# frozen_string_literal: true require 'spec_helper' RSpec.describe GroupsController, factory_default: :keep do include ExternalAuthorizationServiceHelpers let_it_be_with_refind(:group) { create_default(:group, :public) } let_it_be_with_refind(:project) { create(:project, namespace: group) } let_it_be(:user) { create(:user) } let_it_be(:admin) { create(:admin) } let_it_be(:group_member) { create(:group_member, group: group, user: user) } let_it_be(:owner) { group.add_owner(create(:user)).user } let_it_be(:maintainer) { group.add_maintainer(create(:user)).user } let_it_be(:developer) { group.add_developer(create(:user)).user } let_it_be(:guest) { group.add_guest(create(:user)).user } shared_examples 'member with ability to create subgroups' do it 'renders the new page' do sign_in(member) get :new, params: { parent_id: group.id } expect(response).to render_template(:new) end end shared_examples 'member without ability to create subgroups' do it 'renders the 404 page' do sign_in(member) get :new, params: { parent_id: group.id } expect(response).not_to render_template(:new) expect(response).to have_gitlab_http_status(:not_found) end end shared_examples 'details view' do let(:namespace) { group } it { is_expected.to render_template('groups/show') } context 'as atom' do let!(:event) { create(:event, project: project) } let(:format) { :atom } it { is_expected.to render_template('groups/show') } it 'assigns events for all the projects in the group', :sidekiq_might_not_need_inline do subject expect(assigns(:events).map(&:id)).to contain_exactly(event.id) end end end describe 'GET #show' do before do sign_in(user) end let(:format) { :html } subject { get :show, params: { id: group.to_param }, format: format } context 'when the group is not importing' do it_behaves_like 'details view' end context 'when the group is importing' do before do create(:group_import_state, group: group) end it 'redirects to the import status page' do expect(subject).to redirect_to group_import_path(group) end end end describe 'GET #details' do before do sign_in(user) end let(:format) { :html } subject { get :details, params: { id: group.to_param }, format: format } it_behaves_like 'details view' end describe 'GET edit' do it 'sets the badge API endpoint' do sign_in(owner) get :edit, params: { id: group.to_param } expect(assigns(:badge_api_endpoint)).not_to be_nil end end describe 'GET #new' do context 'when creating subgroups' do [true, false].each do |can_create_group_status| context "and can_create_group is #{can_create_group_status}" do before do User.where(id: [admin, owner, maintainer, developer, guest]).update_all(can_create_group: can_create_group_status) end [:admin, :owner, :maintainer].each do |member_type| context "and logged in as #{member_type.capitalize}" do it_behaves_like 'member with ability to create subgroups' do let(:member) { send(member_type) } end end end [:guest, :developer].each do |member_type| context "and logged in as #{member_type.capitalize}" do it_behaves_like 'member without ability to create subgroups' do let(:member) { send(member_type) } end end end end end end end describe 'GET #activity' do context 'as json' do before do sign_in(user) end it 'includes events from all projects in group and subgroups', :sidekiq_might_not_need_inline do 2.times do project = create(:project, group: group) create(:event, project: project) end subgroup = create(:group, parent: group) project = create(:project, group: subgroup) create(:event, project: project) get :activity, params: { id: group.to_param }, format: :json expect(response).to have_gitlab_http_status(:ok) expect(json_response['count']).to eq(3) expect(assigns(:projects).limit_value).to be_nil end end context 'when user has no permission to see the event' do let(:project_with_restricted_access) do create(:project, :public, issues_access_level: ProjectFeature::PRIVATE, group: group) end before do create(:event, project: project) create(:event, :created, project: project_with_restricted_access, target: create(:issue)) group.add_guest(user) sign_in(user) end it 'filters out invisible event' do get :activity, params: { id: group.to_param }, format: :json expect(json_response['count']).to eq(1) end end end describe 'POST #create' do it 'allows creating a group' do sign_in(user) expect do post :create, params: { group: { name: 'new_group', path: "new_group" } } end.to change { Group.count }.by(1) expect(response).to have_gitlab_http_status(:found) end context 'authorization' do it 