import * as d3 from 'd3'; import { LINK_SELECTOR, NODE_SELECTOR, IS_HIGHLIGHTED } from './constants'; export const highlightIn = 1; export const highlightOut = 0.2; const getCurrent = (idx, collection) =>[idx]); const getLiveLinks = () => d3.selectAll(`.${LINK_SELECTOR}.${IS_HIGHLIGHTED}`); const getOtherLinks = () => d3.selectAll(`.${LINK_SELECTOR}:not(.${IS_HIGHLIGHTED})`); const getNodesNotLive = () => d3.selectAll(`.${NODE_SELECTOR}:not(.${IS_HIGHLIGHTED})`); export const getLiveLinksAsDict = () => { return Object.fromEntries( getLiveLinks() .data() .map(d => [d.uid, d]), ); }; export const currentIsLive = (idx, collection) => getCurrent(idx, collection).classed(IS_HIGHLIGHTED); const backgroundLinks = selection =>'stroke-opacity', highlightOut); const backgroundNodes = selection => selection.attr('stroke', '#f2f2f2'); const foregroundLinks = selection =>'stroke-opacity', highlightIn); const foregroundNodes = selection => selection.attr('stroke', d => d.color); const renewLinks = (selection, baseOpacity) =>'stroke-opacity', baseOpacity); const renewNodes = selection => selection.attr('stroke', d => d.color); export const getAllLinkAncestors = node => { if (node.targetLinks) { return node.targetLinks.flatMap(n => { return [n, ...getAllLinkAncestors(n.source)]; }); } return []; }; const getAllNodeAncestors = node => { let allNodes = []; if (node.targetLinks) { allNodes = node.targetLinks.flatMap(n => { return getAllNodeAncestors(n.source); }); } return [...allNodes, node.uid]; }; export const highlightLinks = (d, idx, collection) => { const currentLink = getCurrent(idx, collection); const currentSourceNode =`#${d.source.uid}`); const currentTargetNode =`#${}`); /* Higlight selected link, de-emphasize others */ backgroundLinks(getOtherLinks()); foregroundLinks(currentLink); /* Do the same to related nodes */ backgroundNodes(getNodesNotLive()); foregroundNodes(currentSourceNode); foregroundNodes(currentTargetNode); }; const highlightPath = (parentLinks, parentNodes) => { /* de-emphasize everything else */ backgroundLinks(getOtherLinks()); backgroundNodes(getNodesNotLive()); /* highlight correct links */ parentLinks.forEach(({ uid }) => { foregroundLinks(`#${uid}`)).classed(IS_HIGHLIGHTED, true); }); /* highlight correct nodes */ parentNodes.forEach(id => { foregroundNodes(`#${id}`)).classed(IS_HIGHLIGHTED, true); }); }; const restoreNodes = () => { /* When paths are unclicked, they can take down nodes that are still in use for other paths. This checks the live paths and rehighlights their nodes. */ getLiveLinks().each(d => { foregroundNodes(`#${d.source.uid}`)).classed(IS_HIGHLIGHTED, true); foregroundNodes(`#${}`)).classed(IS_HIGHLIGHTED, true); }); }; const restorePath = (parentLinks, parentNodes, baseOpacity) => { parentLinks.forEach(({ uid }) => { renewLinks(`#${uid}`), baseOpacity).classed(IS_HIGHLIGHTED, false); }); parentNodes.forEach(id => {`#${id}`).classed(IS_HIGHLIGHTED, false); }); if (d3.selectAll(`.${IS_HIGHLIGHTED}`).empty()) { renewLinks(getOtherLinks(), baseOpacity); renewNodes(getNodesNotLive()); return; } backgroundLinks(getOtherLinks()); backgroundNodes(getNodesNotLive()); restoreNodes(); }; export const restoreLinks = baseOpacity => { /* if there exist live links, reset to highlight out / pale otherwise, reset to base */ if (d3.selectAll(`.${IS_HIGHLIGHTED}`).empty()) { renewLinks(d3.selectAll(`.${LINK_SELECTOR}`), baseOpacity); renewNodes(d3.selectAll(`.${NODE_SELECTOR}`)); return; } backgroundLinks(getOtherLinks()); backgroundNodes(getNodesNotLive()); }; export const toggleLinkHighlight = (baseOpacity, d, idx, collection) => { if (currentIsLive(idx, collection)) { restorePath([d], [d.source.uid,], baseOpacity); restoreNodes(); return; } highlightPath([d], [d.source.uid,]); }; export const togglePathHighlights = (baseOpacity, d, idx, collection) => { const parentLinks = getAllLinkAncestors(d); const parentNodes = getAllNodeAncestors(d); const currentNode = getCurrent(idx, collection); /* if this node is already live, make it unlive and reset its path */ if (currentIsLive(idx, collection)) { currentNode.classed(IS_HIGHLIGHTED, false); restorePath(parentLinks, parentNodes, baseOpacity); return; } highlightPath(parentLinks, parentNodes); };