# frozen_string_literal: true module BulkImports class UploadsExportService include Gitlab::ImportExport::CommandLineUtil BATCH_SIZE = 100 def initialize(portable, export_path) @portable = portable @export_path = export_path end def execute portable.uploads.find_each(batch_size: BATCH_SIZE) do |upload| # rubocop: disable CodeReuse/ActiveRecord uploader = upload.retrieve_uploader next unless upload.exist? next unless uploader.file subdir_path = export_subdir_path(upload) mkdir_p(subdir_path) download_or_copy_upload(uploader, File.join(subdir_path, uploader.filename)) rescue Errno::ENAMETOOLONG => e # Do not fail entire export process if downloaded file has filename that exceeds 255 characters. # Ignore raised exception, skip such upload, log the error and keep going with the export instead. Gitlab::ErrorTracking.log_exception(e, portable_id: portable.id, portable_class: portable.class.name, upload_id: upload.id) end end private attr_reader :portable, :export_path def export_subdir_path(upload) subdir = if upload.path == avatar_path 'avatar' else upload.try(:secret).to_s end File.join(export_path, subdir) end def avatar_path @avatar_path ||= portable.avatar&.upload&.path end end end