'allows an admin to create a group' do sign_in(create(:admin)) expect do post :create, params: { group: { name: 'new_group', path: "new_group" } } end.to change { Group.count }.by(1) expect(response).to have_gitlab_http_status(:found) end end context 'when creating subgroups' do [true, false].each do |can_create_group_status| context "and can_create_group is #{can_create_group_status}" do context 'and logged in as Owner' do it 'creates the subgroup' do owner.update_attribute(:can_create_group, can_create_group_status) sign_in(owner) post :create, params: { group: { parent_id: group.id, path: 'subgroup' } } expect(response).to be_redirect expect(response.body).to match(%r{http://test.host/#{group.path}/subgroup}) end end context 'and logged in as Developer' do it 'renders the new template' do developer.update_attribute(:can_create_group, can_create_group_status) sign_in(developer) previous_group_count = Group.count post :create, params: { group: { parent_id: group.id, path: 'subgroup' } } expect(response).to render_template(:new) expect(Group.count).to eq(previous_group_count) end end end end end context 'when creating a top level group' do before do sign_in(developer) end context 'and can_create_group is enabled' do before do developer.update_attribute(:can_create_group, true) end it 'creates the Group' do original_group_count = Group.count post :create, params: { group: { path: 'subgroup' } } expect(Group.count).to eq(original_group_count + 1) expect(response).to be_redirect end end context 'and can_create_group is disabled' do before do developer.update_attribute(:can_create_group, false) end it 'does not create the Group' do original_group_count = Group.count post :create, params: { group: { path: 'subgroup' } } expect(Group.count).to eq(original_group_count) expect(response).to render_template(:new) end end end context "malicious group name" do subject { post :create, params: { group: { name: "", path: "invalid_group_url" } } } before do sign_in(user) end it { expect { subject }.not_to change { Group.count } } it { expect(subject).to render_template(:new) } end context 'when creating a group with `default_branch_protection` attribute' do before do sign_in(user) end subject do post :create, params: { group: { name: 'new_group', path: 'new_group', default_branch_protection: Gitlab::Access::PROTECTION_NONE } } end context 'for users who have the ability to create a group with `default_branch_protection`' do it 'creates group with the specified branch protection level' do subject expect(response).to have_gitlab_http_status(:found) expect(Group.last.default_branch_protection).to eq(Gitlab::Access::PROTECTION_NONE) end end context 'for users who do not have the ability to create a group with `default_branch_protection`' do it 'does not create the group with the specified branch protection level' do allow(Ability).to receive(:allowed?).and_call_original allow(Ability).to receive(:allowed?).with(user, :create_group_with_default_branch_protection) { false } subject expect(response).to have_gitlab_http_status(:found) expect(Group.last.default_branch_protection).not_to eq(Gitlab::Access::PROTECTION_NONE) end end end describe 'tracking group creation for onboarding issues experiment' do before do sign_in(user) end subject(:create_namespace) { post :create, params: { group: { name: 'new_group', path: 'new_group' } } } context 'experiment disabled' do before do stub_experiment(onboarding_issues: false) end it 'does not track anything' do expect(Gitlab::Tracking).not_to receive(:event) create_namespace end end context 'experiment enabled' do before do stub_experiment(onboarding_issues: true) end context 'and the user is part of the control group' do before do stub_experiment_for_user(onboarding_issues: false) end it 'tracks the event with the "created_namespace" action with the "control_group" property' do expect(Gitlab::Tracking).to receive(:event).with( 'Growth::Conversion::Experiment::OnboardingIssues', 'created_namespace', label: anything, property: 'control_group' ) create_namespace end end context 'and the user is part of the experimental group' do before do stub_experiment_for_user(onboarding_issues: true) end it 'tracks the event with the "created_namespace" action with the "experimental_group" property' do expect(Gitlab::Tracking).to receive(:event).with( 'Growth::Conversion::Experiment::OnboardingIssues', 'created_namespace', label: anything, property: 'experimental_group' ) create_namespace end end end end end describe 