# frozen_string_literal: true require 'spec_helper' RSpec.describe Ci::Pipeline, :mailer, factory_default: :keep do include ProjectForksHelper include StubRequests include Ci::SourcePipelineHelpers let_it_be(:user) { create(:user, :public_email) } let_it_be(:namespace) { create_default(:namespace).freeze } let_it_be(:project) { create_default(:project, :repository).freeze } it 'paginates 15 pipeleines per page' do expect(described_class.default_per_page).to eq(15) end it_behaves_like 'having unique enum values' it { is_expected.to belong_to(:project) } it { is_expected.to belong_to(:user) } it { is_expected.to belong_to(:auto_canceled_by) } it { is_expected.to belong_to(:pipeline_schedule) } it { is_expected.to belong_to(:merge_request) } it { is_expected.to belong_to(:external_pull_request) } it { is_expected.to have_many(:statuses) } it { is_expected.to have_many(:trigger_requests) } it { is_expected.to have_many(:variables) } it { is_expected.to have_many(:builds) } it { is_expected.to have_many(:bridges) } it { is_expected.to have_many(:job_artifacts).through(:builds) } it { is_expected.to have_many(:auto_canceled_pipelines) } it { is_expected.to have_many(:auto_canceled_jobs) } it { is_expected.to have_many(:sourced_pipelines) } it { is_expected.to have_many(:triggered_pipelines) } it { is_expected.to have_many(:pipeline_artifacts) } it { is_expected.to have_many(:package_build_infos).dependent(:nullify).inverse_of(:pipeline) } it { is_expected.to have_many(:package_file_build_infos).dependent(:nullify).inverse_of(:pipeline) } it { is_expected.to have_one(:chat_data) } it { is_expected.to have_one(:source_pipeline) } it { is_expected.to have_one(:triggered_by_pipeline) } it { is_expected.to have_one(:source_job) } it { is_expected.to have_one(:pipeline_config) } it { is_expected.to respond_to :git_author_name } it { is_expected.to respond_to :git_author_email } it { is_expected.to respond_to :git_author_full_text } it { is_expected.to respond_to :short_sha } it { is_expected.to delegate_method(:full_path).to(:project).with_prefix } describe 'validations' do it { is_expected.to validate_presence_of(:sha) } it { is_expected.to validate_presence_of(:status) } end describe 'associations' do let_it_be(:pipeline) { create(:ci_empty_pipeline, :created) } it 'has a bidirectional relationship with projects' do expect(described_class.reflect_on_association(:project).has_inverse?).to eq(:all_pipelines) expect(Project.reflect_on_association(:all_pipelines).has_inverse?).to eq(:project) expect(Project.reflect_on_association(:ci_pipelines).has_inverse?).to eq(:project) end describe '#latest_builds' do it 'has a one to many relationship with its latest builds' do _old_build = create(:ci_build, :retried, pipeline: pipeline) latest_build = create(:ci_build, :expired, pipeline: pipeline) expect(pipeline.latest_builds).to contain_exactly(latest_build) end end describe '#downloadable_artifacts' do let_it_be(:build) { create(:ci_build, pipeline: pipeline) } let_it_be(:downloadable_artifact) { create(:ci_job_artifact, :codequality, job: build) } let_it_be(:expired_artifact) { create(:ci_job_artifact, :junit, :expired, job: build) } let_it_be(:undownloadable_artifact) { create(:ci_job_artifact, :trace, job: build) } context 'when artifacts are locked' do it 'returns downloadable artifacts including locked artifacts' do expect(pipeline.downloadable_artifacts).to contain_exactly(downloadable_artifact, expired_artifact) end end context 'when artifacts are unlocked' do it 'returns only downloadable artifacts not expired' do expired_artifact.job.pipeline.unlocked! expect(pipeline.reload.downloadable_artifacts).to contain_exactly(downloadable_artifact) end end end end describe '#set_status' do let(:pipeline) { build(:ci_empty_pipeline, :created) } where(:from_status, :to_status) do from_status_names = described_class.state_machines[:status].states.map(&:name) to_status_names = from_status_names - [:created] # we never want to transition into created from_status_names.product(to_status_names) end with_them do it do pipeline.status = from_status.to_s if from_status != to_status expect(pipeline.set_status(to_status.to_s)) .to eq(true) else expect(pipeline.set_status(to_status.to_s)) .to eq(false), "loopback transitions are not allowed" end end end end describe '.processables' do let_it_be(:pipeline) { create(:ci_empty_pipeline, :created) } before do create(:ci_build, name: 'build', pipeline: pipeline) create(:ci_bridge, name: 'bridge', pipeline: pipeline) create(:commit_status, name: 'commit status', pipeline: pipeline) create(:generic_commit_status, name: 'generic status', pipeline: pipeline) end it 'has an association with processable CI/CD entities' do pipeline.processables.pluck('name').yield_self do |processables| expect(processables).to match_array %w[build bridge] end end it 'makes it possible to append a new processable' do pipeline.processables << build(:ci_bridge) pipeline.save! expect(pipeline.processables.reload.count).to eq 3 end end describe '.for_iid' do subject { described_class.for_iid(iid) } let(:iid) { '1234' } let!(:pipeline) { create(:ci_pipeline, iid: '1234') } it 'returns the pipeline' do is_expected.to contain_exactly(pipeline) end end describe '.for_sha' do subject { described_class.for_sha(sha) } let(:sha) { 'abc' } let_it_be(:pipeline) { create(:ci_pipeline, sha: 'abc') } it 'returns the pipeline' do is_expected.to contain_exactly(pipeline) end context 'when argument is array' do let(:sha) { %w[abc def] } let!(:pipeline_2) { create(:ci_pipeline, sha: 'def') } it 'returns the pipelines' do is_expected.to contain_exactly(pipeline, pipeline_2) end end context 'when sha is empty' do let(:sha) { nil } it 'does not return anything' do is_expected.to be_empty end end end describe '.where_not_sha' do let_it_be(:pipeline) { create(:ci_pipeline, sha: 'abcx') } let_it_be(:pipeline_2) { create(:ci_pipeline, sha: 'abc') } let(:sha) { 'abc' } subject { described_class.where_not_sha(sha) } it 'returns the pipeline without the specified sha' do is_expected.to contain_exactly(pipeline) end context 'when argument is array' do let(:sha) { %w[abc abcx] } it 'returns the pipelines without the specified shas' do pipeline_3 = create(:ci_pipeline, sha: 'abcy') is_expected.to contain_exactly(pipeline_3) end end end describe '.for_source_sha' do subject { described_class.for_source_sha(source_sha) } let(:source_sha) { 'abc' } let_it_be(:pipeline) { create(:ci_pipeline, source_sha: 'abc') } it 'returns the pipeline' do is_expected.to contain_exactly(pipeline) end context 'when argument is array' do let(:source_sha) { %w[abc def] } let!(:pipeline_2) { create(:ci_pipeline, source_sha: 'def') } it 'returns the pipelines' do is_expected.to contain_exactly(pipeline, pipeline_2) end end context 'when source_sha is empty' do let(:source_sha) { nil } it 'does not return anything' do is_expected.to be_empty end end end describe '.for_sha_or_source_sha' do subject { described_class.for_sha_or_source_sha(sha) } let(:sha) { 'abc' } context 'when sha is matched' do let!(:pipeline) { create(:ci_pipeline, sha: sha) } it 'returns the pipeline' do is_expected.to contain_exactly(pipeline) end end context 'when source sha is matched' do let!(:pipeline) { create(:ci_pipeline, source_sha: sha) } it 'returns the pipeline' do is_expected.to contain_exactly(pipeline) end end context 'when both sha and source sha are not matched' do let!(:pipeline) { create(:ci_pipeline, sha: 'bcd', source_sha: 'bcd') } it 'does not return anything' do is_expected.to be_empty end end end describe '.for_branch' do subject { described_class.for_branch(branch) } let(:branch) { 'master' } let_it_be(:pipeline) { create(:ci_pipeline, ref: 'master') } it 'returns the pipeline' do is_expected.to contain_exactly(pipeline) end context 'with tag pipeline' do let(:branch) { 'v1.0' } let!(:pipeline) { create(:ci_pipeline, ref: 'v1.0', tag: true) } it 'returns nothing' do is_expected.to be_empty end end end describe '.with_pipeline_source' do subject { described_class.with_pipeline_source(source) } let(:source) { 'web' } let_it_be(:push_pipeline) { create(:ci_pipeline, source: :push) } let_it_be(:web_pipeline) { create(:ci_pipeline, source: :web) } let_it_be(:api_pipeline) { create(:ci_pipeline, source: :api) } it 'contains pipelines created due to specified source' do expect(subject).to contain_exactly(web_pipeline) end end describe '.ci_sources' do subject { described_class.ci_sources } let(:push_pipeline) { build(:ci_pipeline, source: :push) } let(:web_pipeline) { build(:ci_pipeline, source: :web) } let(:api_pipeline) { build(:ci_pipeline, source: :api) } let(:webide_pipeline) { build(:ci_pipeline, source: :webide) } let(:child_pipeline) { build(:ci_pipeline, source: :parent_pipeline) } let(:pipelines) { [push_pipeline, web_pipeline, api_pipeline, webide_pipeline, child_pipeline] } it 'contains pipelines having CI only sources' do pipelines.map(&:save!) expect(subject).to contain_exactly(push_pipeline, web_pipeline, api_pipeline) end it 'filters on expected sources' do expect(::Enums::Ci::Pipeline.ci_sources.keys).to contain_exactly( *%i[unknown push web trigger schedule api external pipeline chat merge_request_event external_pull_request_event]) end end describe '.ci_branch_sources' do subject { described_class.ci_branch_sources } let_it_be(:push_pipeline) { create(:ci_pipeline, source: :push) } let_it_be(:web_pipeline) { create(:ci_pipeline, source: :web) } let_it_be(:api_pipeline) { create(:ci_pipeline, source: :api) } let_it_be(:webide_pipeline) { create(:ci_pipeline, source: :webide) } let_it_be(:child_pipeline) { create(:ci_pipeline, source: :parent_pipeline) } let_it_be(:merge_request_pipeline) { create(:ci_pipeline, :detached_merge_request_pipeline) } it 'contains pipelines having CI only sources' do expect(subject).to contain_exactly(push_pipeline, web_pipeline, api_pipeline) end it 'filters on expected sources' do expect(::Enums::Ci::Pipeline.ci_branch_sources.keys).to contain_exactly( *%i[unknown push web trigger schedule api external pipeline chat external_pull_request_event]) end end describe '.outside_pipeline_family' do subject(:outside_pipeline_family) { described_class.outside_pipeline_family(upstream_pipeline) } let(:upstream_pipeline) { create(:ci_pipeline, project: project) } let(:child_pipeline) { create(:ci_pipeline, project: project) } let!(:other_pipeline) { create(:ci_pipeline, project: project) } before do create(:ci_sources_pipeline, source_job: create(:ci_build, pipeline: upstream_pipeline), source_project: project, pipeline: child_pipeline, project: project) end it 'only returns pipelines outside pipeline family' do expect(outside_pipeline_family).to contain_exactly(other_pipeline) end end describe '.before_pipeline' do subject(:before_pipeline) { described_class.before_pipeline(child_pipeline) } let!(:older_other_pipeline) { create(:ci_pipeline, project: project) } let!(:upstream_pipeline) { create(:ci_pipeline, project: project) } let!(:child_pipeline) { create(:ci_pipeline, child_of: upstream_pipeline) } let!(:other_pipeline) { create(:ci_pipeline, project: project) } before do create(:ci_sources_pipeline, source_job: create(:ci_build, pipeline: upstream_pipeline), source_project: project, pipeline: child_pipeline, project: project) end it 'only returns older pipelines outside pipeline family' do expect(before_pipeline).to contain_exactly(older_other_pipeline) end end describe '#merge_request?' do let(:pipeline) { create(:ci_pipeline, merge_request: merge_request) } let(:merge_request) { create(:merge_request) } it 'returns true' do expect(pipeline).to be_merge_request end context 'when merge request is nil' do let(:merge_request) { nil } it 'returns false' do expect(pipeline).not_to be_merge_request end end end describe '#detached_merge_request_pipeline?' do subject { pipeline.detached_merge_request_pipeline? } let!(:pipeline) do create(:ci_pipeline, source: :merge_request_event, merge_request: merge_request, target_sha: target_sha) end let(:merge_request) { create(:merge_request) } let(:target_sha) { nil } it { is_expected.to be_truthy } context 'when target sha exists' do let(:target_sha) { merge_request.target_branch_sha } it { is_expected.to be_falsy } end end describe '#merged_result_pipeline?' do subject { pipeline.merged_result_pipeline? } let!(:pipeline) do create(:ci_pipeline, source: :merge_request_event, merge_request: merge_request, target_sha: target_sha) end let(:merge_request) { create(:merge_request) } let(:target_sha) { merge_request.target_branch_sha } it { is_expected.to be_truthy } context 'when target sha is empty' do let(:target_sha) { nil } it { is_expected.to be_falsy } end end describe '#merge_request_ref?' do subject { pipeline.merge_request_ref? } let(:pipeline) { build(:ci_empty_pipeline, :created) } it 'calls MergeRequest#merge_request_ref?' do expect(MergeRequest).to receive(:merge_request_ref?).with(pipeline.ref) subject end end describe '#merge_request_event_type' do subject { pipeline.merge_request_event_type } let(:pipeline) { merge_request.all_pipelines.last } context 'when pipeline is merge request pipeline' do let(:merge_request) { create(:merge_request, :with_merge_request_pipeline) } it { is_expected.to eq(:merged_result) } end context 'when pipeline is detached merge request pipeline' do let(:merge_request) { create(:merge_request, :with_detached_merge_request_pipeline) } it { is_expected.to eq(:detached) } end end describe '#legacy_detached_merge_request_pipeline?' do subject { pipeline.legacy_detached_merge_request_pipeline? } let_it_be(:merge_request) { create(:merge_request) } let(:ref) { 'feature' } let(:target_sha) { nil } let(:pipeline) do build(:ci_pipeline, source: :merge_request_event, merge_request: merge_request, ref: ref, target_sha: target_sha) end it { is_expected.to be_truthy } context 'when pipeline ref is a merge request ref' do let(:ref) { 'refs/merge-requests/1/head' } it { is_expected.to be_falsy } end context 'when target sha is set' do let(:target_sha) { 'target-sha' } it { is_expected.to be_falsy } end end describe '#matches_sha_or_source_sha?' do subject { pipeline.matches_sha_or_source_sha?