# frozen_string_literal: true require 'spec_helper' RSpec.describe 'Updating an existing release' do include GraphqlHelpers include Presentable let_it_be(:public_user) { create(:user) } let_it_be(:guest) { create(:user) } let_it_be(:reporter) { create(:user) } let_it_be(:developer) { create(:user) } let_it_be(:project) { create(:project, :public, :repository) } let_it_be(:milestone_12_3) { create(:milestone, project: project, title: '12.3') } let_it_be(:milestone_12_4) { create(:milestone, project: project, title: '12.4') } let_it_be(:tag_name) { 'v1.1.0' } let_it_be(:name) { 'Version 7.12.5'} let_it_be(:description) { 'Release 7.12.5 :rocket:' } let_it_be(:released_at) { '2018-12-10' } let_it_be(:created_at) { '2018-11-05' } let_it_be(:milestones) { [milestone_12_3, milestone_12_4] } let_it_be(:release) do create(:release, project: project, tag: tag_name, name: name, description: description, released_at: Time.parse(released_at).utc, created_at: Time.parse(created_at).utc, milestones: milestones) end let(:mutation_name) { :release_update } let(:mutation_arguments) do { projectPath: project.full_path, tagName: tag_name } end let(:mutation) do graphql_mutation(mutation_name, mutation_arguments, <<~FIELDS) release { tagName name description releasedAt createdAt milestones { nodes { title } } } errors FIELDS end let(:update_release) { post_graphql_mutation(mutation, current_user: current_user) } let(:mutation_response) { graphql_mutation_response(mutation_name)&.with_indifferent_access } let(:expected_attributes) do { tagName: tag_name, name: name, description: description, releasedAt: Time.parse(released_at).utc.iso8601, createdAt: Time.parse(created_at).utc.iso8601, milestones: { nodes: milestones.map { |m| { title: m.title } } } }.with_indifferent_access end around do |example| freeze_time { example.run } end before do project.add_guest(guest) project.add_reporter(reporter) project.add_developer(developer) stub_default_url_options(host: 'www.example.com') end shared_examples 'no errors' do it 'returns no errors' do update_release expect(graphql_errors).not_to be_present end end shared_examples 'top-level error with message' do |error_message| it 'returns a top-level error with message' do update_release expect(mutation_response).to be_nil expect(graphql_errors.count).to eq(1) expect(graphql_errors.first['message']).to eq(error_message) end end shared_examples 'errors-as-data with message' do |error_message| it 'returns an error-as-data with message' do update_release expect(mutation_response[:release]).to be_nil expect(mutation_response[:errors].count).to eq(1) expect(mutation_response[:errors].first).to match(error_message) end end shared_examples 'updates release fields' do |updates| it_behaves_like 'no errors' it 'updates the correct field and returns the release' do update_release expect(mutation_response[:release]).to eq(expected_attributes.merge(updates)) end end context 'when the current user has access to update releases' do let(:current_user) { developer } context 'name' do context 'when a new name is provided' do let(:mutation_arguments) { super().merge(name: 'Updated name') } it_behaves_like 'updates release fields', name: 'Updated name' end context 'when null is provided' do let(:mutation_arguments) { super().merge(name: nil) } it_behaves_like 'updates release fields', name: 'v1.1.0' end end context 'description' do context 'when a new description is provided' do let(:mutation_arguments) { super().merge(description: 'Updated description') } it_behaves_like 'updates release fields', description: 'Updated description' end context 'when null is provided' do let(:mutation_arguments) { super().merge(description: nil) } it_behaves_like 'updates release fields', description: nil end end context 'releasedAt' do context 'when no time zone is provided' do let(:mutation_arguments) { super().merge(releasedAt: '2015-05-05') } it_behaves_like 'updates release fields', releasedAt: Time.parse('2015-05-05').utc.iso8601 end context 'when a local time zone is provided' do let(:mutation_arguments) { super().merge(releasedAt: Time.parse('2015-05-05').in_time_zone('Hawaii').iso8601) } it_behaves_like 'updates release fields', releasedAt: Time.parse('2015-05-05').utc.iso8601 end context 'when null is provided' do let(:mutation_arguments) { super().merge(releasedAt: nil) } it_behaves_like 'top-level error with message', 'if the releasedAt argument is provided, it cannot be null' end end context 'milestones' do context 'when a new set of milestones is provided provided' do let(:mutation_arguments) { super().merge(milestones: ['12.3']) } it_behaves_like 'updates release fields', milestones: { nodes: [{ title: '12.3' }] } end context 'when an empty array is provided' do let(:mutation_arguments) { super().merge(milestones: []) } it_behaves_like 'updates release fields', milestones: { nodes: [] } end context 'when null is provided' do let(:mutation_arguments) { super().merge(milestones: nil) } it_behaves_like 'top-level error with message', 'if the milestones argument is provided, it cannot be null' end context 'when a non-existent milestone title is provided' do let(:mutation_arguments) { super().merge(milestones: ['not real']) } it_behaves_like 'errors-as-data with message', 'Milestone(s) not found: not real' end context 'when a milestone title from a different project is provided' do let(:milestone_in_different_project) { create(:milestone, title: 'milestone in different project') } let(:mutation_arguments) { super().merge(milestones: [milestone_in_different_project.title]) } it_behaves_like 'errors-as-data with message', 'Milestone(s) not found: milestone in different project' end end context 'validation' do context 'when no updated fields are provided' do it_behaves_like 'errors-as-data with message', 'params is empty' end context 'when the tag does not exist' do let(:mutation_arguments) { super().merge(tagName: 'not-a-real-tag') } it_behaves_like 'errors-as-data with message', 'Tag does not exist' end context 'when the project does not exist' do let(:mutation_arguments) { super().merge(projectPath: 'not/a/real/path') } it_behaves_like 'top-level error with message', "The resource that you are attempting to access does not exist or you don't have permission to perform this action" end end end context "when the current user doesn't have access to update releases" do expected_error_message = "The resource that you are attempting to access does not exist or you don't have permission to perform this action" context 'when the current user is a Reporter' do let(:current_user) { reporter } it_behaves_like 'top-level error with message', expected_error_message end context 'when the current user is a Guest' do let(:current_user) { guest } it_behaves_like 'top-level error with message', expected_error_message end context 'when the current user is a public user' do let(:current_user) { public_user } it_behaves_like 'top-level error with message', expected_error_message end end end