# frozen_string_literal: true require 'spec_helper' RSpec.describe Gitlab::Database::UnidirectionalCopyTrigger do include Database::TriggerHelpers let(:table_name) { '_test_table' } let(:connection) { ActiveRecord::Base.connection } let(:copy_trigger) { described_class.on_table(table_name) } describe '#name' do context 'when a single column name is given' do subject(:trigger_name) { copy_trigger.name('id', 'other_id') } it 'returns the trigger name' do expect(trigger_name).to eq('trigger_cfce7a56a9d6') end end context 'when multiple column names are given' do subject(:trigger_name) { copy_trigger.name(%w[id fk_id], %w[other_id other_fk_id]) } it 'returns the trigger name' do expect(trigger_name).to eq('trigger_166626e51481') end end context 'when a different number of new and old column names are given' do it 'raises an error' do expect do copy_trigger.name(%w[id fk_id], %w[other_id]) end.to raise_error(ArgumentError, 'number of source and destination columns must match') end end end describe '#create' do let(:model) { Class.new(ActiveRecord::Base) } before do connection.execute(<<~SQL) CREATE TABLE #{table_name} ( id serial NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, other_id integer, fk_id bigint, other_fk_id bigint); SQL model.table_name = table_name end context 'when a single column name is given' do let(:trigger_name) { 'trigger_cfce7a56a9d6' } it 'creates the trigger and function' do expect_function_not_to_exist(trigger_name) expect_trigger_not_to_exist(table_name, trigger_name) copy_trigger.create('id', 'other_id') expect_function_to_exist(trigger_name) expect_valid_function_trigger(table_name, trigger_name, trigger_name, before: %w[insert update]) end it 'properly copies the column data using the trigger function' do copy_trigger.create('id', 'other_id') record = model.create!(id: 10) expect(record.reload).to have_attributes(other_id: 10) record.update!({ id: 20 }) expect(record.reload).to have_attributes(other_id: 20) end end context 'when multiple column names are given' do let(:trigger_name) { 'trigger_166626e51481' } it 'creates the trigger and function to set all the columns' do expect_function_not_to_exist(trigger_name) expect_trigger_not_to_exist(table_name, trigger_name) copy_trigger.create(%w[id fk_id], %w[other_id other_fk_id]) expect_function_to_exist(trigger_name) expect_valid_function_trigger(table_name, trigger_name, trigger_name, before: %w[insert update]) end it 'properly copies the columns using the trigger function' do copy_trigger.create(%w[id fk_id], %w[other_id other_fk_id]) record = model.create!(id: 10, fk_id: 20) expect(record.reload).to have_attributes(other_id: 10, other_fk_id: 20) record.update!(id: 30, fk_id: 50) expect(record.reload).to have_attributes(other_id: 30, other_fk_id: 50) end end context 'when a custom trigger name is given' do let(:trigger_name) { '_test_trigger' } it 'creates the trigger and function with the custom name' do expect_function_not_to_exist(trigger_name) expect_trigger_not_to_exist(table_name, trigger_name) copy_trigger.create('id', 'other_id', trigger_name: trigger_name) expect_function_to_exist(trigger_name) expect_valid_function_trigger(table_name, trigger_name, trigger_name, before: %w[insert update]) end end context 'when the trigger function already exists' do let(:trigger_name) { 'trigger_cfce7a56a9d6' } it 'does not raise an error' do expect_function_not_to_exist(trigger_name) expect_trigger_not_to_exist(table_name, trigger_name) copy_trigger.create('id', 'other_id') expect_function_to_exist(trigger_name) expect_valid_function_trigger(table_name, trigger_name, trigger_name, before: %w[insert update]) copy_trigger.create('id', 'other_id') expect_function_to_exist(trigger_name) expect_valid_function_trigger(table_name, trigger_name, trigger_name, before: %w[insert update]) end end context 'when a different number of new and old column names are given' do it 'raises an error' do expect do copy_trigger.create(%w[id fk_id], %w[other_id]) end.to raise_error(ArgumentError, 'number of source and destination columns must match') end end end describe '#drop' do let(:trigger_name) { '_test_trigger' } before do connection.execute(<<~SQL) CREATE TABLE #{table_name} ( id serial NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, other_id integer NOT NULL); CREATE FUNCTION #{trigger_name}() RETURNS trigger LANGUAGE plpgsql AS $$ BEGIN RAISE NOTICE 'hello'; RETURN NEW; END $$; CREATE TRIGGER #{trigger_name} BEFORE INSERT OR UPDATE ON #{table_name} FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE FUNCTION #{trigger_name}(); SQL end it 'drops the trigger and function for the given arguments' do expect_function_to_exist(trigger_name) expect_valid_function_trigger(table_name, trigger_name, trigger_name, before: %w[insert update]) copy_trigger.drop(trigger_name) expect_trigger_not_to_exist(table_name, trigger_name) expect_function_not_to_exist(trigger_name) end context 'when the trigger does not exist' do it 'does not raise an error' do copy_trigger.drop(trigger_name) expect_trigger_not_to_exist(table_name, trigger_name) expect_function_not_to_exist(trigger_name) copy_trigger.drop(trigger_name) end end end end