import { GlButton } from '@gitlab/ui'; import { mount } from '@vue/test-utils'; import AttentionRequestedToggle from '~/sidebar/components/attention_requested_toggle.vue'; let wrapper; function factory(propsData = {}) { wrapper = mount(AttentionRequestedToggle, { propsData }); } const findToggle = () => wrapper.findComponent(GlButton); describe('Attention require toggle', () => { afterEach(() => { wrapper.destroy(); }); it('renders button', () => { factory({ type: 'reviewer', user: { attention_requested: false } }); expect(findToggle().exists()).toBe(true); }); it.each` attentionRequested | icon ${true} | ${'star'} ${false} | ${'star-o'} `( 'renders $icon icon when attention_requested is $attentionRequested', ({ attentionRequested, icon }) => { factory({ type: 'reviewer', user: { attention_requested: attentionRequested } }); expect(findToggle().props('icon')).toBe(icon); }, ); it.each` attentionRequested | variant ${true} | ${'warning'} ${false} | ${'default'} `( 'renders button with variant $variant when attention_requested is $attentionRequested', ({ attentionRequested, variant }) => { factory({ type: 'reviewer', user: { attention_requested: attentionRequested } }); expect(findToggle().props('variant')).toBe(variant); }, ); it('emits toggle-attention-requested on click', async () => { factory({ type: 'reviewer', user: { attention_requested: true } }); await findToggle().trigger('click'); expect(wrapper.emitted('toggle-attention-requested')[0]).toEqual([ { user: { attention_requested: true }, callback: expect.anything(), }, ]); }); it('sets loading on click', async () => { factory({ type: 'reviewer', user: { attention_requested: true } }); await findToggle().trigger('click'); expect(findToggle().props('loading')).toBe(true); }); it.each` type | attentionRequested | tooltip ${'reviewer'} | ${true} | ${AttentionRequestedToggle.i18n.removeAttentionRequested} ${'reviewer'} | ${false} | ${AttentionRequestedToggle.i18n.attentionRequestedReviewer} ${'assignee'} | ${false} | ${AttentionRequestedToggle.i18n.attentionRequestedAssignee} `( 'sets tooltip as $tooltip when attention_requested is $attentionRequested and type is $type', ({ type, attentionRequested, tooltip }) => { factory({ type, user: { attention_requested: attentionRequested } }); expect(findToggle().attributes('aria-label')).toBe(tooltip); }, ); });