(sample_sha) } let(:sample_sha) { Digest::SHA1.hexdigest(SecureRandom.hex) } context 'when sha matches' do let(:pipeline) { build(:ci_pipeline, sha: sample_sha) } it { is_expected.to be_truthy } end context 'when source_sha matches' do let(:pipeline) { build(:ci_pipeline, source_sha: sample_sha) } it { is_expected.to be_truthy } end context 'when both sha and source_sha do not matche' do let(:pipeline) { build(:ci_pipeline, sha: 'test', source_sha: 'test') } it { is_expected.to be_falsy } end end describe '#source_ref' do subject { pipeline.source_ref } let(:pipeline) { create(:ci_pipeline, ref: 'feature') } it 'returns source ref' do is_expected.to eq('feature') end context 'when the pipeline is a detached merge request pipeline' do let(:merge_request) { create(:merge_request) } let(:pipeline) do create(:ci_pipeline, source: :merge_request_event, merge_request: merge_request, ref: merge_request.ref_path) end it 'returns source ref' do is_expected.to eq(merge_request.source_branch) end end end describe '#source_ref_slug' do subject { pipeline.source_ref_slug } let(:pipeline) { create(:ci_pipeline, ref: 'feature') } it 'slugifies with the source ref' do expect(Gitlab::Utils).to receive(:slugify).with('feature') subject end context 'when the pipeline is a detached merge request pipeline' do let(:merge_request) { create(:merge_request) } let(:pipeline) do create(:ci_pipeline, source: :merge_request_event, merge_request: merge_request, ref: merge_request.ref_path) end it 'slugifies with the source ref of the merge request' do expect(Gitlab::Utils).to receive(:slugify).with(merge_request.source_branch) subject end end end describe '.with_reports' do context 'when pipeline has a test report' do subject { described_class.with_reports(Ci::JobArtifact.test_reports) } let!(:pipeline_with_report) { create(:ci_pipeline, :with_test_reports) } it 'selects the pipeline' do is_expected.to eq([pipeline_with_report]) end end context 'when pipeline has a coverage report' do subject { described_class.with_reports(Ci::JobArtifact.coverage_reports) } let!(:pipeline_with_report) { create(:ci_pipeline, :with_coverage_reports) } it 'selects the pipeline' do is_expected.to eq([pipeline_with_report]) end end context 'when pipeline has an accessibility report' do subject { described_class.with_reports(Ci::JobArtifact.accessibility_reports) } let(:pipeline_with_report) { create(:ci_pipeline, :with_accessibility_reports) } it 'selects the pipeline' do is_expected.to eq([pipeline_with_report]) end end context 'when pipeline has a codequality report' do subject { described_class.with_reports(Ci::JobArtifact.codequality_reports) } let(:pipeline_with_report) { create(:ci_pipeline, :with_codequality_reports) } it 'selects the pipeline' do is_expected.to eq([pipeline_with_report]) end end context 'when pipeline has a terraform report' do it 'selects the pipeline' do pipeline_with_report = create(:ci_pipeline, :with_terraform_reports) expect(described_class.with_reports(Ci::JobArtifact.terraform_reports)).to eq( [pipeline_with_report] ) end end context 'when pipeline does not have metrics reports' do subject { described_class.with_reports(Ci::JobArtifact.test_reports) } let!(:pipeline_without_report) { create(:ci_empty_pipeline) } it 'does not select the pipeline' do is_expected.to be_empty end end end describe '.merge_request_event' do subject { described_class.merge_request_event } context 'when there is a merge request pipeline' do let!(:pipeline) { create(:ci_pipeline, source: :merge_request_event, merge_request: merge_request) } let(:merge_request) { create(:merge_request) } it 'returns merge request pipeline first' do expect(subject).to eq([pipeline]) end end context 'when there are no merge request pipelines' do let!(:pipeline) { create(:ci_pipeline, source: :push) } it 'returns empty array' do expect(subject).to be_empty end end end describe 'modules' do it_behaves_like 'AtomicInternalId', validate_presence: false do let(:internal_id_attribute) { :iid } let(:instance) { build(:ci_pipeline) } let(:scope) { :project } let(:scope_attrs) { { project: instance.project } } let(:usage) { :ci_pipelines } end end describe '#source' do context 'when creating new pipeline' do let(:pipeline) do build(:ci_empty_pipeline, :created, project: project, source: nil) end it "prevents from creating an object" do expect(pipeline).not_to be_valid end end context 'when updating existing pipeline' do let(:pipeline) { create(:ci_empty_pipeline, :created) } before do pipeline.update_attribute(:source, nil) end it 'object is valid' do expect(pipeline).to be_valid end end end describe '#block' do let(:pipeline) { create(:ci_empty_pipeline, :created) } it 'changes pipeline status to manual' do expect(pipeline.block).to be true expect(pipeline.reload).to be_manual expect(pipeline.reload).to be_blocked end end describe '#delay' do subject { pipeline.delay } let(:pipeline) { build(:ci_pipeline, :created) } it 'changes pipeline status to schedule' do subject expect(pipeline).to be_scheduled end end describe '#valid_commit_sha' do let(:pipeline) { build_stubbed(:ci_empty_pipeline, :created, project: project) } context 'commit.sha can not start with 00000000' do before do pipeline.sha = '0' * 40 pipeline.valid_commit_sha end it('commit errors should not be empty') { expect(pipeline.errors).not_to be_empty } end end describe '#short_sha' do subject { pipeline.short_sha } let(:pipeline) { build_stubbed(:ci_empty_pipeline, :created) } it 'has 8 items' do expect(subject.size).to eq(8) end it { expect(pipeline.sha).to start_with(subject) } end describe '#retried' do subject { pipeline.retried } let(:pipeline) { create(:ci_empty_pipeline, :created, project: project) } let!(:build1) { create(:ci_build, pipeline: pipeline, name: 'deploy', retried: true) } before do create(:ci_build, pipeline: pipeline, name: 'deploy') end it 'returns old builds' do is_expected.to contain_exactly(build1) end end describe '#coverage' do let_it_be_with_reload(:pipeline) { create(:ci_empty_pipeline) } context 'with multiple pipelines' do before_all do create(:ci_build, name: "rspec", coverage: 30, pipeline: pipeline) create(:ci_build, name: "rubocop", coverage: 40, pipeline: pipeline) end it "calculates average when there are two builds with coverage" do expect(pipeline.coverage).to eq("35.00") end it "calculates average when there are two builds with coverage and one with nil" do create(:ci_build, pipeline: pipeline) expect(pipeline.coverage).to eq("35.00") end it "calculates average when there are two builds with coverage and one is retried" do create(:ci_build, name: "rubocop", coverage: 30, pipeline: pipeline, retried: true) expect(pipeline.coverage).to eq("35.00") end end context 'when there is one build without coverage' do it "calculates average to nil" do create(:ci_build, pipeline: pipeline) expect(pipeline.coverage).to be_nil end end end describe '#update_builds_coverage' do let_it_be(:pipeline) { create(:ci_empty_pipeline) } context 'builds with coverage_regex defined' do let!(:build_1) { create(:ci_build, :success, :trace_with_coverage, trace_coverage: 60.0, pipeline: pipeline) } let!(:build_2) { create(:ci_build, :success, :trace_with_coverage, trace_coverage: 80.0, pipeline: pipeline) } it 'updates the coverage value of each build from the trace' do pipeline.update_builds_coverage expect(build_1.reload.coverage).to eq(60.0) expect(build_2.reload.coverage).to eq(80.0) end end context 'builds without coverage_regex defined' do let!(:build) { create(:ci_build, :success, :trace_with_coverage, coverage_regex: nil, trace_coverage: 60.0, pipeline: pipeline) } it 'does not update the coverage value of each build from the trace' do pipeline.update_builds_coverage expect(build.reload.coverage).to eq(nil) end end context 'builds with coverage values already present' do let!(:build) { create(:ci_build, :success, :trace_with_coverage, trace_coverage: 60.0, coverage: 10.0, pipeline: pipeline) } it 'does not update the coverage value of each build from the trace' do pipeline.update_builds_coverage expect(build.reload.coverage).to eq(10.0) end end end describe '#retryable?' do subject { pipeline.retryable? } let_it_be(:pipeline) { create(:ci_empty_pipeline, :created, project: project) } context 'no failed builds' do before do create_build('rspec', 'success') end it 'is not retryable' do is_expected.to be_falsey end context 'one canceled job' do before do create_build('rubocop', 'canceled') end it 'is retryable' do is_expected.to be_truthy end end end context 'with failed builds' do before do create_build('rspec', 'running') create_build('rubocop', 'failed') end it 'is retryable' do is_expected.to be_truthy end end def create_build(name, status) create(:ci_build, name: name, status: status, pipeline: pipeline) end end describe '#persisted_variables' do context 'when pipeline is not persisted yet' do subject { build(:ci_pipeline).persisted_variables } it 'does not contain some variables' do keys = subject.map { |variable| variable[:key] } expect(keys).not_to include 'CI_PIPELINE_ID' end end context 'when pipeline is persisted' do subject { build_stubbed(:ci_pipeline).persisted_variables } it 'does contains persisted variables' do keys = subject.map { |variable| variable[:key] } expect(keys).to eq %w[CI_PIPELINE_ID CI_PIPELINE_URL] end end end describe '#predefined_variables' do subject { pipeline.predefined_variables } let(:pipeline) { build(:ci_empty_pipeline, :created) } it 'includes all predefined variables in a valid order' do keys = subject.map { |variable| variable[:key] } expect(keys).to eq %w[ CI_PIPELINE_IID CI_PIPELINE_SOURCE CI_PIPELINE_CREATED_AT CI_COMMIT_SHA CI_COMMIT_SHORT_SHA CI_COMMIT_BEFORE_SHA CI_COMMIT_REF_NAME CI_COMMIT_REF_SLUG CI_COMMIT_BRANCH CI_COMMIT_MESSAGE CI_COMMIT_TITLE CI_COMMIT_DESCRIPTION CI_COMMIT_REF_PROTECTED CI_COMMIT_TIMESTAMP CI_COMMIT_AUTHOR CI_BUILD_REF CI_BUILD_BEFORE_SHA CI_BUILD_REF_NAME CI_BUILD_REF_SLUG ] end context 'when merge request is present' do let_it_be(:assignees) { create_list(:user, 2) } let_it_be(:milestone) { create(:milestone, project: project) } let_it_be(:labels) { create_list(:label, 2) } let(:merge_request) do create(:merge_request, :simple, source_project: project, target_project: project, assignees: assignees, milestone: milestone, labels: labels) end context 'when pipeline for merge request is created' do let(:pipeline) do create(:ci_pipeline, :detached_merge_request_pipeline, ci_ref_presence: false, user: user, merge_request: merge_request) end before do project.add_developer(user) end it 'exposes merge request pipeline variables' do expect(subject.to_hash) .to include( 'CI_MERGE_REQUEST_ID' => merge_request.id.to_s, 'CI_MERGE_REQUEST_IID' => merge_request.iid.to_s, 'CI_MERGE_REQUEST_REF_PATH' => merge_request.ref_path.to_s, 'CI_MERGE_REQUEST_PROJECT_ID' => merge_request.project.id.to_s, 'CI_MERGE_REQUEST_PROJECT_PATH' => merge_request.project.full_path, 'CI_MERGE_REQUEST_PROJECT_URL' => merge_request.project.web_url, 'CI_MERGE_REQUEST_TARGET_BRANCH_NAME' => merge_request.target_branch.to_s, 'CI_MERGE_REQUEST_TARGET_BRANCH_SHA' => '', 'CI_MERGE_REQUEST_SOURCE_PROJECT_ID' => merge_request.source_project.id.to_s, 'CI_MERGE_REQUEST_SOURCE_PROJECT_PATH' => merge_request.source_project.full_path, 'CI_MERGE_REQUEST_SOURCE_PROJECT_URL' => merge_request.source_project.web_url, 'CI_MERGE_REQUEST_SOURCE_BRANCH_NAME' => merge_request.source_branch.to_s, 'CI_MERGE_REQUEST_SOURCE_BRANCH_SHA' => '', 'CI_MERGE_REQUEST_TITLE' => merge_request.title, 'CI_MERGE_REQUEST_ASSIGNEES' => merge_request.assignee_username_list, 'CI_MERGE_REQUEST_MILESTONE' => milestone.title, 'CI_MERGE_REQUEST_LABELS' => labels.map(&:title).sort.join(','), 'CI_MERGE_REQUEST_EVENT_TYPE' => 'detached', 'CI_OPEN_MERGE_REQUESTS' => merge_request.to_reference(full: true)) end it 'exposes diff variables' do expect(subject.to_hash) .to include( 'CI_MERGE_REQUEST_DIFF_ID' => merge_request.merge_request_diff.id.to_s, 'CI_MERGE_REQUEST_DIFF_BASE_SHA' => merge_request.merge_request_diff.base_commit_sha) end context 'without assignee' do let(:assignees) { [] } it 'does not expose assignee variable' do expect(subject.to_hash.keys).not_to include('CI_MERGE_REQUEST_ASSIGNEES') end end context 'without milestone' do let(:milestone) { nil } it 'does not expose milestone variable' do expect(subject.to_hash.keys).not_to include('CI_MERGE_REQUEST_MILESTONE') end end context 'without labels' do let(:labels) { [] } it 'does not expose labels variable' do expect(subject.to_hash.keys).not_to include('CI_MERGE_REQUEST_LABELS') end end end context 'when pipeline on branch is created' do let(:pipeline) do create(:ci_pipeline, project: project, user: user, ref: 'feature') end context 'when a merge request is created' do before do merge_request end context 'when user has access to project' do before do project.add_developer(user) end it 'merge request references are returned matching the pipeline' do expect(subject.to_hash).to include( 'CI_OPEN_MERGE_REQUESTS' => merge_request.to_reference(full: true)) end end context 'when user does not have access to project' do it 'CI_OPEN_MERGE_REQUESTS is not returned' do expect(subject.to_hash).not_to have_key('CI_OPEN_MERGE_REQUESTS') end end end context 'when no a merge request is created' do it 'CI_OPEN_MERGE_REQUESTS is not returned' do expect(subject.to_hash).not_to have_key('CI_OPEN_MERGE_REQUESTS') end end end context 'with merged results' do let(:pipeline) do create(:ci_pipeline, :merged_result_pipeline, merge_request: merge_request) end it 'exposes merge request pipeline variables' do expect(subject.to_hash) .to include( 'CI_MERGE_REQUEST_ID' => merge_request.id.to_s, 'CI_MERGE_REQUEST_IID' => merge_request.iid.to_s, 'CI_MERGE_REQUEST_REF_PATH' => merge_request.ref_path.to_s, 'CI_MERGE_REQUEST_PROJECT_ID' => merge_request.project.id.to_s, 'CI_MERGE_REQUEST_PROJECT_PATH' => merge_request.project.full_path, 'CI_MERGE_REQUEST_PROJECT_URL' => merge_request.project.web_url, 'CI_MERGE_REQUEST_TARGET_BRANCH_NAME' => merge_request.target_branch.to_s, 'CI_MERGE_REQUEST_TARGET_BRANCH_SHA' => merge_request.target_branch_sha, 'CI_MERGE_REQUEST_SOURCE_PROJECT_ID' => merge_request.source_project.id.to_s, 'CI_MERGE_REQUEST_SOURCE_PROJECT_PATH' => merge_request.source_project.full_path, 'CI_MERGE_REQUEST_SOURCE_PROJECT_URL' => merge_request.source_project.web_url, 'CI_MERGE_REQUEST_SOURCE_BRANCH_NAME' => merge_request.source_branch.to_s, 'CI_MERGE_REQUEST_SOURCE_BRANCH_SHA' => merge_request.source_branch_sha, 'CI_MERGE_REQUEST_TITLE' => merge_request.title, 'CI_MERGE_REQUEST_ASSIGNEES' => merge_request.assignee_username_list, 'CI_MERGE_REQUEST_MILESTONE' => milestone.title, 'CI_MERGE_REQUEST_LABELS' => labels.map(&:title).sort.join(','), 'CI_MERGE_REQUEST_EVENT_TYPE' => 'merged_result') end it 'exposes diff variables' do expect(subject.to_hash) .to include( 'CI_MERGE_REQUEST_DIFF_ID' => merge_request.merge_request_diff.id.to_s, 'CI_MERGE_REQUEST_DIFF_BASE_SHA' => merge_request.merge_request_diff.base_commit_sha) end end end context 'when source is external pull request' do let(:pipeline) do create(:ci_pipeline, source: :external_pull_request_event, external_pull_request: pull_request) end let(:pull_request) { create(:external_pull_request, project: project) } it 'exposes external pull request pipeline variables' do expect(subject.to_hash) .to include( 'CI_EXTERNAL_PULL_REQUEST_IID' => pull_request.pull_request_iid.to_s, 'CI_EXTERNAL_PULL_REQUEST_SOURCE_REPOSITORY' => pull_request.source_repository, 