- admin = local_assigns.fetch(:admin, false) - if builds.blank? - if @project .row.empty-state .col-12 .svg-content.svg-250 = image_tag('jobs-empty-state.svg') .col-12 .text-content.gl-text-center %h4 = s_('Jobs|Use jobs to automate your tasks') %p = s_('Jobs|Jobs are the building blocks of a GitLab CI/CD pipeline. Each job has a specific task, like testing code. To set up jobs in a CI/CD pipeline, add a CI/CD configuration file to your project.') = link_to s_('Jobs|Create CI/CD configuration file'), project_ci_pipeline_editor_path(project), class: 'btn gl-button btn-confirm js-empty-state-button' - else .nothing-here-block= s_('Jobs|No jobs to show') - else .table-holder %table.table.ci-table.builds-page %thead %tr %th= _('Status') %th= _('Name') %th= _('Job') %th= _('Pipeline') - if admin %th= _('Project') %th= _('Runner') %th= _('Stage') %th= _('Duration') %th= _('Coverage') %th = render partial: "projects/ci/builds/build", collection: builds, as: :build, locals: { commit_sha: true, ref: true, pipeline_link: true, stage: true, allow_retry: true, admin: admin } = paginate_collection(builds)