# frozen_string_literal: true require 'fast_spec_helper' RSpec.describe Quality::TestLevel do describe '#pattern' do context 'when level is all' do it 'returns a pattern' do expect(subject.pattern(:all)) .to eq("spec/**{,/**/}*_spec.rb") end end context 'when level is geo' do it 'returns a pattern' do expect(subject.pattern(:geo)) .to eq("spec/**{,/**/}*_spec.rb") end end context 'when level is unit' do it 'returns a pattern' do expect(subject.pattern(:unit)) .to eq("spec/{bin,config,db,dependencies,factories,finders,frontend,graphql,haml_lint,helpers,initializers,javascripts,lib,models,policies,presenters,rack_servers,routing,rubocop,serializers,services,sidekiq,tasks,uploaders,validators,views,workers,elastic_integration}{,/**/}*_spec.rb") end end context 'when level is migration' do it 'returns a pattern' do expect(subject.pattern(:migration)) .to eq("spec/{migrations,lib/gitlab/background_migration}{,/**/}*_spec.rb") end end context 'when level is integration' do it 'returns a pattern' do expect(subject.pattern(:integration)) .to eq("spec/{controllers,mailers,requests}{,/**/}*_spec.rb") end end context 'when level is system' do it 'returns a pattern' do expect(subject.pattern(:system)) .to eq("spec/{features}{,/**/}*_spec.rb") end end context 'with a prefix' do it 'returns a pattern' do expect(described_class.new('ee/').pattern(:system)) .to eq("ee/spec/{features}{,/**/}*_spec.rb") end end describe 'performance' do it 'memoizes the pattern for a given level' do expect(subject.pattern(:system).object_id).to eq(subject.pattern(:system).object_id) end it 'freezes the pattern for a given level' do expect(subject.pattern(:system)).to be_frozen end end end describe '#regexp' do context 'when level is all' do it 'returns a regexp' do expect(subject.regexp(:all)) .to eq(%r{spec/}) end end context 'when level is geo' do it 'returns a regexp' do expect(subject.regexp(:geo)) .to eq(%r{spec/}) end end context 'when level is unit' do it 'returns a regexp' do expect(subject.regexp(:unit)) .to eq(%r{spec/(bin|config|db|dependencies|factories|finders|frontend|graphql|haml_lint|helpers|initializers|javascripts|lib|models|policies|presenters|rack_servers|routing|rubocop|serializers|services|sidekiq|tasks|uploaders|validators|views|workers|elastic_integration)}) end end context 'when level is migration' do it 'returns a regexp' do expect(subject.regexp(:migration)) .to eq(%r{spec/(migrations|lib/gitlab/background_migration)}) end end context 'when level is integration' do it 'returns a regexp' do expect(subject.regexp(:integration)) .to eq(%r{spec/(controllers|mailers|requests)}) end end context 'when level is system' do it 'returns a regexp' do expect(subject.regexp(:system)) .to eq(%r{spec/(features)}) end end context 'with a prefix' do it 'returns a regexp' do expect(described_class.new('ee/').regexp(:system)) .to eq(%r{ee/spec/(features)}) end end describe 'performance' do it 'memoizes the regexp for a given level' do expect(subject.regexp(:system).object_id).to eq(subject.regexp(:system).object_id) end it 'freezes the regexp for a given level' do expect(subject.regexp(:system)).to be_frozen end end end describe '#level_for' do it 'returns the correct level for a unit test' do expect(subject.level_for('spec/models/abuse_report_spec.rb')).to eq(:unit) end it 'returns the correct level for a migration test' do expect(subject.level_for('spec/migrations/add_default_and_free_plans_spec.rb')).to eq(:migration) end it 'returns the correct level for a background_migration test' do expect(subject.level_for('spec/lib/gitlab/background_migration/archive_legacy_traces_spec.rb')).to eq(:migration) end it 'returns the correct level for a geo migration test' do expect(described_class.new('ee/').level_for('ee/spec/migrations/geo/migrate_ci_job_artifacts_to_separate_registry_spec.rb')).to eq(:migration) end it 'returns the correct level for an integration test' do expect(subject.level_for('spec/mailers/abuse_report_mailer_spec.rb')).to eq(:integration) end it 'returns the correct level for a system test' do expect(subject.level_for('spec/features/abuse_report_spec.rb')).to eq(:system) end it 'raises an error for an unknown level' do expect { subject.level_for('spec/unknown/foo_spec.rb') } .to raise_error(described_class::UnknownTestLevelError, %r{Test level for spec/unknown/foo_spec.rb couldn't be set. Please rename the file properly or change the test level detection regexes in .+/lib/quality/test_level.rb.}) end end end