# frozen_string_literal: true require 'spec_helper' RSpec.describe Deployment do subject { build(:deployment) } it { is_expected.to belong_to(:project).required } it { is_expected.to belong_to(:environment).required } it { is_expected.to belong_to(:cluster).class_name('Clusters::Cluster') } it { is_expected.to belong_to(:user) } it { is_expected.to belong_to(:deployable) } it { is_expected.to have_one(:deployment_cluster) } it { is_expected.to have_many(:deployment_merge_requests) } it { is_expected.to have_many(:merge_requests).through(:deployment_merge_requests) } it { is_expected.to delegate_method(:name).to(:environment).with_prefix } it { is_expected.to delegate_method(:commit).to(:project) } it { is_expected.to delegate_method(:commit_title).to(:commit).as(:try) } it { is_expected.to delegate_method(:kubernetes_namespace).to(:deployment_cluster).as(:kubernetes_namespace) } it { is_expected.to validate_presence_of(:ref) } it { is_expected.to validate_presence_of(:sha) } it_behaves_like 'having unique enum values' describe '#manual_actions' do let(:deployment) { create(:deployment) } it 'delegates to environment_manual_actions' do expect(deployment.deployable).to receive(:other_manual_actions).and_call_original deployment.manual_actions end end describe '#scheduled_actions' do let(:deployment) { create(:deployment) } it 'delegates to environment_scheduled_actions' do expect(deployment.deployable).to receive(:other_scheduled_actions).and_call_original deployment.scheduled_actions end end describe 'modules' do it_behaves_like 'AtomicInternalId' do let_it_be(:project) { create(:project, :repository) } let_it_be(:deployable) { create(:ci_build, project: project) } let_it_be(:environment) { create(:environment, project: project) } let(:internal_id_attribute) { :iid } let(:instance) { build(:deployment, deployable: deployable, environment: environment) } let(:scope) { :project } let(:scope_attrs) { { project: project } } let(:usage) { :deployments } end end describe '.stoppable' do subject { described_class.stoppable } context 'when deployment is stoppable' do let!(:deployment) { create(:deployment, :success, on_stop: 'stop-review') } it { is_expected.to eq([deployment]) } end context 'when deployment is not stoppable' do let!(:deployment) { create(:deployment, :failed) } it { is_expected.to be_empty } end end describe '.for_iid' do subject { described_class.for_iid(project, iid) } let_it_be(:project) { create(:project, :repository) } let_it_be(:deployment) { create(:deployment, project: project) } let(:iid) { deployment.iid } it 'finds the deployment' do is_expected.to contain_exactly(deployment) end context 'when iid does not match' do let(:iid) { non_existing_record_id } it 'does not find the deployment' do is_expected.to be_empty end end end describe '.for_environment_name' do subject { described_class.for_environment_name(project, environment_name) } let_it_be(:project) { create(:project, :repository) } let_it_be(:production) { create(:environment, :production, project: project) } let_it_be(:staging) { create(:environment, :staging, project: project) } let_it_be(:other_project) { create(:project, :repository) } let_it_be(:other_production) { create(:environment, :production, project: other_project) } let(:environment_name) { production.name } context 'when deployment belongs to the environment' do let!(:deployment) { create(:deployment, project: project, environment: production) } it { is_expected.to eq([deployment]) } end context 'when deployment belongs to the same project but different environment name' do let!(:deployment) { create(:deployment, project: project, environment: staging) } it { is_expected.to be_empty } end context 'when deployment belongs to the same environment name but different project' do let!(:deployment) { create(:deployment, project: other_project, environment: other_production) } it { is_expected.to be_empty } end end describe '.success' do subject { described_class.success } context 'when deployment status is success' do let(:deployment) { create(:deployment, :success) } it { is_expected.to eq([deployment]) } end context 'when deployment status is created' do let(:deployment) { create(:deployment, :created) } it { is_expected.to be_empty } end context 'when deployment status is running' do let(:deployment) { create(:deployment, :running) } it { is_expected.to be_empty } end end describe 'state machine' do context 'when deployment runs' do let(:deployment) { create(:deployment) } it 'starts running' do freeze_time do deployment.run! expect(deployment).to be_running expect(deployment.finished_at).to be_nil end end it 'executes Deployments::HooksWorker asynchronously' do freeze_time do expect(Deployments::HooksWorker) .to receive(:perform_async) .with(deployment_id: deployment.id, status: 'running', status_changed_at: Time.current) deployment.run! end end it 'executes Deployments::DropOlderDeploymentsWorker asynchronously' do stub_feature_flags(prevent_outdated_deployment_jobs: false) expect(Deployments::DropOlderDeploymentsWorker) .to