# frozen_string_literal: true module Groups # Service class for counting and caching the number of open issues of a group. class OpenIssuesCountService < BaseCountService include Gitlab::Utils::StrongMemoize VERSION = 1 PUBLIC_COUNT_KEY = 'group_public_open_issues_count' TOTAL_COUNT_KEY = 'group_total_open_issues_count' CACHED_COUNT_THRESHOLD = 1000 EXPIRATION_TIME = 24.hours attr_reader :group, :user def initialize(group, user = nil) @group = group @user = user end # Reads count value from cache and return it if present. # If empty or expired, #uncached_count will calculate the issues count for the group and # compare it with the threshold. If it is greater, it will be written to the cache and returned. # If below, it will be returned without being cached. # This results in only caching large counts and calculating the rest with every call to maintain # accuracy. def count cached_count = Rails.cache.read(cache_key) return cached_count unless cached_count.blank? refreshed_count = uncached_count update_cache_for_key(cache_key) { refreshed_count } if refreshed_count > CACHED_COUNT_THRESHOLD refreshed_count end def cache_key(key = nil) ['groups', 'open_issues_count_service', VERSION, group.id, cache_key_name] end private def cache_options super.merge({ expires_in: EXPIRATION_TIME }) end def cache_key_name public_only? ? PUBLIC_COUNT_KEY : TOTAL_COUNT_KEY end def public_only? !user_is_at_least_reporter? end def user_is_at_least_reporter? strong_memoize(:user_is_at_least_reporter) do group.member?(user, Gitlab::Access::REPORTER) end end def relation_for_count IssuesFinder.new(user, group_id: group.id, state: 'opened', non_archived: true, include_subgroups: true, public_only: public_only?).execute end end end