import $ from 'jquery'; import Vue from 'vue'; import _ from 'underscore'; import { __, sprintf } from '~/locale'; import { visitUrl } from '~/lib/utils/url_utility'; import flash from '~/flash'; import * as types from './mutation_types'; import { decorateFiles } from '../lib/files'; import { stageKeys } from '../constants'; import service from '../services'; import router from '../ide_router'; import eventHub from '../eventhub'; export const redirectToUrl = (self, url) => visitUrl(url); export const setInitialData = ({ commit }, data) => commit(types.SET_INITIAL_DATA, data); export const discardAllChanges = ({ state, commit, dispatch }) => { state.changedFiles.forEach(file => { if (file.tempFile || file.prevPath) dispatch('closeFile', file); if (file.tempFile) { dispatch('deleteEntry', file.path); } else if (file.prevPath) { dispatch('renameEntry', { path: file.path, name: file.prevName, parentPath: file.prevParentPath, }); } else { commit(types.DISCARD_FILE_CHANGES, file.path); } }); commit(types.REMOVE_ALL_CHANGES_FILES); }; export const closeAllFiles = ({ state, dispatch }) => { state.openFiles.forEach(file => dispatch('closeFile', file)); }; export const setPanelCollapsedStatus = ({ commit }, { side, collapsed }) => { if (side === 'left') { commit(types.SET_LEFT_PANEL_COLLAPSED, collapsed); } else { commit(types.SET_RIGHT_PANEL_COLLAPSED, collapsed); } }; export const toggleRightPanelCollapsed = ({ dispatch, state }, e = undefined) => { if (e) { $(e.currentTarget) .tooltip('hide') .blur(); } dispatch('setPanelCollapsedStatus', { side: 'right', collapsed: !state.rightPanelCollapsed, }); }; export const setResizingStatus = ({ commit }, resizing) => { commit(types.SET_RESIZING_STATUS, resizing); }; export const createTempEntry = ( { state, commit, dispatch }, { name, type, content = '', base64 = false, binary = false, rawPath = '' }, ) => new Promise(resolve => { const fullName = name.slice(-1) !== '/' && type === 'tree' ? `${name}/` : name; if (state.entries[name] && !state.entries[name].deleted) { flash( `The name "${name.split('/').pop()}" is already taken in this directory.`, 'alert', document, null, false, true, ); resolve(); return null; } const data = decorateFiles({ data: [fullName], projectId: state.currentProjectId, branchId: state.currentBranchId, type, tempFile: true, content, base64, binary, rawPath, }); const { file, parentPath } = data; commit(types.CREATE_TMP_ENTRY, { data, projectId: state.currentProjectId, branchId: state.currentBranchId, }); if (type === 'blob') { commit(types.TOGGLE_FILE_OPEN, file.path); commit(types.ADD_FILE_TO_CHANGED, file.path); dispatch('setFileActive', file.path); dispatch('triggerFilesChange'); } if (parentPath && !state.entries[parentPath].opened) { commit(types.TOGGLE_TREE_OPEN, parentPath); } resolve(file); return null; }); export const scrollToTab = () => { Vue.nextTick(() => { const tabs = document.getElementById('tabs'); if (tabs) { const tabEl = tabs.querySelector('.active .repo-tab'); tabEl.focus(); } }); }; export const stageAllChanges = ({ state, commit, dispatch }) => { const openFile = state.openFiles[0]; commit(types.SET_LAST_COMMIT_MSG, ''); state.changedFiles.forEach(file => commit(types.STAGE_CHANGE, file.path)); dispatch('openPendingTab', { file: state.stagedFiles.find(f => f.path === openFile.path), keyPrefix: stageKeys.staged, }); }; export const unstageAllChanges = ({ state, commit, dispatch }) => { const openFile = state.openFiles[0]; state.stagedFiles.forEach(file => commit(types.UNSTAGE_CHANGE, file.path)); dispatch('openPendingTab', { file: state.changedFiles.find(f => f.path === openFile.path), keyPrefix: stageKeys.unstaged, }); }; export const updateViewer = ({ commit }, viewer) => { commit(types.UPDATE_VIEWER, viewer); }; export const updateDelayViewerUpdated = ({ commit }, delay) => { commit(types.UPDATE_DELAY_VIEWER_CHANGE, delay); }; export const updateActivityBarView = ({ commit }, view) => { commit(types.UPDATE_ACTIVITY_BAR_VIEW, view); }; export const setEmptyStateSvgs = ({ commit }, svgs) => { commit(types.SET_EMPTY_STATE_SVGS, svgs); }; export const setCurrentBranchId = ({ commit }, currentBranchId) => { commit(types.SET_CURRENT_BRANCH, currentBranchId); }; export const updateTempFlagForEntry = ({ commit, dispatch, state }, { file, tempFile }) => { commit(types.UPDATE_TEMP_FLAG, { path: file.path, tempFile }); const parent = file.parentPath && state.entries[file.parentPath]; if (parent) { dispatch('updateTempFlagForEntry', { file: parent, tempFile }); } }; export const toggleFileFinder = ({ commit }, fileFindVisible) => commit(types.TOGGLE_FILE_FINDER, fileFindVisible); export const burstUnusedSeal = ({ state, commit }) => { if (state.unusedSeal) { commit(types.BURST_UNUSED_SEAL); } }; export const setLinks = ({ commit }, links) => commit(types.SET_LINKS, links); export const setErrorMessage = ({ commit }, errorMessage) => commit(types.SET_ERROR_MESSAGE, errorMessage); export const openNewEntryModal = ({ commit }, { type, path = '' }) => { commit(types.OPEN_NEW_ENTRY_MODAL, { type, path }); // open the modal manually so we don't mess around with dropdown/rows $('#ide-new-entry').modal('show'); }; export const deleteEntry = ({ commit, dispatch, state }, path) => { const entry = state.entries[path]; const { prevPath, prevName, prevParentPath } = entry; const isTree = entry.type === 'tree'; if (prevPath) { dispatch('renameEntry', { path, name: prevName, parentPath: prevParentPath, }); dispatch('deleteEntry', prevPath); return; } if (state.unusedSeal) dispatch('burstUnusedSeal'); if (entry.opened) dispatch('closeFile', entry); if (isTree) { entry.tree.forEach(f => dispatch('deleteEntry', f.path)); } commit(types.DELETE_ENTRY, path); // Only stage if we're not a directory or a new file if (!isTree && !entry.tempFile) { dispatch('stageChange', path); } dispatch('triggerFilesChange'); }; export const resetOpenFiles = ({ commit }) => commit(types.RESET_OPEN_FILES); export const renameEntry = ({ dispatch, commit, state }, { path, name, parentPath }) => { const entry = state.entries[path]; const newPath = parentPath ? `${parentPath}/${name}` : name; commit(types.RENAME_ENTRY, { path, name, parentPath }); if (entry.type === 'tree') { state.entries[newPath].tree.forEach(f => { dispatch('renameEntry', { path: f.path, name:, parentPath: newPath, }); }); } else { const newEntry = state.entries[newPath]; const isRevert = newPath === entry.prevPath; const isReset = isRevert && !newEntry.changed && !newEntry.tempFile; const isInChanges = state.changedFiles .concat(state.stagedFiles) .some(({ key }) => key === newEntry.key); if (isReset) { commit(types.REMOVE_FILE_FROM_STAGED_AND_CHANGED, newEntry); } else if (!isInChanges) { commit(types.ADD_FILE_TO_CHANGED, newPath); } if (!newEntry.tempFile) { eventHub.$emit(`editor.update.model.dispose.${entry.key}`); } if (newEntry.opened) { router.push(`/project${newEntry.url}`); } } dispatch('triggerFilesChange'); }; export const getBranchData = ({ commit, state }, { projectId, branchId, force = false } = {}) => new Promise((resolve, reject) => { const currentProject = state.projects[projectId]; if (!currentProject || !currentProject.branches[branchId] || force) { service .getBranchData(projectId, branchId) .then(({ data }) => { const { id } = data.commit; commit(types.SET_BRANCH, { projectPath: projectId, branchName: branchId, branch: data, }); commit(types.SET_BRANCH_WORKING_REFERENCE, { projectId, branchId, reference: id }); resolve(data); }) .catch(e => { if (e.response.status === 404) { reject(e); } else { flash( __('Error loading branch data. Please try again.'), 'alert', document, null, false, true, ); reject( new Error( sprintf( __('Branch not loaded - %{branchId}'), { branchId: `${_.escape(projectId)}/${_.escape(branchId)}`, }, false, ), ), ); } }); } else { resolve(currentProject.branches[branchId]); } }); export * from './actions/tree'; export * from './actions/file'; export * from './actions/project'; export * from './actions/merge_request'; // prevent babel-plugin-rewire from generating an invalid default during karma tests export default () => {};