import * as getters from '~/header_search/store/getters'; import initState from '~/header_search/store/state'; import { MOCK_USERNAME, MOCK_SEARCH_PATH, MOCK_ISSUE_PATH, MOCK_MR_PATH, MOCK_AUTOCOMPLETE_PATH, MOCK_SEARCH_CONTEXT, MOCK_DEFAULT_SEARCH_OPTIONS, MOCK_SCOPED_SEARCH_OPTIONS, MOCK_PROJECT, MOCK_GROUP, MOCK_ALL_PATH, MOCK_SEARCH, MOCK_AUTOCOMPLETE_OPTIONS, MOCK_GROUPED_AUTOCOMPLETE_OPTIONS, } from '../mock_data'; describe('Header Search Store Getters', () => { let state; const createState = (initialState) => { state = initState({ searchPath: MOCK_SEARCH_PATH, issuesPath: MOCK_ISSUE_PATH, mrPath: MOCK_MR_PATH, autocompletePath: MOCK_AUTOCOMPLETE_PATH, searchContext: MOCK_SEARCH_CONTEXT, ...initialState, }); }; afterEach(() => { state = null; }); describe.each` group | project | expectedPath ${null} | ${null} | ${`${MOCK_SEARCH_PATH}?search=${MOCK_SEARCH}&nav_source=navbar&project_id=undefined&group_id=undefined&scope=issues`} ${MOCK_GROUP} | ${null} | ${`${MOCK_SEARCH_PATH}?search=${MOCK_SEARCH}&nav_source=navbar&project_id=undefined&group_id=${}&scope=issues`} ${MOCK_GROUP} | ${MOCK_PROJECT} | ${`${MOCK_SEARCH_PATH}?search=${MOCK_SEARCH}&nav_source=navbar&project_id=${}&group_id=${}&scope=issues`} `('searchQuery', ({ group, project, expectedPath }) => { describe(`when group is ${group?.name} and project is ${project?.name}`, () => { beforeEach(() => { createState({ searchContext: { group, project, scope: 'issues', }, }); = MOCK_SEARCH; }); it(`should return ${expectedPath}`, () => { expect(getters.searchQuery(state)).toBe(expectedPath); }); }); }); describe.each` project | ref | expectedPath ${null} | ${null} | ${`${MOCK_AUTOCOMPLETE_PATH}?term=${MOCK_SEARCH}&project_id=undefined&project_ref=null`} ${MOCK_PROJECT} | ${null} | ${`${MOCK_AUTOCOMPLETE_PATH}?term=${MOCK_SEARCH}&project_id=${}&project_ref=null`} ${MOCK_PROJECT} | ${} | ${`${MOCK_AUTOCOMPLETE_PATH}?term=${MOCK_SEARCH}&project_id=${}&project_ref=${}`} `('autocompleteQuery', ({ project, ref, expectedPath }) => { describe(`when project is ${project?.name} and project ref is ${ref}`, () => { beforeEach(() => { createState({ searchContext: { project, ref, }, }); = MOCK_SEARCH; }); it(`should return ${expectedPath}`, () => { expect(getters.autocompleteQuery(state)).toBe(expectedPath); }); }); }); describe.each` group | group_metadata | project | project_metadata | expectedPath ${null} | ${null} | ${null} | ${null} | ${MOCK_ISSUE_PATH} ${{ name: 'Test Group' }} | ${{ issues_path: 'group/path' }} | ${null} | ${null} | ${'group/path'} ${{ name: 'Test Group' }} | ${{ issues_path: 'group/path' }} | ${{ name: 'Test Project' }} | ${{ issues_path: 'project/path' }} | ${'project/path'} `('scopedIssuesPath', ({ group, group_metadata, project, project_metadata, expectedPath }) => { describe(`when group is ${group?.name} and project is ${project?.name}`, () => { beforeEach(() => { createState({ searchContext: { group, group_metadata, project, project_metadata, }, }); }); it(`should return ${expectedPath}`, () => { expect(getters.scopedIssuesPath(state)).toBe(expectedPath); }); }); }); describe.each` group | group_metadata | project | project_metadata | expectedPath ${null} | ${null} | ${null} | ${null} | ${MOCK_MR_PATH} ${{ name: 'Test Group' }} | ${{ mr_path: 'group/path' }} | ${null} | ${null} | ${'group/path'} ${{ name: 'Test Group' }} | ${{ mr_path: 'group/path' }} | ${{ name: 'Test Project' }} | ${{ mr_path: 'project/path' }} | ${'project/path'} `('scopedMRPath', ({ group, group_metadata, project, project_metadata, expectedPath }) => { describe(`when group is ${group?.name} and project is ${project?.name}`, () => { beforeEach(() => { createState({ searchContext: { group, group_metadata, project, project_metadata, }, }); }); it(`should return ${expectedPath}`, () => { expect(getters.scopedMRPath(state)).toBe(expectedPath); }); }); }); describe.each` group | project | expectedPath ${null} | ${null} | ${null} ${MOCK_GROUP} | ${null} | ${null} ${MOCK_GROUP} | ${MOCK_PROJECT} | ${`${MOCK_SEARCH_PATH}?search=${MOCK_SEARCH}&nav_source=navbar&project_id=${}&group_id=${}&scope=issues`} `('projectUrl', ({ group, project, expectedPath }) => { describe(`when group is ${group?.name} and project is ${project?.name}`, () => { beforeEach(() => { createState({ searchContext: { group, project, scope: 'issues', }, }); = MOCK_SEARCH; }); it(`should return ${expectedPath}`, () => { expect(getters.projectUrl(state)).toBe(expectedPath); }); }); }); describe.each` group | project | expectedPath ${null} | ${null} | ${null} ${MOCK_GROUP} | ${null} | ${`${MOCK_SEARCH_PATH}?search=${MOCK_SEARCH}&nav_source=navbar&group_id=${}&scope=issues`} ${MOCK_GROUP} | ${MOCK_PROJECT} | ${`${MOCK_SEARCH_PATH}?search=${MOCK_SEARCH}&nav_source=navbar&group_id=${}&scope=issues`} `('groupUrl', ({ group, project, expectedPath }) => { describe(`when group is ${group?.name} and project is ${project?.name}`, () => { beforeEach(() => { createState({ searchContext: { group, project, scope: 'issues', }, }); = MOCK_SEARCH; }); it(`should return ${expectedPath}`, () => { expect(getters.groupUrl(state)).toBe(expectedPath); }); }); }); describe('allUrl', () => { const expectedPath = `${MOCK_SEARCH_PATH}?search=${MOCK_SEARCH}&nav_source=navbar&scope=issues`; beforeEach(() => { createState({ searchContext: { scope: 'issues', }, }); = MOCK_SEARCH; }); it(`should return ${expectedPath}`, () => { expect(getters.allUrl(state)).toBe(expectedPath); }); }); describe('defaultSearchOptions', () => { const mockGetters = { scopedIssuesPath: MOCK_ISSUE_PATH, scopedMRPath: MOCK_MR_PATH, }; beforeEach(() => { createState(); window.gon.current_username = MOCK_USERNAME; }); it('returns the correct array', () => { expect(getters.defaultSearchOptions(state, mockGetters)).toStrictEqual( MOCK_DEFAULT_SEARCH_OPTIONS, ); }); }); describe('scopedSearchOptions', () => { const mockGetters = { projectUrl: MOCK_PROJECT.path, groupUrl: MOCK_GROUP.path, allUrl: MOCK_ALL_PATH, }; beforeEach(() => { createState({ searchContext: { project: MOCK_PROJECT, group: MOCK_GROUP, }, }); }); it('returns the correct array', () => { expect(getters.scopedSearchOptions(state, mockGetters)).toStrictEqual( MOCK_SCOPED_SEARCH_OPTIONS, ); }); }); describe('autocompleteGroupedSearchOptions', () => { beforeEach(() => { createState(); state.autocompleteOptions = MOCK_AUTOCOMPLETE_OPTIONS; }); it('returns the correct grouped array', () => { expect(getters.autocompleteGroupedSearchOptions(state)).toStrictEqual( MOCK_GROUPED_AUTOCOMPLETE_OPTIONS, ); }); }); });