/* Common setup for both unit and integration test environments */ import { config as testUtilsConfig } from '@vue/test-utils'; import * as jqueryMatchers from 'custom-jquery-matchers'; import Vue from 'vue'; import 'jquery'; import Translate from '~/vue_shared/translate'; import setWindowLocation from './set_window_location_helper'; import { setGlobalDateToFakeDate } from './fake_date'; import { TEST_HOST } from './test_constants'; import * as customMatchers from './matchers'; import './dom_shims'; import './jquery'; import '~/commons/bootstrap'; // This module has some fairly decent visual test coverage in it's own repository. jest.mock('@gitlab/favicon-overlay'); jest.mock('~/lib/utils/axios_utils', () => jest.requireActual('helpers/mocks/axios_utils')); process.on('unhandledRejection', global.promiseRejectionHandler); // Fake the `Date` for the rest of the jest spec runtime environment. // https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab/-/merge_requests/39496#note_503084332 setGlobalDateToFakeDate(); Vue.config.devtools = false; Vue.config.productionTip = false; Vue.use(Translate); const JQUERY_MATCHERS_TO_EXCLUDE = ['toHaveLength', 'toExist']; // custom-jquery-matchers was written for an old Jest version, we need to make it compatible Object.entries(jqueryMatchers).forEach(([matcherName, matcherFactory]) => { // Exclude these jQuery matchers if (JQUERY_MATCHERS_TO_EXCLUDE.includes(matcherName)) { return; } expect.extend({ [matcherName]: matcherFactory().compare, }); }); expect.extend(customMatchers); testUtilsConfig.deprecationWarningHandler = (method, message) => { const ALLOWED_DEPRECATED_METHODS = [ // https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab/-/issues/295679 'finding components with `find` or `get`', // https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab/-/issues/295680 'finding components with `findAll`', ]; if (!ALLOWED_DEPRECATED_METHODS.includes(method)) { global.console.error(message); } }; Object.assign(global, { requestIdleCallback(cb) { const start = Date.now(); return setTimeout(() => { cb({ didTimeout: false, timeRemaining: () => Math.max(0, 50 - (Date.now() - start)), }); }); }, cancelIdleCallback(id) { clearTimeout(id); }, }); beforeEach(() => { // make sure that each test actually tests something // see https://jestjs.io/docs/en/expect#expecthasassertions expect.hasAssertions(); // Reset the mocked window.location. This ensures tests don't interfere with // each other, and removes the need to tidy up if it was changed for a given // test. setWindowLocation(TEST_HOST); });