# frozen_string_literal: true module ErrorTracking class IssueUpdateService < ErrorTracking::BaseService private def perform update_opts = { issue_id: params[:issue_id], params: update_params } response = update_issue(update_opts) compose_response(response) do project_error_tracking_setting.expire_issues_cache response[:closed_issue_iid] = update_related_issue&.iid end end def update_related_issue issue = related_issue return unless issue close_and_create_note(issue) end def close_and_create_note(issue) return unless resolving? && issue.opened? processed_issue = close_issue(issue) return unless processed_issue.reset.closed? create_system_note(processed_issue) processed_issue end def close_issue(issue) Issues::CloseService .new(project: project, current_user: current_user) .execute(issue, system_note: false) end def create_system_note(issue) SystemNoteService.close_after_error_tracking_resolve(issue, project, current_user) end def related_issue SentryIssueFinder .new(project, current_user: current_user) .execute(params[:issue_id]) &.issue end def resolving? update_params[:status] == 'resolved' end def update_params params.except(:issue_id) end def parse_response(response) { updated: response[:updated].present?, closed_issue_iid: response[:closed_issue_iid] } end def unauthorized return error('Error Tracking is not enabled') unless enabled? return error('Access denied', :unauthorized) unless can_update? end def update_issue(opts) # There are 2 types of the data source for the error tracking feature: # # * When integrated error tracking is enabled, we use the application database # to read and save error tracking data. # # * When integrated error tracking is disabled we call # project_error_tracking_setting method which works with Sentry API. # # Issue https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab/-/issues/329596 # if project_error_tracking_setting.integrated_client? error = project.error_tracking_errors.find(opts[:issue_id]) error.status = opts[:params][:status] error.save! # We use the same response format as project_error_tracking_setting # method below for compatibility with existing code. { updated: true } else project_error_tracking_setting.update_issue(**opts) end end end end