# frozen_string_literal: true require 'spec_helper' RSpec.describe Gitlab::Lfs::Client do let(:base_url) { "https://example.com" } let(:username) { 'user' } let(:password) { 'password' } let(:credentials) { { user: username, password: password } } let(:git_lfs_content_type) { 'application/vnd.git-lfs+json' } let(:git_lfs_user_agent) { "GitLab #{Gitlab::VERSION} LFS client" } let(:basic_auth_headers) do { 'Authorization' => "Basic #{Base64.strict_encode64("#{username}:#{password}")}" } end let(:upload_action) do { "href" => "#{base_url}/some/file", "header" => { "Key" => "value" } } end let(:verify_action) do { "href" => "#{base_url}/some/file/verify", "header" => { "Key" => "value" } } end let(:authorized_upload_action) { upload_action.tap { |action| action['header']['Authorization'] = 'foo' } } let(:authorized_verify_action) { verify_action.tap { |action| action['header']['Authorization'] = 'foo' } } subject(:lfs_client) { described_class.new(base_url, credentials: credentials) } describe '#batch' do let_it_be(:objects) { create_list(:lfs_object, 3) } context 'server returns 200 OK' do it 'makes a successful batch request' do stub = stub_batch( objects: objects, headers: basic_auth_headers ).to_return( status: 200, body: { 'objects' => 'anything', 'transfer' => 'basic' }.to_json, headers: { 'Content-Type' => git_lfs_content_type } ) result = lfs_client.batch!('upload', objects) expect(stub).to have_been_requested expect(result).to eq('objects' => 'anything', 'transfer' => 'basic') end end context 'server returns 400 error' do it 'raises an error' do stub_batch(objects: objects, headers: basic_auth_headers).to_return(status: 400) expect { lfs_client.batch!('upload', objects) }.to raise_error(/Failed/) end end context 'server returns 500 error' do it 'raises an error' do stub_batch(objects: objects, headers: basic_auth_headers).to_return(status: 400) expect { lfs_client.batch!('upload', objects) }.to raise_error(/Failed/) end end context 'server returns an exotic transfer method' do it 'raises an error' do stub_batch( objects: objects, headers: basic_auth_headers ).to_return( status: 200, body: { 'transfer' => 'carrier-pigeon' }.to_json, headers: { 'Content-Type' => git_lfs_content_type } ) expect { lfs_client.batch!('upload', objects) }.to raise_error(/Unsupported transfer/) end end def stub_batch(objects:, headers:, operation: 'upload', transfer: 'basic') objects = objects.as_json(only: [:oid, :size]) body = { operation: operation, 'transfers': [transfer], objects: objects }.to_json headers = { 'Accept' => git_lfs_content_type, 'Content-Type' => git_lfs_content_type, 'User-Agent' => git_lfs_user_agent }.merge(headers) stub_request(:post, base_url + '/info/lfs/objects/batch').with(body: body, headers: headers) end end describe "#upload" do let_it_be(:object) { create(:lfs_object) } context 'server returns 200 OK to an authenticated request' do it "makes an HTTP PUT with expected parameters" do stub_upload(object: object, headers: upload_action['header']).to_return(status: 200) lfs_client.upload!(object, upload_action, authenticated: true) end end context 'server returns 200 OK to an unauthenticated request' do it "makes an HTTP PUT with expected parameters" do stub = stub_upload( object: object, headers: basic_auth_headers.merge(upload_action['header']) ).to_return(status: 200) lfs_client.upload!(object, upload_action, authenticated: false) expect(stub).to have_been_requested end end context 'request is not marked as authenticated but includes an authorization header' do it 'prefers the provided authorization header' do stub = stub_upload( object: object, headers: authorized_upload_action['header'] ).to_return(status: 200) lfs_client.upload!(object, authorized_upload_action, authenticated: false) expect(stub).to have_been_requested end end context 'LFS object has no file' do let(:object) { LfsObject.new } it 'makes an HTTP PUT with expected parameters' do stub = stub_upload( object: object, headers: upload_action['header'] ).to_return(status: 200) lfs_client.upload!(object, upload_action, authenticated: true) expect(stub).to have_been_requested end end context 'server returns 400 error' do it 'raises an error' do stub_upload(object: object, headers: upload_action['header']).to_return(status: 400) expect { lfs_client.upload!(object, upload_action, authenticated: true) }.to raise_error(/Failed/) end end context 'server returns 500 error' do it 'raises an error' do stub_upload(object: object, headers: upload_action['header']).to_return(status: 500) expect { lfs_client.upload!(object, upload_action, authenticated: true) }.to raise_error(/Failed/) end end def stub_upload(object:, headers:) headers = { 'Content-Type' => 'application/octet-stream', 'Content-Length' => object.size.to_s, 'User-Agent' => git_lfs_user_agent }.merge(headers) stub_request(:put, upload_action['href']).with( body: object.file.read, headers: headers.merge('Content-Length' => object.size.to_s) ) end end describe "#verify" do let_it_be(:object) { create(:lfs_object) } context 'server returns 200 OK to an authenticated request' do it "makes an HTTP POST with expected parameters" do stub_verify(object: object, headers: verify_action['header']).to_return(status: 200) lfs_client.verify!(object, verify_action, authenticated: true) end end context 'server returns 200 OK to an unauthenticated request' do it "makes an HTTP POST with expected parameters" do stub = stub_verify( object: object, headers: basic_auth_headers.merge(upload_action['header']) ).to_return(status: 200) lfs_client.verify!(object, verify_action, authenticated: false) expect(stub).to have_been_requested end end context 'request is not marked as authenticated but includes an authorization header' do it 'prefers the provided authorization header' do stub = stub_verify( object: object, headers: authorized_verify_action['header'] ).to_return(status: 200) lfs_client.verify!(object, authorized_verify_action, authenticated: false) expect(stub).to have_been_requested end end context 'server returns 400 error' do it 'raises an error' do stub_verify(object: object, headers: verify_action['header']).to_return(status: 400) expect { lfs_client.verify!(object, verify_action, authenticated: true) }.to raise_error(/Failed/) end end context 'server returns 500 error' do it 'raises an error' do stub_verify(object: object, headers: verify_action['header']).to_return(status: 500) expect { lfs_client.verify!(object, verify_action, authenticated: true) }.to raise_error(/Failed/) end end def stub_verify(object:, headers:) headers = { 'Accept' => git_lfs_content_type, 'Content-Type' => git_lfs_content_type, 'User-Agent' => git_lfs_user_agent }.merge(headers) stub_request(:post, verify_action['href']).with( body: object.to_json(only: [:oid, :size]), headers: headers ) end end end