# frozen_string_literal: true module Gitlab module Database module Count # A tablesample count executes in two phases: # * Estimate table sizes based on reltuples. # * Based on the estimate: # * If the table is considered 'small', execute an exact relation count. # * Otherwise, count on a sample of the table using TABLESAMPLE. # # The size of the sample is chosen in a way that we always roughly scan # the same amount of rows (see TABLESAMPLE_ROW_TARGET). # # There are no guarantees with respect to the accuracy of the result or runtime. class TablesampleCountStrategy < ReltuplesCountStrategy EXACT_COUNT_THRESHOLD = 10_000 TABLESAMPLE_ROW_TARGET = 10_000 def count estimates = size_estimates(check_statistics: false) models.each_with_object({}) do |model, count_by_model| count = perform_count(model, estimates[model]) count_by_model[model] = count if count end rescue *CONNECTION_ERRORS {} end private def perform_count(model, estimate) # If we estimate 0, we may not have statistics at all. Don't use them. return unless estimate && estimate > 0 if estimate < EXACT_COUNT_THRESHOLD # The table is considered small, the assumption here is that # the exact count will be fast anyways. model.count else # The table is considered large, let's only count on a sample. tablesample_count(model, estimate) end end def where_clause(model) return unless sti_model?(model) "WHERE #{model.inheritance_column} = '#{model.name}'" end def tablesample_count(model, estimate) portion = (TABLESAMPLE_ROW_TARGET.to_f / estimate).round(4) inverse = 1 / portion query = <<~SQL SELECT (COUNT(*)*#{inverse})::integer AS count FROM #{model.table_name} TABLESAMPLE SYSTEM (#{portion * 100}) REPEATABLE (0) #{where_clause(model)} SQL rows = ActiveRecord::Base.connection.select_all(query) # rubocop: disable Database/MultipleDatabases Integer(rows.first['count']) end end end end end