receive(:perform_async).once.with(deployment.id) deployment.run! end it 'does not execute Deployments::DropOlderDeploymentsWorker when FF enabled' do stub_feature_flags(prevent_outdated_deployment_jobs: true) expect(Deployments::DropOlderDeploymentsWorker) .not_to receive(:perform_async).with(deployment.id) deployment.run! end end context 'when deployment succeeded' do let(:deployment) { create(:deployment, :running) } it 'has correct status' do freeze_time do deployment.succeed! expect(deployment).to be_success expect(deployment.finished_at).to be_like_time(Time.current) end end it 'executes Deployments::UpdateEnvironmentWorker asynchronously' do expect(Deployments::UpdateEnvironmentWorker) .to receive(:perform_async).with(deployment.id) deployment.succeed! end it 'executes Deployments::HooksWorker asynchronously' do freeze_time do expect(Deployments::HooksWorker) .to receive(:perform_async) .with(deployment_id: deployment.id, status: 'success', status_changed_at: Time.current) deployment.succeed! end end end context 'when deployment failed' do let(:deployment) { create(:deployment, :running) } it 'has correct status' do freeze_time do deployment.drop! expect(deployment).to be_failed expect(deployment.finished_at).to be_like_time(Time.current) end end it 'does not execute Deployments::LinkMergeRequestWorker' do expect(Deployments::LinkMergeRequestWorker) .not_to receive(:perform_async).with(deployment.id) deployment.drop! end it 'executes Deployments::HooksWorker asynchronously' do freeze_time do expect(Deployments::HooksWorker) .to receive(:perform_async) .with(deployment_id: deployment.id, status: 'failed', status_changed_at: Time.current) deployment.drop! end end end context 'when deployment was canceled' do let(:deployment) { create(:deployment, :running) } it 'has correct status' do freeze_time do deployment.cancel! expect(deployment).to be_canceled expect(deployment.finished_at).to be_like_time(Time.current) end end it 'does not execute Deployments::LinkMergeRequestWorker' do expect(Deployments::LinkMergeRequestWorker) .not_to receive(:perform_async).with(deployment.id) deployment.cancel! end it 'executes Deployments::HooksWorker asynchronously' do freeze_time do expect(Deployments::HooksWorker) .to receive(:perform_async) .with(deployment_id: deployment.id, status: 'canceled', status_changed_at: Time.current) deployment.cancel! end end end context 'when deployment was skipped' do let(:deployment) { create(:deployment, :running) } it 'has correct status' do deployment.skip! expect(deployment).to be_skipped expect(deployment.finished_at).to be_nil end it 'does not execute Deployments::LinkMergeRequestWorker asynchronously' do expect(Deployments::LinkMergeRequestWorker) .not_to receive(:perform_async).with(deployment.id) deployment.skip! end it 'does not execute Deployments::HooksWorker' do freeze_time do expect(Deployments::HooksWorker) .not_to receive(:perform_async).with(deployment_id: deployment.id, status_changed_at: Time.current) deployment.skip! end end end context 'when deployment is blocked' do let(:deployment) { create(:deployment, :created) } it 'has correct status' do deployment.block! expect(deployment).to be_blocked expect(deployment.finished_at).to be_nil end it 'does not execute Deployments::LinkMergeRequestWorker asynchronously' do expect(Deployments::LinkMergeRequestWorker).not_to receive(:perform_async) deployment.block! end it 'does not execute Deployments::HooksWorker' do expect(Deployments::HooksWorker).not_to receive(:perform_async) deployment.block! end end describe 'synching status to Jira' do let_it_be(:project) { create(:project, :repository) } let(:deployment) { create(:deployment, project: project) } let(:worker) { ::JiraConnect::SyncDeploymentsWorker } context 'when Jira Connect subscription does not exist' do it 'does not call the worker' do expect(worker).not_to receive(:perform_async) deployment end end context 'when Jira Connect subscription exists' do before_all do create(:jira_connect_subscription, namespace: project.namespace) end it 'calls the worker on creation' do expect(worker).to receive(:perform_async).with(Integer) deployment end it 'does not call the worker for skipped deployments' do expect(deployment).to be_present # warm-up, ignore the creation trigger expect(worker).not_to receive(:perform_async) deployment.skip! end %i[run! succeed! drop! cancel!].each do |event| context "when we call pipeline.#{event}" do it 'triggers a Jira synch worker' do expect(worker).to receive(:perform_async).with(deployment.id) deployment.send(event) end end end end end end describe '#older_than_last_successful_deployment?' do let_it_be(:project) { create(:project, :repository) } let_it_be(:environment) { create(:environment, project: project) } subject { deployment.older_than_last_successful_deployment? } context 'when deployment is current deployment' do let(:deployment) { create(:deployment, :success, project: project) } it { is_expected.to be_falsey } end context 'when deployment is behind current deployment' do let_it_be(:commits) { project.repository.commits('master', limit: 2) } let!