import { GlFilteredSearch, GlDropdown, GlDropdownItem } from '@gitlab/ui'; import { shallowMount } from '@vue/test-utils'; import { extendedWrapper } from 'helpers/vue_test_utils_helper'; import RunnerFilteredSearchBar from '~/runner/components/runner_filtered_search_bar.vue'; import { statusTokenConfig } from '~/runner/components/search_tokens/status_token_config'; import TagToken from '~/runner/components/search_tokens/tag_token.vue'; import { tagTokenConfig } from '~/runner/components/search_tokens/tag_token_config'; import { PARAM_KEY_STATUS, PARAM_KEY_TAG, STATUS_ACTIVE, INSTANCE_TYPE } from '~/runner/constants'; import FilteredSearch from '~/vue_shared/components/filtered_search_bar/filtered_search_bar_root.vue'; import BaseToken from '~/vue_shared/components/filtered_search_bar/tokens/base_token.vue'; describe('RunnerList', () => { let wrapper; const findFilteredSearch = () => wrapper.findComponent(FilteredSearch); const findGlFilteredSearch = () => wrapper.findComponent(GlFilteredSearch); const findSortOptions = () => wrapper.findAllComponents(GlDropdownItem); const findActiveRunnersMessage = () => wrapper.findByTestId('runner-count'); const mockDefaultSort = 'CREATED_DESC'; const mockOtherSort = 'CONTACTED_DESC'; const mockFilters = [ { type: PARAM_KEY_STATUS, value: { data: STATUS_ACTIVE, operator: '=' } }, { type: 'filtered-search-term', value: { data: '' } }, ]; const mockActiveRunnersCount = 2; const expectToHaveLastEmittedInput = (value) => { const inputs = wrapper.emitted('input'); expect(inputs[inputs.length - 1][0]).toEqual(value); }; const createComponent = ({ props = {}, options = {} } = {}) => { wrapper = extendedWrapper( shallowMount(RunnerFilteredSearchBar, { propsData: { namespace: 'runners', tokens: [], value: { runnerType: null, filters: [], sort: mockDefaultSort, }, ...props, }, slots: { 'runner-count': `Runners currently online: ${mockActiveRunnersCount}`, }, stubs: { FilteredSearch, GlFilteredSearch, GlDropdown, GlDropdownItem, }, ...options, }), ); }; beforeEach(() => { createComponent(); }); afterEach(() => { wrapper.destroy(); }); it('binds a namespace to the filtered search', () => { expect(findFilteredSearch().props('namespace')).toBe('runners'); }); it('Displays an active runner count', () => { expect(findActiveRunnersMessage().text()).toBe( `Runners currently online: ${mockActiveRunnersCount}`, ); }); it('sets sorting options', () => { const SORT_OPTIONS_COUNT = 2; expect(findSortOptions()).toHaveLength(SORT_OPTIONS_COUNT); expect(findSortOptions().at(0).text()).toBe('Created date'); expect(findSortOptions().at(1).text()).toBe('Last contact'); }); it('sets tokens to the filtered search', () => { createComponent({ props: { tokens: [statusTokenConfig, tagTokenConfig], }, }); expect(findFilteredSearch().props('tokens')).toEqual([ expect.objectContaining({ type: PARAM_KEY_STATUS, token: BaseToken, options: expect.any(Array), }), expect.objectContaining({ type: PARAM_KEY_TAG, token: TagToken, }), ]); }); it('fails validation for v-model with the wrong shape', () => { expect(() => { createComponent({ props: { value: { filters: 'wrong_filters', sort: 'sort' } } }); }).toThrow('Invalid prop: custom validator check failed'); expect(() => { createComponent({ props: { value: { sort: 'sort' } } }); }).toThrow('Invalid prop: custom validator check failed'); }); describe('when a search is preselected', () => { beforeEach(() => { createComponent({ props: { value: { runnerType: INSTANCE_TYPE, sort: mockOtherSort, filters: mockFilters, }, }, }); }); it('filter values are shown', () => { expect(findGlFilteredSearch().props('value')).toEqual(mockFilters); }); it('sort option is selected', () => { expect( findSortOptions() .filter((w) => w.props('isChecked')) .at(0) .text(), ).toEqual('Last contact'); }); it('when the user sets a filter, the "search" preserves the other filters', () => { findGlFilteredSearch().vm.$emit('input', mockFilters); findGlFilteredSearch().vm.$emit('submit'); expectToHaveLastEmittedInput({ runnerType: INSTANCE_TYPE, filters: mockFilters, sort: mockOtherSort, pagination: { page: 1 }, }); }); }); it('when the user sets a filter, the "search" is emitted with filters', () => { findGlFilteredSearch().vm.$emit('input', mockFilters); findGlFilteredSearch().vm.$emit('submit'); expectToHaveLastEmittedInput({ runnerType: null, filters: mockFilters, sort: mockDefaultSort, pagination: { page: 1 }, }); }); it('when the user sets a sorting method, the "search" is emitted with the sort', () => { findSortOptions().at(1).vm.$emit('click'); expectToHaveLastEmittedInput({ runnerType: null, filters: [], sort: mockOtherSort, pagination: { page: 1 }, }); }); });