# frozen_string_literal: true module Gitlab module Database module PostgresHll # For large tables, PostgreSQL can take a long time to count rows due to MVCC. # Implements a distinct batch counter based on HyperLogLog algorithm # Needs indexes on the column below to calculate max, min and range queries # For larger tables just set higher batch_size with index optimization # # In order to not use a possible complex time consuming query when calculating min and max values, # the start and finish can be sent specifically, start and finish should contain max and min values for PRIMARY KEY of # relation (most cases `id` column) rather than counted attribute eg: # estimate_distinct_count(start: ::Project.aimed_for_deletion.minimum(:id), finish: ::Project.aimed_for_deletion.maximum(:id)) # # Grouped relations are NOT supported yet. # # @example Usage # ::Gitlab::Database::PostgresHllBatchDistinctCount.new(::Project, :creator_id).execute # ::Gitlab::Database::PostgresHllBatchDistinctCount.new(::Project.aimed_for_deletion.service_desk_enabled.where(time_period)) # .execute( # batch_size: 1_000, # start: ::Project.aimed_for_deletion.service_desk_enabled.where(time_period).minimum(:id), # finish: ::Project.aimed_for_deletion.service_desk_enabled.where(time_period).maximum(:id) # ) # # @note HyperLogLog is an PROBABILISTIC algorithm that ESTIMATES distinct count of given attribute value for supplied relation # Like all probabilistic algorithm is has ERROR RATE margin, that can affect values, # for given implementation no higher value was reported (https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab/-/merge_requests/45673#accuracy-estimation) than 5.3% # for the most of a cases this value is lower. However, if the exact value is necessary other tools has to be used. class BatchDistinctCounter ERROR_RATE = 4.9 # max encountered empirical error rate, used in tests MIN_REQUIRED_BATCH_SIZE = 750 SLEEP_TIME_IN_SECONDS = 0.01 # 10 msec sleep MAX_DATA_VOLUME = 4_000_000_000 # Each query should take < 500ms https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab/-/merge_requests/22705 DEFAULT_BATCH_SIZE = 10_000 ZERO_OFFSET = 1 BUCKET_ID_MASK = (Buckets::TOTAL_BUCKETS - ZERO_OFFSET).to_s(2) BIT_31_MASK = "B'0#{'1' * 31}'" BIT_32_NORMALIZED_BUCKET_ID_MASK = "B'#{'0' * (32 - BUCKET_ID_MASK.size)}#{BUCKET_ID_MASK}'" WRONG_CONFIGURATION_ERROR = Class.new(ActiveRecord::StatementInvalid) def initialize(relation, column = nil) @relation = relation @column = column || relation.primary_key end # Executes counter that iterates over database source and return Gitlab::Database::PostgresHll::Buckets # that can be used to estimation of number of uniq elements in analysed set # # @param batch_size maximal number of rows that will be analysed by single database query # @param start initial pkey range # @param finish final pkey range # @return [Gitlab::Database::PostgresHll::Buckets] HyperLogLog data structure instance that can estimate number of unique elements def execute(batch_size: nil, start: nil, finish: nil) raise 'BatchCount can not be run inside a transaction' if ActiveRecord::Base.connection.transaction_open? # rubocop: disable Database/MultipleDatabases batch_size ||= DEFAULT_BATCH_SIZE start = actual_start(start) finish = actual_finish(finish) raise WRONG_CONFIGURATION_ERROR if unwanted_configuration?(start, finish, batch_size) batch_start = start hll_buckets = Buckets.new while batch_start <= finish hll_buckets.merge_hash!(hll_buckets_for_batch(batch_start, batch_start + batch_size)) batch_start += batch_size sleep(SLEEP_TIME_IN_SECONDS) end hll_buckets end private def unwanted_configuration?(start, finish, batch_size) batch_size <= MIN_REQUIRED_BATCH_SIZE || (finish - start) >= MAX_DATA_VOLUME || start > finish || start < 0 || finish < 0 end def hll_buckets_for_batch(start, finish) @relation .connection .execute(bucketed_data_sql % { source_query: source_query(start, finish) }) .map(&:values) .to_h end # Generate the source query SQL snippet for the provided id range # # @example SQL query template # SELECT CAST(('X' || md5(CAST(%{column} as text))) as bit(32)) attr_hash_32_bits # FROM %{relation} # WHERE %{pkey} >= %{batch_start} AND %{pkey} < %{batch_end} # AND %{column} IS NOT NULL # # @param start initial id range # @param finish final id range # @return [String] SQL query fragment def source_query(start, finish) col_as_arel = @column.is_a?(Arel::Attributes::Attribute) ? @column : Arel.sql(@column.to_s) col_as_text = Arel::Nodes::NamedFunction.new('CAST', [col_as_arel.as('text')]) md5_of_col = Arel::Nodes::NamedFunction.new('md5', [col_as_text]) md5_as_hex = Arel::Nodes::Concat.new(Arel.sql("'X'"), md5_of_col) bits = Arel::Nodes::NamedFunction.new('CAST', [md5_as_hex.as('bit(32)')]) @relation .where(@relation.primary_key => (start...finish)) .where(col_as_arel.not_eq(nil)) .select(bits.as('attr_hash_32_bits')).to_sql end def actual_start(start) start || @relation.unscope(:group, :having).minimum(@relation.primary_key) || 0 end def actual_finish(finish) finish || @relation.unscope(:group, :having).maximum(@relation.primary_key) || 0 end # @example source_query # SELECT CAST(('X' || md5(CAST(%{column} as text))) as bit(32)) attr_hash_32_bits # FROM %{relation} # WHERE %{pkey} >= %{batch_start} # AND %{pkey} < %{batch_end} # AND %{column} IS NOT NULL def bucketed_data_sql <<~SQL WITH hashed_attributes AS #{Gitlab::Database::AsWithMaterialized.materialized_if_supported} (%{source_query}) SELECT (attr_hash_32_bits & #{BIT_32_NORMALIZED_BUCKET_ID_MASK})::int AS bucket_num, (31 - floor(log(2, min((attr_hash_32_bits & #{BIT_31_MASK})::int))))::int as bucket_hash FROM hashed_attributes GROUP BY 1 SQL end end end end end