'GET #index' do context 'as a user' do it 'redirects to Groups Dashboard' do sign_in(user) get :index expect(response).to redirect_to(dashboard_groups_path) end end context 'as a guest' do it 'redirects to Explore Groups' do get :index expect(response).to redirect_to(explore_groups_path) end end end describe 'GET #issues', :sidekiq_might_not_need_inline do let_it_be(:issue_1) { create(:issue, project: project, title: 'foo') } let_it_be(:issue_2) { create(:issue, project: project, title: 'bar') } before do create_list(:award_emoji, 3, awardable: issue_2) create_list(:award_emoji, 2, awardable: issue_1) create_list(:award_emoji, 2, :downvote, awardable: issue_2) sign_in(user) end it 'lists only incidents and issues' do incident = create(:incident, project: project) create(:quality_test_case, project: project) get :issues, params: { id: group.to_param } expect(assigns(:issues)).to match_array([issue_1, issue_2, incident]) end context 'sorting by votes' do it 'sorts most popular issues' do get :issues, params: { id: group.to_param, sort: 'upvotes_desc' } expect(assigns(:issues)).to eq [issue_2, issue_1] end it 'sorts least popular issues' do get :issues, params: { id: group.to_param, sort: 'downvotes_desc' } expect(assigns(:issues)).to eq [issue_2, issue_1] end end context 'searching' do it 'works with popularity sort' do get :issues, params: { id: group.to_param, search: 'foo', sort: 'popularity' } expect(assigns(:issues)).to eq([issue_1]) end it 'works with priority sort' do get :issues, params: { id: group.to_param, search: 'foo', sort: 'priority' } expect(assigns(:issues)).to eq([issue_1]) end it 'works with label priority sort' do get :issues, params: { id: group.to_param, search: 'foo', sort: 'label_priority' } expect(assigns(:issues)).to eq([issue_1]) end end end describe 'GET #merge_requests', :sidekiq_might_not_need_inline do let(:merge_request_1) { create(:merge_request, source_project: project) } let(:merge_request_2) { create(:merge_request, :simple, source_project: project) } before do create_list(:award_emoji, 3, awardable: merge_request_2) create_list(:award_emoji, 2, awardable: merge_request_1) create_list(:award_emoji, 2, :downvote, awardable: merge_request_2) sign_in(user) end context 'sorting by votes' do it 'sorts most popular merge requests' do get :merge_requests, params: { id: group.to_param, sort: 'upvotes_desc' } expect(assigns(:merge_requests)).to eq [merge_request_2, merge_request_1] end it 'sorts least popular merge requests' do get :merge_requests, params: { id: group.to_param, sort: 'downvotes_desc' } expect(assigns(:merge_requests)).to eq [merge_request_2, merge_request_1] end end end describe 'DELETE #destroy' do context 'as another user' do it 'returns 404' do sign_in(create(:user)) delete :destroy, params: { id: group.to_param } expect(response).to have_gitlab_http_status(:not_found) end end context 'as the group owner' do before do sign_in(user) end it 'schedules a group destroy' do Sidekiq::Testing.fake! do expect { delete :destroy, params: { id: group.to_param } }.to change(GroupDestroyWorker.jobs, :size).by(1) end end it 'redirects to the root path' do delete :destroy, params: { id: group.to_param } expect(response).to redirect_to(root_path) end end end describe 'PUT update' do before do sign_in(user) end it 'updates the path successfully' do post :update, params: { id: group.to_param, group: { path: 'new_path' } } expect(response).to have_gitlab_http_status(:found) expect(controller).to set_flash[:notice] end it 'does not update the path on error' do allow_any_instance_of(Group).to receive(:move_dir).and_raise(Gitlab::UpdatePathError) post :update, params: { id: group.to_param, group: { path: 'new_path' } } expect(assigns(:group).errors).not_to be_empty expect(assigns(:group).path).not_to eq('new_path') end it 'updates the project_creation_level successfully' do post :update, params: { id: group.to_param, group: { project_creation_level: ::Gitlab::Access::MAINTAINER_PROJECT_ACCESS } } expect(response).to have_gitlab_http_status(:found) expect(group.reload.project_creation_level).to eq(::Gitlab::Access::MAINTAINER_PROJECT_ACCESS) end context 'updating default_branch_protection' do subject do put :update, params: { id: group.to_param, group: { default_branch_protection: ::Gitlab::Access::PROTECTION_DEV_CAN_MERGE } } end context 'for users who have the ability to update default_branch_protection' do it 'updates the attribute' do subject expect(response).to