'CI_EXTERNAL_PULL_REQUEST_TARGET_REPOSITORY' => pull_request.target_repository, 'CI_EXTERNAL_PULL_REQUEST_SOURCE_BRANCH_SHA' => pull_request.source_sha, 'CI_EXTERNAL_PULL_REQUEST_TARGET_BRANCH_SHA' => pull_request.target_sha, 'CI_EXTERNAL_PULL_REQUEST_SOURCE_BRANCH_NAME' => pull_request.source_branch, 'CI_EXTERNAL_PULL_REQUEST_TARGET_BRANCH_NAME' => pull_request.target_branch ) end end describe 'variable CI_KUBERNETES_ACTIVE' do context 'when pipeline.has_kubernetes_active? is true' do before do allow(pipeline).to receive(:has_kubernetes_active?).and_return(true) end it "is included with value 'true'" do expect(subject.to_hash).to include('CI_KUBERNETES_ACTIVE' => 'true') end end context 'when pipeline.has_kubernetes_active? is false' do before do allow(pipeline).to receive(:has_kubernetes_active?).and_return(false) end it 'is not included' do expect(subject.to_hash).not_to have_key('CI_KUBERNETES_ACTIVE') end end end end describe '#protected_ref?' do let(:pipeline) { build(:ci_empty_pipeline, :created) } it 'delegates method to project' do expect(pipeline).not_to be_protected_ref end end describe '#legacy_trigger' do let(:trigger_request) { build(:ci_trigger_request) } let(:pipeline) { build(:ci_empty_pipeline, :created, trigger_requests: [trigger_request]) } it 'returns first trigger request' do expect(pipeline.legacy_trigger).to eq trigger_request end end describe '#auto_canceled?' do subject { pipeline.auto_canceled? } let(:pipeline) { build(:ci_empty_pipeline, :created) } context 'when it is canceled' do before do pipeline.cancel end context 'when there is auto_canceled_by' do before do pipeline.auto_canceled_by = create(:ci_empty_pipeline) end it 'is auto canceled' do is_expected.to be_truthy end end context 'when there is no auto_canceled_by' do it 'is not auto canceled' do is_expected.to be_falsey end end context 'when it is retried and canceled manually' do before do pipeline.enqueue pipeline.cancel end it 'is not auto canceled' do is_expected.to be_falsey end end end end describe 'pipeline stages' do let(:pipeline) { build(:ci_empty_pipeline, :created) } describe 'legacy stages' do before do create(:commit_status, pipeline: pipeline, stage: 'build', name: 'linux', stage_idx: 0, status: 'success') create(:commit_status, pipeline: pipeline, stage: 'build', name: 'mac', stage_idx: 0, status: 'failed') create(:commit_status, pipeline: pipeline, stage: 'deploy', name: 'staging', stage_idx: 2, status: 'running') create(:commit_status, pipeline: pipeline, stage: 'test', name: 'rspec', stage_idx: 1, status: 'success') end describe '#legacy_stages' do using RSpec::Parameterized::TableSyntax subject { pipeline.legacy_stages } context 'stages list' do it 'returns ordered list of stages' do expect(subject.map(&:name)).to eq(%w[build test deploy]) end end context 'stages with statuses' do let(:statuses) do subject.map { |stage| [stage.name, stage.status] } end it 'returns list of stages with correct statuses' do expect(statuses).to eq([%w(build failed), %w(test success), %w(deploy running)]) end end context 'when there is a stage with warnings' do before do create(:commit_status, pipeline: pipeline, stage: 'deploy', name: 'prod:2', stage_idx: 2, status: 'failed', allow_failure: true) end it 'populates stage with correct number of warnings' do deploy_stage = pipeline.legacy_stages.third expect(deploy_stage).not_to receive(:statuses) expect(deploy_stage).to have_warnings end end end describe '#stages_count' do it 'returns a valid number of stages' do expect(pipeline.stages_count).to eq(3) end end describe '#stages_names' do it 'returns a valid names of stages' do expect(pipeline.stages_names).to eq(%w(build test deploy)) end end end describe '#legacy_stage' do subject { pipeline.legacy_stage('test') } let(:pipeline) { build(:ci_empty_pipeline, :created) } context 'with status in stage' do before do create(:commit_status, pipeline: pipeline, stage: 'test') end it { expect(subject).to be_a Ci::LegacyStage } it { expect(subject.name).to eq 'test' } it { expect(subject.statuses).not_to be_empty } end context 'without status in stage' do before do create(:commit_status, pipeline: pipeline, stage: 'build') end it 'return stage object' do is_expected.to be_nil end end end describe '#stages' do let(:pipeline) { build(:ci_empty_pipeline, :created) } before do create(:ci_stage_entity, project: project, pipeline: pipeline, position: 4, name: 'deploy') create(:ci_build, project: project, pipeline: pipeline, stage: 'test', stage_idx: 3, name: 'test') create(:ci_build, project: project, pipeline: pipeline, stage: 'build', stage_idx: 2, name: 'build') create(:ci_stage_entity, project: project, pipeline: pipeline, position: 1, name: 'sanity') create(:ci_stage_entity, project: project, pipeline: pipeline, position: 5, name: 'cleanup') end subject { pipeline.stages } context 'when pipelines is not complete' do it 'returns stages in valid order' do expect(subject).to all(be_a Ci::Stage) expect(subject.map(&:name)) .to eq %w[sanity build test deploy cleanup] end end context 'when pipeline is complete' do before do pipeline.succeed! end it 'returns stages in valid order' do expect(subject).to all(be_a Ci::Stage) expect(subject.map(&:name)) .to eq %w[sanity build test deploy cleanup] end end end end describe 'state machine' do let_it_be_with_reload(:pipeline) { create(:ci_empty_pipeline, :created) } let(:current) { Time.current.change(usec: 0) } let(:build) { create_build('build1', queued_at: 0) } let(:build_b) { create_build('build2', queued_at: 0) } let(:build_c) { create_build('build3', queued_at: 0) } %w[succeed! drop! cancel! skip!].each do |action| context "when the pipeline recieved #{action} event" do it 'deletes a persistent ref' do expect(pipeline.persistent_ref).to receive(:delete).once pipeline.public_send(action) end end end describe 'synching status to Jira' do let(:worker) { ::JiraConnect::SyncBuildsWorker } %i[prepare! run! skip! drop! succeed! cancel! block! delay!].each do |event| context "when we call pipeline.#{event}" do it 'triggers a Jira synch worker' do expect(worker).to receive(:perform_async).with(pipeline.id, Integer) pipeline.send(event) end end end end describe '#duration', :sidekiq_inline do context 'when multiple builds are finished' do before do travel_to(current + 30) do build.run! build.reload.success! build_b.run! build_c.run! end travel_to(current + 40) do build_b.reload.drop! end travel_to(current + 70) do build_c.reload.success! end end it 'matches sum of builds duration' do pipeline.reload expect(pipeline.duration).to eq(40) end end context 'when pipeline becomes blocked' do let!(:build) { create_build('build:1') } let!(:action) { create_build('manual:action', :manual) } before do travel_to(current + 1.minute) do build.run! end travel_to(current + 5.minutes) do build.reload.success! end end it 'recalculates pipeline duration' do pipeline.reload expect(pipeline).to be_manual expect(pipeline.duration).to eq 4.minutes end end end describe '#started_at' do let(:pipeline) { create(:ci_empty_pipeline, status: from_status) } %i[created preparing pending].each do |status| context "from #{status}" do let(:from_status) { status } it 'updates on transitioning to running' do pipeline.run expect(pipeline.started_at).not_to be_nil end end end context 'from created' do let(:from_status) { :created } it 'does not update on transitioning to success' do pipeline.succeed expect(pipeline.started_at).to be_nil end end end describe '#finished_at' do it 'updates on transitioning to success', :sidekiq_might_not_need_inline do build.success expect(pipeline.reload.finished_at).not_to be_nil end it 'does not update on transitioning to running' do build.run expect(pipeline.reload.finished_at).to be_nil end end describe 'merge request metrics' do let(:pipeline) { create(:ci_empty_pipeline, status: from_status) } before do expect(PipelineMetricsWorker).to receive(:perform_async).with(pipeline.id) end context 'when transitioning to running' do %i[created preparing pending].each do |status| context "from #{status}" do let(:from_status) { status } it 'schedules metrics workers' do pipeline.run end end end end context 'when transitioning to success' do let(:from_status) { 'created' } it 'schedules metrics workers' do pipeline.succeed end end end describe 'merge on success' do let(:pipeline) { create(:ci_empty_pipeline, status: from_status) } %i[created preparing pending running].each do |status| context "from #{status}" do let(:from_status) { status } it 'schedules daily build group report results worker' do expect(Ci::DailyBuildGroupReportResultsWorker).to receive(:perform_in).with(10.minutes, pipeline.id) pipeline.succeed end end end end describe 'pipeline caching' do it 'performs ExpirePipelinesCacheWorker' do expect(ExpirePipelineCacheWorker).to receive(:perform_async).with(pipeline.id) pipeline.cancel end end describe '#dangling?' do it 'returns true if pipeline comes from any dangling sources' do pipeline.source = Enums::Ci::Pipeline.dangling_sources.each_key.first expect(pipeline).to be_dangling end it 'returns true if pipeline comes from any CI sources' do pipeline.source = Enums::Ci::Pipeline.ci_sources.each_key.first expect(pipeline).not_to be_dangling end end describe 'auto merge' do context 'when auto merge is enabled' do let_it_be_with_reload(:merge_request) { create(:merge_request, :merge_when_pipeline_succeeds) } let_it_be_with_reload(:pipeline) do create(:ci_pipeline, :running, project: merge_request.source_project, ref: merge_request.source_branch, sha: merge_request.diff_head_sha) end before_all do merge_request.update_head_pipeline end %w[succeed! drop! cancel! skip!].each do |action| context "when the pipeline recieved #{action} event" do it 'performs AutoMergeProcessWorker' do expect(AutoMergeProcessWorker).to receive(:perform_async).with(merge_request.id) pipeline.public_send(action) end end end end context 'when auto merge is not enabled in the merge request' do let(:merge_request) { create(:merge_request) } it 'performs AutoMergeProcessWorker' do expect(AutoMergeProcessWorker).not_to receive(:perform_async) pipeline.succeed! end end end describe 'auto devops pipeline metrics' do using RSpec::Parameterized::TableSyntax let(:pipeline) { create(:ci_empty_pipeline, config_source: config_source) } let(:config_source) { :auto_devops_source } where(:action, :status) do :succeed | 'success' :drop | 'failed' :skip | 'skipped' :cancel | 'canceled' end with_them do context "when pipeline receives action '#{params[:action]}'" do subject { pipeline.public_send(action) } it { expect { subject }.to change { auto_devops_pipelines_completed_total(status) }.by(1) } context 'when not auto_devops_source?' do let(:config_source) { :repository_source } it { expect { subject }.not_to change { auto_devops_pipelines_completed_total(status) } } end end end def auto_devops_pipelines_completed_total(status) Gitlab::Metrics.counter(:auto_devops_pipelines_completed_total, 'Number of completed auto devops pipelines').get(status: status) end end describe 'bridge triggered pipeline' do shared_examples 'upstream downstream pipeline' do let!(:source_pipeline) { create(:ci_sources_pipeline, pipeline: downstream_pipeline, source_job: bridge) } let!(:job) { downstream_pipeline.builds.first } context 'when source bridge is dependent on pipeline status' do let!(:bridge) { create(:ci_bridge, :strategy_depend, pipeline: upstream_pipeline) } it 'schedules the pipeline bridge worker' do expect(::Ci::PipelineBridgeStatusWorker).to receive(:perform_async).with(downstream_pipeline.id) downstream_pipeline.succeed! end context 'when the downstream pipeline first fails then retries and succeeds' do it 'makes the upstream pipeline successful' do Sidekiq::Testing.inline! { job.drop! } expect(downstream_pipeline.reload).to be_failed expect(upstream_pipeline.reload).to be_failed Sidekiq::Testing.inline! do new_job = Ci::Build.retry(job, project.users.first) expect(downstream_pipeline.reload).to be_running expect(upstream_pipeline.reload).to be_running new_job.success! end expect(downstream_pipeline.reload).to be_success expect(upstream_pipeline.reload).to be_success end end context 'when the downstream pipeline first succeeds then retries and fails' do it 'makes the upstream pipeline failed' do Sidekiq::Testing.inline! { job.success! } expect(downstream_pipeline.reload).to be_success expect(upstream_pipeline.reload).to be_success Sidekiq::Testing.inline! do new_job = Ci::Build.retry(job, project.users.first) expect(downstream_pipeline.reload).to be_running expect(upstream_pipeline.reload).to be_running new_job.drop! end expect(downstream_pipeline.reload).to be_failed expect(upstream_pipeline.reload).to be_failed end end context 'when the upstream pipeline has another dependent upstream pipeline' do let!(:upstream_of_upstream_pipeline) { create(:ci_pipeline) } before do upstream_bridge = create(:ci_bridge, :strategy_depend, pipeline: upstream_of_upstream_pipeline) create(:ci_sources_pipeline, pipeline: upstream_pipeline, source_job: upstream_bridge) end context 'when the downstream pipeline first fails then retries and succeeds' do it 'makes upstream pipelines successful' do Sidekiq::Testing.inline! { job.drop! } expect(downstream_pipeline.reload).to be_failed expect(upstream_pipeline.reload).to be_failed expect(upstream_of_upstream_pipeline.reload).to be_failed Sidekiq::Testing.inline! do new_job = Ci::Build.retry(job, project.users.first) expect(downstream_pipeline.reload).to be_running expect(upstream_pipeline.reload).to be_running expect(upstream_of_upstream_pipeline.reload).to be_running new_job.success! end expect(downstream_pipeline.reload).to be_success expect(upstream_pipeline.reload).to be_success expect(upstream_of_upstream_pipeline.reload).to be_success end end end end context 'when source bridge is not dependent on pipeline status' do let!(:bridge) { create(:ci_bridge, pipeline: upstream_pipeline) } it 'does not schedule the pipeline bridge worker' do expect(::Ci::PipelineBridgeStatusWorker).not_to receive(:perform_async) downstream_pipeline.succeed! end end end context 'multi-project pipelines' do let!(:downstream_project) { create(:project, :repository) } let!(:upstream_pipeline) { create(:ci_pipeline) } let!(:downstream_pipeline) { create(:ci_pipeline, :with_job, project: downstream_project) } it_behaves_like 'upstream downstream pipeline' end context 'parent-child pipelines' do let!(:upstream_pipeline) { create(:ci_pipeline) } let!