import { GlToast } from '@gitlab/ui'; import Vue from 'vue'; import createRouter from './router'; import { createStore } from './stores'; import { stateAndPropsFromDataset } from './utils'; Vue.use(GlToast); export default (props = {}) => { const el = document.getElementById('prometheus-graphs'); if (el && el.dataset) { const { metricsDashboardBasePath, ...dataset } = el.dataset; const { initState, dataProps: { hasManagedPrometheus, ...dataProps }, } = stateAndPropsFromDataset(dataset); const store = createStore(initState); const router = createRouter(metricsDashboardBasePath); // eslint-disable-next-line no-new new Vue({ el, store, router, provide: { hasManagedPrometheus }, data() { return { dashboardProps: { ...dataProps, ...props }, }; }, render(h) { return h('RouterView', { // This is attrs rather than props because: // 1. RouterView only actually defines one prop: `name`. // 2. The RouterView [throws away other props][1] given to it, in // favour of those configured in the route config/params. // 3. The Vue template compiler itself in general compiles anything // like into roughly // h('some-component', { attrs: { foo: bar } }). Then later, Vue // [extract props from attrs and merges them with props][2], // matching them up according to the component's definition. // [1]: // [2]: attrs: { dashboardProps: this.dashboardProps, }, }); }, }); } };