# frozen_string_literal: true require 'spec_helper' RSpec.describe Gitlab::Ci::Variables::Builder do include Ci::TemplateHelpers let_it_be(:group) { create(:group) } let_it_be(:project) { create(:project, :repository, namespace: group) } let_it_be_with_reload(:pipeline) { create(:ci_pipeline, project: project) } let_it_be(:user) { create(:user) } let_it_be_with_reload(:job) do create(:ci_build, pipeline: pipeline, user: user, yaml_variables: [{ key: 'YAML_VARIABLE', value: 'value' }] ) end let(:builder) { described_class.new(pipeline) } describe '#scoped_variables' do let(:environment) { job.expanded_environment_name } let(:dependencies) { true } let(:predefined_variables) do [ { key: 'CI_JOB_NAME', value: job.name }, { key: 'CI_JOB_STAGE', value: job.stage }, { key: 'CI_NODE_TOTAL', value: '1' }, { key: 'CI_BUILD_NAME', value: job.name }, { key: 'CI_BUILD_STAGE', value: job.stage }, { key: 'CI', value: 'true' }, { key: 'GITLAB_CI', value: 'true' }, { key: 'CI_SERVER_URL', value: Gitlab.config.gitlab.url }, { key: 'CI_SERVER_HOST', value: Gitlab.config.gitlab.host }, { key: 'CI_SERVER_PORT', value: Gitlab.config.gitlab.port.to_s }, { key: 'CI_SERVER_PROTOCOL', value: Gitlab.config.gitlab.protocol }, { key: 'CI_SERVER_NAME', value: 'GitLab' }, { key: 'CI_SERVER_VERSION', value: Gitlab::VERSION }, { key: 'CI_SERVER_VERSION_MAJOR', value: Gitlab.version_info.major.to_s }, { key: 'CI_SERVER_VERSION_MINOR', value: Gitlab.version_info.minor.to_s }, { key: 'CI_SERVER_VERSION_PATCH', value: Gitlab.version_info.patch.to_s }, { key: 'CI_SERVER_REVISION', value: Gitlab.revision }, { key: 'GITLAB_FEATURES', value: project.licensed_features.join(',') }, { key: 'CI_PROJECT_ID', value: project.id.to_s }, { key: 'CI_PROJECT_NAME', value: project.path }, { key: 'CI_PROJECT_TITLE', value: project.title }, { key: 'CI_PROJECT_DESCRIPTION', value: project.description }, { key: 'CI_PROJECT_PATH', value: project.full_path }, { key: 'CI_PROJECT_PATH_SLUG', value: project.full_path_slug }, { key: 'CI_PROJECT_NAMESPACE', value: project.namespace.full_path }, { key: 'CI_PROJECT_ROOT_NAMESPACE', value: project.namespace.root_ancestor.path }, { key: 'CI_PROJECT_URL', value: project.web_url }, { key: 'CI_PROJECT_VISIBILITY', value: "private" }, { key: 'CI_PROJECT_REPOSITORY_LANGUAGES', value: project.repository_languages.map(&:name).join(',').downcase }, { key: 'CI_PROJECT_CLASSIFICATION_LABEL', value: project.external_authorization_classification_label }, { key: 'CI_DEFAULT_BRANCH', value: project.default_branch }, { key: 'CI_CONFIG_PATH', value: project.ci_config_path_or_default }, { key: 'CI_PAGES_DOMAIN', value: Gitlab.config.pages.host }, { key: 'CI_PAGES_URL', value: project.pages_url }, { key: 'CI_API_V4_URL', value: API::Helpers::Version.new('v4').root_url }, { key: 'CI_TEMPLATE_REGISTRY_HOST', value: template_registry_host }, { key: 'CI_PIPELINE_IID', value: pipeline.iid.to_s }, { key: 'CI_PIPELINE_SOURCE', value: pipeline.source }, { key: 'CI_PIPELINE_CREATED_AT', value: pipeline.created_at.iso8601 }, { key: 'CI_COMMIT_SHA', value: job.sha }, { key: 'CI_COMMIT_SHORT_SHA', value: job.short_sha }, { key: 'CI_COMMIT_BEFORE_SHA', value: job.before_sha }, { key: 'CI_COMMIT_REF_NAME', value: job.ref }, { key: 'CI_COMMIT_REF_SLUG', value: job.ref_slug }, { key: 'CI_COMMIT_BRANCH', value: job.ref }, { key: 'CI_COMMIT_MESSAGE', value: pipeline.git_commit_message }, { key: 'CI_COMMIT_TITLE', value: pipeline.git_commit_title }, { key: 'CI_COMMIT_DESCRIPTION', value: pipeline.git_commit_description }, { key: 'CI_COMMIT_REF_PROTECTED', value: (!!pipeline.protected_ref?).to_s }, { key: 'CI_COMMIT_TIMESTAMP', value: