# frozen_string_literal: true require 'spec_helper' RSpec.describe Clusters::AgentAuthorizationsFinder do describe '#execute' do let_it_be(:top_level_group) { create(:group) } let_it_be(:subgroup1) { create(:group, parent: top_level_group) } let_it_be(:subgroup2) { create(:group, parent: subgroup1) } let_it_be(:bottom_level_group) { create(:group, parent: subgroup2) } let_it_be(:non_ancestor_group) { create(:group, parent: top_level_group) } let_it_be(:non_ancestor_project) { create(:project, namespace: non_ancestor_group) } let_it_be(:non_ancestor_agent) { create(:cluster_agent, project: non_ancestor_project) } let_it_be(:agent_configuration_project) { create(:project, namespace: subgroup1) } let_it_be(:requesting_project, reload: true) { create(:project, namespace: bottom_level_group) } let_it_be(:staging_agent) { create(:cluster_agent, project: agent_configuration_project) } let_it_be(:production_agent) { create(:cluster_agent, project: agent_configuration_project) } subject { described_class.new(requesting_project).execute } shared_examples_for 'access_as' do let(:config) { { access_as: { access_as => {} } } } context 'agent' do let(:access_as) { :agent } it { is_expected.to match_array [authorization] } end context 'impersonate' do let(:access_as) { :impersonate } it { is_expected.to be_empty } end context 'ci_user' do let(:access_as) { :ci_user } it { is_expected.to be_empty } end context 'ci_job' do let(:access_as) { :ci_job } it { is_expected.to be_empty } end end describe 'project authorizations' do context 'agent configuration project does not share a root namespace with the given project' do let(:unrelated_agent) { create(:cluster_agent) } before do create(:agent_project_authorization, agent: unrelated_agent, project: requesting_project) end it { is_expected.to be_empty } end context 'agent configuration project shares a root namespace, but does not belong to an ancestor of the given project' do let!(:project_authorization) { create(:agent_project_authorization, agent: non_ancestor_agent, project: requesting_project) } it { is_expected.to match_array([project_authorization]) } end context 'with project authorizations present' do let!(:authorization) { create(:agent_project_authorization, agent: production_agent, project: requesting_project) } it { is_expected.to match_array [authorization] } end context 'with overlapping authorizations' do let!(:agent) { create(:cluster_agent, project: requesting_project) } let!(:project_authorization) { create(:agent_project_authorization, agent: agent, project: requesting_project) } let!(:group_authorization) { create(:agent_group_authorization, agent: agent, group: bottom_level_group) } it { is_expected.to match_array [project_authorization] } end it_behaves_like 'access_as' do let!(:authorization) { create(:agent_project_authorization, agent: production_agent, project: requesting_project, config: config) } end end describe 'implicit authorizations' do let!(:associated_agent) { create(:cluster_agent, project: requesting_project) } it 'returns authorizations for agents directly associated with the project' do expect(subject.count).to eq(1) authorization = subject.first expect(authorization).to be_a(Clusters::Agents::ImplicitAuthorization) expect(authorization.agent).to eq(associated_agent) end end describe 'authorized groups' do context 'agent configuration project is outside the requesting project hierarchy' do let(:unrelated_agent) { create(:cluster_agent) } before do create(:agent_group_authorization, agent: unrelated_agent, group: top_level_group) end it { is_expected.to be_empty } end context 'multiple agents are authorized for the same group' do let!(:staging_auth) { create(:agent_group_authorization, agent: staging_agent, group: bottom_level_group) } let!(:production_auth) { create(:agent_group_authorization, agent: production_agent, group: bottom_level_group) } it 'returns authorizations for all agents' do expect(subject).to contain_exactly(staging_auth, production_auth) end end context 'a single agent is authorized to more than one matching group' do let!(:bottom_level_auth) { create(:agent_group_authorization, agent: production_agent, group: bottom_level_group) } let!(:top_level_auth) { create(:agent_group_authorization, agent: production_agent, group: top_level_group) } it 'picks the authorization for the closest group to the requesting project' do expect(subject).to contain_exactly(bottom_level_auth) end end context 'agent configuration project does not belong to an ancestor of the authorized group' do let!(:group_authorization) { create(:agent_group_authorization, agent: non_ancestor_agent, group: bottom_level_group) } it { is_expected.to match_array([group_authorization]) } end it_behaves_like 'access_as' do let!(:authorization) { create(:agent_group_authorization, agent: production_agent, group: top_level_group, config: config) } end end end end