(:downstream_pipeline) { create(:ci_pipeline, :with_job) } it_behaves_like 'upstream downstream pipeline' end end def create_build(name, *traits, queued_at: current, started_from: 0, **opts) create(:ci_build, *traits, name: name, pipeline: pipeline, queued_at: queued_at, started_at: queued_at + started_from, **opts) end end describe '#branch?' do subject { pipeline.branch? } let(:pipeline) { build(:ci_empty_pipeline, :created) } context 'when ref is not a tag' do before do pipeline.tag = false end it 'return true' do is_expected.to be_truthy end context 'when pipeline is merge request' do let(:pipeline) { build(:ci_pipeline, merge_request: merge_request) } let(:merge_request) do create(:merge_request, :simple, source_project: project, target_project: project) end it 'returns false' do is_expected.to be_falsey end end end context 'when ref is a tag' do before do pipeline.tag = true end it 'return false' do is_expected.to be_falsey end end end describe '#git_ref' do subject { pipeline.send(:git_ref) } context 'when ref is branch' do let(:pipeline) { create(:ci_pipeline, tag: false) } it 'returns branch ref' do is_expected.to eq(Gitlab::Git::BRANCH_REF_PREFIX + pipeline.ref.to_s) end end context 'when ref is tag' do let(:pipeline) { create(:ci_pipeline, tag: true) } it 'returns branch ref' do is_expected.to eq(Gitlab::Git::TAG_REF_PREFIX + pipeline.ref.to_s) end end context 'when ref is merge request' do let(:pipeline) do create(:ci_pipeline, source: :merge_request_event, merge_request: merge_request) end let(:merge_request) do create(:merge_request, source_project: project, source_branch: 'feature', target_project: project, target_branch: 'master') end it 'returns branch ref' do is_expected.to eq(Gitlab::Git::BRANCH_REF_PREFIX + pipeline.ref.to_s) end end end describe 'ref_exists?' do context 'when repository exists' do using RSpec::Parameterized::TableSyntax let_it_be(:pipeline, refind: true) { create(:ci_empty_pipeline) } where(:tag, :ref, :result) do false | 'master' | true false | 'non-existent-branch' | false true | 'v1.1.0' | true true | 'non-existent-tag' | false end with_them do before do pipeline.update!(tag: tag, ref: ref) end it "correctly detects ref" do expect(pipeline.ref_exists?).to be result end end end context 'when repository does not exist' do let(:pipeline) { build(:ci_empty_pipeline, ref: 'master', project: build(:project)) } it 'always returns false' do expect(pipeline.ref_exists?).to eq false end end end context 'with non-empty project' do let(:pipeline) do create(:ci_pipeline, ref: project.default_branch, sha: project.commit.sha) end describe '#lazy_ref_commit' do let(:another) do create(:ci_pipeline, ref: 'feature', sha: project.commit('feature').sha) end let(:unicode) do create(:ci_pipeline, ref: 'ΓΌ/unicode/multi-byte') end it 'returns the latest commit for a ref lazily' do expect(project.repository) .to receive(:list_commits_by_ref_name).once .and_call_original pipeline.lazy_ref_commit another.lazy_ref_commit unicode.lazy_ref_commit expect(pipeline.lazy_ref_commit.id).to eq pipeline.sha expect(another.lazy_ref_commit.id).to eq another.sha expect(unicode.lazy_ref_commit).to be_nil end end describe '#latest?' do context 'with latest sha' do it 'returns true' do expect(pipeline).to be_latest end end context 'with a branch name as the ref' do it 'looks up a commit for a branch' do expect(pipeline.ref).to eq 'master' expect(pipeline).to be_latest end end context 'with a tag name as a ref' do it 'looks up a commit for a tag' do expect(project.repository.branch_names).not_to include 'v1.0.0' pipeline.update!(sha: project.commit('v1.0.0').sha, ref: 'v1.0.0', tag: true) expect(pipeline).to be_tag expect(pipeline).to be_latest end end context 'with not latest sha' do before do pipeline.update!(sha: project.commit("#{project.default_branch}~1").sha) end it 'returns false' do expect(pipeline).not_to be_latest end end end end describe '#manual_actions' do subject { pipeline.manual_actions } let(:pipeline) { create(:ci_empty_pipeline, :created) } it 'when none defined' do is_expected.to be_empty end context 'when action defined' do let!(:manual) { create(:ci_build, :manual, pipeline: pipeline, name: 'deploy') } it 'returns one action' do is_expected.to contain_exactly(manual) end context 'there are multiple of the same name' do let!(:manual2) { create(:ci_build, :manual, pipeline: pipeline, name: 'deploy') } before do manual.update!(retried: true) end it 'returns latest one' do is_expected.to contain_exactly(manual2) end end end end describe '#branch_updated?' do let(:pipeline) { create(:ci_empty_pipeline, :created) } context 'when pipeline has before SHA' do before do pipeline.update!(before_sha: 'a1b2c3d4') end it 'runs on a branch update push' do expect(pipeline.before_sha).not_to be Gitlab::Git::BLANK_SHA expect(pipeline.branch_updated?).to be true end end context 'when pipeline does not have before SHA' do before do pipeline.update!(before_sha: Gitlab::Git::BLANK_SHA) end it 'does not run on a branch updating push' do expect(pipeline.branch_updated?).to be false end end end describe '#modified_paths' do let(:pipeline) { create(:ci_empty_pipeline, :created) } context 'when old and new revisions are set' do before do pipeline.update!(before_sha: '1234abcd', sha: '2345bcde') end it 'fetches stats for changes between commits' do expect(project.repository) .to receive(:diff_stats).with('1234abcd', '2345bcde') .and_call_original pipeline.modified_paths end end context 'when either old or new revision is missing' do before do pipeline.update!(before_sha: Gitlab::Git::BLANK_SHA) end it 'returns nil' do expect(pipeline.modified_paths).to be_nil end end context 'when source is merge request' do let(:pipeline) do create(:ci_pipeline, source: :merge_request_event, merge_request: merge_request) end let(:merge_request) do create(:merge_request, :simple, source_project: project, target_project: project) end it 'returns merge request modified paths' do expect(pipeline.modified_paths).to match(merge_request.modified_paths) end end context 'when source is an external pull request' do let(:pipeline) do create(:ci_pipeline, source: :external_pull_request_event, external_pull_request: external_pull_request) end let(:external_pull_request) do create(:external_pull_request, project: project, target_sha: '281d3a7', source_sha: '498214d') end it 'returns external pull request modified paths' do expect(pipeline.modified_paths).to match(external_pull_request.modified_paths) end end end describe '#all_worktree_paths' do let(:files) { { 'main.go' => '', 'mocks/mocks.go' => '' } } let(:project) { create(:project, :custom_repo, files: files) } let(:pipeline) { build(:ci_pipeline, project: project, sha: project.repository.head_commit.sha) } it 'returns all file paths cached' do expect(project.repository).to receive(:ls_files).with(pipeline.sha).once.and_call_original expect(pipeline.all_worktree_paths).to eq(files.keys) expect(pipeline.all_worktree_paths).to eq(files.keys) end end describe '#top_level_worktree_paths' do let(:files) { { 'main.go' => '', 'mocks/mocks.go' => '' } } let(:project) { create(:project, :custom_repo, files: files) } let(:pipeline) { build(:ci_pipeline, project: project, sha: project.repository.head_commit.sha) } it 'returns top-level file paths cached' do expect(project.repository).to receive(:tree).with(pipeline.sha).once.and_call_original expect(pipeline.top_level_worktree_paths).to eq(['main.go']) expect(pipeline.top_level_worktree_paths).to eq(['main.go']) end end describe '#has_kubernetes_active?' do let(:pipeline) { create(:ci_empty_pipeline, :created, project: project) } context 'when kubernetes is active' do context 'when user configured kubernetes from CI/CD > Clusters' do let!(:cluster) { create(:cluster, :project, :provided_by_gcp) } let(:project) { cluster.project } it 'returns true' do expect(pipeline).to have_kubernetes_active end end end context 'when kubernetes is not active' do it 'returns false' do expect(pipeline).not_to have_kubernetes_active end end end describe '#has_warnings?' do subject { pipeline.has_warnings? } let_it_be(:pipeline) { create(:ci_empty_pipeline, :created) } context 'build which is allowed to fail fails' do before do create :ci_build, :success, pipeline: pipeline, name: 'rspec' create :ci_build, :allowed_to_fail, :failed, pipeline: pipeline, name: 'rubocop' end it 'returns true' do is_expected.to be_truthy end end context 'build which is allowed to fail succeeds' do before do create :ci_build, :success, pipeline: pipeline, name: 'rspec' create :ci_build, :allowed_to_fail, :success, pipeline: pipeline, name: 'rubocop' end it 'returns false' do is_expected.to be_falsey end end context 'build is retried and succeeds' do before do create :ci_build, :success, pipeline: pipeline, name: 'rubocop' create :ci_build, :failed, pipeline: pipeline, name: 'rspec' create :ci_build, :success, pipeline: pipeline, name: 'rspec' end it 'returns false' do is_expected.to be_falsey end end context 'bridge which is allowed to fail fails' do before do create :ci_bridge, :allowed_to_fail, :failed, pipeline: pipeline, name: 'rubocop' end it 'returns true' do is_expected.to be_truthy end end context 'bridge which is allowed to fail is successful' do before do create :ci_bridge, :allowed_to_fail, :success, pipeline: pipeline, name: 'rubocop' end it 'returns false' do is_expected.to be_falsey end end end describe '#number_of_warnings' do let_it_be(:pipeline) { create(:ci_empty_pipeline, :created) } it 'returns the number of warnings' do create(:ci_build, :allowed_to_fail, :failed, pipeline: pipeline, name: 'rubocop') create(:ci_bridge, :allowed_to_fail, :failed, pipeline: pipeline, name: 'rubocop') expect(pipeline.number_of_warnings).to eq(2) end it 'supports eager loading of the number of warnings' do pipeline2 = create(:ci_empty_pipeline, :created) create(:ci_build, :allowed_to_fail, :failed, pipeline: pipeline, name: 'rubocop') create(:ci_build, :allowed_to_fail, :failed, pipeline: pipeline2, name: 'rubocop') pipelines = project.ci_pipelines.to_a pipelines.each(&:number_of_warnings) # To run the queries we need to actually use the lazy objects, which we do # by just sending "to_i" to them. amount = ActiveRecord::QueryRecorder .new { pipelines.each { |p| p.number_of_warnings.to_i } } .count expect(amount).to eq(1) end end describe '#needs_processing?' do using RSpec::Parameterized::TableSyntax subject { pipeline.needs_processing? } let_it_be(:pipeline) { create(:ci_empty_pipeline, :created) } where(:processed, :result) do nil | true false | true true | false end with_them do let(:build) do create(:ci_build, :success, pipeline: pipeline, name: 'rubocop') end before do build.update_column(:processed, processed) end it { is_expected.to eq(result) } end end context 'with outdated pipelines' do before_all do create_pipeline(:canceled, 'ref', 'A') create_pipeline(:success, 'ref', 'A') create_pipeline(:failed, 'ref', 'B') create_pipeline(:skipped, 'feature', 'C') end def create_pipeline(status, ref, sha) create( :ci_empty_pipeline, status: status, ref: ref, sha: sha ) end describe '.newest_first' do it 'returns the pipelines from new to old' do expect(described_class.newest_first.pluck(:status)) .to eq(%w[skipped failed success canceled]) end it 'searches limited backlog' do expect(described_class.newest_first(limit: 1).pluck(:status)) .to eq(%w[skipped]) end end describe '.latest_status' do context 'when no ref is specified' do it 'returns the status of the latest pipeline' do expect(described_class.latest_status).to eq('skipped') end end context 'when ref is specified' do it 'returns the status of the latest pipeline for the given ref' do expect(described_class.latest_status('ref')).to eq('failed') end end end describe '.latest_successful_for_ref' do let!(:latest_successful_pipeline) do create_pipeline(:success, 'ref', 'D') end it 'returns the latest successful pipeline' do expect(described_class.latest_successful_for_ref('ref')) .to eq(latest_successful_pipeline) end end describe '.latest_running_for_ref' do let!(:latest_running_pipeline) do create_pipeline(:running, 'ref', 'D') end it 'returns the latest running pipeline' do expect(described_class.latest_running_for_ref('ref')) .to eq(latest_running_pipeline) end end describe '.latest_failed_for_ref' do let!(:latest_failed_pipeline) do create_pipeline(:failed, 'ref', 'D') end it 'returns the latest failed pipeline' do expect(described_class.latest_failed_for_ref('ref')) .to eq(latest_failed_pipeline) end end describe '.latest_successful_for_sha' do let!(:latest_successful_pipeline) do create_pipeline(:success, 'ref', 'awesomesha') end it 'returns the latest successful pipeline' do expect(described_class.latest_successful_for_sha('awesomesha')) .to eq(latest_successful_pipeline) end end describe '.latest_successful_for_refs' do subject(:latest_successful_for_refs) { described_class.latest_successful_for_refs(refs) } context 'when refs are specified' do let(:refs) { %w(first_ref second_ref third_ref) } before do create(:ci_empty_pipeline, id: 1001, status: :success, ref: 'first_ref', sha: 'sha') create(:ci_empty_pipeline, id: 1002, status: :success, ref: 'second_ref', sha: 'sha') end let!(:latest_successful_pipeline_for_first_ref) do create(:ci_empty_pipeline, id: 2001, status: :success, ref: 'first_ref', sha: 'sha') end let!(:latest_successful_pipeline_for_second_ref) do create(:ci_empty_pipeline, id: 2002, status: :success, ref: 'second_ref', sha: 'sha') end it 'returns the latest successful pipeline for both refs' do expect(latest_successful_for_refs).to eq({ 'first_ref' => latest_successful_pipeline_for_first_ref, 'second_ref' => latest_successful_pipeline_for_second_ref }) end end context 'when no refs are specified' do let(:refs) { [] } it 'returns an empty relation whenno refs are specified' do expect(latest_successful_for_refs).to be_empty end end end end describe '.latest_pipeline_per_commit' do let!(:commit_123_ref_master) do create( :ci_empty_pipeline, status: 'success', ref: 'master', sha: '123' ) end let!(:commit_123_ref_develop) do create( :ci_empty_pipeline, status: 'success', ref: 'develop', sha: '123' ) end let!(:commit_456_ref_test) do create( :ci_empty_pipeline, status: 'success', ref: 'test', sha: '456' ) end context 'without a ref' do it 'returns a Hash containing the latest pipeline per commit for all refs' do result = described_class.latest_pipeline_per_commit(%w[123 456]) expect(result).to match( '123' => commit_123_ref_develop, '456' => commit_456_ref_test ) end it 'only includes the latest pipeline of the given commit SHAs' do result = described_class.latest_pipeline_per_commit(%w[123]) expect(result).to match( '123' => commit_123_ref_develop ) end context 'when there are two pipelines for a ref and SHA' do let!(:commit_123_ref_master_latest) do create( :ci_empty_pipeline, status: 'failed', ref: 'master', sha: '123', project: project ) end it 'returns the latest pipeline' do result = described_class.latest_pipeline_per_commit(%w[123]) expect(result).to match( '123' => commit_123_ref_master_latest ) end end end context 'with a ref' do it 'only includes the pipelines for the given ref' do result = described_class.latest_pipeline_per_commit(%w[123 456], 'master') expect(result).to match( '123' => commit_123_ref_master ) end end context 'when method is scoped' do let!