# frozen_string_literal: true module Ci module RunnersHelper def runner_status_icon(runner) status = runner.status case status when :not_connected content_tag :i, nil, class: "fa fa-warning", title: "New runner. Has not connected yet" when :online, :offline, :paused content_tag :i, nil, class: "fa fa-circle runner-status-#{status}", title: "Runner is #{status}, last contact was #{time_ago_in_words(runner.contacted_at)} ago" end end def runner_link(runner) display_name = truncate(runner.display_name, length: 15) id = "\##{runner.id}" if current_user && current_user.admin link_to admin_runner_path(runner) do display_name + id end else display_name + id end end # Due to inability of performing sorting of runners by cached "contacted_at" values we have to show uncached values if sorting by "contacted_asc" is requested. # Please refer to the following issue for more details: https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab-foss/issues/55920 def runner_contacted_at(runner) if params[:sort] == 'contacted_asc' runner.uncached_contacted_at else runner.contacted_at end end end end Ci::RunnersHelper.prepend_if_ee('EE::Ci::RunnersHelper')