--- type: reference, howto stage: Protect group: Container Security info: To determine the technical writer assigned to the Stage/Group associated with this page, see https://about.gitlab.com/handbook/engineering/ux/technical-writing/#assignments --- # Cluster Image Scanning **(ULTIMATE)** > [Introduced](https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab/-/merge_requests/) in [GitLab Ultimate](https://about.gitlab.com/pricing/) 14.1. WARNING: This analyzer is in [Alpha](https://about.gitlab.com/handbook/product/gitlab-the-product/#alpha) and is unstable. The JSON report and CI/CD configuration may be subject to change or breakage across GitLab releases. Your Kubernetes cluster may run workloads based on images that the Container Security analyzer didn't scan. These images may therefore contain known vulnerabilities. By including an extra job in your pipeline that scans for those security risks and displays them in the vulnerability report, you can use GitLab to audit your Kubernetes workloads and environments. GitLab provides integration with open-source tools for vulnerability analysis in Kubernetes clusters: - [Starboard](https://github.com/aquasecurity/starboard) To integrate GitLab with security scanners other than those listed here, see [Security scanner integration](../../../development/integrations/secure.md). You can enable cluster image scanning by [including the CI job](#configuration) in your existing `.gitlab-ci.yml` file. ## Prerequisites To enable cluster image scanning in your pipeline, you need the following: - [GitLab Runner](https://docs.gitlab.com/runner/) with the [`docker`](https://docs.gitlab.com/runner/executors/docker.html) or [`kubernetes`](https://docs.gitlab.com/runner/install/kubernetes.html) executor. - Docker `18.09.03` or later installed on the same computer as the runner. If you're using the shared runners on GitLab.com, then this is already the case. - [Starboard Operator](https://aquasecurity.github.io/starboard/v0.10.3/operator/installation/kubectl/) installed and configured in your cluster. - The configuration for accessing your Kubernetes cluster stored in the `CIS_KUBECONFIG` [configuration variable](#cicd-variables-for-cluster-image-scanning) with the type set to `File` (see [Configuring the cluster](#configuring-the-cluster)). ## Configuring the cluster 1. Create a new service account. To properly fetch vulnerabilities from the cluster and to limit analyzer access to the workload, you must create a new service account with the cluster role limited to `get`, `list`, and `watch` `vulnerabilityreports` in the Kubernetes cluster: ```shell kubectl apply -f https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/security-products/analyzers/cluster-image-scanning/-/raw/main/gitlab-vulnerability-viewer-service-account.yaml ``` 1. Obtain the Kubernetes API URL. Get the API URL by running this command: ```shell API_URL=$(kubectl cluster-info | grep -E 'Kubernetes master|Kubernetes control plane' | awk '/http/ {print $NF}') ``` 1. Obtain the CA certificate: 1. List the secrets with `kubectl get secrets`. One should have a name similar to `default-token-xxxxx`. Copy that token name for use below. 1. Run this command to get the certificate: ```shell CA_CERTIFICATE=$(kubectl get secret -o jsonpath="{['data']['ca\.crt']}") ``` 1. Obtain the service account token: ```shell TOKEN=$(kubectl -n kube-system get secret $(kubectl -n kube-system get secret | grep gitlab-vulnerability-viewer | awk '{print $1}') -o jsonpath="{.data.token}" | base64 --decode) ``` 1. Generate the value for the `CIS_KUBECONFIG` variable. Copy the printed value from the output: ```shell echo " --- apiVersion: v1 kind: Config clusters: - name: gitlab-vulnerabilities-viewer cluster: server: $API_URL certificate-authority-data: $CA_CERTIFICATE contexts: - name: gitlab-vulnerabilities-viewer context: cluster: gitlab-vulnerabilities-viewer namespace: default user: gitlab-vulnerabilities-viewer current-context: gitlab-vulnerabilities-viewer users: - name: gitlab-vulnerabilities-viewer user: token: $TOKEN " ``` 1. Set the CI/CD variable: 1. Navigate to your project's **Settings > CI/CD**. 1. Expand the **Variables** section. 1. Select **Add variable** and fill in the details: - **Key**: `CIS_KUBECONFIG`. - **Value**: `generated value` - **Type**: `File` WARNING: The `CIS_KUBECONFIG` variable is accessible by all jobs executed for your project. Mark the `Protect variable` flag to export this variable to pipelines running on protected branches and tags only. You can apply additional protection to your cluster by [restricting service account access to a single namespace](https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/access-authn-authz/rbac/), and [configuring Starboard Operator](https://aquasecurity.github.io/starboard/v0.10.3/operator/configuration/#install-modes) to install in restricted mode. ## Configuration To include the `Cluster-Image-Scanning.gitlab-ci.yml` template (GitLab 14.1 and later), add the following to your `.gitlab-ci.yml` file: ```yaml include: - template: Security/Cluster-Image-Scanning.gitlab-ci.yml ``` The included template: - Creates a `cluster_image_scanning` job in your CI/CD pipeline. - Connects to your Kubernetes cluster with credentials provided in the `CIS_KUBECONFIG` variable and fetches vulnerabilities found by [Starboard Operator](https://aquasecurity.github.io/starboard/v0.10.3/operator/). GitLab saves the results as a [Cluster Image Scanning report artifact](../../../ci/yaml/index.md#artifactsreportscluster_image_scanning) that you can download and analyze later. When downloading, you always receive the most recent artifact. ### Customize the cluster image scanning settings You can customize how GitLab scans your cluster. For example, to restrict the analyzer to get results for only a certain workload, use the [`variables`](../../../ci/yaml/index.md#variables) parameter in your `.gitlab-ci.yml` to set [CI/CD variables](#cicd-variables-for-cluster-image-scanning). The variables you set in your `.gitlab-ci.yml` overwrite those in `Cluster-Image-Scanning.gitlab-ci.yml`. #### CI/CD variables for cluster image scanning You can [configure](#customize-the-cluster-image-scanning-settings) analyzers by using the following CI/CD variables: | CI/CD Variable | Default | Description | | ------------------------------ | ------------- | ----------- | | `CIS_KUBECONFIG` | `""` | File used to configure access to the Kubernetes cluster. See the [Kubernetes documentation](https://kubernetes.io/docs/tasks/access-application-cluster/configure-access-multiple-clusters/) for more details. | | `CIS_CONTAINER_NAME` | `""` | Name of the container used in the Kubernetes resource you want to filter vulnerabilities for. For example, `alpine`. | | `CIS_RESOURCE_NAME` | `""` | Name of the Kubernetes resource you want to filter vulnerabilities for. For example, `nginx`. | | `CIS_RESOURCE_NAMESPACE` | `""` | Namespace of the Kubernetes resource you want to filter vulnerabilities for. For example, `production`. | | `CIS_RESOURCE_KIND` | `""` | Kind of the Kubernetes resource you want to filter vulnerabilities for. For example, `deployment`. | ### Override the cluster image scanning template If you want to override the job definition (for example, to change properties like `variables`), you must declare and override a job after the template inclusion, and then specify any additional keys. This example sets `CIS_RESOURCE_NAME` to `nginx`: ```yaml include: - template: Security/Cluster-Image-Scanning.gitlab-ci.yml cluster_image_scanning: variables: CIS_RESOURCE_NAME: nginx ``` ### Connect with Kubernetes cluster associated to the project If you want to connect to the Kubernetes cluster associated with the project and run Cluster Image Scanning jobs without configuring the `CIS_KUBECONFIG` variable, you must extend `cluster_image_scanning` and specify the environment you want to scan. This example configures the `cluster_image_scanning` job to scan the Kubernetes cluster connected with the `staging` environment: ```yaml cluster_image_scanning: environment: name: staging action: prepare ``` ## Reports JSON format The cluster image scanning tool emits a JSON report file. For more information, see the [schema for this report](https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/security-products/security-report-schemas/-/blob/master/dist/container-scanning-report-format.json). Here's an example cluster image scanning report: ```json-doc {{ "version": "14.0.2", "scan": { "scanner": { "id": "starboard_trivy", "name": "Trivy (using Starboard Operator)", "url": "https://github.com/aquasecurity/starboard", "vendor": { "name": "GitLab" }, "version": "0.16.0" }, "start_time": "2021-04-28T12:47:00Z", "end_time": "2021-04-28T12:47:00Z", "type": "cluster_image_scanning", "status": "success" }, "vulnerabilities": [ { "id": "c15f22205ee842184c2d55f1a207b3708283353f85083d66c34379c709b0ac9d", "category": "cluster_image_scanning", "message": "CVE-2011-3374 in apt", "description": "", "cve": "library/nginx:1.18:apt:CVE-2011-3374", "severity": "Low", "confidence": "Unknown", "solution": "Upgrade apt from", "scanner": { "id": "starboard_trivy", "name": "Trivy (using Starboard Operator)" }, "location": { "dependency": { "package": { "name": "apt" }, "version": "" }, "operating_system": "library/nginx:1.18", "image": "index.docker.io/library/nginx:1.18" }, "identifiers": [ { "type": "cve", "name": "CVE-2011-3374", "value": "CVE-2011-3374", "url": "https://cve.mitre.org/cgi-bin/cvename.cgi?name=CVE-2011-3374" } ], "links": [ "https://avd.aquasec.com/nvd/cve-2011-3374" ] } ] } ``` ## Security Dashboard The [Security Dashboard](../security_dashboard/index.md) shows you an overview of all the security vulnerabilities in your groups, projects, and pipelines. ## Interacting with the vulnerabilities After a vulnerability is found, you can [address it](../vulnerabilities/index.md). ## Troubleshooting ### Getting warning message `gl-cluster-image-scanning-report.json: no matching files` For information on this error, see the [general Application Security troubleshooting section](../../../ci/pipelines/job_artifacts.md#error-message-no-files-to-upload).