require 'spec_helper' describe 'Admin updates settings' do include StubENV include TermsHelper let(:admin) { create(:admin) } before do stub_env('IN_MEMORY_APPLICATION_SETTINGS', 'false') sign_in(admin) end context 'General page' do before do visit admin_application_settings_path end it 'Change visibility settings' do page.within('.as-visibility-access') do choose "application_setting_default_project_visibility_20" click_button 'Save changes' end expect(page).to have_content "Application settings saved successfully" end it 'Uncheck all restricted visibility levels' do page.within('.as-visibility-access') do find('#application_setting_visibility_level_0').set(false) find('#application_setting_visibility_level_10').set(false) find('#application_setting_visibility_level_20').set(false) click_button 'Save changes' end expect(page).to have_content "Application settings saved successfully" expect(find('#application_setting_visibility_level_0')).not_to be_checked expect(find('#application_setting_visibility_level_10')).not_to be_checked expect(find('#application_setting_visibility_level_20')).not_to be_checked end it 'Modify import sources' do expect(current_settings.import_sources).not_to be_empty page.within('.as-visibility-access') do do |name, _| uncheck name end click_button 'Save changes' end expect(page).to have_content "Application settings saved successfully" expect(current_settings.import_sources).to be_empty page.within('.as-visibility-access') do check "Repo by URL" click_button 'Save changes' end expect(page).to have_content "Application settings saved successfully" expect(current_settings.import_sources).to eq(['git']) end it 'Change Visibility and Access Controls' do page.within('.as-visibility-access') do uncheck 'Project export enabled' click_button 'Save changes' end expect(current_settings.project_export_enabled).to be_falsey expect(page).to have_content "Application settings saved successfully" end it 'Change Keys settings' do page.within('.as-visibility-access') do select 'Are forbidden', from: 'RSA SSH keys' select 'Are allowed', from: 'DSA SSH keys' select 'Must be at least 384 bits', from: 'ECDSA SSH keys' select 'Are forbidden', from: 'ED25519 SSH keys' click_on 'Save changes' end forbidden = ApplicationSetting::FORBIDDEN_KEY_VALUE.to_s expect(page).to have_content 'Application settings saved successfully' expect(find_field('RSA SSH keys').value).to eq(forbidden) expect(find_field('DSA SSH keys').value).to eq('0') expect(find_field('ECDSA SSH keys').value).to eq('384') expect(find_field('ED25519 SSH keys').value).to eq(forbidden) end it 'Change Account and Limit Settings' do page.within('.as-account-limit') do uncheck 'Gravatar enabled' click_button 'Save changes' end expect(current_settings.gravatar_enabled).to be_falsey expect(page).to have_content "Application settings saved successfully" end it 'Change New users set to external', :js do user_internal_regex = find('#application_setting_user_default_internal_regex', visible: :all) expect(user_internal_regex).to be_readonly expect(user_internal_regex['placeholder']).to eq 'To define internal users, first enable new users set to external' check 'application_setting_user_default_external' expect(user_internal_regex).not_to be_readonly expect(user_internal_regex['placeholder']).to eq 'Regex pattern' end it 'Change Sign-in restrictions' do page.within('.as-signin') do fill_in 'Home page URL', with: '' click_button 'Save changes' end expect(current_settings.home_page_url).to eq "" expect(page).to have_content "Application settings saved successfully" end it 'Terms of Service' do # Already have the admin accept terms, so they don't need to accept in this spec. _existing_terms = create(:term) accept_terms(admin) page.within('.as-terms') do check 'Require all users to accept Terms of Service and Privacy Policy when they access GitLab.' fill_in 'Terms of Service Agreement', with: 'Be nice!' click_button 'Save changes' end expect(current_settings.enforce_terms).to be(true) expect(current_settings.terms).to eq 'Be nice!' expect(page).to have_content 'Application settings saved successfully' end it 'Modify oauth providers' do expect(current_settings.disabled_oauth_sign_in_sources).to be_empty page.within('.as-signin') do