(:deployment) do create(:deployment, :success, project: project, environment: environment, finished_at: 1.year.ago, sha: commits[0].sha) end let!(:last_deployment) do create(:deployment, :success, project: project, environment: environment, sha: commits[1].sha) end it { is_expected.to be_truthy } end context 'when deployment is the same sha as the current deployment' do let!(:deployment) do create(:deployment, :success, project: project, environment: environment, finished_at: 1.year.ago) end let!(:last_deployment) do create(:deployment, :success, project: project, environment: environment, sha: deployment.sha) end it { is_expected.to be_falsey } end end describe '#success?' do subject { deployment.success? } context 'when deployment status is success' do let(:deployment) { create(:deployment, :success) } it { is_expected.to be_truthy } end context 'when deployment status is failed' do let(:deployment) { create(:deployment, :failed) } it { is_expected.to be_falsy } end end describe '#status_name' do subject { deployment.status_name } context 'when deployment status is success' do let(:deployment) { create(:deployment, :success) } it { is_expected.to eq(:success) } end context 'when deployment status is failed' do let(:deployment) { create(:deployment, :failed) } it { is_expected.to eq(:failed) } end end describe '#deployed_at' do subject { deployment.deployed_at } context 'when deployment status is created' do let(:deployment) { create(:deployment) } it { is_expected.to be_nil } end context 'when deployment status is success' do let(:deployment) { create(:deployment, :success) } it { is_expected.to eq(deployment.read_attribute(:finished_at)) } end context 'when deployment status is running' do let(:deployment) { create(:deployment, :running) } it { is_expected.to be_nil } end end describe '.archivables_in' do subject { described_class.archivables_in(project, limit: limit) } let_it_be(:project) { create(:project, :repository) } let_it_be(:deployment_1) { create(:deployment, project: project) } let_it_be(:deployment_2) { create(:deployment, project: project) } let_it_be(:deployment_3) { create(:deployment, project: project) } let(:limit) { 100 } context 'when there are no archivable deployments in the project' do it 'returns nothing' do expect(subject).to be_empty end end context 'when there are archivable deployments in the project' do before do stub_const("::Deployment::ARCHIVABLE_OFFSET", 1) end it 'returns all archivable deployments' do expect(subject.count).to eq(2) expect(subject).to contain_exactly(deployment_1, deployment_2) end context 'with limit' do let(:limit) { 1 } it 'takes the limit into account' do expect(subject.count).to eq(1) expect(subject.take).to be_in([deployment_1, deployment_2]) end end end end describe 'scopes' do describe 'last_for_environment' do let(:production) { create(:environment) } let(:staging) { create(:environment) } let(:testing) { create(:environment) } let!(:deployments) do [ create(:deployment, environment: production), create(:deployment, environment: staging), create(:deployment, environment: production) ] end it 'retrieves last deployments for environments' do last_deployments = described_class.last_for_environment([staging, production, testing]) expect(last_deployments.size).to eq(2) expect(last_deployments).to match_array(deployments.last(2)) end end describe 'active' do subject { described_class.active } it 'retrieves the active deployments' do deployment1 = create(:deployment, status: :created) deployment2 = create(:deployment, status: :running) create(:deployment, status: :failed) create(:deployment, status: :canceled) create(:deployment, status: :skipped) create(:deployment, status: :blocked) is_expected.to contain_exactly(deployment1, deployment2) end end describe 'older_than' do let(:deployment) { create(:deployment) } subject { described_class.older_than(deployment) } it 'retrives the correct older deployments' do older_deployment1 = create(:deployment) older_deployment2 = create(:deployment) deployment create(:deployment) is_expected.to contain_exactly(older_deployment1, older_deployment2) end end describe '.finished_before' do let!(:deployment1) { create(:deployment, finished_at: 1.day.ago) } let!(:deployment2) { create(:deployment, finished_at: Time.current) } it 'filters deployments by finished_at' do expect(described_class.finished_before(1.hour.ago)) .to eq([deployment1]) end end describe '.finished_after' do let!(:deployment1) { create(:deployment, finished_at: 1.day.ago) } let!(:deployment2) { create(:deployment, finished_at: Time.current) } it 'filters deployments by finished_at' do expect(described_class.finished_after(1.hour.ago)) .to eq([deployment2]) end end describe '.ordered' do let!(:deployment1) { create(:deployment, status: :running) } let!(:deployment2) { create(:deployment, status: :success, finished_at: Time.current) } let!(:deployment3) { create(:deployment, status: :canceled, finished_at: 1.day.ago) } let!