(:commit_123_ref_master_parent_pipeline) do create( :ci_pipeline, sha: '123', ref: 'master', project: project ) end let!(:commit_123_ref_master_child_pipeline) do create( :ci_pipeline, sha: '123', ref: 'master', project: project, child_of: commit_123_ref_master_parent_pipeline ) end it 'returns the latest pipeline after applying the scope' do result = described_class.ci_sources.latest_pipeline_per_commit(%w[123], 'master') expect(result).to match( '123' => commit_123_ref_master_parent_pipeline ) end end end describe '.latest_successful_ids_per_project' do let(:projects) { create_list(:project, 2) } let!(:pipeline1) { create(:ci_pipeline, :success, project: projects[0]) } let!(:pipeline2) { create(:ci_pipeline, :success, project: projects[0]) } let!(:pipeline3) { create(:ci_pipeline, :failed, project: projects[0]) } let!(:pipeline4) { create(:ci_pipeline, :success, project: projects[1]) } it 'returns expected pipeline ids' do expect(described_class.latest_successful_ids_per_project) .to contain_exactly(pipeline2, pipeline4) end end describe '.last_finished_for_ref_id' do let(:branch) { project.default_branch } let(:ref) { project.ci_refs.take } let(:dangling_source) { Enums::Ci::Pipeline.sources[:ondemand_dast_scan] } let!(:pipeline1) { create(:ci_pipeline, :success, project: project, ref: branch) } let!(:pipeline2) { create(:ci_pipeline, :success, project: project, ref: branch) } let!(:pipeline3) { create(:ci_pipeline, :failed, project: project, ref: branch) } let!(:pipeline4) { create(:ci_pipeline, :success, project: project, ref: branch) } let!(:pipeline5) { create(:ci_pipeline, :success, project: project, ref: branch, source: dangling_source) } it 'returns the expected pipeline' do result = described_class.last_finished_for_ref_id(ref.id) expect(result).to eq(pipeline4) end end describe '.internal_sources' do subject { described_class.internal_sources } it { is_expected.to be_an(Array) } end describe '.bridgeable_statuses' do subject { described_class.bridgeable_statuses } it { is_expected.to be_an(Array) } it { is_expected.not_to include('created', 'waiting_for_resource', 'preparing', 'pending') } end describe '#status', :sidekiq_inline do subject { pipeline.reload.status } let_it_be(:pipeline) { create(:ci_empty_pipeline, :created) } let(:build) { create(:ci_build, :created, pipeline: pipeline, name: 'test') } context 'on waiting for resource' do before do allow(build).to receive(:with_resource_group?) { true } allow(Ci::ResourceGroups::AssignResourceFromResourceGroupWorker).to receive(:perform_async) build.enqueue end it { is_expected.to eq('waiting_for_resource') } end context 'on prepare' do before do # Prevent skipping directly to 'pending' allow(build).to receive(:prerequisites).and_return([double]) allow(Ci::BuildPrepareWorker).to receive(:perform_async) build.enqueue end it { is_expected.to eq('preparing') } end context 'on queuing' do before do build.enqueue end it { is_expected.to eq('pending') } end context 'on run' do before do build.enqueue build.reload.run end it { is_expected.to eq('running') } end context 'on drop' do before do build.drop end it { is_expected.to eq('failed') } end context 'on success' do before do build.success end it { is_expected.to eq('success') } end context 'on cancel' do before do build.cancel end context 'when build is pending' do let(:build) do create(:ci_build, :pending, pipeline: pipeline) end it { is_expected.to eq('canceled') } end end context 'on failure and build retry' do before do stub_not_protect_default_branch build.drop project.add_developer(user) Ci::Build.retry(build, user) end # We are changing a state: created > failed > running # Instead of: created > failed > pending # Since the pipeline already run, so it should not be pending anymore it { is_expected.to eq('running') } end end describe '#detailed_status' do subject { pipeline.detailed_status(user) } let_it_be(:pipeline) { create(:ci_empty_pipeline, :created) } context 'when pipeline is created' do let(:pipeline) { create(:ci_pipeline, :created) } it 'returns detailed status for created pipeline' do expect(subject.text).to eq s_('CiStatusText|created') end end context 'when pipeline is pending' do let(:pipeline) { create(:ci_pipeline, status: :pending) } it 'returns detailed status for pending pipeline' do expect(subject.text).to eq s_('CiStatusText|pending') end end context 'when pipeline is running' do let(:pipeline) { create(:ci_pipeline, status: :running) } it 'returns detailed status for running pipeline' do expect(subject.text).to eq s_('CiStatus|running') end end context 'when pipeline is successful' do let(:pipeline) { create(:ci_pipeline, status: :success) } it 'returns detailed status for successful pipeline' do expect(subject.text).to eq s_('CiStatusText|passed') end end context 'when pipeline is failed' do let(:pipeline) { create(:ci_pipeline, status: :failed) } it 'returns detailed status for failed pipeline' do expect(subject.text).to eq s_('CiStatusText|failed') end end context 'when pipeline is canceled' do let(:pipeline) { create(:ci_pipeline, status: :canceled) } it 'returns detailed status for canceled pipeline' do expect(subject.text).to eq s_('CiStatusText|canceled') end end context 'when pipeline is skipped' do let(:pipeline) { create(:ci_pipeline, status: :skipped) } it 'returns detailed status for skipped pipeline' do expect(subject.text).to eq s_('CiStatusText|skipped') end end context 'when pipeline is blocked' do let(:pipeline) { create(:ci_pipeline, status: :manual) } it 'returns detailed status for blocked pipeline' do expect(subject.text).to eq s_('CiStatusText|blocked') end end context 'when pipeline is successful but with warnings' do let(:pipeline) { create(:ci_pipeline, status: :success) } before do create(:ci_build, :allowed_to_fail, :failed, pipeline: pipeline) end it 'retruns detailed status for successful pipeline with warnings' do expect(subject.label).to eq(s_('CiStatusLabel|passed with warnings')) end end end describe '#cancelable?' do let_it_be(:pipeline) { create(:ci_empty_pipeline, :created) } %i[created running pending].each do |status0| context "when there is a build #{status0}" do before do create(:ci_build, status0, pipeline: pipeline) end it 'is cancelable' do expect(pipeline.cancelable?).to be_truthy end end context "when there is an external job #{status0}" do before do create(:generic_commit_status, status0, pipeline: pipeline) end it 'is cancelable' do expect(pipeline.cancelable?).to be_truthy end end %i[success failed canceled].each do |status1| context "when there are generic_commit_status jobs for #{status0} and #{status1}" do before do create(:generic_commit_status, status0, pipeline: pipeline) create(:generic_commit_status, status1, pipeline: pipeline) end it 'is cancelable' do expect(pipeline.cancelable?).to be_truthy end end context "when there are generic_commit_status and ci_build jobs for #{status0} and #{status1}" do before do create(:generic_commit_status, status0, pipeline: pipeline) create(:ci_build, status1, pipeline: pipeline) end it 'is cancelable' do expect(pipeline.cancelable?).to be_truthy end end context "when there are ci_build jobs for #{status0} and #{status1}" do before do create(:ci_build, status0, pipeline: pipeline) create(:ci_build, status1, pipeline: pipeline) end it 'is cancelable' do expect(pipeline.cancelable?).to be_truthy end end end end %i[success failed canceled].each do |status| context "when there is a build #{status}" do before do create(:ci_build, status, pipeline: pipeline) end it 'is not cancelable' do expect(pipeline.cancelable?).to be_falsey end end context "when there is an external job #{status}" do before do create(:generic_commit_status, status, pipeline: pipeline) end it 'is not cancelable' do expect(pipeline.cancelable?).to be_falsey end end end context 'when there is a manual action present in the pipeline' do before do create(:ci_build, :manual, pipeline: pipeline) end it 'is not cancelable' do expect(pipeline).not_to be_cancelable end end end describe '#cancel_running' do subject(:latest_status) { pipeline.statuses.pluck(:status) } let_it_be(:pipeline) { create(:ci_empty_pipeline, :created) } context 'when there is a running external job and a regular job' do before do create(:ci_build, :running, pipeline: pipeline) create(:generic_commit_status, :running, pipeline: pipeline) pipeline.cancel_running end it 'cancels both jobs' do expect(latest_status).to contain_exactly('canceled', 'canceled') end end context 'when jobs are in different stages' do before do create(:ci_build, :running, stage_idx: 0, pipeline: pipeline) create(:ci_build, :running, stage_idx: 1, pipeline: pipeline) pipeline.cancel_running end it 'cancels both jobs' do expect(latest_status).to contain_exactly('canceled', 'canceled') end end context 'when there are created builds present in the pipeline' do before do create(:ci_build, :running, stage_idx: 0, pipeline: pipeline) create(:ci_build, :created, stage_idx: 1, pipeline: pipeline) pipeline.cancel_running end it 'cancels created builds' do expect(latest_status).to eq %w(canceled canceled) end end context 'preloading relations' do let(:pipeline1) { create(:ci_empty_pipeline, :created) } let(:pipeline2) { create(:ci_empty_pipeline, :created) } before do create(:ci_build, :pending, pipeline: pipeline1) create(:generic_commit_status, :pending, pipeline: pipeline1) create(:ci_build, :pending, pipeline: pipeline2) create(:ci_build, :pending, pipeline: pipeline2) create(:generic_commit_status, :pending, pipeline: pipeline2) create(:generic_commit_status, :pending, pipeline: pipeline2) create(:generic_commit_status, :pending, pipeline: pipeline2) end it 'preloads relations for each build to avoid N+1 queries' do control1 = ActiveRecord::QueryRecorder.new do pipeline1.cancel_running end control2 = ActiveRecord::QueryRecorder.new do pipeline2.cancel_running end extra_update_queries = 4 # transition ... => :canceled, queue pop extra_generic_commit_status_validation_queries = 2 # name_uniqueness_across_types expect(control2.count).to eq(control1.count + extra_update_queries + extra_generic_commit_status_validation_queries) end end context 'when the first try cannot get an exclusive lock' do let(:retries) { 1 } subject(:cancel_running) { pipeline.cancel_running(retries: retries) } before do build = create(:ci_build, :running, pipeline: pipeline) allow(pipeline.cancelable_statuses).to receive(:find_in_batches).and_yield([build]) call_count = 0 allow(build).to receive(:cancel).and_wrap_original do |original, *args| call_count >= retries ? raise(ActiveRecord::StaleObjectError) : original.call(*args) call_count += 1 end end it 'retries again and cancels the build' do cancel_running expect(latest_status).to contain_exactly('canceled') end context 'when the retries parameter is 0' do let(:retries) { 0 } it 'raises error' do expect do cancel_running end.to raise_error(ActiveRecord::StaleObjectError) end end end end describe '#retry_failed' do subject(:latest_status) { pipeline.latest_statuses.pluck(:status) } let_it_be(:pipeline) { create(:ci_empty_pipeline, :created) } before do stub_not_protect_default_branch project.add_developer(user) end context 'when there is a failed build and failed external status' do before do create(:ci_build, :failed, name: 'build', pipeline: pipeline) create(:generic_commit_status, :failed, name: 'jenkins', pipeline: pipeline) pipeline.retry_failed(user) end it 'retries only build' do expect(latest_status).to contain_exactly('pending', 'failed') end end context 'when builds are in different stages' do before do create(:ci_build, :failed, name: 'build', stage_idx: 0, pipeline: pipeline) create(:ci_build, :failed, name: 'jenkins', stage_idx: 1, pipeline: pipeline) pipeline.retry_failed(user) end it 'retries both builds' do expect(latest_status).to contain_exactly('pending', 'created') end end context 'when there are canceled and failed' do before do create(:ci_build, :failed, name: 'build', stage_idx: 0, pipeline: pipeline) create(:ci_build, :canceled, name: 'jenkins', stage_idx: 1, pipeline: pipeline) pipeline.retry_failed(user) end it 'retries both builds' do expect(latest_status).to contain_exactly('pending', 'created') end end end describe 'hooks trigerring' do let_it_be(:pipeline) { create(:ci_empty_pipeline, :created) } %i[ enqueue request_resource prepare run skip drop succeed cancel block delay ].each do |action| context "when pipeline action is #{action}" do let(:pipeline_action) { action } it 'schedules a new PipelineHooksWorker job' do expect(PipelineHooksWorker).to receive(:perform_async).with(pipeline.id) pipeline.reload.public_send(pipeline_action) end end end end describe "#merge_requests_as_head_pipeline" do let_it_be_with_reload(:pipeline) { create(:ci_empty_pipeline, status: 'created', ref: 'master', sha: 'a288a022a53a5a944fae87bcec6efc87b7061808') } it "returns merge requests whose `diff_head_sha` matches the pipeline's SHA" do allow_next_instance_of(MergeRequest) do |instance| allow(instance).to receive(:diff_head_sha) { 'a288a022a53a5a944fae87bcec6efc87b7061808' } end merge_request = create(:merge_request, source_project: project, head_pipeline: pipeline, source_branch: pipeline.ref) expect(pipeline.merge_requests_as_head_pipeline).to eq([merge_request]) end it "doesn't return merge requests whose source branch doesn't match the pipeline's ref" do create(:merge_request, :simple, source_project: project) expect(pipeline.merge_requests_as_head_pipeline).to be_empty end it "doesn't return merge requests whose `diff_head_sha` doesn't match the pipeline's SHA" do create(:merge_request, source_project: project, source_branch: pipeline.ref) allow_next_instance_of(MergeRequest) do |instance| allow(instance).to receive(:diff_head_sha) { '97de212e80737a608d939f648d959671fb0a0142b' } end expect(pipeline.merge_requests_as_head_pipeline).to be_empty end end describe '#all_merge_requests' do let_it_be_with_reload(:project) { create(:project) } let_it_be(:pipeline) { create(:ci_empty_pipeline, :created, project: project) } shared_examples 'a method that returns all merge requests for a given pipeline' do let(:pipeline) { create(:ci_empty_pipeline, status: 'created', project: pipeline_project, ref: 'master') } it 'returns all merge requests having the same source branch and the pipeline sha' do merge_request = create(:merge_request, source_project: pipeline_project, target_project: project, source_branch: pipeline.ref) create(:merge_request_diff, merge_request: merge_request).tap do |diff| create(:merge_request_diff_commit, merge_request_diff: diff, sha: pipeline.sha) end expect(pipeline.all_merge_requests).to eq([merge_request]) end it "doesn't return merge requests having the same source branch without the pipeline sha" do merge_request = create(:merge_request, source_project: pipeline_project, target_project: project, source_branch: pipeline.ref) create(:merge_request_diff, merge_request: merge_request).tap do |diff| create(:merge_request_diff_commit, merge_request_diff: diff, sha: 'unrelated') end expect(pipeline.all_merge_requests).to be_empty end it "doesn't return merge requests having a different source branch" do create(:merge_request, source_project: pipeline_project, target_project: project, source_branch: 'feature', target_branch: 'master') expect(pipeline.all_merge_requests).to be_empty end context 'when there is a merge request pipeline' do let(:source_branch) { 'feature' } let(:target_branch) { 'master' } let!