after_obj| query_ctx = ctx.query.context inner_obj = after_obj && after_obj.object ctx.schema.after_lazy(to_ruby_args(after_obj, args, ctx)) do |ruby_args| if authorized?(inner_obj, ruby_args, query_ctx) if @resolve_proc # We pass `after_obj` here instead of `inner_obj` because extensions expect a GraphQL::Schema::Object with_extensions(after_obj, ruby_args, query_ctx) do |extended_obj, extended_args| # Since `extended_obj` is now a GraphQL::Schema::Object, we need to get the inner object and pass that to `@resolve_proc` extended_obj = extended_obj.object if extended_obj.is_a?(GraphQL::Schema::Object) @resolve_proc.call(extended_obj, args, ctx) end else public_send_field(after_obj, ruby_args, query_ctx) end else err = GraphQL::UnauthorizedFieldError.new(object: inner_obj, type: obj.class, context: ctx, field: self) query_ctx.schema.unauthorized_field(err) end end end end def base_complexity complexity = DEFAULT_COMPLEXITY complexity += 1 if calls_gitaly? complexity end def calls_gitaly? @calls_gitaly end def constant_complexity? @constant_complexity end def visible?(context) return false if feature_flag.present? && !Feature.enabled?(feature_flag) super end private attr_reader :feature_flag def feature_documentation_message(key, description) "#{description}. Available only when feature flag `#{key}` is enabled" end def check_feature_flag(args) args[:description] = feature_documentation_message(args[:feature_flag], args[:description]) if args[:feature_flag].present? args.delete(:feature_flag) args end def field_complexity(resolver_class, current) return current if current.present? && current > 0 if resolver_class field_resolver_complexity else base_complexity end end def field_resolver_complexity # Complexity can be either integer or proc. If proc is used then it's # called when computing a query complexity and context and query # arguments are available for computing complexity. For resolvers we use # proc because we set complexity depending on arguments and number of # items which can be loaded. proc do |ctx, args, child_complexity| # Resolvers may add extra complexity depending on used arguments complexity = child_complexity + self.resolver&.try(:resolver_complexity, args, child_complexity: child_complexity).to_i complexity += 1 if calls_gitaly? complexity += complexity * connection_complexity_multiplier(ctx, args) complexity.to_i end end def connection_complexity_multiplier(ctx, args) # Resolvers may add extra complexity depending on number of items being loaded. field_defn = to_graphql return 0 unless field_defn.connection? page_size = field_defn.connection_max_page_size || ctx.schema.default_max_page_size limit_value = [args[:first], args[:last], page_size].compact.min multiplier = self.resolver&.try(:complexity_multiplier, args).to_f limit_value * multiplier end end end