(:deployment4) { create(:deployment, status: :success, finished_at: 2.days.ago) } it 'sorts by finished at' do expect(described_class.ordered).to eq([deployment1, deployment2, deployment3, deployment4]) end end describe '.ordered_as_upcoming' do let!(:deployment1) { create(:deployment, status: :running) } let!(:deployment2) { create(:deployment, status: :blocked) } let!(:deployment3) { create(:deployment, status: :created) } it 'sorts by ID DESC' do expect(described_class.ordered_as_upcoming).to eq([deployment3, deployment2, deployment1]) end end describe 'visible' do subject { described_class.visible } it 'retrieves the visible deployments' do deployment1 = create(:deployment, status: :running) deployment2 = create(:deployment, status: :success) deployment3 = create(:deployment, status: :failed) deployment4 = create(:deployment, status: :canceled) deployment5 = create(:deployment, status: :blocked) create(:deployment, status: :skipped) is_expected.to contain_exactly(deployment1, deployment2, deployment3, deployment4, deployment5) end it 'has a corresponding database index' do index = ApplicationRecord.connection.indexes('deployments').find do |i| i.name == 'index_deployments_for_visible_scope' end scope_values = described_class::VISIBLE_STATUSES.map { |s| described_class.statuses[s] }.to_s expect(index.where).to include(scope_values) end end describe 'upcoming' do subject { described_class.upcoming } it 'retrieves the upcoming deployments' do deployment1 = create(:deployment, status: :running) deployment2 = create(:deployment, status: :blocked) create(:deployment, status: :success) create(:deployment, status: :failed) create(:deployment, status: :canceled) create(:deployment, status: :skipped) is_expected.to contain_exactly(deployment1, deployment2) end end describe 'last_deployment_group_for_environment' do def subject_method(environment) described_class.last_deployment_group_for_environment(environment) end let!(:project) { create(:project, :repository) } let!(:environment) { create(:environment, project: project) } context 'when there are no deployments and builds' do it do expect(subject_method(environment)).to eq(Deployment.none) end end context 'when there are no successful builds' do let(:pipeline) { create(:ci_pipeline, project: project) } let(:ci_build) { create(:ci_build, :running, project: project, pipeline: pipeline) } before do create(:deployment, :success, environment: environment, project: project, deployable: ci_build) end it do expect(subject_method(environment)).to eq(Deployment.none) end end context 'when there are deployments for multiple pipelines' do let(:pipeline_a) { create(:ci_pipeline, project: project) } let(:pipeline_b) { create(:ci_pipeline, project: project) } let(:ci_build_a) { create(:ci_build, :success, project: project, pipeline: pipeline_a) } let(:ci_build_b) { create(:ci_build, :failed, project: project, pipeline: pipeline_b) } let(:ci_build_c) { create(:ci_build, :success, project: project, pipeline: pipeline_a) } let(:ci_build_d) { create(:ci_build, :failed, project: project, pipeline: pipeline_a) } # Successful deployments for pipeline_a let!(:deployment_a) do create(:deployment, :success, project: project, environment: environment, deployable: ci_build_a) end let!(:deployment_b) do create(:deployment, :success, project: project, environment: environment, deployable: ci_build_c) end before do # Failed deployment for pipeline_a create(:deployment, :failed, project: project, environment: environment, deployable: ci_build_d) # Failed deployment for pipeline_b create(:deployment, :failed, project: project, environment: environment, deployable: ci_build_b) end it 'returns the successful deployment jobs for the last deployment pipeline' do expect(subject_method(environment).pluck(:id)).to contain_exactly(deployment_a.id, deployment_b.id) end end context 'when there are many environments' do let(:environment_b) { create(:environment, project: project) } let(:pipeline_a) { create(:ci_pipeline, project: project) } let(:pipeline_b) { create(:ci_pipeline, project: project) } let(:pipeline_c) { create(:ci_pipeline, project: project) } let(:pipeline_d) { create(:ci_pipeline, project: project) } # Builds for first environment: 'environment' with pipeline_a and pipeline_b let(:ci_build_a) { create(:ci_build, :success, project: project, pipeline: pipeline_a) } let(:ci_build_b) { create(:ci_build, :failed, project: project, pipeline: pipeline_b) } let(:ci_build_c) { create(:ci_build, :success, project: project, pipeline: pipeline_a) } let(:ci_build_d) { create(:ci_build, :failed, project: project, pipeline: pipeline_a) } let!(:stop_env_a) { create(:ci_build, :manual, project: project, pipeline: pipeline_a, name: 'stop_env_a') } # Builds for second environment: 'environment_b' with pipeline_c and pipeline_d let(:ci_build_e) { create(:ci_build, :success, project: project, pipeline: pipeline_c) } let(:ci_build_f) { create(:ci_build, :failed, project: project, pipeline: pipeline_d) } let(:ci_build_g) { create(:ci_build, :success, project: project, pipeline: pipeline_c) } let(:ci_build_h) { create(:ci_build, :failed, project: project, pipeline: pipeline_c) } let!