- breadcrumb_title _('Google Cloud') - page_title _('Google Cloud') - @content_class = "limit-container-width" unless fluid_layout #js-google-cloud %h1.gl-font-size-h1 Google Cloud %section#js-section-google-cloud-service-accounts %h2.gl-font-size-h2 Service Accounts %p= _('Service Accounts keys are required to authorize GitLab to deploy your Google Cloud project.') %table.table.b-table.gl-table %thead %tr %th Environment %th GCP Project ID %th Service Account Key %tbody %tr %td * %td serving-salutes-453 %td ..... %tr %td production %td crimson-corey-234 %td ..... %tr %td review/* %td roving-river-379 %td ..... %a.gl-button.btn.btn-primary= _('Add new service account') %br %section#js-section-google-cloud-deployments .row.row-fluid .col-lg-4 %h2.gl-font-size-h2 Deployments %p= _('Google Cloud offers several deployment targets. Select the one most suitable for your project.') %p = _('Deployments to Google Kubernetes Engine can be ') %a{ href: '#' }= _('managed') = _('in Infrastructure :: Kubernetes clusters') .col-lg-8 %br .gl-card.gl-mb-6 .gl-card-body .gl-display-flex.gl-align-items-baseline %strong.gl-font-lg App Engine .gl-ml-auto.gl-text-gray-500 Disabled %p= _('App Engine description and apps that are suitable for this deployment target') %button.gl-button.btn.btn-default= _('Configure via Merge Request') .gl-card.gl-mb-6 .gl-card-body .gl-display-flex.gl-align-items-baseline %strong.gl-font-lg Cloud Functions .gl-ml-auto.gl-text-gray-500 Disabled %p= _('Cloud Functions description and apps that are suitable for this deployment target') %button.gl-button.btn.btn-default= _('Configure via Merge Request') .gl-card.gl-mb-6 .gl-card-body .gl-display-flex.gl-align-items-baseline %strong.gl-font-lg Cloud Run .gl-ml-auto.gl-text-gray-500 Disabled %p= _('Cloud Run description and apps that are suitable for this deployment target') %button.gl-button.btn.btn-default= _('Configure via Merge Request')