# frozen_string_literal: true require 'spec_helper' RSpec.describe Ci::UnlockArtifactsService do using RSpec::Parameterized::TableSyntax where(:tag, :ci_update_unlocked_job_artifacts) do false | false false | true true | false true | true end with_them do let(:ref) { 'master' } let(:ref_path) { tag ? "#{::Gitlab::Git::TAG_REF_PREFIX}#{ref}" : "#{::Gitlab::Git::BRANCH_REF_PREFIX}#{ref}" } let(:ci_ref) { create(:ci_ref, ref_path: ref_path) } let(:project) { ci_ref.project } let(:source_job) { create(:ci_build, pipeline: pipeline) } let!(:old_unlocked_pipeline) { create(:ci_pipeline, :with_persisted_artifacts, ref: ref, tag: tag, project: project, locked: :unlocked) } let!(:older_pipeline) { create(:ci_pipeline, :with_persisted_artifacts, ref: ref, tag: tag, project: project, locked: :artifacts_locked) } let!(:older_ambiguous_pipeline) { create(:ci_pipeline, :with_persisted_artifacts, ref: ref, tag: !tag, project: project, locked: :artifacts_locked) } let!(:pipeline) { create(:ci_pipeline, :with_persisted_artifacts, ref: ref, tag: tag, project: project, locked: :artifacts_locked) } let!(:child_pipeline) { create(:ci_pipeline, :with_persisted_artifacts, ref: ref, tag: tag, project: project, locked: :artifacts_locked) } let!(:newer_pipeline) { create(:ci_pipeline, :with_persisted_artifacts, ref: ref, tag: tag, project: project, locked: :artifacts_locked) } let!(:other_ref_pipeline) { create(:ci_pipeline, :with_persisted_artifacts, ref: 'other_ref', tag: tag, project: project, locked: :artifacts_locked) } let!(:sources_pipeline) { create(:ci_sources_pipeline, source_job: source_job, source_project: project, pipeline: child_pipeline, project: project) } before do stub_const("#{described_class}::BATCH_SIZE", 1) stub_feature_flags(ci_update_unlocked_job_artifacts: ci_update_unlocked_job_artifacts) end describe '#execute' do subject(:execute) { described_class.new(pipeline.project, pipeline.user).execute(ci_ref, before_pipeline) } context 'when running on a ref before a pipeline' do let(:before_pipeline) { pipeline } it 'unlocks artifacts from older pipelines' do expect { execute }.to change { older_pipeline.reload.locked }.from('artifacts_locked').to('unlocked') end it 'does not unlock artifacts for tag or branch with same name as ref' do expect { execute }.not_to change { older_ambiguous_pipeline.reload.locked }.from('artifacts_locked') end it 'does not unlock artifacts from newer pipelines' do expect { execute }.not_to change { newer_pipeline.reload.locked }.from('artifacts_locked') end it 'does not lock artifacts from old unlocked pipelines' do expect { execute }.not_to change { old_unlocked_pipeline.reload.locked }.from('unlocked') end it 'does not unlock artifacts from the same pipeline' do expect { execute }.not_to change { pipeline.reload.locked }.from('artifacts_locked') end it 'does not unlock artifacts for other refs' do expect { execute }.not_to change { other_ref_pipeline.reload.locked }.from('artifacts_locked') end it 'does not unlock artifacts for child pipeline' do expect { execute }.not_to change { child_pipeline.reload.locked }.from('artifacts_locked') end it 'unlocks job artifact records' do pending unless ci_update_unlocked_job_artifacts expect { execute }.to change { ::Ci::JobArtifact.artifact_unlocked.count }.from(0).to(2) end end context 'when running on just the ref' do let(:before_pipeline) { nil } it 'unlocks artifacts from older pipelines' do expect { execute }.to change { older_pipeline.reload.locked }.from('artifacts_locked').to('unlocked') end it 'unlocks artifacts from newer pipelines' do expect { execute }.to change { newer_pipeline.reload.locked }.from('artifacts_locked').to('unlocked') end it 'unlocks artifacts from the same pipeline' do expect { execute }.to change { pipeline.reload.locked }.from('artifacts_locked').to('unlocked') end it 'does not unlock artifacts for tag or branch with same name as ref' do expect { execute }.not_to change { older_ambiguous_pipeline.reload.locked }.from('artifacts_locked') end it 'does not lock artifacts from old unlocked pipelines' do expect { execute }.not_to change { old_unlocked_pipeline.reload.locked }.from('unlocked') end it 'does not unlock artifacts for other refs' do expect { execute }.not_to change { other_ref_pipeline.reload.locked }.from('artifacts_locked') end it 'unlocks job artifact records' do pending unless ci_update_unlocked_job_artifacts expect { execute }.to change { ::Ci::JobArtifact.artifact_unlocked.count }.from(0).to(8) end end end describe '#unlock_pipelines_query' do subject { described_class.new(pipeline.project, pipeline.user).unlock_pipelines_query(ci_ref, before_pipeline) } context 'when running on a ref before a pipeline' do let(:before_pipeline) { pipeline } it 'produces the expected SQL string' do expect(subject.squish).to eq <<~SQL.squish UPDATE "ci_pipelines" SET "locked" = 0 WHERE "ci_pipelines"."id" IN (SELECT "ci_pipelines"."id" FROM "ci_pipelines" WHERE "ci_pipelines"."ci_ref_id" = #{ci_ref.id} AND "ci_pipelines"."locked" = 1 AND "ci_pipelines"."id" < #{before_pipeline.id} AND "ci_pipelines"."id" NOT IN (WITH RECURSIVE "base_and_descendants" AS ((SELECT "ci_pipelines".* FROM "ci_pipelines" WHERE "ci_pipelines"."id" = #{before_pipeline.id}) UNION (SELECT "ci_pipelines".* FROM "ci_pipelines", "base_and_descendants", "ci_sources_pipelines" WHERE "ci_sources_pipelines"."pipeline_id" = "ci_pipelines"."id" AND "ci_sources_pipelines"."source_pipeline_id" = "base_and_descendants"."id" AND "ci_sources_pipelines"."source_project_id" = "ci_sources_pipelines"."project_id")) SELECT "id" FROM "base_and_descendants" AS "ci_pipelines") LIMIT 1 FOR UPDATE SKIP LOCKED) RETURNING ("ci_pipelines"."id") SQL end end context 'when running on just the ref' do let(:before_pipeline) { nil } it 'produces the expected SQL string' do expect(subject.squish).to eq <<~SQL.squish UPDATE "ci_pipelines" SET "locked" = 0 WHERE "ci_pipelines"."id" IN (SELECT "ci_pipelines"."id" FROM "ci_pipelines" WHERE "ci_pipelines"."ci_ref_id" = #{ci_ref.id} AND "ci_pipelines"."locked" = 1 LIMIT 1 FOR UPDATE SKIP LOCKED) RETURNING ("ci_pipelines"."id") SQL end end end describe '#unlock_job_artifacts_query' do subject { described_class.new(pipeline.project, pipeline.user).unlock_job_artifacts_query(pipeline_ids) } context 'when running on a ref before a pipeline' do let(:before_pipeline) { pipeline } let(:pipeline_ids) { [older_pipeline.id] } it 'produces the expected SQL string' do expect(subject.squish).to eq <<~SQL.squish UPDATE "ci_job_artifacts" SET "locked" = 0 WHERE "ci_job_artifacts"."job_id" IN (SELECT "ci_builds"."id" FROM "ci_builds" WHERE "ci_builds"."type" = 'Ci::Build' AND "ci_builds"."commit_id" = #{older_pipeline.id}) RETURNING ("ci_job_artifacts"."id") SQL end end context 'when running on just the ref' do let(:before_pipeline) { nil } let(:pipeline_ids) { [older_pipeline.id, newer_pipeline.id, pipeline.id] } it 'produces the expected SQL string' do expect(subject.squish).to eq <<~SQL.squish UPDATE "ci_job_artifacts" SET "locked" = 0 WHERE "ci_job_artifacts"."job_id" IN (SELECT "ci_builds"."id" FROM "ci_builds" WHERE "ci_builds"."type" = 'Ci::Build' AND "ci_builds"."commit_id" IN (#{pipeline_ids.join(', ')})) RETURNING ("ci_job_artifacts"."id") SQL end end end end end