(:pipeline) do create(:ci_pipeline, source: :merge_request_event, project: pipeline_project, ref: source_branch, merge_request: merge_request) end let(:merge_request) do create(:merge_request, source_project: pipeline_project, source_branch: source_branch, target_project: project, target_branch: target_branch) end it 'returns an associated merge request' do expect(pipeline.all_merge_requests).to eq([merge_request]) end context 'when there is another merge request pipeline that targets a different branch' do let(:target_branch_2) { 'merge-test' } let!(:pipeline_2) do create(:ci_pipeline, source: :merge_request_event, project: pipeline_project, ref: source_branch, merge_request: merge_request_2) end let(:merge_request_2) do create(:merge_request, source_project: pipeline_project, source_branch: source_branch, target_project: project, target_branch: target_branch_2) end it 'does not return an associated merge request' do expect(pipeline.all_merge_requests).not_to include(merge_request_2) end end end end it_behaves_like 'a method that returns all merge requests for a given pipeline' do let(:pipeline_project) { project } end context 'for a fork' do let(:fork) { fork_project(project) } it_behaves_like 'a method that returns all merge requests for a given pipeline' do let(:pipeline_project) { fork } end end end describe '#related_merge_requests' do let(:merge_request) { create(:merge_request, source_project: project, source_branch: 'feature', target_branch: 'master') } let(:other_merge_request) { create(:merge_request, source_project: project, source_branch: 'feature', target_branch: 'stable') } let(:branch_pipeline) { create(:ci_pipeline, ref: 'feature') } let(:merge_pipeline) { create(:ci_pipeline, :detached_merge_request_pipeline, merge_request: merge_request) } context 'for a branch pipeline' do subject { branch_pipeline.related_merge_requests } it 'when no merge request is created' do is_expected.to be_empty end it 'when another merge requests are created' do merge_request other_merge_request is_expected.to contain_exactly(merge_request, other_merge_request) end end context 'for a merge pipeline' do subject { merge_pipeline.related_merge_requests } it 'when only merge pipeline is created' do merge_pipeline is_expected.to contain_exactly(merge_request) end it 'when a merge request is created' do merge_pipeline other_merge_request is_expected.to contain_exactly(merge_request, other_merge_request) end end end describe '#open_merge_requests_refs' do let!(:pipeline) { create(:ci_pipeline, user: user, ref: 'feature') } let!(:merge_request) { create(:merge_request, source_project: project, source_branch: 'feature', target_branch: 'master') } subject { pipeline.open_merge_requests_refs } context 'when user is a developer' do before do project.add_developer(user) end it 'returns open merge requests' do is_expected.to eq([merge_request.to_reference(full: true)]) end it 'does not return closed merge requests' do merge_request.close! is_expected.to be_empty end context 'limits amount of returned merge requests' do let!(:other_merge_requests) do Array.new(4) do |idx| create(:merge_request, source_project: project, source_branch: 'feature', target_branch: "master-#{idx}") end end let(:other_merge_requests_refs) do other_merge_requests.map { |mr| mr.to_reference(full: true) } end it 'returns only last 4 in a reverse order' do is_expected.to eq(other_merge_requests_refs.reverse) end end end context 'when user does not have permissions' do it 'does not return any merge requests' do is_expected.to be_empty end end end describe '#same_family_pipeline_ids' do subject { pipeline.same_family_pipeline_ids.map(&:id) } let_it_be(:pipeline) { create(:ci_empty_pipeline, :created) } context 'when pipeline is not child nor parent' do it 'returns just the pipeline id' do expect(subject).to contain_exactly(pipeline.id) end end context 'when pipeline is child' do let(:parent) { create(:ci_pipeline) } let!(:pipeline) { create(:ci_pipeline, child_of: parent) } let!(:sibling) { create(:ci_pipeline, child_of: parent) } it 'returns parent sibling and self ids' do expect(subject).to contain_exactly(parent.id, pipeline.id, sibling.id) end end context 'when pipeline is parent' do let!(:child) { create(:ci_pipeline, child_of: pipeline) } it 'returns self and child ids' do expect(subject).to contain_exactly(pipeline.id, child.id) end end context 'when pipeline is a child of a child pipeline' do let(:ancestor) { create(:ci_pipeline) } let!(:parent) { create(:ci_pipeline, child_of: ancestor) } let!(:pipeline) { create(:ci_pipeline, child_of: parent) } let!(:cousin_parent) { create(:ci_pipeline, child_of: ancestor) } let!(:cousin) { create(:ci_pipeline, child_of: cousin_parent) } it 'returns all family ids' do expect(subject).to contain_exactly( ancestor.id, parent.id, cousin_parent.id, cousin.id, pipeline.id ) end end context 'when pipeline is a triggered pipeline' do let!(:upstream) { create(:ci_pipeline, project: create(:project), upstream_of: pipeline)} it 'returns self id' do expect(subject).to contain_exactly(pipeline.id) end end end describe '#environments_in_self_and_descendants' do subject { pipeline.environments_in_self_and_descendants } context 'when pipeline is not child nor parent' do let_it_be(:pipeline) { create(:ci_pipeline, :created) } let_it_be(:build) { create(:ci_build, :with_deployment, :deploy_to_production, pipeline: pipeline) } it 'returns just the pipeline environment' do expect(subject).to contain_exactly(build.deployment.environment) end end context 'when pipeline is in extended family' do let_it_be(:parent) { create(:ci_pipeline) } let_it_be(:parent_build) { create(:ci_build, :with_deployment, environment: 'staging', pipeline: parent) } let_it_be(:pipeline) { create(:ci_pipeline, child_of: parent) } let_it_be(:build) { create(:ci_build, :with_deployment, :deploy_to_production, pipeline: pipeline) } let_it_be(:child) { create(:ci_pipeline, child_of: pipeline) } let_it_be(:child_build) { create(:ci_build, :with_deployment, environment: 'canary', pipeline: child) } let_it_be(:grandchild) { create(:ci_pipeline, child_of: child) } let_it_be(:grandchild_build) { create(:ci_build, :with_deployment, environment: 'test', pipeline: grandchild) } let_it_be(:sibling) { create(:ci_pipeline, child_of: parent) } let_it_be(:sibling_build) { create(:ci_build, :with_deployment, environment: 'review', pipeline: sibling) } it 'returns its own environment and from all descendants' do expected_environments = [ build.deployment.environment, child_build.deployment.environment, grandchild_build.deployment.environment ] expect(subject).to match_array(expected_environments) end it 'does not return parent environment' do expect(subject).not_to include(parent_build.deployment.environment) end it 'does not return sibling environment' do expect(subject).not_to include(sibling_build.deployment.environment) end end context 'when each pipeline has multiple environments' do let_it_be(:pipeline) { create(:ci_pipeline, :created) } let_it_be(:build1) { create(:ci_build, :with_deployment, :deploy_to_production, pipeline: pipeline) } let_it_be(:build2) { create(:ci_build, :with_deployment, environment: 'staging', pipeline: pipeline) } let_it_be(:child) { create(:ci_pipeline, child_of: pipeline) } let_it_be(:child_build1) { create(:ci_build, :with_deployment, environment: 'canary', pipeline: child) } let_it_be(:child_build2) { create(:ci_build, :with_deployment, environment: 'test', pipeline: child) } it 'returns all related environments' do expected_environments = [ build1.deployment.environment, build2.deployment.environment, child_build1.deployment.environment, child_build2.deployment.environment ] expect(subject).to match_array(expected_environments) end end context 'when pipeline has no environment' do let_it_be(:pipeline) { create(:ci_pipeline, :created) } it 'returns empty' do expect(subject).to be_empty end end end describe '#root_ancestor' do subject { pipeline.root_ancestor } let_it_be(:pipeline) { create(:ci_pipeline) } context 'when pipeline is child of child pipeline' do let!(:root_ancestor) { create(:ci_pipeline) } let!(:parent_pipeline) { create(:ci_pipeline, child_of: root_ancestor) } let!(:pipeline) { create(:ci_pipeline, child_of: parent_pipeline) } it 'returns the root ancestor' do expect(subject).to eq(root_ancestor) end end context 'when pipeline is root ancestor' do let!(:child_pipeline) { create(:ci_pipeline, child_of: pipeline) } it 'returns itself' do expect(subject).to eq(pipeline) end end context 'when pipeline is standalone' do it 'returns itself' do expect(subject).to eq(pipeline) end end context 'when pipeline is multi-project downstream pipeline' do let!(:upstream_pipeline) do create(:ci_pipeline, project: create(:project), upstream_of: pipeline) end it 'ignores cross project ancestors' do expect(subject).to eq(pipeline) end end end describe '#stuck?' do let(:pipeline) { create(:ci_empty_pipeline, :created) } before do create(:ci_build, :pending, pipeline: pipeline) end context 'when pipeline is stuck' do it 'is stuck' do expect(pipeline).to be_stuck end end context 'when pipeline is not stuck' do before do create(:ci_runner, :instance, :online) end it 'is not stuck' do expect(pipeline).not_to be_stuck end end end describe '#add_error_message' do let(:pipeline) { build_stubbed(:ci_pipeline) } it 'adds a new pipeline error message' do pipeline.add_error_message('The error message') expect(pipeline.messages.map(&:content)).to contain_exactly('The error message') end end describe '#has_yaml_errors?' do let(:pipeline) { build_stubbed(:ci_pipeline) } context 'when yaml_errors is set' do before do pipeline.yaml_errors = 'File not found' end it 'returns true if yaml_errors is set' do expect(pipeline).to have_yaml_errors expect(pipeline.yaml_errors).to include('File not foun') end end it 'returns false if yaml_errors is not set' do expect(pipeline).not_to have_yaml_errors end end describe 'notifications when pipeline success or failed' do let(:namespace) { create(:namespace) } let(:project) { create(:project, :repository, namespace: namespace) } let(:pipeline) do create(:ci_pipeline, project: project, sha: project.commit('master').sha, user: project.owner) end before do project.add_developer(pipeline.user) pipeline.user.global_notification_setting .update!(level: 'custom', failed_pipeline: true, success_pipeline: true) perform_enqueued_jobs do pipeline.enqueue pipeline.run end end shared_examples 'sending a notification' do it 'sends an email', :sidekiq_might_not_need_inline do should_only_email(pipeline.user, kind: :bcc) end end shared_examples 'not sending any notification' do it 'does not send any email' do should_not_email_anyone end end context 'with success pipeline' do it_behaves_like 'sending a notification' do before do perform_enqueued_jobs do pipeline.succeed end end end it 'enqueues PipelineNotificationWorker' do expect(PipelineNotificationWorker) .to receive(:perform_async).with(pipeline.id, ref_status: :success) pipeline.succeed end context 'when pipeline is not the latest' do before do create(:ci_pipeline, :success, ci_ref: pipeline.ci_ref) end it 'does not pass ref_status' do expect(PipelineNotificationWorker) .to receive(:perform_async).with(pipeline.id, ref_status: nil) pipeline.succeed! end end end context 'with failed pipeline' do it_behaves_like 'sending a notification' do before do perform_enqueued_jobs do create(:ci_build, :failed, pipeline: pipeline) create(:generic_commit_status, :failed, pipeline: pipeline) pipeline.drop end end end it 'enqueues PipelineNotificationWorker' do expect(PipelineNotificationWorker) .to receive(:perform_async).with(pipeline.id, ref_status: :failed) pipeline.drop end end context 'with skipped pipeline' do before do perform_enqueued_jobs do pipeline.skip end end it_behaves_like 'not sending any notification' end context 'with cancelled pipeline' do before do perform_enqueued_jobs do pipeline.cancel end end it_behaves_like 'not sending any notification' end end describe 'updates ci_ref when pipeline finished' do context 'when ci_ref exists' do let!(:pipeline) { create(:ci_pipeline, :running) } it 'updates the ci_ref' do expect(pipeline.ci_ref) .to receive(:update_status_by!).with(pipeline).and_call_original pipeline.succeed! end end context 'when ci_ref does not exist' do let!(:pipeline) { create(:ci_pipeline, :running, ci_ref_presence: false) } it 'does not raise an exception' do expect { pipeline.succeed! }.not_to raise_error end end end describe '#ensure_ci_ref!' do subject { pipeline.ensure_ci_ref! } context 'when ci_ref does not exist yet' do let!(:pipeline) { create(:ci_pipeline, ci_ref_presence: false) } it 'creates a new ci_ref and assigns it' do expect { subject }.to change { Ci::Ref.count }.by(1) expect(pipeline.ci_ref).to be_present end end context 'when ci_ref already exists' do let!(:pipeline) { create(:ci_pipeline) } it 'fetches a new ci_ref and assigns it' do expect { subject }.not_to change { Ci::Ref.count } expect(pipeline.ci_ref).to be_present end end end describe '#builds_in_self_and_descendants' do subject(:builds) { pipeline.builds_in_self_and_descendants } let(:pipeline) { create(:ci_pipeline) } let!(:build) { create(:ci_build, pipeline: pipeline) } context 'when pipeline is standalone' do it 'returns the list of builds' do expect(builds).to contain_exactly(build) end end context 'when pipeline is parent of another pipeline' do let(:child_pipeline) { create(:ci_pipeline, child_of: pipeline) } let!(:child_build) { create(:ci_build, pipeline: child_pipeline) } it 'returns the list of builds' do expect(builds).to contain_exactly(build, child_build) end end context 'when pipeline is parent of another parent pipeline' do let(:child_pipeline) { create(:ci_pipeline, child_of: pipeline) } let!(:child_build) { create(:ci_build, pipeline: child_pipeline) } let(:child_of_child_pipeline) { create(:ci_pipeline, child_of: child_pipeline) } let!(:child_of_child_build) { create(:ci_build, pipeline: child_of_child_pipeline) } it 'returns the list of builds' do expect(builds).to contain_exactly(build, child_build, child_of_child_build) end end end describe '#build_with_artifacts_in_self_and_descendants' do let_it_be(:pipeline) { create(:ci_pipeline) } let!