module API # Hooks API class SystemHooks < Grape::API before do authenticate! authenticated_as_admin! end resource :hooks do desc 'Get the list of system hooks' do success Entities::Hook end get do hooks = SystemHook.all present hooks, with: Entities::Hook end desc 'Create a new system hook' do success Entities::Hook end params do requires :url, type: String, desc: 'The URL for the system hook' end post do hook = declared(params).to_h if present hook, with: Entities::Hook else not_found! end end desc 'Test a hook' params do requires :id, type: Integer, desc: 'The ID of the system hook' end get ":id" do hook = SystemHook.find(params[:id]) data = { event_name: "project_create", name: "Ruby", path: "ruby", project_id: 1, owner_name: "Someone", owner_email: "" } hook.execute(data, 'system_hooks') data end desc 'Delete a hook' do success Entities::Hook end params do requires :id, type: Integer, desc: 'The ID of the system hook' end delete ":id" do hook = SystemHook.find_by(id: params[:id]) not_found!('System hook') unless hook present hook.destroy, with: Entities::Hook end end end end