import Vue from 'vue'; import { createComponentWithStore } from 'spec/helpers/vue_mount_component_helper'; import DiffLineGutterContent from '~/diffs/components/diff_line_gutter_content.vue'; import { createStore } from '~/mr_notes/stores'; import discussionsMockData from '../mock_data/diff_discussions'; import diffFileMockData from '../mock_data/diff_file'; describe('DiffLineGutterContent', () => { const getDiffFileMock = () => Object.assign({}, diffFileMockData); const createComponent = (options = {}) => { const cmp = Vue.extend(DiffLineGutterContent); const props = Object.assign({}, options); props.line = { line_code: 'LC_42', type: 'new', old_line: null, new_line: 1, discussions: [{ ...discussionsMockData }], text: '+ - Bad dates\n', rich_text: '+ - Bad dates\n', meta_data: null, }; props.fileHash = getDiffFileMock().file_hash; props.contextLinesPath = '/context/lines/path'; return createComponentWithStore(cmp, createStore(), props).$mount(); }; describe('computed', () => { describe('lineHref', () => { it('should prepend # to lineCode', () => { const lineCode = 'LC_42'; const component = createComponent(); expect(component.lineHref).toEqual(`#${lineCode}`); }); it('should return # if there is no lineCode', () => { const component = createComponent(); component.line.line_code = ''; expect(component.lineHref).toEqual('#'); }); }); describe('discussions, hasDiscussions, shouldShowAvatarsOnGutter', () => { it('should return empty array when there is no discussion', () => { const component = createComponent(); component.line.discussions = []; expect(component.hasDiscussions).toEqual(false); expect(component.shouldShowAvatarsOnGutter).toEqual(false); }); it('should return discussions for the given lineCode', () => { const cmp = Vue.extend(DiffLineGutterContent); const props = { line: getDiffFileMock().highlighted_diff_lines[1], fileHash: getDiffFileMock().file_hash, showCommentButton: true, contextLinesPath: '/context/lines/path', }; props.line.discussions = [Object.assign({}, discussionsMockData)]; const component = createComponentWithStore(cmp, createStore(), props).$mount(); expect(component.hasDiscussions).toEqual(true); expect(component.shouldShowAvatarsOnGutter).toEqual(true); }); }); }); describe('template', () => { it('should render comment button', () => { const component = createComponent({ showCommentButton: true, }); Object.defineProperty(component, 'isLoggedIn', { get() { return true; }, }); expect(component.$el.querySelector('.js-add-diff-note-button')).toBeDefined(); }); it('should render line link', () => { const lineNumber = 42; const lineCode = `LC_${lineNumber}`; const component = createComponent({ lineNumber, lineCode }); const link = component.$el.querySelector('a'); expect(link.href.indexOf(`#${lineCode}`)).toBeGreaterThan(-1); expect(link.dataset.linenumber).toEqual(lineNumber.toString()); }); it('should render user avatars', () => { const component = createComponent({ showCommentButton: true, lineCode: getDiffFileMock().highlighted_diff_lines[1].line_code, }); expect(component.$el.querySelector('.diff-comment-avatar-holders')).not.toBe(null); }); }); });