(:build) { create(:ci_build, name: 'test', pipeline: pipeline) } let(:child_pipeline) { create(:ci_pipeline, child_of: pipeline) } let!(:child_build) { create(:ci_build, :artifacts, name: 'test', pipeline: child_pipeline) } it 'returns the build with a given name, having artifacts' do expect(pipeline.build_with_artifacts_in_self_and_descendants('test')).to eq(child_build) end context 'when same job name is present in both parent and child pipeline' do let!(:build) { create(:ci_build, :artifacts, name: 'test', pipeline: pipeline) } it 'returns the job in the parent pipeline' do expect(pipeline.build_with_artifacts_in_self_and_descendants('test')).to eq(build) end end end describe '#find_job_with_archive_artifacts' do let(:pipeline) { create(:ci_pipeline) } let!(:old_job) { create(:ci_build, name: 'rspec', retried: true, pipeline: pipeline) } let!(:job_without_artifacts) { create(:ci_build, name: 'rspec', pipeline: pipeline) } let!(:expected_job) { create(:ci_build, :artifacts, name: 'rspec', pipeline: pipeline ) } let!(:different_job) { create(:ci_build, name: 'deploy', pipeline: pipeline) } subject { pipeline.find_job_with_archive_artifacts('rspec') } it 'finds the expected job' do expect(subject).to eq(expected_job) end end describe '#latest_builds_with_artifacts' do let(:pipeline) { create(:ci_pipeline) } let!(:fresh_build) { create(:ci_build, :success, :artifacts, pipeline: pipeline) } let!(:stale_build) { create(:ci_build, :success, :expired, :artifacts, pipeline: pipeline) } it 'returns an Array' do expect(pipeline.latest_builds_with_artifacts).to be_an_instance_of(Array) end it 'returns the latest builds with non-expired artifacts' do expect(pipeline.latest_builds_with_artifacts).to contain_exactly(fresh_build) end it 'does not return builds with expired artifacts' do expect(pipeline.latest_builds_with_artifacts).not_to include(stale_build) end it 'memoizes the returned relation' do query_count = ActiveRecord::QueryRecorder .new { 2.times { pipeline.latest_builds_with_artifacts.to_a } } .count expect(query_count).to eq(1) end end describe '#batch_lookup_report_artifact_for_file_type' do context 'with code quality report artifact' do let(:pipeline) { create(:ci_pipeline, :with_codequality_reports) } it "returns the code quality artifact" do expect(pipeline.batch_lookup_report_artifact_for_file_type(:codequality)).to eq(pipeline.job_artifacts.sample) end end end describe '#latest_report_builds' do let_it_be(:pipeline) { create(:ci_pipeline, project: project) } it 'returns build with test artifacts' do test_build = create(:ci_build, :test_reports, pipeline: pipeline) coverage_build = create(:ci_build, :coverage_reports, pipeline: pipeline) create(:ci_build, :artifacts, pipeline: pipeline, project: project) expect(pipeline.latest_report_builds).to contain_exactly(test_build, coverage_build) end it 'filters builds by scope' do test_build = create(:ci_build, :test_reports, pipeline: pipeline) create(:ci_build, :coverage_reports, pipeline: pipeline) expect(pipeline.latest_report_builds(Ci::JobArtifact.test_reports)).to contain_exactly(test_build) end it 'only returns not retried builds' do test_build = create(:ci_build, :test_reports, pipeline: pipeline) create(:ci_build, :test_reports, :retried, pipeline: pipeline) expect(pipeline.latest_report_builds).to contain_exactly(test_build) end end describe '#has_reports?' do subject { pipeline.has_reports?(Ci::JobArtifact.test_reports) } context 'when pipeline has builds with test reports' do before do create(:ci_build, :test_reports, pipeline: pipeline) end context 'when pipeline status is running' do let(:pipeline) { create(:ci_pipeline, :running) } it { is_expected.to be_falsey } end context 'when pipeline status is success' do let(:pipeline) { create(:ci_pipeline, :success) } it { is_expected.to be_truthy } end end context 'when pipeline does not have builds with test reports' do before do create(:ci_build, :artifacts, pipeline: pipeline) end let(:pipeline) { create(:ci_pipeline, :success) } it { is_expected.to be_falsey } end context 'when retried build has test reports' do before do create(:ci_build, :retried, :test_reports, pipeline: pipeline) end let(:pipeline) { create(:ci_pipeline, :success) } it { is_expected.to be_falsey } end end describe '#has_coverage_reports?' do subject { pipeline.has_coverage_reports? } context 'when pipeline has a code coverage artifact' do let(:pipeline) { create(:ci_pipeline, :with_coverage_report_artifact, :running) } it { expect(subject).to be_truthy } end context 'when pipeline does not have a code coverage artifact' do let(:pipeline) { create(:ci_pipeline, :success) } it { expect(subject).to be_falsey } end end describe '#can_generate_coverage_reports?' do subject { pipeline.can_generate_coverage_reports? } context 'when pipeline has builds with coverage reports' do before do create(:ci_build, :coverage_reports, pipeline: pipeline) end context 'when pipeline status is running' do let(:pipeline) { create(:ci_pipeline, :running) } it { expect(subject).to be_falsey } end context 'when pipeline status is success' do let(:pipeline) { create(:ci_pipeline, :success) } it { expect(subject).to be_truthy } end end context 'when pipeline does not have builds with coverage reports' do before do create(:ci_build, :artifacts, pipeline: pipeline) end let(:pipeline) { create(:ci_pipeline, :success) } it { expect(subject).to be_falsey } end end describe '#has_codequality_mr_diff_report?' do subject { pipeline.has_codequality_mr_diff_report? } context 'when pipeline has a codequality mr diff report' do let(:pipeline) { create(:ci_pipeline, :with_codequality_mr_diff_report, :running) } it { expect(subject).to be_truthy } end context 'when pipeline does not have a codequality mr diff report' do let(:pipeline) { create(:ci_pipeline, :success) } it { expect(subject).to be_falsey } end end describe '#can_generate_codequality_reports?' do subject { pipeline.can_generate_codequality_reports? } context 'when pipeline has builds with codequality reports' do before do create(:ci_build, :codequality_reports, pipeline: pipeline) end context 'when pipeline status is running' do let(:pipeline) { create(:ci_pipeline, :running) } it { expect(subject).to be_falsey } end context 'when pipeline status is success' do let(:pipeline) { create(:ci_pipeline, :success) } it 'can generate a codequality report' do expect(subject).to be_truthy end end end context 'when pipeline does not have builds with codequality reports' do before do create(:ci_build, :artifacts, pipeline: pipeline) end let(:pipeline) { create(:ci_pipeline, :success) } it { expect(subject).to be_falsey } end end describe '#test_report_summary' do subject { pipeline.test_report_summary } let(:pipeline) { create(:ci_pipeline, :success) } context 'when pipeline has multiple builds with report results' do before do create(:ci_build, :success, :report_results, name: 'rspec', pipeline: pipeline) create(:ci_build, :success, :report_results, name: 'java', pipeline: pipeline) end it 'returns test report summary with collected data' do expect(subject.total).to include(time: 0.84, count: 4, success: 0, failed: 0, skipped: 0, error: 4) end end context 'when pipeline does not have any builds with report results' do it 'returns empty test report summary' do expect(subject.total).to include(time: 0, count: 0, success: 0, failed: 0, skipped: 0, error: 0) end end end describe '#test_reports' do subject { pipeline.test_reports } let_it_be(:pipeline) { create(:ci_pipeline) } context 'when pipeline has multiple builds with test reports' do let!(:build_rspec) { create(:ci_build, :success, name: 'rspec', pipeline: pipeline) } let!(:build_java) { create(:ci_build, :success, name: 'java', pipeline: pipeline) } before do create(:ci_job_artifact, :junit, job: build_rspec) create(:ci_job_artifact, :junit_with_ant, job: build_java) end it 'returns test reports with collected data' do expect(subject.total_count).to be(7) expect(subject.success_count).to be(5) expect(subject.failed_count).to be(2) end context 'when builds are retried' do let!(:build_rspec) { create(:ci_build, :retried, :success, name: 'rspec', pipeline: pipeline) } let!(:build_java) { create(:ci_build, :retried, :success, name: 'java', pipeline: pipeline) } it 'does not take retried builds into account' do expect(subject.total_count).to be(0) expect(subject.success_count).to be(0) expect(subject.failed_count).to be(0) end end end context 'when pipeline does not have any builds with test reports' do it 'returns empty test reports' do expect(subject.total_count).to be(0) end end end describe '#accessibility_reports' do subject { pipeline.accessibility_reports } let_it_be(:pipeline) { create(:ci_pipeline) } context 'when pipeline has multiple builds with accessibility reports' do let(:build_rspec) { create(:ci_build, :success, name: 'rspec', pipeline: pipeline) } let(:build_golang) { create(:ci_build, :success, name: 'golang', pipeline: pipeline) } before do create(:ci_job_artifact, :accessibility, job: build_rspec) create(:ci_job_artifact, :accessibility_without_errors, job: build_golang) end it 'returns accessibility report with collected data' do expect(subject.urls.keys).to match_array([ "https://pa11y.org/", "https://about.gitlab.com/" ]) end context 'when builds are retried' do let(:build_rspec) { create(:ci_build, :retried, :success, name: 'rspec', pipeline: pipeline) } let(:build_golang) { create(:ci_build, :retried, :success, name: 'golang', pipeline: pipeline) } it 'returns empty urls for accessibility reports' do expect(subject.urls).to be_empty end end end context 'when pipeline does not have any builds with accessibility reports' do it 'returns empty urls for accessibility reports' do expect(subject.urls).to be_empty end end end describe '#coverage_reports' do subject { pipeline.coverage_reports } let_it_be(:pipeline) { create(:ci_pipeline) } context 'when pipeline has multiple builds with coverage reports' do let!(:build_rspec) { create(:ci_build, :success, name: 'rspec', pipeline: pipeline) } let!(:build_golang) { create(:ci_build, :success, name: 'golang', pipeline: pipeline) } before do create(:ci_job_artifact, :cobertura, job: build_rspec) create(:ci_job_artifact, :coverage_gocov_xml, job: build_golang) end it 'returns coverage reports with collected data' do expect(subject.files.keys).to match_array([ "auth/token.go", "auth/rpccredentials.go", "app/controllers/abuse_reports_controller.rb" ]) end it 'does not execute N+1 queries' do single_build_pipeline = create(:ci_empty_pipeline, :created) single_rspec = create(:ci_build, :success, name: 'rspec', pipeline: single_build_pipeline) create(:ci_job_artifact, :cobertura, job: single_rspec, project: project) control = ActiveRecord::QueryRecorder.new { single_build_pipeline.coverage_reports } expect { subject }.not_to exceed_query_limit(control) end context 'when builds are retried' do let!(:build_rspec) { create(:ci_build, :retried, :success, name: 'rspec', pipeline: pipeline) } let!(:build_golang) { create(:ci_build, :retried, :success, name: 'golang', pipeline: pipeline) } it 'does not take retried builds into account' do expect(subject.files).to eql({}) end end end context 'when pipeline does not have any builds with coverage reports' do it 'returns empty coverage reports' do expect(subject.files).to eql({}) end end end describe '#codequality_reports' do subject(:codequality_reports) { pipeline.codequality_reports } let_it_be(:pipeline) { create(:ci_pipeline) } context 'when pipeline has multiple builds with codequality reports' do let(:build_rspec) { create(:ci_build, :success, name: 'rspec', pipeline: pipeline) } let(:build_golang) { create(:ci_build, :success, name: 'golang', pipeline: pipeline) } before do create(:ci_job_artifact, :codequality, job: build_rspec) create(:ci_job_artifact, :codequality_without_errors, job: build_golang) end it 'returns codequality report with collected data' do expect(codequality_reports.degradations_count).to eq(3) end context 'when builds are retried' do let(:build_rspec) { create(:ci_build, :retried, :success, name: 'rspec', pipeline: pipeline) } let(:build_golang) { create(:ci_build, :retried, :success, name: 'golang', pipeline: pipeline) } it 'returns a codequality reports without degradations' do expect(codequality_reports.degradations).to be_empty end end end context 'when pipeline does not have any builds with codequality reports' do it 'returns codequality reports without degradations' do expect(codequality_reports.degradations).to be_empty end end end describe '#uses_needs?' do let_it_be(:pipeline) { create(:ci_pipeline) } context 'when the scheduling type is `dag`' do it 'returns true' do create(:ci_build, pipeline: pipeline, scheduling_type: :dag) expect(pipeline.uses_needs?).to eq(true) end end context 'when the scheduling type is nil or stage' do it 'returns false' do create(:ci_build, pipeline: pipeline, scheduling_type: :stage) expect(pipeline.uses_needs?).to eq(false) end end end describe '#total_size' do let(:pipeline) { create(:ci_pipeline) } let!(:build_job1) { create(:ci_build, pipeline: pipeline, stage_idx: 0) } let!(:build_job2) { create(:ci_build, pipeline: pipeline, stage_idx: 0) } let!(:test_job_failed_and_retried) { create(:ci_build, :failed, :retried, pipeline: pipeline, stage_idx: 1) } let!(:second_test_job) { create(:ci_build, pipeline: pipeline, stage_idx: 1) } let!(:deploy_job) { create(:ci_build, pipeline: pipeline, stage_idx: 2) } it 'returns all jobs (including failed and retried)' do expect(pipeline.total_size).to eq(5) end end describe '#status' do context 'when transitioning to failed' do context 'when pipeline has autodevops as source' do let(:pipeline) { create(:ci_pipeline, :running, :auto_devops_source) } it 'calls autodevops disable service' do expect(AutoDevops::DisableWorker).to receive(:perform_async).with(pipeline.id) pipeline.drop end end context 'when pipeline has other source' do let(:pipeline) { create(:ci_pipeline, :running, :repository_source) } it 'does not call auto devops disable service' do expect(AutoDevops::DisableWorker).not_to receive(:perform_async) pipeline.drop end end context 'with failure_reason' do let(:pipeline) { create(:ci_pipeline, :running) } let(:failure_reason) { 'config_error' } let(:counter) { Gitlab::Metrics.counter(:gitlab_ci_pipeline_failure_reasons, 'desc') } it 'increments the counter with the failure_reason' do expect { pipeline.drop!