# JavaScript style guide We use [Airbnb's JavaScript Style Guide](https://github.com/airbnb/javascript) and it's accompanying linter to manage most of our JavaScript style guidelines. In addition to the style guidelines set by Airbnb, we also have a few specific rules listed below. > **Tip:** You can run eslint locally by running `yarn eslint` ## Avoid forEach Avoid forEach when mutating data. Use `map`, `reduce` or `filter` instead of `forEach` when mutating data. This will minimize mutations in functions, which aligns with [Airbnb's style guide](https://github.com/airbnb/javascript#testing--for-real). ```javascript // bad users.forEach((user, index) => { user.id = index; }); // good const usersWithId = users.map((user, index) => { return Object.assign({}, user, { id: index }); }); ``` ## Limit number of parameters If your function or method has more than 3 parameters, use an object as a parameter instead. ```javascript // bad function a(p1, p2, p3) { // ... }; // good function a(p) { // ... }; ``` ## Avoid side effects in constructors Avoid making asynchronous calls, API requests or DOM manipulations in the `constructor`. Move them into separate functions instead. This will make tests easier to write and code easier to maintain. ```javascript // bad class myClass { constructor(config) { this.config = config; axios.get(this.config.endpoint) } } // good class myClass { constructor(config) { this.config = config; } makeRequest() { axios.get(this.config.endpoint) } } const instance = new myClass(); instance.makeRequest(); ``` ## Avoid classes to handle DOM events If the only purpose of the class is to bind a DOM event and handle the callback, prefer using a function. ```javascript // bad class myClass { constructor(config) { this.config = config; } init() { document.addEventListener('click', () => {}); } } // good const myFunction = () => { document.addEventListener('click', () => { // handle callback here }); } ``` ## Pass element container to constructor When your class manipulates the DOM, receive the element container as a parameter. This is more maintainable and performant. ```javascript // bad class a { constructor() { document.querySelector('.b'); } } // good class a { constructor(options) { options.container.querySelector('.b'); } } ``` ## Use ParseInt Use `ParseInt` when converting a numeric string into a number. ```javascript // bad Number('10') // good parseInt('10', 10); ``` ## CSS Selectors - Use `js-` prefix If a CSS class is only being used in JavaScript as a reference to the element, prefix the class name with `js-`. ```html // bad // good ``` ## Absolute vs relative paths for modules Use relative paths if the module you are importing is less than two levels up. ```javascript // bad import GitLabStyleGuide from '~/guides/GitLabStyleGuide'; // good import GitLabStyleGuide from '../GitLabStyleGuide'; ``` If the module you are importing is two or more levels up, use an absolute path instead: ```javascript // bad import GitLabStyleGuide from '../../../guides/GitLabStyleGuide'; // good import GitLabStyleGuide from '~/GitLabStyleGuide'; ``` Additionally, **do not add to global namespace**. ## Do not use `DOMContentLoaded` in non-page modules Imported modules should act the same each time they are loaded. `DOMContentLoaded` events are only allowed on modules loaded in the `/pages/*` directory because those are loaded dynamically with webpack. ## Avoid XSS Do not use `innerHTML`, `append()` or `html()` to set content. It opens up too many vulnerabilities. ## Disabling ESLint in new files Do not disable ESLint when creating new files. Existing files may have existing rules disabled due to legacy compatibility reasons but they are in the process of being refactored. Do not disable specific ESLint rules. Due to technical debt, you may disable the following rules only if you are invoking/instantiating existing code modules. - [no-new](http://eslint.org/docs/rules/no-new) - [class-method-use-this](http://eslint.org/docs/rules/class-methods-use-this) > Note: Disable these rules on a per line basis. This makes it easier to refactor in the future. E.g. use `eslint-disable-next-line` or `eslint-disable-line`.