have_gitlab_http_status(:found) expect(group.reload.default_branch_protection).to eq(::Gitlab::Access::PROTECTION_DEV_CAN_MERGE) end end context 'for users who do not have the ability to update default_branch_protection' do it 'does not update the attribute' do allow(Ability).to receive(:allowed?).and_call_original allow(Ability).to receive(:allowed?).with(user, :update_default_branch_protection, group) { false } subject expect(response).to have_gitlab_http_status(:found) expect(group.reload.default_branch_protection).not_to eq(::Gitlab::Access::PROTECTION_DEV_CAN_MERGE) end end end context "updating default_branch_name" do let(:example_branch_name) { "example_branch_name" } subject(:update_action) do put :update, params: { id: group.to_param, group: { default_branch_name: example_branch_name } } end it "updates the attribute" do expect { subject } .to change { group.namespace_settings.reload.default_branch_name } .from(nil) .to(example_branch_name) expect(response).to have_gitlab_http_status(:found) end context "to empty string" do let(:example_branch_name) { '' } it "does not update the attribute" do subject expect(group.namespace_settings.reload.default_branch_name).not_to eq('') end end end context 'when there is a conflicting group path' do let!(:conflict_group) { create(:group, path: SecureRandom.hex(12) ) } let!(:old_name) { group.name } it 'does not render references to the conflicting group' do put :update, params: { id: group.to_param, group: { path: conflict_group.path } } expect(response).to have_gitlab_http_status(:ok) expect(group.reload.name).to eq(old_name) expect(response.body).not_to include(conflict_group.path) end end context 'when a project inside the group has container repositories' do before do stub_container_registry_config(enabled: true) stub_container_registry_tags(repository: /image/, tags: %w[rc1]) create(:container_repository, project: project, name: :image) end it 'does allow the group to be renamed' do post :update, params: { id: group.to_param, group: { name: 'new_name' } } expect(controller).to set_flash[:notice] expect(response).to have_gitlab_http_status(:found) expect(group.reload.name).to eq('new_name') end it 'does not allow to path of the group to be changed' do post :update, params: { id: group.to_param, group: { path: 'new_path' } } expect(assigns(:group).errors[:base].first).to match(/Docker images in their Container Registry/) expect(response).to have_gitlab_http_status(:ok) end end end describe '#ensure_canonical_path' do before do sign_in(user) end context 'for a GET request' do context 'when requesting groups at the root path' do before do allow(request).to receive(:original_fullpath).and_return("/#{group_full_path}") get :show, params: { id: group_full_path } end context 'when requesting the canonical path with different casing' do let(:group_full_path) { group.to_param.upcase } it 'redirects to the correct casing' do expect(response).to redirect_to(group) expect(controller).not_to set_flash[:notice] end end context 'when requesting a redirected path' do let(:redirect_route) { group.redirect_routes.create(path: 'old-path') } let(:group_full_path) { redirect_route.path } it 'redirects to the canonical path' do expect(response).to redirect_to(group) expect(controller).to set_flash[:notice].to(group_moved_message(redirect_route, group)) end context 'when the old group path is a substring of the scheme or host' do let(:redirect_route) { group.redirect_routes.create(path: 'http') } it 'does not modify the requested host' do expect(response).to redirect_to(group) expect(controller).to set_flash[:notice].to(group_moved_message(redirect_route, group)) end end context 'when the old group path is substring of groups' do # I.e. /groups/oups should not become /grfoo/oups let(:redirect_route) { group.redirect_routes.create(path: 'oups') } it 'does not modify the /groups part of the path' do expect(response).to redirect_to(group) expect(controller).to set_flash[:notice].to(group_moved_message(redirect_route, group)) end end end end context 'when requesting groups under the /groups path' do context 'when requesting the canonical path' do context 'non-show path' do context 'with exactly matching casing' do it 'does not redirect' do get :issues, params: { id: group.to_param } expect(response).not_to have_gitlab_http_status(:moved_permanently) end end context 'with different casing' do it 'redirects to the correct casing' do get :issues, params: { id: group.to_param.upcase } expect(response).to