(:stop_env_b) { create(:ci_build, :manual, project: project, pipeline: pipeline_c, name: 'stop_env_b') } # Successful deployments for 'environment' from pipeline_a let!(:deployment_a) do create(:deployment, :success, project: project, environment: environment, deployable: ci_build_a) end let!(:deployment_b) do create(:deployment, :success, project: project, environment: environment, deployable: ci_build_c, on_stop: 'stop_env_a') end # Successful deployments for 'environment_b' from pipeline_c let!(:deployment_c) do create(:deployment, :success, project: project, environment: environment_b, deployable: ci_build_e) end let!(:deployment_d) do create(:deployment, :success, project: project, environment: environment_b, deployable: ci_build_g, on_stop: 'stop_env_b') end before do # Failed deployment for 'environment' from pipeline_a and pipeline_b create(:deployment, :failed, project: project, environment: environment, deployable: ci_build_d) create(:deployment, :failed, project: project, environment: environment, deployable: ci_build_b) # Failed deployment for 'environment_b' from pipeline_c and pipeline_d create(:deployment, :failed, project: project, environment: environment_b, deployable: ci_build_h) create(:deployment, :failed, project: project, environment: environment_b, deployable: ci_build_f) end it 'batch loads for environments' do environments = [environment, environment_b] # Loads Batch loader environments.each do |env| subject_method(env) end expect(subject_method(environments.first).pluck(:id)) .to contain_exactly(deployment_a.id, deployment_b.id) expect { subject_method(environments.second).pluck(:id) }.not_to exceed_query_limit(0) expect(subject_method(environments.second).pluck(:id)) .to contain_exactly(deployment_c.id, deployment_d.id) expect(subject_method(environments.first).map(&:stop_action).compact) .to contain_exactly(stop_env_a) expect { subject_method(environments.second).map(&:stop_action) } .not_to exceed_query_limit(0) expect(subject_method(environments.second).map(&:stop_action).compact) .to contain_exactly(stop_env_b) end end context 'When last deployment for environment is a retried build' do let(:pipeline) { create(:ci_pipeline, project: project) } let(:environment_b) { create(:environment, project: project) } let(:build_a) do create(:ci_build, :success, project: project, pipeline: pipeline, environment: environment.name) end let(:build_b) do create(:ci_build, :success, project: project, pipeline: pipeline, environment: environment_b.name) end let!(:deployment_a) do create(:deployment, :success, project: project, environment: environment, deployable: build_a) end let!(:deployment_b) do create(:deployment, :success, project: project, environment: environment_b, deployable: build_b) end before do # Retry build_b build_b.update!(retried: true) # New successful build after retry. create(:ci_build, :success, project: project, pipeline: pipeline, environment: environment_b.name) end it { expect(subject_method(environment_b)).not_to be_nil } end end end describe 'latest_for_sha' do subject { described_class.latest_for_sha(sha) } let_it_be(:project) { create(:project, :repository) } let_it_be(:commits) { project.repository.commits('master', limit: 2) } let_it_be(:deployments) { commits.reverse.map { |commit| create(:deployment, project: project, sha: commit.id) } } let(:sha) { commits.map(&:id) } it 'finds the latest deployment with sha' do is_expected.to eq(deployments.last) end context 'when sha is old' do let(:sha) { commits.last.id } it 'finds the latest deployment with sha' do is_expected.to eq(deployments.first) end end context 'when sha is nil' do let(:sha) { nil } it 'returns nothing' do is_expected.to be_nil end end end describe '#includes_commit?' do let(:project) { create(:project, :repository) } let(:environment) { create(:environment, project: project) } let(:deployment) do create(:deployment, environment: environment, sha: project.commit.id) end context 'when there is no project commit' do it 'returns false' do commit = project.commit('feature') expect(deployment.includes_commit?(commit.id)).to be false end end context 'when they share the same tree branch' do it 'returns true' do commit = project.commit expect(deployment.includes_commit?(commit.id)).to be true end end context 'when the SHA for the deployment does not exist in the repo' do it 'returns false' do deployment.update!(sha: Gitlab::Git::BLANK_SHA) commit = project.commit expect(deployment.includes_commit?(commit.id)).to be false end end end describe '#stop_action' do let(:build) { create(:ci_build) } subject { deployment.stop_action } context 'when no other actions' do let(:deployment) { FactoryBot.build(:deployment, deployable: build) } it { is_expected.to be_nil } end context 'with other actions' do let!