# frozen_string_literal: true module Gitlab module Database module Reindexing class IndexSelection include Enumerable # Only reindex indexes with a relative bloat level (bloat estimate / size) higher than this MINIMUM_RELATIVE_BLOAT = 0.2 # Only consider indexes with a total ondisk size in this range (before reindexing) INDEX_SIZE_RANGE = (1.gigabyte..100.gigabyte).freeze delegate :each, to: :indexes def initialize(candidates) @candidates = candidates end private attr_reader :candidates def indexes # This is an explicit N+1 query: # Bloat estimates are generally available through a view # for all indexes. However, estimating bloat for all # indexes at once is an expensive operation. Therefore, # we force a N+1 pattern here and estimate bloat on a per-index # basis. @indexes ||= candidates .not_recently_reindexed .where(ondisk_size_bytes: INDEX_SIZE_RANGE) .sort_by(&:relative_bloat_level) # forced N+1 .reverse .select { |candidate| candidate.relative_bloat_level >= MINIMUM_RELATIVE_BLOAT } end end end end end