import MockAdapter from 'axios-mock-adapter'; import $ from 'jquery'; import mock from 'xhr-mock'; import waitForPromises from 'helpers/wait_for_promises'; import { TEST_HOST } from 'spec/test_constants'; import PasteMarkdownTable from '~/behaviors/markdown/paste_markdown_table'; import dropzoneInput from '~/dropzone_input'; import axios from '~/lib/utils/axios_utils'; import httpStatusCodes from '~/lib/utils/http_status'; const TEST_FILE = new File([], 'somefile.jpg'); TEST_FILE.upload = {}; const TEST_UPLOAD_PATH = `${TEST_HOST}/upload/file`; const TEST_ERROR_MESSAGE = 'A big error occurred!'; const TEMPLATE = `
`; describe('dropzone_input', () => { it('returns null when failed to initialize', () => { const dropzone = dropzoneInput($('
')); expect(dropzone).toBeNull(); }); it('returns valid dropzone when successfully initialize', () => { const dropzone = dropzoneInput($(TEMPLATE)); expect(dropzone.version).toBeTruthy(); }); describe('handlePaste', () => { const triggerPasteEvent = (clipboardData = {}) => { const event = $.Event('paste'); const origEvent = new Event('paste'); origEvent.clipboardData = clipboardData; event.originalEvent = origEvent; $('.js-gfm-input').trigger(event); }; beforeEach(() => { loadFixtures('issues/new-issue.html'); const form = $('#new_issue');'uploads-path', TEST_UPLOAD_PATH); dropzoneInput(form); }); it('pastes Markdown tables', () => { jest.spyOn(PasteMarkdownTable.prototype, 'isTable'); jest.spyOn(PasteMarkdownTable.prototype, 'convertToTableMarkdown'); triggerPasteEvent({ types: ['text/plain', 'text/html'], getData: () => '
Hello World
', items: [], }); expect(PasteMarkdownTable.prototype.isTable).toHaveBeenCalled(); expect(PasteMarkdownTable.prototype.convertToTableMarkdown).toHaveBeenCalled(); }); it('passes truncated long filename to post request', async () => { const axiosMock = new MockAdapter(axios); const longFileName = 'a'.repeat(300); triggerPasteEvent({ types: ['text/plain', 'text/html', 'text/rtf', 'Files'], getData: () => longFileName, files: [new File([new Blob()], longFileName, { type: 'image/png' })], items: [ { kind: 'file', type: 'image/png', getAsFile: () => new Blob(), }, ], }); axiosMock.onPost().reply(httpStatusCodes.OK, { link: { markdown: 'foo' } }); await waitForPromises(); expect([0].data.get('file').name).toHaveLength(246); }); it('display original file name in comment box', async () => { const axiosMock = new MockAdapter(axios); triggerPasteEvent({ types: ['Files'], files: [new File([new Blob()], 'test.png', { type: 'image/png' })], items: [ { kind: 'file', type: 'image/png', getAsFile: () => new Blob(), }, ], }); axiosMock.onPost().reply(httpStatusCodes.OK, { link: { markdown: 'foo' } }); await waitForPromises(); expect([0].data.get('file').name).toEqual('test.png'); }); }); describe('shows error message', () => { let form; let dropzone; beforeEach(() => { mock.setup(); form = $(TEMPLATE); dropzone = dropzoneInput(form); }); afterEach(() => { mock.teardown(); }); beforeEach(() => {}); it.each` responseType | responseBody ${'application/json'} | ${JSON.stringify({ message: TEST_ERROR_MESSAGE })} ${'text/plain'} | ${TEST_ERROR_MESSAGE} `('when AJAX fails with json', ({ responseType, responseBody }) => {, { status: 400, body: responseBody, headers: { 'Content-Type': responseType }, }); dropzone.processFile(TEST_FILE); return waitForPromises().then(() => { expect(form.find('.uploading-error-message').text()).toEqual(TEST_ERROR_MESSAGE); }); }); }); });