--- stage: Create group: Gitaly info: To determine the technical writer assigned to the Stage/Group associated with this page, see https://about.gitlab.com/handbook/engineering/ux/technical-writing/#designated-technical-writers type: howto --- # Reduce repository size Git repositories become larger over time. When large files are added to a Git repository: - Fetching the repository becomes slower because everyone must download the files. - They take up a large amount of storage space on the server. - Git repository storage limits [can be reached](#storage-limits). Rewriting a repository can remove unwanted history to make the repository smaller. We **recommend [`git filter-repo`](https://github.com/newren/git-filter-repo/blob/main/README.md)** over [`git filter-branch`](https://git-scm.com/docs/git-filter-branch) and [BFG](https://rtyley.github.io/bfg-repo-cleaner/). DANGER: **Danger:** Rewriting repository history is a destructive operation. Make sure to back up your repository before you begin. The best way back up a repository is to [export the project](../settings/import_export.md#exporting-a-project-and-its-data). NOTE: **Note:** Git LFS files can only be removed by an Administrator using a [Rake task](../../../raketasks/cleanup.md). Removal of this limitation [is planned](https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab/-/issues/223621). ## Purge files from repository history To reduce the size of your repository in GitLab, you must remove references to large files from branches, tags, and other internal references (refs) that are automatically created by GitLab. These refs include: - `refs/merge-requests/*` for merge requests. - `refs/pipelines/*` for [pipelines](../../../ci/troubleshooting.md#fatal-reference-is-not-a-tree-error). - `refs/environments/*` for environments. Git doesn't usually download these refs to make cloning and fetch faster, but we can use the `--mirror` option to download all the advertised refs. 1. [Install `git filter-repo`](https://github.com/newren/git-filter-repo/blob/main/INSTALL.md) using a supported package manager or from source. 1. Clone a fresh copy of the repository using `--bare` and `--mirror`: ```shell git clone --bare --mirror https://gitlab.example.com/my/project.git ``` 1. Using `git filter-repo`, purge any files from the history of your repository. To purge large files, the `--strip-blobs-bigger-than` option can be used: ```shell git filter-repo --strip-blobs-bigger-than 10M ``` To purge large files stored using Git LFS, the `--blob--callback` option can be used. The example below, uses the callback to read the file size from the Git LFS pointer, and removes files larger than 10MB. ```shell git filter-repo --blob-callback ' if blob.data.startswith(b"version https://git-lfs.github.com/spec/v1"): size_in_bytes = int.from_bytes(blob.data[124:], byteorder="big") if size_in_bytes > 10*1000: blob.skip() ' ``` To purge specific large files by path, the `--path` and `--invert-paths` options can be combined: ```shell git filter-repo --path path/to/big/file.m4v --invert-paths ``` See the [`git filter-repo` documentation](https://htmlpreview.github.io/?https://github.com/newren/git-filter-repo/blob/docs/html/git-filter-repo.html#EXAMPLES) for more examples and the complete documentation. 1. Force push your changes to overwrite all branches on GitLab: ```shell git push origin --force 'refs/heads/*' ``` [Protected branches](../protected_branches.md) will cause this to fail. To proceed, you must remove branch protection, push, and then re-enable protected branches. 1. To remove large files from tagged releases, force push your changes to all tags on GitLab: ```shell git push origin --force 'refs/tags/*' ``` [Protected tags](../protected_tags.md) will cause this to fail. To proceed, you must remove tag protection, push, and then re-enable protected tags. 1. To prevent dead links to commits that no longer exist, push the `refs/replace` created by `git filter-repo`. ```shell git push origin --force 'refs/replace/*' ``` Refer to the Git [`replace`](https://git-scm.com/book/en/v2/Git-Tools-Replace) documentation for information on how this works. 1. Run a [repository cleanup](#repository-cleanup). NOTE: **Note:** Project statistics are cached for performance. You may need to wait 5-10 minutes to see a reduction in storage utilization. ## Purge files from GitLab storage In addition to the refs mentioned above, GitLab also creates hidden `refs/keep-around/*`to prevent commits being deleted. Hidden refs are not advertised, which means we can't download them using Git, but these refs are included in a project export. To purge files from GitLab storage: 1. [Install `git filter-repo`](https://github.com/newren/git-filter-repo/blob/main/INSTALL.md) using a supported package manager or from source. 1. Generate a fresh [export from the project](../settings/import_export.html#exporting-a-project-and-its-data) and download it. 1. Decompress the backup using `tar`: ```shell tar xzf project-backup.tar.gz ``` This will contain a `project.bundle` file, which was created by [`git bundle`](https://git-scm.com/docs/git-bundle). 1. Clone a fresh copy of the repository from the bundle: ```shell git clone --bare --mirror /path/to/project.bundle ``` 1. Using `git filter-repo`, purge any files from the history of your repository. Because we are trying to remove internal refs, we will rely on the `commit-map` produced by each run to tell us which internal refs to remove. NOTE: **Note:** `git filter-repo` creates a new `commit-map` file every run, and overwrite the `commit-map` from the previous run. You will need this file from **every** run. Do the next step every time you run `git filter-repo`. To purge all large files, the `--strip-blobs-bigger-than` option can be used: ```shell git filter-repo --strip-blobs-bigger-than 10M ``` To purge specific large files by path, the `--path` and `--invert-paths` options can be combined. ```shell git filter-repo --path path/to/big/file.m4v --invert-paths ``` See the [`git filter-repo` documentation](https://htmlpreview.github.io/?https://github.com/newren/git-filter-repo/blob/docs/html/git-filter-repo.html#EXAMPLES) for more examples and the complete documentation. 