(failure_reason) }.to change { counter.get(reason: failure_reason) }.by(1) end end end end describe '#default_branch?' do subject { pipeline.default_branch? } context 'when pipeline ref is the default branch of the project' do let(:pipeline) do build(:ci_empty_pipeline, :created, project: project, ref: project.default_branch) end it "returns true" do expect(subject).to be_truthy end end context 'when pipeline ref is not the default branch of the project' do let(:pipeline) do build(:ci_empty_pipeline, :created, project: project, ref: 'another_branch') end it "returns false" do expect(subject).to be_falsey end end end describe '#find_stage_by_name' do let_it_be(:pipeline) { create(:ci_pipeline) } let(:stage_name) { 'test' } let(:stage) do create(:ci_stage_entity, pipeline: pipeline, project: pipeline.project, name: 'test') end before do create_list(:ci_build, 2, pipeline: pipeline, stage: stage.name) end subject { pipeline.find_stage_by_name!(stage_name) } context 'when stage exists' do it { is_expected.to eq(stage) } end context 'when stage does not exist' do let(:stage_name) { 'build' } it 'raises an ActiveRecord exception' do expect do subject end.to raise_exception(ActiveRecord::RecordNotFound) end end end describe '#full_error_messages' do subject { pipeline.full_error_messages } before do pipeline.valid? end context 'when pipeline has errors' do let(:pipeline) { build(:ci_pipeline, sha: nil, ref: nil) } it 'returns the full error messages' do is_expected.to eq("Sha can't be blank and Ref can't be blank") end end context 'when pipeline does not have errors' do let(:pipeline) { build(:ci_pipeline) } it 'returns empty string' do is_expected.to be_empty end end end describe '#created_successfully?' do subject { pipeline.created_successfully? } context 'when pipeline is not persisted' do let(:pipeline) { build(:ci_pipeline) } it { is_expected.to be_falsey } end context 'when pipeline is persisted' do context 'when pipeline has failure reasons' do let(:pipeline) { create(:ci_pipeline, failure_reason: :config_error) } it { is_expected.to be_falsey } end context 'when pipeline has no failure reasons' do let(:pipeline) { create(:ci_pipeline, failure_reason: nil) } it { is_expected.to be_truthy } end end end describe '#parent_pipeline' do let_it_be_with_reload(:pipeline) { create(:ci_pipeline) } context 'when pipeline is triggered by a pipeline from the same project' do let_it_be(:upstream_pipeline) { create(:ci_pipeline) } let_it_be(:pipeline) { create(:ci_pipeline, child_of: upstream_pipeline) } it 'returns the parent pipeline' do expect(pipeline.parent_pipeline).to eq(upstream_pipeline) end it 'is child' do expect(pipeline).to be_child end end context 'when pipeline is triggered by a pipeline from another project' do let(:pipeline) { create(:ci_pipeline) } let!(:upstream_pipeline) { create(:ci_pipeline, project: create(:project), upstream_of: pipeline) } it 'returns nil' do expect(pipeline.parent_pipeline).to be_nil end it 'is not child' do expect(pipeline).not_to be_child end end context 'when pipeline is not triggered by a pipeline' do let_it_be(:pipeline) { create(:ci_pipeline) } it 'returns nil' do expect(pipeline.parent_pipeline).to be_nil end it 'is not child' do expect(pipeline).not_to be_child end end end describe '#child_pipelines' do let_it_be(:project) { create(:project) } let_it_be_with_reload(:pipeline) { create(:ci_pipeline, project: project) } context 'when pipeline triggered other pipelines on same project' do let(:downstream_pipeline) { create(:ci_pipeline, project: pipeline.project) } before do create(:ci_sources_pipeline, source_pipeline: pipeline, source_project: pipeline.project, pipeline: downstream_pipeline, project: pipeline.project) end it 'returns the child pipelines' do expect(pipeline.child_pipelines).to eq [downstream_pipeline] end it 'is parent' do expect(pipeline).to be_parent end end context 'when pipeline triggered other pipelines on another project' do let(:downstream_pipeline) { create(:ci_pipeline) } before do create(:ci_sources_pipeline, source_pipeline: pipeline, source_project: pipeline.project, pipeline: downstream_pipeline, project: downstream_pipeline.project) end it 'returns empty array' do expect(pipeline.child_pipelines).to be_empty end it 'is not parent' do expect(pipeline).not_to be_parent end end context 'when pipeline did not trigger any pipelines' do it 'returns empty array' do expect(pipeline.child_pipelines).to be_empty end it 'is not parent' do expect(pipeline).not_to be_parent end end end describe 'upstream status interactions' do let_it_be_with_reload(:pipeline) { create(:ci_pipeline, :created) } context 'when a pipeline has an upstream status' do context 'when an upstream status is a bridge' do let(:bridge) { create(:ci_bridge, status: :pending) } before do create(:ci_sources_pipeline, pipeline: pipeline, source_job: bridge) end describe '#bridge_triggered?' do it 'is a pipeline triggered by a bridge' do expect(pipeline).to be_bridge_triggered end end describe '#source_job' do it 'has a correct source job' do expect(pipeline.source_job).to eq bridge end end describe '#source_bridge' do it 'has a correct bridge source' do expect(pipeline.source_bridge).to eq bridge end end end context 'when an upstream status is a build' do let(:build) { create(:ci_build) } before do create(:ci_sources_pipeline, pipeline: pipeline, source_job: build) end describe '#bridge_triggered?' do it 'is a pipeline that has not been triggered by a bridge' do expect(pipeline).not_to be_bridge_triggered end end describe '#source_job' do it 'has a correct source job' do expect(pipeline.source_job).to eq build end end describe '#source_bridge' do it 'does not have a bridge source' do expect(pipeline.source_bridge).to be_nil end end end end end describe '#source_ref_path' do subject { pipeline.source_ref_path } let(:pipeline) { create(:ci_pipeline, :created) } context 'when pipeline is for a branch' do it { is_expected.to eq(Gitlab::Git::BRANCH_REF_PREFIX + pipeline.source_ref.to_s) } end context 'when pipeline is for a merge request' do let(:merge_request) { create(:merge_request, source_project: project) } let(:pipeline) { create(:ci_pipeline, project: project, head_pipeline_of: merge_request) } it { is_expected.to eq(Gitlab::Git::BRANCH_REF_PREFIX + pipeline.source_ref.to_s) } end context 'when pipeline is for a tag' do let(:pipeline) { create(:ci_pipeline, tag: true) } it { is_expected.to eq(Gitlab::Git::TAG_REF_PREFIX + pipeline.source_ref.to_s) } end end describe '#builds_with_coverage' do let_it_be(:pipeline) { create(:ci_pipeline, :created) } it 'returns builds with coverage only' do rspec = create(:ci_build, name: 'rspec', coverage: 97.1, pipeline: pipeline) jest = create(:ci_build, name: 'jest', coverage: 94.1, pipeline: pipeline) karma = create(:ci_build, name: 'karma', coverage: nil, pipeline: pipeline) builds = pipeline.builds_with_coverage expect(builds).to include(rspec, jest) expect(builds).not_to include(karma) end it 'returns only latest builds' do obsolete = create(:ci_build, name: "jest", coverage: 10.12, pipeline: pipeline, retried: true) retried = create(:ci_build, name: "jest", coverage: 20.11, pipeline: pipeline) builds = pipeline.builds_with_coverage expect(builds).to include(retried) expect(builds).not_to include(obsolete) end end describe '#self_and_upstreams' do subject(:self_and_upstreams) { pipeline.self_and_upstreams } let_it_be(:pipeline) { create(:ci_pipeline, :created) } context 'when pipeline is not child nor parent' do it 'returns just the pipeline itself' do expect(self_and_upstreams).to contain_exactly(pipeline) end end context 'when pipeline is child' do let(:parent) { create(:ci_pipeline) } let(:sibling) { create(:ci_pipeline) } before do create_source_pipeline(parent, pipeline) create_source_pipeline(parent, sibling) end it 'returns parent and self' do expect(self_and_upstreams).to contain_exactly(parent, pipeline) end end context 'when pipeline is parent' do let(:child) { create(:ci_pipeline) } before do create_source_pipeline(pipeline, child) end it 'returns self' do expect(self_and_upstreams).to contain_exactly(pipeline) end end context 'when pipeline is a child of a child pipeline' do let_it_be(:pipeline) { create(:ci_pipeline, :created) } let(:ancestor) { create(:ci_pipeline) } let(:parent) { create(:ci_pipeline) } before do create_source_pipeline(ancestor, parent) create_source_pipeline(parent, pipeline) end it 'returns self, parent and ancestor' do expect(self_and_upstreams).to contain_exactly(ancestor, parent, pipeline) end end context 'when pipeline is a triggered pipeline from a different project' do let_it_be(:pipeline) { create(:ci_pipeline, :created) } let(:upstream) { create(:ci_pipeline, project: create(:project)) } before do create_source_pipeline(upstream, pipeline) end it 'returns upstream and self' do expect(self_and_upstreams).to contain_exactly(pipeline, upstream) end end end describe '#self_and_ancestors' do subject(:self_and_ancestors) { pipeline.self_and_ancestors } context 'when pipeline is child' do let(:pipeline) { create(:ci_pipeline, :created) } let(:parent) { create(:ci_pipeline) } let(:sibling) { create(:ci_pipeline) } before do create_source_pipeline(parent, pipeline) create_source_pipeline(parent, sibling) end it 'returns parent and self' do expect(self_and_ancestors).to contain_exactly(parent, pipeline) end end context 'when pipeline is a triggered pipeline from a different project' do let_it_be(:pipeline) { create(:ci_pipeline, :created) } let(:upstream) { create(:ci_pipeline, project: create(:project)) } before do create_source_pipeline(upstream, pipeline) end it 'returns only self' do expect(self_and_ancestors).to contain_exactly(pipeline) end end end describe '#reset_source_bridge!' do let(:pipeline) { create(:ci_pipeline, :created, project: project) } subject(:reset_bridge) { pipeline.reset_source_bridge!(project.owner) } context 'when the pipeline is a child pipeline and the bridge is depended' do let!(:parent_pipeline) { create(:ci_pipeline) } let!(:bridge) { create_bridge(parent_pipeline, pipeline, true) } it 'marks source bridge as pending' do reset_bridge expect(bridge.reload).to be_pending end context 'when the parent pipeline has subsequent jobs after the bridge' do let!(:after_bridge_job) { create(:ci_build, :skipped, pipeline: parent_pipeline, stage_idx: bridge.stage_idx + 1) } it 'marks subsequent jobs of the bridge as processable' do reset_bridge expect(after_bridge_job.reload).to be_created end end context 'when the parent pipeline has a dependent upstream pipeline' do let!(:upstream_bridge) do create_bridge(create(:ci_pipeline, project: create(:project)), parent_pipeline, true) end it 'marks all source bridges as pending' do reset_bridge expect(bridge.reload).to be_pending expect(upstream_bridge.reload).to be_pending end end end context 'when the pipeline is a child pipeline and the bridge is not depended' do let!(:parent_pipeline) { create(:ci_pipeline) } let!(:bridge) { create_bridge(parent_pipeline, pipeline, false) } it 'does not touch source bridge' do reset_bridge expect(bridge.reload).to be_success end context 'when the parent pipeline has a dependent upstream pipeline' do let!(:upstream_bridge) do create_bridge(create(:ci_pipeline, project: create(:project)), parent_pipeline, true) end it 'does not touch any source bridge' do reset_bridge expect(bridge.reload).to be_success expect(upstream_bridge.reload).to be_success end end end private def create_bridge(upstream, downstream, depend = false) options = depend ? { trigger: { strategy: 'depend' } } : {} bridge = create(:ci_bridge, pipeline: upstream, status: 'success', options: options) create(:ci_sources_pipeline, pipeline: downstream, source_job: bridge) bridge end end describe 'test failure history processing' do let(:pipeline) { build(:ci_pipeline, :created) } it 'performs the service asynchronously when the pipeline is completed' do service = double expect(Ci::TestFailureHistoryService).to receive(:new).with(pipeline).and_return(service) expect(service).to receive_message_chain(:async, :perform_if_needed) pipeline.succeed! end end describe '#latest_test_report_builds' do let_it_be(:pipeline) { create(:ci_pipeline, :created) } it 'returns pipeline builds with test report artifacts' do test_build = create(:ci_build, :test_reports, pipeline: pipeline) create(:ci_build, :artifacts, pipeline: pipeline, project: project) expect(pipeline.latest_test_report_builds).to contain_exactly(test_build) end it 'preloads project on each build to avoid N+1 queries' do create(:ci_build, :test_reports, pipeline: pipeline) control_count = ActiveRecord::QueryRecorder.new do pipeline.latest_test_report_builds.map(&:project).map(&:full_path) end multi_build_pipeline = create(:ci_empty_pipeline, :created) create(:ci_build, :test_reports, pipeline: multi_build_pipeline, project: project) create(:ci_build, :test_reports, pipeline: multi_build_pipeline, project: project) expect { multi_build_pipeline.latest_test_report_builds.map(&:project).map(&:full_path) } .not_to exceed_query_limit(control_count) end end describe '#builds_with_failed_tests' do let_it_be(:pipeline) { create(:ci_pipeline, :created) } it 'returns pipeline builds with test report artifacts' do failed_build = create(:ci_build, :failed, :test_reports, pipeline: pipeline) create(:ci_build, :success, :test_reports, pipeline: pipeline) expect(pipeline.builds_with_failed_tests).to contain_exactly(failed_build) end it 'supports limiting the number of builds to fetch' do create(:ci_build, :failed, :test_reports, pipeline: pipeline) create(:ci_build, :failed, :test_reports, pipeline: pipeline) expect(pipeline.builds_with_failed_tests(limit: 1).count).to eq(1) end it 'preloads project on each build to avoid N+1 queries' do create(:ci_build, :failed, :test_reports, pipeline: pipeline) control_count = ActiveRecord::QueryRecorder.new do pipeline.builds_with_failed_tests.map(&:project).map(&:full_path) end multi_build_pipeline = create(:ci_empty_pipeline, :created) create(:ci_build, :failed, :test_reports, pipeline: multi_build_pipeline) create(:ci_build, :failed, :test_reports, pipeline: multi_build_pipeline) expect { multi_build_pipeline.builds_with_failed_tests.map(&:project).map(&:full_path) } .not_to exceed_query_limit(control_count) end end describe '#build_matchers' do let_it_be(:user) { create(:user) } let_it_be(:pipeline) { create(:ci_pipeline, user: user) } let_it_be(:builds) { create_list(:ci_build, 2, pipeline: pipeline, project: pipeline.project, user: user) } let(:project) { pipeline.project } subject(:matchers) { pipeline.build_matchers } it 'returns build matchers' do expect(matchers.size).to eq(1) expect(matchers).to all be_a(Gitlab::Ci::Matching::BuildMatcher) expect(matchers.first.build_ids).to match_array(builds.map(&:id)) end context 'with retried builds' do let(:retried_build) { builds.first } before do stub_not_protect_default_branch project.add_developer(user) retried_build.cancel! ::Ci::Build.retry(retried_build, user) end it 'does not include retried builds' do expect(matchers.size).to eq(1) expect(matchers.first.build_ids).not_to include(retried_build.id) end end end end