# frozen_string_literal: true module Spam class SpamActionService include SpamConstants ## # Utility method to filter SpamParams from parameters, which will later be passed to #execute # after the spammable is created/updated based on the remaining parameters. # # Takes a hash of parameters from an incoming request to modify a model (via a controller, # service, or GraphQL mutation). # # Deletes the parameters which are related to spam and captcha processing, and returns # them in a SpamParams parameters object. See: # https://refactoring.com/catalog/introduceParameterObject.html def self.filter_spam_params!(params) # NOTE: The 'captcha_response' field can be expanded to multiple fields when we move to future # alternative captcha implementations such as FriendlyCaptcha. See # https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab/-/issues/273480 captcha_response = params.delete(:captcha_response) SpamParams.new( api: params.delete(:api), captcha_response: captcha_response, spam_log_id: params.delete(:spam_log_id) ) end attr_accessor :target, :request, :options attr_reader :spam_log def initialize(spammable:, request:, user:, action:) @target = spammable @request = request @user = user @action = action @options = {} end def execute(spam_params:) if request options[:ip_address] = request.env['action_dispatch.remote_ip'].to_s options[:user_agent] = request.env['HTTP_USER_AGENT'] options[:referrer] = request.env['HTTP_REFERRER'] else # TODO: This code is never used, because we do not perform a verification if there is not a # request. Why? Should it be deleted? Or should we check even if there is no request? options[:ip_address] = target.ip_address options[:user_agent] = target.user_agent end recaptcha_verified = Captcha::CaptchaVerificationService.new.execute( captcha_response: spam_params.captcha_response, request: request ) if recaptcha_verified # If it's a request which is already verified through captcha, # update the spam log accordingly. SpamLog.verify_recaptcha!(user_id: user.id, id: spam_params.spam_log_id) ServiceResponse.success(message: "Captcha was successfully verified") else return ServiceResponse.success(message: 'Skipped spam check because user was allowlisted') if allowlisted?(user) return ServiceResponse.success(message: 'Skipped spam check because request was not present') unless request return ServiceResponse.success(message: 'Skipped spam check because it was not required') unless check_for_spam? perform_spam_service_check(spam_params.api) ServiceResponse.success(message: "Spam check performed, check #{target.class.name} spammable model for any errors or captcha requirement") end end delegate :check_for_spam?, to: :target private attr_reader :user, :action ## # In order to be proceed to the spam check process, the target must be # a dirty instance, which means it should be already assigned with the new # attribute values. def ensure_target_is_dirty msg = "Target instance of #{target.class.name} must be dirty (must have changes to save)" raise(msg) unless target.has_changes_to_save? end def allowlisted?(user) user.try(:gitlab_employee?) || user.try(:gitlab_bot?) || user.try(:gitlab_service_user?) end ## # Performs the spam check using the spam verdict service, and modifies the target model # accordingly based on the result. def perform_spam_service_check(api) ensure_target_is_dirty # since we can check for spam, and recaptcha is not verified, # ask the SpamVerdictService what to do with the target. spam_verdict_service.execute.tap do |result| case result when CONDITIONAL_ALLOW # at the moment, this means "ask for reCAPTCHA" create_spam_log(api) break if target.allow_possible_spam? target.needs_recaptcha! when DISALLOW # TODO: remove `unless target.allow_possible_spam?` once this flag has been passed to `SpamVerdictService` # https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab/-/issues/214739 target.spam! unless target.allow_possible_spam? create_spam_log(api) when ALLOW target.clear_spam_flags! end end end def create_spam_log(api) @spam_log = SpamLog.create!( { user_id: target.author_id, title: target.spam_title, description: target.spam_description, source_ip: options[:ip_address], user_agent: options[:user_agent], noteable_type: noteable_type, via_api: api } ) target.spam_log = spam_log end def spam_verdict_service context = { action: action, target_type: noteable_type } SpamVerdictService.new(target: target, user: user, request: request, options: options, context: context) end def noteable_type @notable_type ||= target.class.to_s end end end