uncheck 'Google' click_button 'Save changes' end expect(page).to have_content "Application settings saved successfully" expect(current_settings.disabled_oauth_sign_in_sources).to include('google_oauth2') page.within('.as-signin') do check "Google" click_button 'Save changes' end expect(page).to have_content "Application settings saved successfully" expect(current_settings.disabled_oauth_sign_in_sources).not_to include('google_oauth2') end it 'Oauth providers do not raise validation errors when saving unrelated changes' do expect(current_settings.disabled_oauth_sign_in_sources).to be_empty page.within('.as-signin') do uncheck 'Google' click_button 'Save changes' end expect(page).to have_content "Application settings saved successfully" expect(current_settings.disabled_oauth_sign_in_sources).to include('google_oauth2') # Remove google_oauth2 from the Omniauth strategies allow(Devise).to receive(:omniauth_providers).and_return([]) # Save an unrelated setting page.within('.as-terms') do click_button 'Save changes' end expect(page).to have_content "Application settings saved successfully" expect(current_settings.disabled_oauth_sign_in_sources).to include('google_oauth2') end it 'Configure web terminal' do page.within('.as-terminal') do fill_in 'Max session time', with: 15 click_button 'Save changes' end expect(page).to have_content "Application settings saved successfully" expect(current_settings.terminal_max_session_time).to eq(15) end end context 'Integrations page' do before do visit integrations_admin_application_settings_path end it 'Enable hiding third party offers' do page.within('.as-third-party-offers') do check 'Do not display offers from third parties within GitLab' click_button 'Save changes' end expect(page).to have_content "Application settings saved successfully" expect(current_settings.hide_third_party_offers).to be true end it 'Change Slack Notifications Service template settings' do first(:link, 'Service Templates').click click_link 'Slack notifications' fill_in 'Webhook', with: 'http://localhost' fill_in 'Username', with: 'test_user' fill_in 'service_push_channel', with: '#test_channel' page.check('Notify only broken pipelines') page.check('Notify only default branch') check_all_events click_on 'Save' expect(page).to have_content 'Application settings saved successfully' click_link 'Slack notifications' page.all('input[type=checkbox]').each do |checkbox| expect(checkbox).to be_checked end expect(find_field('Webhook').value).to eq 'http://localhost' expect(find_field('Username').value).to eq 'test_user' expect(find('#service_push_channel').value).to eq '#test_channel' end it 'defaults Deployment events to false for chat notification template settings' do first(:link, 'Service Templates').click click_link 'Slack notifications' expect(find_field('Deployment')).not_to be_checked end end context 'CI/CD page' do it 'Change CI/CD settings' do visit ci_cd_admin_application_settings_path page.within('.as-ci-cd') do check 'Default to Auto DevOps pipeline for all projects' fill_in 'application_setting_auto_devops_domain', with: '' click_button 'Save changes' end expect(current_settings.auto_devops_enabled?).to be true expect(current_settings.auto_devops_domain).to eq('') expect(page).to have_content "Application settings saved successfully" end end context 'Reporting page' do it 'Change Spam settings' do visit reporting_admin_application_settings_path page.within('.as-spam') do check 'Enable reCAPTCHA' check 'Enable reCAPTCHA for login' fill_in 'reCAPTCHA Site Key', with: 'key' fill_in 'reCAPTCHA Private Key', with: 'key' fill_in 'IPs per user', with: 15 click_button 'Save changes' end expect(page).to have_content "Application settings saved successfully" expect(current_settings.recaptcha_enabled).to be true expect(current_settings.login_recaptcha_protection_enabled).to be true expect(current_settings.unique_ips_limit_per_user).to eq(15) end end context 'Metrics and profiling page' do before do visit metrics_and_profiling_admin_application_settings_path end it 'Change Influx settings' do page.within('.as-influx') do check 'Enable InfluxDB Metrics' click_button 'Save changes' end expect(current_settings.metrics_enabled?).to be true expect(page).to