(:close_action) { create(:ci_build, :manual, pipeline: build.pipeline, name: 'close_app') } context 'when matching action is defined' do let(:deployment) { FactoryBot.build(:deployment, deployable: build, on_stop: 'close_other_app') } it { is_expected.to be_nil } end context 'when no matching action is defined' do let(:deployment) { FactoryBot.build(:deployment, deployable: build, on_stop: 'close_app') } it { is_expected.to eq(close_action) } end end end describe '#deployed_by' do it 'returns the deployment user if there is no deployable' do deployment_user = create(:user) deployment = create(:deployment, deployable: nil, user: deployment_user) expect(deployment.deployed_by).to eq(deployment_user) end it 'returns the deployment user if the deployable have no user' do deployment_user = create(:user) build = create(:ci_build, user: nil) deployment = create(:deployment, deployable: build, user: deployment_user) expect(deployment.deployed_by).to eq(deployment_user) end it 'returns the deployable user if there is one' do build_user = create(:user) deployment_user = create(:user) build = create(:ci_build, user: build_user) deployment = create(:deployment, deployable: build, user: deployment_user) expect(deployment.deployed_by).to eq(build_user) end end describe '#triggered_by?' do subject { deployment.triggered_by?(user) } let(:user) { create(:user) } let(:deployment) { create(:deployment, user: user) } it { is_expected.to eq(true) } context 'when deployment triggerer is different' do let(:deployment) { create(:deployment) } it { is_expected.to eq(false) } end end describe '.find_successful_deployment!' do it 'returns a successful deployment' do deploy = create(:deployment, :success) expect(described_class.find_successful_deployment!(deploy.iid)).to eq(deploy) end it 'raises when no deployment is found' do expect { described_class.find_successful_deployment!(-1) } .to raise_error(ActiveRecord::RecordNotFound) end end describe '.builds' do let!(:deployment1) { create(:deployment) } let!(:deployment2) { create(:deployment) } let!(:deployment3) { create(:deployment) } subject { described_class.builds } it 'retrieves builds for the deployments' do is_expected.to match_array( [deployment1.deployable, deployment2.deployable, deployment3.deployable]) end it 'does not fetch the null deployable_ids' do deployment3.update!(deployable_id: nil, deployable_type: nil) is_expected.to match_array( [deployment1.deployable, deployment2.deployable]) end end describe '#build' do let!(:deployment) { create(:deployment) } subject { deployment.build } it 'retrieves build for the deployment' do is_expected.to eq(deployment.deployable) end it 'returns nil when the associated build is not found' do deployment.update!(deployable_id: nil, deployable_type: nil) is_expected.to be_nil end end describe '#previous_deployment' do using RSpec::Parameterized::TableSyntax let_it_be(:project) { create(:project, :repository) } let_it_be(:production) { create(:environment, :production, project: project) } let_it_be(:staging) { create(:environment, :staging, project: project) } let_it_be(:production_deployment_1) { create(:deployment, :success, project: project, environment: production) } let_it_be(:production_deployment_2) { create(:deployment, :success, project: project, environment: production) } let_it_be(:production_deployment_3) { create(:deployment, :failed, project: project, environment: production) } let_it_be(:production_deployment_4) { create(:deployment, :canceled, project: project, environment: production) } let_it_be(:staging_deployment_1) { create(:deployment, :failed, project: project, environment: staging) } let_it_be(:staging_deployment_2) { create(:deployment, :success, project: project, environment: staging) } let_it_be(:production_deployment_5) { create(:deployment, :success, project: project, environment: production) } let_it_be(:staging_deployment_3) { create(:deployment, :success, project: project, environment: staging) } where(:pointer, :expected_previous_deployment) do 'production_deployment_1' | nil 'production_deployment_2' | 'production_deployment_1' 'production_deployment_3' | 'production_deployment_2' 'production_deployment_4' | 'production_deployment_2' 'staging_deployment_1' | nil 'staging_deployment_2' | nil 'production_deployment_5' | 'production_deployment_2' 'staging_deployment_3' | 'staging_deployment_2' end with_them do it 'returns the previous deployment' do if expected_previous_deployment.nil? expect(send(pointer).previous_deployment).to eq(expected_previous_deployment) else expect(send(pointer).previous_deployment).to eq(send(expected_previous_deployment)) end end end end describe '#link_merge_requests' do it 'links merge requests with a deployment' do deploy = create(:deployment) mr1 = create( :merge_request, :merged, target_project: deploy.project, source_project: deploy.project ) mr2 = create( :merge_request, :merged, target_project: deploy.project, source_project: deploy.project ) deploy.link_merge_requests(deploy.project.merge_requests) expect(deploy.merge_requests).to include(mr1, mr2) end it 'ignores already linked merge requests' do deploy = create(:deployment) mr1 = create( :merge_request, :merged, target_project: deploy.project, source_project: deploy.project ) deploy.link_merge_requests(deploy.project.merge_requests) mr2 = create( :merge_request, :merged, target_project: deploy.project, source_project: deploy.project ) deploy.link_merge_requests(deploy.project.merge_requests) expect(deploy.merge_requests).to include(mr1, mr2) end end describe '#create_ref' do let(:deployment) { build(:deployment) } subject { deployment.create_ref } it 'creates a ref using the sha' do expect(deployment.project.repository).to receive(:create_ref).with( deployment.sha, "refs/environments/#{deployment.environment.name}/deployments/#{deployment.iid}" ) subject end end describe '#playable_build' do subject { deployment.playable_build } context 'when there is a deployable build' do let(:deployment) { create(:deployment, deployable: build) } context 'when the deployable build is playable' do let(:build) { create(:ci_build, :playable) } it 'returns that build' do is_expected.to eq(build) end end context 'when the deployable build is not playable' do let(:build) { create(:ci_build) } it 'returns nil' do is_expected.to be_nil end end end context 'when there is no deployable build' do let(:deployment) { create(:deployment) } it 'returns nil' do is_expected.to be_nil end end end describe '#update_status' do let(:deploy) { create(:deployment, status: :running) } it 'changes the status' do deploy.update_status('success') expect(deploy).to be_success end it 'schedules workers when finishing a deploy' do expect(Deployments::UpdateEnvironmentWorker).to receive(:perform_async) expect(Deployments::LinkMergeRequestWorker).to receive(:perform_async) expect(Deployments::ArchiveInProjectWorker).to receive(:perform_async) expect(Deployments::HooksWorker).to receive(:perform_async) expect(deploy.update_status('success')).to eq(true) end it 'updates finished_at when transitioning to a finished status' do freeze_time do deploy.update_status('success') expect(deploy.read_attribute(:finished_at)).to eq(Time.current) end end context 'tracks an exception if an invalid status transition is detected' do it do expect(Gitlab::ErrorTracking) .to receive(:track_exception) .with(instance_of(described_class::StatusUpdateError), deployment_id: deploy.id) expect(deploy.update_status('running')).to eq(false) end it do deploy.update_status('success') expect(Gitlab::ErrorTracking) .to receive(:track_exception) .with(instance_of(described_class::StatusUpdateError), deployment_id: deploy.id) expect(deploy.update_status('created')).to eq(false) end end it 'tracks an exception if an invalid argument' do expect(Gitlab::ErrorTracking) .to receive(:track_exception) .with(instance_of(described_class::StatusUpdateError), deployment_id: deploy.id) expect(deploy.update_status('recreate')).to eq(false) end context 'mapping status to event' do using RSpec::Parameterized::TableSyntax where(:status, :method) do 'running' | :run! 'success' | :succeed! 'failed' | :drop! 'canceled' | :cancel! 'skipped' | :skip! 'blocked' | :block! end with_them do it 'calls the correct method for the given status' do expect(deploy).to receive(method) deploy.update_status(status) end end context 'for created status update' do let(:deploy) { create(:deployment, status: :created) } it 'calls the correct method' do expect(deploy).to receive(:create!) deploy.update_status('created') end end end end describe '#sync_status_with' do subject { deployment.sync_status_with(ci_build) } let_it_be(:project) { create(:project, :repository) } let(:deployment) { create(:deployment, project: project, status: deployment_status) } let(:ci_build) { create(:ci_build, project: project, status: build_status) } shared_examples_for 'synchronizing deployment' do it 'changes deployment status' do expect(Gitlab::ErrorTracking).not_to receive(:track_exception) is_expected.to eq(true) expect(deployment.status).to eq(build_status.to_s) expect(deployment.errors).to be_empty end end shared_examples_for 'gracefully handling error' do it 'tracks an exception' do expect(Gitlab::ErrorTracking).to receive(:track_exception).with( instance_of(described_class::StatusSyncError), deployment_id: deployment.id, build_id: ci_build.id) is_expected.to eq(false) expect(deployment.status).to eq(deployment_status.to_s) expect(deployment.errors.full_messages).to include(error_message) end end shared_examples_for 'ignoring build' do it 'does not change deployment status' do expect(Gitlab::ErrorTracking).not_to receive(:track_exception) is_expected.to eq(false) expect(deployment.status).to eq(deployment_status.to_s) expect(deployment.errors).to be_empty end end context 'with created deployment' do let(:deployment_status) { :created } context 'with created build' do let(:build_status) { :created } it_behaves_like 'ignoring build' end context 'with running build' do let(:build_status) { :running } it_behaves_like 'synchronizing deployment' end context 'with finished build' do let(:build_status) { :success } it_behaves_like 'synchronizing deployment' end context 'with unrelated build' do let(:build_status) { :waiting_for_resource } it_behaves_like 'ignoring build' end end context 'with running deployment' do