1. Because cloning from a bundle file sets the `origin` remote to the local bundle file, delete this `origin` remote, and set it to the URL to your repository: ```shell git remote remove origin git remote add origin https://gitlab.example.com//.git ``` 1. Force push your changes to overwrite all branches on GitLab: ```shell git push origin --force 'refs/heads/*' ``` [Protected branches](../protected_branches.md) will cause this to fail. To proceed, you must remove branch protection, push, and then re-enable protected branches. 1. To remove large files from tagged releases, force push your changes to all tags on GitLab: ```shell git push origin --force 'refs/tags/*' ``` [Protected tags](../protected_tags.md) will cause this to fail. To proceed, you must remove tag protection, push, and then re-enable protected tags. 1. To prevent dead links to commits that no longer exist, push the `refs/replace` created by `git filter-repo`. ```shell git push origin --force 'refs/replace/*' ``` Refer to the Git [`replace`](https://git-scm.com/book/en/v2/Git-Tools-Replace) documentation for information on how this works. 1. Run a [repository cleanup](#repository-cleanup). ## Repository cleanup > [Introduced](https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab-foss/-/issues/19376) in GitLab 11.6. Repository cleanup allows you to upload a text file of objects and GitLab will remove internal Git references to these objects. You can use [`git filter-repo`](https://github.com/newren/git-filter-repo) to produce a list of objects (in a `commit-map` file) that can be used with repository cleanup. To clean up a repository: 1. Go to the project for the repository. 1. Navigate to **Settings > Repository**. 1. Upload a list of objects. For example, a `commit-map` file created by `git filter-repo` which is located in the `filter-repo` directory. If your `commit-map` file is larger than 10MB, the file can be split and uploaded piece by piece: ```shell split -l 100000 filter-repo/commit-map filter-repo/commit-map- ``` 1. Click **Start cleanup**. This will: - Remove any internal Git references to old commits. - Run `git gc` against the repository to remove unreferenced objects. Repacking your repository will temporarily cause the size of your repository to increase significantly, because the old pack files are not removed until the new pack files have been created. - Unlink any unused LFS objects currently attached to your project, freeing up storage space. - Recalculate the size of your repository on disk. You will receive an email notification with the recalculated repository size after the cleanup has completed. When using repository cleanup, note: - Project statistics are cached. You may need to wait 5-10 minutes to see a reduction in storage utilization. - Housekeeping prunes loose objects older than 2 weeks. This means objects added in the last 2 weeks will not be removed immediately. If you have access to the [Gitaly](../../../administration/gitaly/index.md) server, you may run `git gc --prune=now` to prune all loose objects immediately. - This process will remove some copies of the rewritten commits from GitLab's cache and database, but there are still numerous gaps in coverage and some of the copies may persist indefinitely. [Clearing the instance cache](../../../administration/raketasks/maintenance.md#clear-redis-cache) may help to remove some of them, but it should not be depended on for security purposes! ## Storage limits Repository size limits: - Can [be set by an administrator](../../admin_area/settings/account_and_limit_settings.md#account-and-limit-settings) on self-managed instances. **(STARTER ONLY)** - Are [set for GitLab.com](../../gitlab_com/index.md#account-and-limit-settings). When a project has reached its size limit, you cannot: - Push to the project. - Create a new merge request. - Merge existing merge requests. - Upload LFS objects. You can still: - Create new issues. - Clone the project. If you exceed the repository size limit, you can: 1. Remove some data. 1. Make a new commit. 1. Push back to the repository. If these actions are insufficient, you can also: - Move some blobs to LFS. - Remove some old dependency updates from history. Unfortunately, this workflow doesn't work. Deleting files in a commit doesn't actually reduce the size of the repository, because the earlier commits and blobs still exist. Instead, you must rewrite history. We recommend the open-source community-maintained tool [`git filter-repo`](https://github.com/newren/git-filter-repo). NOTE: **Note:** Until `git gc` runs on the GitLab side, the "removed" commits and blobs will still exist. You also must be able to push the rewritten history to GitLab, which may be impossible if you've already exceeded the maximum size limit. In order to lift these restrictions, the administrator of the self-managed GitLab instance must increase the limit on the particular project that exceeded it. Therefore, it's always better to proactively stay underneath the limit. If you hit the limit, and can't have it temporarily increased, your only option is to: 1. Prune all the unneeded stuff locally. 1. Create a new project on GitLab and start using that instead. CAUTION: **Caution:** This process is not suitable for removing sensitive data like password or keys from your repository. Information about commits, including file content, is cached in the database, and will remain visible even after they have been removed from the repository. ## Troubleshooting ### Incorrect repository statistics shown in the GUI If the displayed size or commit number is different from the exported `.tar.gz` or local repository, you can ask a GitLab administrator to [force an update](../../../administration/troubleshooting/gitlab_rails_cheat_sheet.md#incorrect-repository-statistics-shown-in-the-gui).