redirect_to(issues_group_path(group.to_param)) expect(controller).not_to set_flash[:notice] end end end context 'show path' do context 'with exactly matching casing' do it 'does not redirect' do get :show, params: { id: group.to_param } expect(response).not_to have_gitlab_http_status(:moved_permanently) end end context 'with different casing' do it 'redirects to the correct casing at the root path' do get :show, params: { id: group.to_param.upcase } expect(response).to redirect_to(group) expect(controller).not_to set_flash[:notice] end end end end context 'when requesting a redirected path' do let(:redirect_route) { group.redirect_routes.create(path: 'old-path') } it 'redirects to the canonical path' do get :issues, params: { id: redirect_route.path } expect(response).to redirect_to(issues_group_path(group.to_param)) expect(controller).to set_flash[:notice].to(group_moved_message(redirect_route, group)) end context 'when the old group path is a substring of the scheme or host' do let(:redirect_route) { group.redirect_routes.create(path: 'http') } it 'does not modify the requested host' do get :issues, params: { id: redirect_route.path } expect(response).to redirect_to(issues_group_path(group.to_param)) expect(controller).to set_flash[:notice].to(group_moved_message(redirect_route, group)) end end context 'when the old group path is substring of groups' do # I.e. /groups/oups should not become /grfoo/oups let(:redirect_route) { group.redirect_routes.create(path: 'oups') } it 'does not modify the /groups part of the path' do get :issues, params: { id: redirect_route.path } expect(response).to redirect_to(issues_group_path(group.to_param)) expect(controller).to set_flash[:notice].to(group_moved_message(redirect_route, group)) end end context 'when the old group path is substring of groups plus the new path' do # I.e. /groups/oups/oup should not become /grfoos let(:redirect_route) { group.redirect_routes.create(path: 'oups/oup') } it 'does not modify the /groups part of the path' do get :issues, params: { id: redirect_route.path } expect(response).to redirect_to(issues_group_path(group.to_param)) expect(controller).to set_flash[:notice].to(group_moved_message(redirect_route, group)) end end end end context 'for a POST request' do context 'when requesting the canonical path with different casing' do it 'does not 404' do post :update, params: { id: group.to_param.upcase, group: { path: 'new_path' } } expect(response).not_to have_gitlab_http_status(:not_found) end it 'does not redirect to the correct casing' do post :update, params: { id: group.to_param.upcase, group: { path: 'new_path' } } expect(response).not_to have_gitlab_http_status(:moved_permanently) end end context 'when requesting a redirected path' do let(:redirect_route) { group.redirect_routes.create(path: 'old-path') } it 'returns not found' do post :update, params: { id: redirect_route.path, group: { path: 'new_path' } } expect(response).to have_gitlab_http_status(:not_found) end end end context 'for a DELETE request' do context 'when requesting the canonical path with different casing' do it 'does not 404' do delete :destroy, params: { id: group.to_param.upcase } expect(response).not_to have_gitlab_http_status(:not_found) end it 'does not redirect to the correct casing' do delete :destroy, params: { id: group.to_param.upcase } expect(response).not_to have_gitlab_http_status(:moved_permanently) end end context 'when requesting a redirected path' do let(:redirect_route) { group.redirect_routes.create(path: 'old-path') } it 'returns not found' do delete :destroy, params: { id: redirect_route.path } expect(response).to have_gitlab_http_status(:not_found) end end end end def group_moved_message(redirect_route, group) "Group '#{redirect_route.path}' was moved to '#{group.full_path}'. Please update any links and bookmarks that may still have the old path." end end describe 'PUT transfer' do before do sign_in(user) end context 'when transferring to a subgroup goes right' do let(:new_parent_group) { create(:group, :public) } let(:group) { create(:group, :public) } let!(:group_member) { create(:group_member, :owner, group: group, user: user) } let!(:new_parent_group_member) { create(:group_member, :owner, group: new_parent_group, user: user) } before do put :transfer, params: { id: group.to_param, new_parent_group_id: new_parent_group.id } end it 'returns a notice and redirects to the new path' do expect(flash[:notice]).to eq("Group '#{group.name}' was successfully transferred.") expect(response).to redirect_to("/#{new_parent_group.path}/#{group.path}") end end context 'when converting to a root group goes right' do let(:group) { create(:group, :public, :nested) } let!