let(:deployment_status) { :running } context 'with created build' do let(:build_status) { :created } it_behaves_like 'gracefully handling error' do let(:error_message) { %Q{Status cannot transition via \"create\"} } end end context 'with running build' do let(:build_status) { :running } it_behaves_like 'ignoring build' end context 'with finished build' do let(:build_status) { :success } it_behaves_like 'synchronizing deployment' end context 'with unrelated build' do let(:build_status) { :waiting_for_resource } it_behaves_like 'ignoring build' end end context 'with finished deployment' do let(:deployment_status) { :success } context 'with created build' do let(:build_status) { :created } it_behaves_like 'gracefully handling error' do let(:error_message) { %Q{Status cannot transition via \"create\"} } end end context 'with running build' do let(:build_status) { :running } it_behaves_like 'gracefully handling error' do let(:error_message) { %Q{Status cannot transition via \"run\"} } end end context 'with finished build' do let(:build_status) { :success } it_behaves_like 'ignoring build' end context 'with failed build' do let(:build_status) { :failed } it_behaves_like 'synchronizing deployment' end context 'with unrelated build' do let(:build_status) { :waiting_for_resource } it_behaves_like 'ignoring build' end end end describe '#tags' do let_it_be(:project) { create(:project, :repository) } let_it_be(:deployment) { create(:deployment, project: project) } subject { deployment.tags } it 'will return tags related to this deployment' do expect(project.repository).to receive(:refs_by_oid).with(oid: deployment.sha, limit: 100, ref_patterns: [Gitlab::Git::TAG_REF_PREFIX]) .and_return(["#{Gitlab::Git::TAG_REF_PREFIX}test"]) is_expected.to match_array(['refs/tags/test']) end end describe '#valid_sha' do it 'does not add errors for a valid SHA' do project = create(:project, :repository) deploy = build(:deployment, project: project) expect(deploy).to be_valid end it 'adds an error for an invalid SHA' do deploy = build(:deployment, sha: 'foo') expect(deploy).not_to be_valid expect(deploy.errors[:sha]).not_to be_empty end end describe '#valid_ref' do it 'does not add errors for a valid ref' do project = create(:project, :repository) deploy = build(:deployment, project: project) expect(deploy).to be_valid end it 'adds an error for an invalid ref' do deploy = build(:deployment, ref: 'does-not-exist') expect(deploy).not_to be_valid expect(deploy.errors[:ref]).not_to be_empty end end describe '#tier_in_yaml' do context 'when deployable is nil' do before do subject.deployable = nil end it 'returns nil' do expect(subject.tier_in_yaml).to be_nil end end context 'when deployable is present' do context 'when tier is specified' do let(:deployable) { create(:ci_build, :success, :environment_with_deployment_tier) } before do subject.deployable = deployable end it 'returns the tier' do expect(subject.tier_in_yaml).to eq('testing') end context 'when tier is not specified' do let(:deployable) { create(:ci_build, :success) } it 'returns nil' do expect(subject.tier_in_yaml).to be_nil end end end end end describe '.fast_destroy_all' do it 'cleans path_refs for destroyed environments' do project = create(:project, :repository) environment = create(:environment, project: project) destroyed_deployments = create_list(:deployment, 2, :success, environment: environment, project: project) other_deployments = create_list(:deployment, 2, :success, environment: environment, project: project) (destroyed_deployments + other_deployments).each(&:create_ref) described_class.where(id: destroyed_deployments.map(&:id)).fast_destroy_all destroyed_deployments.each do |deployment| expect(project.commit(deployment.ref_path)).to be_nil end other_deployments.each do |deployment| expect(project.commit(deployment.ref_path)).not_to be_nil end end end describe '#update_merge_request_metrics!' do let_it_be(:project) { create(:project, :repository) } let(:environment) { build(:environment, environment_tier, project: project) } let!(:deployment) { create(:deployment, :success, project: project, environment: environment) } let!(:merge_request) { create(:merge_request, :simple, :merged_last_month, project: project) } context 'with production environment' do let(:environment_tier) { :production } it 'updates merge request metrics for production-grade environment' do expect { deployment.update_merge_request_metrics! } .to change { merge_request.reload.metrics.first_deployed_to_production_at } .from(nil).to(deployment.reload.finished_at) end end context 'with staging environment' do let(:environment_tier) { :staging } it 'updates merge request metrics for production-grade environment' do expect { deployment.update_merge_request_metrics! } .not_to change { merge_request.reload.metrics.first_deployed_to_production_at } end end end context 'loose foreign key on deployments.cluster_id' do it_behaves_like 'cleanup by a loose foreign key' do let!(:parent) { create(:cluster) } let!(:model) { create(:deployment, cluster: parent) } end end end