have_content "Application settings saved successfully" end it 'Change Prometheus settings' do page.within('.as-prometheus') do check 'Enable Prometheus Metrics' click_button 'Save changes' end expect(current_settings.prometheus_metrics_enabled?).to be true expect(page).to have_content "Application settings saved successfully" end it 'Change Performance bar settings' do group = create(:group) page.within('.as-performance-bar') do check 'Enable access to the Performance Bar' fill_in 'Allowed group', with: group.path click_on 'Save changes' end expect(page).to have_content "Application settings saved successfully" expect(find_field('Enable access to the Performance Bar')).to be_checked expect(find_field('Allowed group').value).to eq group.path page.within('.as-performance-bar') do uncheck 'Enable access to the Performance Bar' click_on 'Save changes' end expect(page).to have_content 'Application settings saved successfully' expect(find_field('Enable access to the Performance Bar')).not_to be_checked expect(find_field('Allowed group').value).to be_nil end it 'loads usage ping payload on click', :js do expect(page).to have_button 'Preview payload' find('.js-usage-ping-payload-trigger').click expect(page).to have_selector '.js-usage-ping-payload' expect(page).to have_button 'Hide payload' end end context 'Network page' do it 'Changes Outbound requests settings' do visit network_admin_application_settings_path page.within('.as-outbound') do check 'Allow requests to the local network from hooks and services' # Enabled by default uncheck 'Enforce DNS rebinding attack protection' click_button 'Save changes' end expect(page).to have_content "Application settings saved successfully" expect(current_settings.allow_local_requests_from_hooks_and_services).to be true expect(current_settings.dns_rebinding_protection_enabled).to be false end end context 'Preferences page' do before do visit preferences_admin_application_settings_path end it 'Change Help page' do page.within('.as-help-page') do fill_in 'Help page text', with: 'Example text' check 'Hide marketing-related entries from help' fill_in 'Support page URL', with: '' click_button 'Save changes' end expect(current_settings.help_page_text).to eq "Example text" expect(current_settings.help_page_hide_commercial_content).to be_truthy expect(current_settings.help_page_support_url).to eq "" expect(page).to have_content "Application settings saved successfully" end it 'Change Pages settings' do page.within('.as-pages') do fill_in 'Maximum size of pages (MB)', with: 15 check 'Require users to prove ownership of custom domains' click_button 'Save changes' end expect(current_settings.max_pages_size).to eq 15 expect(current_settings.pages_domain_verification_enabled?).to be_truthy expect(page).to have_content "Application settings saved successfully" end it 'Change Real-time features settings' do page.within('.as-realtime') do fill_in 'Polling interval multiplier', with: 5.0 click_button 'Save changes' end expect(current_settings.polling_interval_multiplier).to eq 5.0 expect(page).to have_content "Application settings saved successfully" end it 'shows an error when validation fails' do page.within('.as-realtime') do fill_in 'Polling interval multiplier', with: -1.0 click_button 'Save changes' end expect(current_settings.polling_interval_multiplier).not_to eq(-1.0) expect(page) .to have_content "The form contains the following error: Polling interval multiplier must be greater than or equal to 0" end it "Change Pages Let's Encrypt settings" do visit preferences_admin_application_settings_path page.within('.as-pages') do fill_in 'Email', with: '' check "I have read and agree to the Let's Encrypt Terms of Service" click_button 'Save changes' end expect(current_settings.lets_encrypt_notification_email).to eq '' expect(current_settings.lets_encrypt_terms_of_service_accepted).to eq true end end def check_all_events page.check('Active') page.check('Push') page.check('Issue') page.check('Confidential issue') page.check('Merge request') page.check('Note') page.check('Confidential note') page.check('Tag push') page.check('Pipeline') page.check('Wiki page') page.check('Deployment') end def current_settings ApplicationSetting.current_without_cache end end