(:group_member) { create(:group_member, :owner, group: group, user: user) } before do put :transfer, params: { id: group.to_param, new_parent_group_id: '' } end it 'returns a notice and redirects to the new path' do expect(flash[:notice]).to eq("Group '#{group.name}' was successfully transferred.") expect(response).to redirect_to("/#{group.path}") end end context 'When the transfer goes wrong' do let(:new_parent_group) { create(:group, :public) } let(:group) { create(:group, :public) } let!(:group_member) { create(:group_member, :owner, group: group, user: user) } let!(:new_parent_group_member) { create(:group_member, :owner, group: new_parent_group, user: user) } before do allow_any_instance_of(::Groups::TransferService).to receive(:proceed_to_transfer).and_raise(Gitlab::UpdatePathError, 'namespace directory cannot be moved') put :transfer, params: { id: group.to_param, new_parent_group_id: new_parent_group.id } end it 'returns an alert and redirects to the current path' do expect(flash[:alert]).to eq "Transfer failed: namespace directory cannot be moved" expect(response).to redirect_to(edit_group_path(group)) end end context 'when the user is not allowed to transfer the group' do let(:new_parent_group) { create(:group, :public) } let(:group) { create(:group, :public) } let!(:group_member) { create(:group_member, :guest, group: group, user: user) } let!(:new_parent_group_member) { create(:group_member, :guest, group: new_parent_group, user: user) } before do put :transfer, params: { id: group.to_param, new_parent_group_id: new_parent_group.id } end it 'is denied' do expect(response).to have_gitlab_http_status(:not_found) end end context 'transferring when a project has container images' do let(:group) { create(:group, :public, :nested) } let(:project) { create(:project, namespace: group) } let!(:group_member) { create(:group_member, :owner, group: group, user: user) } before do stub_container_registry_config(enabled: true) stub_container_registry_tags(repository: /image/, tags: %w[rc1]) create(:container_repository, project: project, name: :image) put :transfer, params: { id: group.to_param, new_parent_group_id: '' } end it 'does not allow the group to be transferred' do expect(controller).to set_flash[:alert].to match(/Docker images in their Container Registry/) expect(response).to redirect_to(edit_group_path(group)) end end end describe 'POST #export' do context 'when the group export feature flag is not enabled' do before do sign_in(admin) stub_feature_flags(group_import_export: false) end it 'returns a not found error' do post :export, params: { id: group.to_param } expect(response).to have_gitlab_http_status(:not_found) end end context 'when the user does not have permission to export the group' do before do sign_in(guest) end it 'returns an error' do post :export, params: { id: group.to_param } expect(response).to have_gitlab_http_status(:not_found) end end context 'when supplied valid params' do before do sign_in(admin) end it 'triggers the export job' do expect(GroupExportWorker).to receive(:perform_async).with(admin.id, group.id, {}) post :export, params: { id: group.to_param } end it 'redirects to the edit page' do post :export, params: { id: group.to_param } expect(response).to have_gitlab_http_status(:found) end end context 'when the endpoint receives requests above the rate limit' do before do sign_in(admin) allow(Gitlab::ApplicationRateLimiter) .to receive(:increment) .and_return(Gitlab::ApplicationRateLimiter.rate_limits[:group_export][:threshold].call + 1) end it 'throttles the endpoint' do post :export, params: { id: group.to_param } expect(response.body).to eq('This endpoint has been requested too many times. Try again later.') expect(response).to have_gitlab_http_status :too_many_requests end end end describe 'GET #download_export' do context 'when there is a file available to download' do let(:export_file) { fixture_file_upload('spec/fixtures/group_export.tar.gz') } before do sign_in(admin) create(:import_export_upload, group: group, export_file: export_file) end it 'sends the file' do get :download_export, params: { id: group.to_param } expect(response.body).to eq export_file.tempfile.read end end context 'when there is no file available to download' do let(:admin) { create(:admin) } before do sign_in(admin) end it 