# frozen_string_literal: true RSpec.shared_examples "matches the method pattern" do |method| let(:target) { subject } let(:args) { nil } let(:pattern) { patterns[method] } it do skip "No pattern provided, skipping." unless pattern expect(target.method(method).call(*args)).to match(pattern) end end RSpec.shared_examples "builds correct paths" do |**patterns| let(:patterns) { patterns } let(:fixture) { File.join('spec', 'fixtures', 'rails_sample.jpg') } before do allow(subject).to receive(:filename).and_return('') end describe "#store_dir" do it_behaves_like "matches the method pattern", :store_dir end describe "#cache_dir" do it_behaves_like "matches the method pattern", :cache_dir end describe "#work_dir" do it_behaves_like "matches the method pattern", :work_dir end describe "#upload_path" do it_behaves_like "matches the method pattern", :upload_path end describe "#relative_path" do it 'is relative' do skip 'Path not set, skipping.' unless subject.path expect(Pathname.new(subject.relative_path)).to be_relative end end describe ".absolute_path" do it_behaves_like "matches the method pattern", :absolute_path do let(:target) { subject.class } let(:args) { [upload] } end end describe ".base_dir" do it_behaves_like "matches the method pattern", :base_dir do let(:target) { subject.class } end end describe "path traversal exploits" do before do allow(subject).to receive(:filename).and_return("3bc58d54542d6a5efffa9a87554faac0254f73f675b337899ea869f6d38b7371/122../../../../../../../../.ssh/authorized_keys") end it "throws an exception" do expect { subject.cache!(fixture_file_upload(fixture)) }.to raise_error(Gitlab::Utils::PathTraversalAttackError) expect { subject.store!(fixture_file_upload(fixture)) }.to raise_error(Gitlab::Utils::PathTraversalAttackError) end end end