{ "summary": { "total": 11, "resolved": 0, "errored": 0, "failed": 3, "recentlyFailed": 2 }, "suites": [ { "name": "rspec:pg", "summary": { "total": 8, "resolved": 0, "errored": 0, "failed": 2, "recentlyFailed": 1 }, "new_failures": [ { "result": "failure", "name": "Test#sum when a is 1 and b is 2 returns summary", "execution_time": 0.009411, "system_output": "Failure/Error: is_expected.to eq(3)\n\n expected: 3\n got: -1\n\n (compared using ==)\n./spec/test_spec.rb:12:in `block (4 levels) in '", "recent_failures": { "count": 8, "base_branch": "main" } }, { "result": "failure", "name": "Test#sum when a is 100 and b is 200 returns summary", "execution_time": 0.000162, "system_output": "Failure/Error: is_expected.to eq(300)\n\n expected: 300\n got: -100\n\n (compared using ==)\n./spec/test_spec.rb:21:in `block (4 levels) in '" } ], "resolved_failures": [], "existing_failures": [], "new_errors": [], "resolved_errors": [], "existing_errors": [] }, { "name": "java ant", "summary": { "total": 3, "resolved": 0, "errored": 0, "failed": 1, "recentlyFailed": 1 }, "new_failures": [ { "result": "failure", "name": "Test#sum when a is 100 and b is 200 returns summary", "execution_time": 0.000562, "recent_failures": { "count": 3, "base_branch": "main" } } ], "resolved_failures": [], "existing_failures": [], "new_errors": [], "resolved_errors": [], "existing_errors": [] } ] }