.assets-compile-cache: &assets-compile-cache cache: key: "assets-compile:vendor_ruby:.yarn-cache:tmp_cache_assets_sprockets:v6" paths: - vendor/ruby/ - .yarn-cache/ - tmp/cache/assets/sprockets .use-pg: &use-pg services: - name: postgres:9.6.11 command: ["postgres", "-c", "fsync=off", "-c", "synchronous_commit=off", "-c", "full_page_writes=off"] - name: redis:alpine .gitlab:assets:compile-metadata: <<: *assets-compile-cache extends: .dedicated-no-docs-pull-cache-job image: dev.gitlab.org:5005/gitlab/gitlab-build-images:ruby-2.6.3-git-2.21-chrome-73.0-node-12.x-yarn-1.16-graphicsmagick-1.3.29-docker-18.06.1 dependencies: - setup-test-env services: - docker:19.03.0-dind variables: NODE_ENV: "production" RAILS_ENV: "production" SETUP_DB: "false" SKIP_STORAGE_VALIDATION: "true" WEBPACK_REPORT: "true" # we override the max_old_space_size to prevent OOM errors NODE_OPTIONS: --max_old_space_size=3584 DOCKER_DRIVER: overlay2 DOCKER_HOST: tcp://docker:2375 script: - node --version - retry yarn install --frozen-lockfile --production --cache-folder .yarn-cache --prefer-offline - free -m - retry bundle exec rake gitlab:assets:compile - time scripts/build_assets_image - scripts/clean-old-cached-assets - rm -f /etc/apt/sources.list.d/google*.list # We don't need to update Chrome here # Play dependent manual jobs - install_api_client_dependencies_with_apt - play_job "review-build-cng" || true # this job might not exist so ignore the failure if it cannot be played - play_job "schedule:review-build-cng" || true # this job might not exist so ignore the failure if it cannot be played artifacts: name: webpack-report expire_in: 31d paths: - webpack-report/ - public/assets/ only: - /.+/@gitlab-org/gitlab-ce - /.+/@gitlab-org/gitlab-ee - /.+/@gitlab/gitlabhq - /.+/@gitlab/gitlab-ee tags: - docker - gitlab-org gitlab:assets:compile: extends: .gitlab:assets:compile-metadata cache: policy: pull-push only: - master@gitlab-org/gitlab-ce - master@gitlab-org/gitlab-ee gitlab:assets:compile pull-cache: extends: .gitlab:assets:compile-metadata cache: policy: pull except: refs: - master@gitlab-org/gitlab-ce - master@gitlab-org/gitlab-ee - /(^docs[\/-].*|.*-docs$)/ .compile-assets-metadata: extends: .dedicated-runner <<: *use-pg <<: *assets-compile-cache stage: prepare script: - node --version - retry yarn install --frozen-lockfile --cache-folder .yarn-cache --prefer-offline - free -m - retry bundle exec rake gitlab:assets:compile - scripts/clean-old-cached-assets variables: # we override the max_old_space_size to prevent OOM errors NODE_OPTIONS: --max_old_space_size=3584 artifacts: expire_in: 7d paths: - node_modules - public/assets compile-assets: extends: .compile-assets-metadata cache: policy: pull-push only: - master@gitlab-org/gitlab-ce - master@gitlab-org/gitlab-ee compile-assets pull-cache: extends: .compile-assets-metadata cache: policy: pull except: refs: - master@gitlab-org/gitlab-ce - master@gitlab-org/gitlab-ee - /(^docs[\/-].*|.*-docs$)/ gitlab:ui:visual: extends: .dedicated-runner before_script: [] allow_failure: true dependencies: - compile-assets - compile-assets pull-cache script: # Remove node modules from GitLab that may conflict with gitlab-ui - rm -r node_modules - git clone https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab-ui.git - cp public/assets/application-*.css gitlab-ui/styles/application.css - cd gitlab-ui - yarn install - CSS_URL=./application.css yarn test only: changes: - app/assets/stylesheets/*.scss - app/assets/stylesheets/**/*.scss - app/assets/stylesheets/**/**/*.scss except: refs: - /(^docs[\/-].*|.*-docs$)/ - master variables: - $CI_COMMIT_MESSAGE =~ /\[skip visual\]/i artifacts: paths: - gitlab-ui/tests/__image_snapshots__/ when: always karma: extends: .dedicated-no-docs-pull-cache-job <<: *use-pg dependencies: - compile-assets - compile-assets pull-cache - setup-test-env variables: # we override the max_old_space_size to prevent OOM errors NODE_OPTIONS: --max_old_space_size=3584 script: - export BABEL_ENV=coverage CHROME_LOG_FILE=chrome_debug.log - date - scripts/gitaly-test-spawn - date - bundle exec rake karma coverage: '/^Statements *: (\d+\.\d+%)/' artifacts: name: coverage-javascript expire_in: 31d when: always paths: - chrome_debug.log - coverage-javascript/ # reports: # junit: junit_karma.xml jest: extends: .dedicated-no-docs-and-no-qa-pull-cache-job <<: *use-pg dependencies: - compile-assets - compile-assets pull-cache - setup-test-env script: - scripts/gitaly-test-spawn - date - bundle exec rake karma:fixtures - date - yarn jest --ci --coverage artifacts: name: coverage-frontend expire_in: 31d when: always paths: - coverage-frontend/ - junit_jest.xml # reports: # junit: junit_jest.xml cache: key: jest paths: - tmp/jest/jest/ policy: pull-push qa:internal: extends: .dedicated-no-docs-no-db-pull-cache-job services: [] script: - cd qa/ - bundle install - bundle exec rspec dependencies: - setup-test-env qa:selectors: extends: .dedicated-no-docs-no-db-pull-cache-job services: [] script: - cd qa/ - bundle install - bundle exec bin/qa Test::Sanity::Selectors dependencies: - setup-test-env .qa-frontend-node: &qa-frontend-node extends: .dedicated-no-docs-no-db-pull-cache-job stage: test cache: key: "$CI_JOB_NAME" paths: - .yarn-cache/ policy: pull-push dependencies: [] before_script: [] script: - date - yarn install --frozen-lockfile --cache-folder .yarn-cache --prefer-offline - date - yarn run webpack-prod qa-frontend-node:8: <<: *qa-frontend-node image: node:8-alpine qa-frontend-node:10: <<: *qa-frontend-node image: node:10-alpine qa-frontend-node:latest: <<: *qa-frontend-node image: node:alpine allow_failure: true lint:javascript:report: extends: .dedicated-no-docs-no-db-pull-cache-job stage: post-test dependencies: [] before_script: [] script: - date - yarn run eslint-report || true # ignore exit code artifacts: name: eslint-report expire_in: 31d paths: - eslint-report.html jsdoc: extends: .dedicated-no-docs-no-db-pull-cache-job stage: post-test dependencies: - compile-assets - compile-assets pull-cache before_script: [] script: - date - yarn run jsdoc || true # ignore exit code artifacts: name: jsdoc expire_in: 31d paths: - jsdoc/