'returns not found' do get :download_export, params: { id: group.to_param } expect(flash[:alert]) .to eq 'Group export link has expired. Please generate a new export from your group settings.' expect(response).to redirect_to(edit_group_path(group)) end end context 'when the group export feature flag is not enabled' do before do sign_in(admin) stub_feature_flags(group_import_export: false) end it 'returns a not found error' do post :export, params: { id: group.to_param } expect(response).to have_gitlab_http_status(:not_found) end end context 'when the user does not have the required permissions' do before do sign_in(guest) end it 'returns not_found' do get :download_export, params: { id: group.to_param } expect(response).to have_gitlab_http_status(:not_found) end end context 'when the endpoint receives requests above the rate limit' do before do sign_in(admin) allow(Gitlab::ApplicationRateLimiter) .to receive(:increment) .and_return(Gitlab::ApplicationRateLimiter.rate_limits[:group_download_export][:threshold].call + 1) end it 'throttles the endpoint' do get :download_export, params: { id: group.to_param } expect(response.body).to eq('This endpoint has been requested too many times. Try again later.') expect(response).to have_gitlab_http_status :too_many_requests end end end context 'token authentication' do it_behaves_like 'authenticates sessionless user', :show, :atom, public: true do before do default_params.merge!(id: group) end end it_behaves_like 'authenticates sessionless user', :issues, :atom, public: true do before do default_params.merge!(id: group, author_id: user.id) end end it_behaves_like 'authenticates sessionless user', :issues_calendar, :ics, public: true do before do default_params.merge!(id: group) end end end describe 'external authorization' do before do group.add_owner(user) sign_in(user) end context 'with external authorization service enabled' do before do enable_external_authorization_service_check end describe 'GET #show' do it 'is successful' do get :show, params: { id: group.to_param } expect(response).to have_gitlab_http_status(:ok) end it 'does not allow other formats' do get :show, params: { id: group.to_param }, format: :atom expect(response).to have_gitlab_http_status(:forbidden) end end describe 'GET #edit' do it 'is successful' do get :edit, params: { id: group.to_param } expect(response).to have_gitlab_http_status(:ok) end end describe 'GET #new' do it 'is successful' do get :new expect(response).to have_gitlab_http_status(:ok) end end describe 'GET #index' do it 'is successful' do get :index # Redirects to the dashboard expect(response).to have_gitlab_http_status(:found) end end describe 'POST #create' do it 'creates a group' do expect do post :create, params: { group: { name: 'a name', path: 'a-name' } } end.to change { Group.count }.by(1) end end describe 'PUT #update' do it 'updates a group' do expect do put :update, params: { id: group.to_param, group: { name: 'world' } } end.to change { group.reload.name } end context "malicious group name" do subject { put :update, params: { id: group.to_param, group: { name: "" } } } it { is_expected.to render_template(:edit) } it 'does not update name' do expect { subject }.not_to change { group.reload.name } end end end describe 'DELETE #destroy' do it 'deletes the group' do delete :destroy, params: { id: group.to_param } expect(response).to have_gitlab_http_status(:found) end end end describe 'GET #activity' do subject { get :activity, params: { id: group.to_param } } it_behaves_like 'disabled when using an external authorization service' end describe "GET #activity as JSON" do include DesignManagementTestHelpers let(:other_project) { create(:project, :public, group: group) } def get_activity get :activity, params: { format: :json, id: group.to_param } end before do enable_design_management issue = create(:issue, project: project) create(:event, :created, project: project, target: issue) create(:design_event, project: project) create(:design_event, project: other_project) sign_in(user) request.cookies[:event_filter] = 'all' end it 'returns count' do get_activity expect(json_response['count']).to eq(3) end end describe 'GET #issues' do subject { get :issues, params: { id: group.to_param } } it_behaves_like 'disabled when using an external authorization service' end describe 'GET #merge_requests' do subject { get :merge_requests, params: { id: group.to_param } } it_behaves_like 'disabled when using an external authorization service' end end end