pipeline.git_commit_timestamp }, { key: 'CI_COMMIT_AUTHOR', value: pipeline.git_author_full_text }, { key: 'CI_BUILD_REF', value: job.sha }, { key: 'CI_BUILD_BEFORE_SHA', value: job.before_sha }, { key: 'CI_BUILD_REF_NAME', value: job.ref }, { key: 'CI_BUILD_REF_SLUG', value: job.ref_slug }, { key: 'YAML_VARIABLE', value: 'value' }, { key: 'GITLAB_USER_ID', value: user.id.to_s }, { key: 'GITLAB_USER_EMAIL', value: user.email }, { key: 'GITLAB_USER_LOGIN', value: user.username }, { key: 'GITLAB_USER_NAME', value: user.name } ].map { |var| var.merge(public: true, masked: false) } end subject { builder.scoped_variables(job, environment: environment, dependencies: dependencies) } it { is_expected.to be_instance_of(Gitlab::Ci::Variables::Collection) } it { expect(subject.to_runner_variables).to eq(predefined_variables) } context 'variables ordering' do def var(name, value) { key: name, value: value.to_s, public: true, masked: false } end before do allow(builder).to receive(:predefined_variables) { [var('A', 1), var('B', 1)] } allow(pipeline.project).to receive(:predefined_variables) { [var('B', 2), var('C', 2)] } allow(pipeline).to receive(:predefined_variables) { [var('C', 3), var('D', 3)] } allow(job).to receive(:runner) { double(predefined_variables: [var('D', 4), var('E', 4)]) } allow(builder).to receive(:kubernetes_variables) { [var('E', 5), var('F', 5)] } allow(job).to receive(:yaml_variables) { [var('G', 7), var('H', 7)] } allow(builder).to receive(:user_variables) { [var('H', 8), var('I', 8)] } allow(job).to receive(:dependency_variables) { [var('I', 9), var('J', 9)] } allow(builder).to receive(:secret_instance_variables) { [var('J', 10), var('K', 10)] } allow(builder).to receive(:secret_group_variables) { [var('K', 11), var('L', 11)] } allow(builder).to receive(:secret_project_variables) { [var('L', 12), var('M', 12)] } allow(pipeline).to receive(:variables) { [var('M', 13), var('N', 13)] } allow(pipeline).to receive(:pipeline_schedule) { double(job_variables: [var('N', 14), var('O', 14)]) } end it 'returns variables in order depending on resource hierarchy' do expect(subject.to_runner_variables).to eq( [var('A', 1), var('B', 1), var('B', 2), var('C', 2), var('C', 3), var('D', 3), var('D', 4), var('E', 4), var('E', 5), var('F', 5), var('G', 7), var('H', 7), var('H', 8), var('I', 8), var('I', 9), var('J', 9), var('J', 10), var('K', 10), var('K', 11), var('L', 11), var('L', 12), var('M', 12), var('M', 13), var('N', 13), var('N', 14), var('O', 14)]) end it 'overrides duplicate keys depending on resource hierarchy' do expect(subject.to_hash).to match( 'A' => '1', 'B' => '2', 'C' => '3', 'D' => '4', 'E' => '5', 'F' => '5', 'G' => '7', 'H' => '8', 'I' => '9', 'J' => '10', 'K' => '11', 'L' => '12', 'M' => '13', 'N' => '14', 'O' => '14') end end context 'with schedule variables' do let_it_be(:schedule) { create(:ci_pipeline_schedule, project: project) } let_it_be(:schedule_variable) { create(:ci_pipeline_schedule_variable, pipeline_schedule: schedule) } before do pipeline.update!(pipeline_schedule_id: schedule.id) end it 'includes schedule variables' do expect(subject.to_runner_variables) .to include(a_hash_including(key: schedule_variable.key, value: schedule_variable.value)) end end end describe '#user_variables' do context 'with user' do subject { builder.user_variables(user).to_hash } let(:expected_variables) do { 'GITLAB_USER_EMAIL' => user.email, 'GITLAB_USER_ID' => user.id.to_s, 'GITLAB_USER_LOGIN' => user.username, 'GITLAB_USER_NAME' => user.name } end it { is_expected.to eq(expected_variables) } end context 'without user' do subject { builder.user_variables(nil).to_hash } it { is_expected.to be_empty } end end describe '#kubernetes_variables' do let(:service) { double(execute: template) } let(:template) { double(to_yaml: 'example-kubeconfig', valid?: template_valid) } let(:template_valid) { true } subject { builder.kubernetes_variables(environment: nil, job: job) } before do allow(Ci::GenerateKubeconfigService).to receive(:new).with(job.pipeline, token: job.token).and_return(service) end it { is_expected.to include(key: 'KUBECONFIG', value: 'example-kubeconfig', public: false, file: true) } context 'generated config is invalid' do let(:template_valid) { false } it { is_expected.not_to include(key: 'KUBECONFIG', value: 'example-kubeconfig', public: false, file: true) } end it 'includes #deployment_variables and merges the KUBECONFIG values', :aggregate_failures do expect(builder).to receive(:deployment_variables).and_return([ { key: 'KUBECONFIG', value: 'deployment-kubeconfig' }, { key: 'OTHER', value: 'some value' } ]) expect(template).to receive(:merge_yaml).with('deployment-kubeconfig') expect(subject['KUBECONFIG'].value).to eq('example-kubeconfig') expect(subject['OTHER'].value).to eq('some value') end end describe '#deployment_variables' do let(:environment) { 'production' } let(:kubernetes_namespace) { 'namespace' } let(:project_variables) { double } subject { builder.deployment_variables(environment: environment, job: job) } before do allow(job).to receive(:expanded_kubernetes_namespace) .and_return(kubernetes_namespace) allow(project).to receive(:deployment_variables) .with(environment: environment, kubernetes_namespace: kubernetes_namespace) .and_return(project_variables) end context 'environment is nil' do let(:environment) { nil } it { is_expected.to be_empty } end end shared_examples "secret CI variables" do let(:protected_variable_item) do Gitlab::Ci::Variables::Collection::Item.fabricate(protected_variable) end let(:unprotected_variable_item) do Gitlab::Ci::Variables::Collection::Item.fabricate(unprotected_variable) end context 'when ref is branch' do context 'when ref is protected' do before do create(:protected_branch, :developers_can_merge, name: job.ref, project: project) end it { is_expected.to contain_exactly(protected_variable_item, unprotected_variable_item) } end context 'when ref is not protected' do it { is_expected.to contain_exactly(unprotected_variable_item) } end end context 'when ref is tag' do before do job.update!(ref: 'v1.1.0', tag: true) pipeline.update!(ref: 'v1.1.0', tag: true) end context 'when ref is protected' do before do create(:protected_tag, project: project, name: 'v*') end it { is_expected.to contain_exactly(protected_variable_item, unprotected_variable_item) } end context 'when ref is not protected' do it { is_expected.to contain_exactly(unprotected_variable_item) } end end context 'when ref is merge request' do let_it_be(:merge_request) { create(:merge_request, :with_detached_merge_request_pipeline, source_project: project) } let_it_be(:pipeline) { merge_request.pipelines_for_merge_request.first } let_it_be(:job) { create(:ci_build, ref: merge_request.source_branch, tag: false, pipeline: pipeline) } context 'when ref is protected' do before do create(:protected_branch, :developers_can_merge, name: merge_request.source_branch, project: project) end it 'does not return protected variables as it is not supported for merge request pipelines' do is_expected.to contain_exactly(unprotected_variable_item) end end context 'when ref is not protected' do it { is_expected.to contain_exactly(unprotected_variable_item) } end end end describe '#secret_instance_variables' do subject { builder.secret_instance_variables } let_it_be(:protected_variable) { create(:ci_instance_variable, protected: true) } let_it_be(:unprotected_variable) { create(:ci_instance_variable, protected: false) } include_examples "secret CI variables" end describe '#secret_group_variables' do subject { builder.secret_group_variables(environment: job.expanded_environment_name) } let_it_be(:protected_variable) { create(:ci_group_variable, protected: true, group: group) } let_it_be(:unprotected_variable) { create(:ci_group_variable, protected: false, group: group) } include_examples "secret CI variables" context 'variables memoization' do let_it_be(:scoped_variable) { create(:ci_group_variable, group: group, environment_scope: 'scoped') } let(:environment) { job.expanded_environment_name } let(:scoped_variable_item) { Gitlab::Ci::Variables::Collection::Item.fabricate(scoped_variable) } context 'with protected environments' do it 'memoizes the result by environment' do expect(pipeline.project) .to receive(:protected_for?) .with(pipeline.jobs_git_ref) .once.and_return(true) expect_next_instance_of(described_class::Group) do |group_variables_builder| expect(group_variables_builder) .to receive(:secret_variables) .with(environment: 'production', protected_ref: true) .once .and_call_original end 2.times do expect(builder.secret_group_variables(environment: 'production')) .to contain_exactly(unprotected_variable_item, protected_variable_item) end end end context 'with unprotected environments' do it 'memoizes the result by environment' do expect(pipeline.project) .to receive(:protected_for?) .with(pipeline.jobs_git_ref) .once.and_return(false) expect_next_instance_of(described_class::Group) do |group_variables_builder| expect(group_variables_builder) .to receive(:secret_variables) .with(environment: nil, protected_ref: false) .once .and_call_original expect(group_variables_builder) .to receive(:secret_variables) .with(environment: 'scoped', protected_ref: false) .once .and_call_original end 2.times do expect(builder.secret_group_variables(environment: nil)) .to contain_exactly(unprotected_variable_item) expect(builder.secret_group_variables(environment: 'scoped')) .to contain_exactly(unprotected_variable_item, scoped_variable_item) end end end end end describe '#secret_project_variables' do let_it_be(:protected_variable) { create(:ci_variable, protected: true, project: project) } let_it_be(:unprotected_variable) { create(:ci_variable, protected: false, project: project) } let(:environment) { job.expanded_environment_name } subject { builder.secret_project_variables(environment: environment) } include_examples "secret CI variables" context 'variables memoization' do let_it_be(:scoped_variable) { create(:ci_variable, project: project, environment_scope: 'scoped') } let(:scoped_variable_item) { Gitlab::Ci::Variables::Collection::Item.fabricate(scoped_variable) } context 'with protected environments' do it 'memoizes the result by environment' do expect(pipeline.project) .to receive(:protected_for?) .with(pipeline.jobs_git_ref) .once.and_return(true) expect_next_instance_of(described_class::Project) do |project_variables_builder| expect(project_variables_builder) .to receive(:secret_variables) .with(environment: 'production', protected_ref: true) .once .and_call_original end 2.times do expect(builder.secret_project_variables(environment: 'production')) .to contain_exactly(unprotected_variable_item, protected_variable_item) end end end context 'with unprotected environments' do it 'memoizes the result by environment' do expect(pipeline.project) .to receive(:protected_for?) .with(pipeline.jobs_git_ref) .once.and_return(false) expect_next_instance_of(described_class::Project) do |project_variables_builder| expect(project_variables_builder) .to receive(:secret_variables) .with(environment: nil, protected_ref: false) .once .and_call_original expect(project_variables_builder) .to receive(:secret_variables) .with(environment: 'scoped', protected_ref: false) .once .and_call_original end 2.times do expect(builder.secret_project_variables(environment: nil)) .to contain_exactly(unprotected_variable_item) expect(builder.secret_project_variables(environment: 'scoped')) .to contain_exactly(unprotected_variable_item, scoped_variable_item) end end end end end describe '#config_variables' do subject(:config_variables) { builder.config_variables } context 'without project' do before do pipeline.update!(project_id: nil) end it { expect(config_variables.size).to eq(0) } end context 'without repository' do let(:project) { create(:project) } let(:pipeline) { build(:ci_pipeline, ref: nil, sha: nil, project: project) } it { expect(config_variables['CI_COMMIT_SHA']).to be_nil } end context 'with protected variables' do let_it_be(:instance_variable) do create(:ci_instance_variable, :protected, key: 'instance_variable') end let_it_be(:group_variable) do create(:ci_group_variable, :protected, group: group, key: 'group_variable') end let_it_be(:project_variable) do create(:ci_variable, :protected, project: project, key: 'project_variable') end it 'does not include protected variables' do expect(config_variables[instance_variable.key]).to be_nil expect(config_variables[group_variable.key]).to be_nil expect(config_variables[project_variable.key]).to be_nil end end context 'with scoped variables' do let_it_be(:scoped_group_variable) do create(:ci_group_variable, group: group, key: 'group_variable', value: 'scoped', environment_scope: 'scoped') end let_it_be(:group_variable) do create(:ci_group_variable, group: group, key: 'group_variable', value: 'unscoped') end let_it_be(:scoped_project_variable) do create(:ci_variable, project: project, key: 'project_variable', value: 'scoped', environment_scope: 'scoped') end let_it_be(:project_variable) do create(:ci_variable, project: project, key: 'project_variable', value: 'unscoped') end it 'does not include scoped variables' do expect(config_variables.to_hash[group_variable.key]).to eq('unscoped') expect(config_variables.to_hash[project_variable.key]).to eq('unscoped') end end context 'variables ordering' do def var(name, value) { key: name, value: value.to_s, public: true, masked: false } end before do allow(pipeline.project).to receive(:predefined_variables) { [var('A', 1), var('B', 1)] } allow(pipeline).to receive(:predefined_variables) { [var('B', 2), var('C', 2)] } allow(builder).to receive(:secret_instance_variables) { [var('C', 3), var('D', 3)] } allow(builder).to receive(:secret_group_variables) { [var('D', 4), var('E', 4)] } allow(builder).to receive(:secret_project_variables) { [var('E', 5), var('F', 5)] } allow(pipeline).to receive(:variables) { [var('F', 6), var('G', 6)] } allow(pipeline).to receive(:pipeline_schedule) { double(job_variables: [var('G', 7), var('H', 7)]) } end it 'returns variables in order depending on resource hierarchy' do expect(config_variables.to_runner_variables).to eq( [var('A', 1), var('B', 1), var('B', 2), var('C', 2), var('C', 3), var('D', 3), var('D', 4), var('E', 4), var('E', 5), var('F', 5), var('F', 6), var('G', 6), var('G', 7), var('H', 7)]) end it 'overrides duplicate keys depending on resource hierarchy' do expect(config_variables.to_hash).to match( 'A' => '1', 'B' => '2', 'C' => '3', 'D' => '4', 'E' => '5', 'F' => '6', 'G' => '7', 'H' => '7') end end end end